






I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they


me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them




my, your, his, her, its, our, their


mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs



myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves



this, that, these, those, such, some



who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever



that, which, who, whom, whose, as



one/ some/ any, each/ every, none/ no, many/ much, few/ little/ a few/ a little,

other/ another, all/ both, neither/ either

II. 不定代词用法注意点:
1. one, someany:
1) one可以泛指任何人,也可特指,复数为onessome多用于肯定句,any多用于疑问句和否定句。
One should learn to think of others.
Have you any bookmarks? No, I don’t have any bookmarks.
I have some questions to ask.
2) some可用于疑问句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等。
Would you like some bananas?
Could you give me some money?
3) some any修饰可数名词单数时,some表示某个,any表示任何一个。
I have read this article in some magazine.
Please correct the mistakes, if any.
4) some和数词连用表示“大约”,any可与比较级连用表示程度。
There are some 3,000 students in this school.
Do you feel any better today?
2. eachevery:
Each student has a pocket dictionary. / Each (of us) has a dictionary. / We each have a dictionary.
Every student has strong and weak points. / Every one of us has strong and weak points.
3. noneno
no等于not any,作定语。none作主语或宾语,代替不可数名词,谓语用单数,代替可数名词,谓语单复数皆可以。
There is no water in the bottle.
How much water is there in the bottle? None.
None of the students are (is) afraid of difficulties.
4. otheranother:

1) other泛指“另外的,别的”常与其他词连用,如:the other day, every other week, some other reason, no other way,
the other特指两者中的另外一个,复数为the others。如:
He held a book in one hand and his notes in the other.
Two students in our class failed, but all the others passed the exam.

2) another“又一个,另一个”无所指,复数形式是others,泛指“别的人或事”如:
I don’t like this shirt, please show me another (one).
The trousers are too long, please give me another pair / some others.
Some like football, while others like basketball.
5. allboth, neithereither
All of the books are not written in English. / Not all of the books are written in English.
Both of us are not teachers. / Not both of us are teachers. / Either of us is a teacher.


1. - Oh. my God! I forgot to bring my pen here.

  -Don't worry. I have two. You can use __________.(2019.江苏淮安)

A. I B. me C. myself D. mine

2. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, __________ aren't. (2019.江苏淮安)

A. another B. the other C. others D. the others

3. Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see .(2019.北京)

  A. her        B. him       C. it          D. them

4--- Oh, I forget to bring myumbrella.2019福建)

--- I’ve got one. Youcanshare .

A.yours B.ours C. mine

5Almost in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. It’sfantastic.2019福建)

A.someone B.everyone C. anyone

6. Frank is a friend of ____.He is a scientist from Canada. (2019甘肃兰州)

A. my B. I C. me D. mine

7. I tried calling you, your phone was out of service. (2019甘肃天水)

 A.and      B.but      C.so       D.or

8. Excuse me, I want some books, but I can’t find a bookstore here. (2019甘肃天水)

I know _____________ on my way home. Come with me, please.

A.one     B.this      C.it       D.that

9.Sunny’s uncle is a teacher._______enjoys staying with kids.2019甘肃敦煌)


A.He             B.She        C.It        D.I

10.Father was so busy with his work that he had____time to read the newspaper. 2019甘肃敦煌)
A. some        B. little         C. much            D. a bit of

11. Nobody taught the old lady how to use Wechat. She learned it all by ____. (2019广东)

A. she B. her C. herself D. hers

12They won the basketball match yesterday.( 2019广西百色 )

Great! We are so proud of_____

Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs

13LookThe woman over there is our teacherShe teaches _______English(2019广西北部湾)

Aus Bthem Cher Dhim

14. —Are those ______keys, Jack?

—No, they aren’t. They’re Uncle_______.(2019广西玉林)

A. yours; Sam’s     B. your; Sam    C. your; Sam’s   D. yours; Sam

15. -Is there__________ in today's morning news on CCTV-1? 2019 贵州安顺)

   -Yes, France Team beat Korea Team by 4:0 in the 8`h FIFA Women's World Cup in France  

  June 8, 2019.A

A. anything special, on                B. something special, in

    C. special something, on                D. anything special, in

16. -Where would you like to go tomorrow, Huangguoshu Waterfall or Dragon Palace?

   -____________ is OK for me. It's up to you. 2019 贵州安顺)

    A. Either            B. Neither            C. Both            D. All

17. ---My ruler is broken. Can I borrow_________?  ---Of course. Here it is.(2019河北)

A. his                         B. hers                        C. mine                       D. yours

18.When times are difficult, tell that pain is part of growing. (2019 河南)

you B. yourself C. your D. yours

19.We all think _____quite necessary to stop school bullying(校园欺凌) (2019黑龙江大庆)

A. it  B.her   C. that   D.this

20.—Are these your socks? (2019黑龙江绥化)

—No, ________ are here.

A. mine B. my C. me

21. -Who is the girl under the tree? (2019 广西 柳州)

-She is _________________ classmate, Annie.

A. I B. me C. my

22. Would you like ________ orange juice, Sir? (2019黑龙江绥化)

A. many B. some C. any

23.  My brother has lost his watch. Now he is looking for____(2019湖北黄石)

    A. one    B.this    C.that    D.it

24.—This room is too small. I’ d like to ask for. 2019湖北武汉)

—Sure.We have_________rooms available here.            

 A. another       B. the other       C. one               D. it

25. I have a lovely pet cat. ________name is Lazy.(2019 湖北孝感)

A. It               B. This            C. Its            D. She

26 So sorry, I took your school T-shirt by mistake. But where is _______?

—Dont worry. Let me help you find it. 2019湖南长沙

Ayours Bhis Cmine

27. Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be

    responsible for _________(2019湖南郴州)

    A. themselves             B. ourselves              C. yourselves

28. -Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang?

-__________________. I love their songs very much. (2019湖南邵阳)

A. All             B. Neither C. Both

29. -Jeff,is this______________ notebook?

    -No, it's not__________.Maybe it's Mary's. (2019湖南益阳)

    A. your, my     B.your, mine     C.yours, me

30. Yuan Longping is very creative. We all look up to ________.2019湖南岳阳

A. it B. him C. her

31. Foreigners often use body language to show         feelings. 2019吉林

A. they B. their C. theirs

32. After the new high-speed railway line began operations, the time on the trip from Lianyungang to Qingdao now is much less than __________in the past. 2019江苏省连云港

    A. one              B. this               C. that           D. it

33.-Hello, are you Mr. Morrison?2019江苏苏州)

  -Yes. That's _______________.

A. him             B. me             C. you          D. us

34. -You look pale today, Madam! What's the matter with you?

  - ___________ serious. Just a cold. 2019江苏泰州

A. Something       B. Anything C. Nothing          D. Everything

35. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do not worry. Worry never fixes ___________.2019江苏无锡)

A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

36.- When would you like to go swimming with me, this Friday or this Saturday?2019江苏常州)

  -___________.I am free only this Sunday.

A. None     B. Both     C. Either     D. Neither

37. —May I help you with some jeans, sir? (2019呼和浩特)

   —Yes, I’d like to try on those blue _______.

   B. one              A. pair              C. two              D. ones

38. Tennis can exercise all of our muscles (肌肉) . And it requires _________to spend time with

others. This is good for our health too. 2019山东临沂)

A. ours                   B. us                      C. we

39. Jerry, is that boy with glasses ________ new classmates? (2019山东滨州)

   - Yes. Lets say hello to ____________.

A. our; he B. us; him C. ours; his D. our; him

40. _________ needs one or two close friends to share his happiness and sadness with. (2019江苏盐城)

A. Someone B. No one C. None D. Everyone

41. —Annie, _____ books are all over the place.  (2019江苏扬州)

  —Sorry, mum. I’ll put them away.

   A. you     B. your     C. yours     D. yourself

42. Lily sat on the sofa just now. Maybe the wool scarfis ________________.2019江苏镇江)

A. she     B.her     C. hers     D. herself

43. To everyone's surprise, their plan is exactly the same as _________________.(2019辽宁抚顺)

A. ours           B. we            C. our            D. us

44. Many people find that listening to soft music helps ______tosleep well. (2019辽宁本溪)

A. him        B. her        C them         D. it

45I'm sorry I took your card by mistakebut where is ______?( 2019辽宁省葫芦岛)





46He tried many ways to solve the problemBut ______ of them worked.( 2019辽宁省葫芦岛  )





46.I foundin the room.Where have they gone? 2019辽宁铁岭)

They've gone to Dave's birthday party.

A.nobody      B.somebody     C.anybody     D.everybody

47.---New kinds of morning exercise like doing dancing are becoming popular.2019山西)

--- can help us keep fit and have fun.

A. We B. You C. They

48HeyJennywhich are my gifts for Father's Day

﹣﹣The yellow gifts are ___and the red____ belong to grandpa.( 2019年四川省达州 )

Ayourone Byoursone Cyouones Dyoursones

49. Welcome you all to Guangyuan and enjoy ________ here. (2019四川广元)

A. you B. your C. yourselves

50. Which is Marys dictionary? ( 2019四川内江)

   —This one is ________. That one is _______.

A. hers ; mine         B. her ; mine         C. hers ; my       D. her ; me

51. -Excuse me, 1'd like to buy a birthdayfor my son. (2019四川南充)

    -We have different kinds of new toys for boys. You can choose __________for your son.

    A. that             B. one             C. it             D. either

52. Whose card is this? (2019新疆生产建设兵团)

It is My brother Tom gave it to me on my birthday.

A.my B. hers          C. ours      D. mine

53. The program, Everlasting Classics, encouragesto read more classics. (2019云南昆明)

A.we         B.us           C.our         D.ours

54. Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy ___________ for his grandma. (2019浙江温州)

    A. it     B. one     C. this     D. that

55. Their plants dont grow very well, but ____ look really good. 2019重庆)

A. we B. our C. ours D. ourselves




上一篇: 2020届中考英语语法专练:定语从句讲解及配套真题专练 下一篇: 2020届中考英语语法专练:宾语从句讲解及配套真题专练



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