


班级:____________ 学号:__________ 姓名:_______________评分:__________




一、 听句子,给下面图片标上15的序号。(10分)



二、 听句子,选出听到的单词。(10分)

    1.   A. chicken        B. cheap           C. children

    2.   A. April          B. August          C. October

    3.   A. library        B. brother         C. umbrella

    4.   A. short          B. shorts          C. shirt

    5.   A. sheep          B. ship            C. fresh

三、 听对话,选出相应的图片。(10分)

1.(     )      2.(     )     

             A         B                         A             B

3.(    )    4.(     )    

             A            B                      A           B

5.(     )        

             A                B

四、 听对话,选出相应的答语。(10分)

(     )1. A. I like summer best .        B. I like  winter best .

(     )2. A. Because I can go swimming .  B. Because I can go boating .

(     )3. A. Its 10:30 pm .              B. At 10:30 pm .   

(     )4. A. They have an Easter party .    B. They have a maths test .

(     )5. A. Its in June .               B. Its in July .

五、 听短文,选词填空。(10分)

winter        September       November       December        October

    Autumn is my favorite season because we have a few fun things in autumn . Usually we have a school trip in  __________________.Then we have an English party . Its in ________________. After that , we have a singing contest in ________________. Its a lot of fun .  My friend Lisa likes ________________ best,  because she likes Christmas . Its in _______________. On that day she can get many presents .


一、 选出与句子相对应的图片。(5分)

 A.   B.   C.   D.   E. 

(     ) 1. Lucy often  takes  a  dancing  class  on  Sundays .

(     ) 2. I  like  winter  best  because  I can  make  a  snowman .

(     ) 3. They often  go  on  a  picnic  on  the  weekend .

(     ) 4. Tom can  play  basketball .

(     ) 5. My birthday  is  in  March .

二、 单项选择。(5分)

(     ) 1. I like winter _______________ I can make a snowman.

          A. but             B. because               C. or

(     ) 2. We will have an English party ______ April .

          A. in               B. on             C. at

(     ) 3. I have a few _____________ .

           A. fun thing       B. fun things     C. fun

(      )  4. Its snowy and cold in _________in Beijing .

           A. July            B. December       C. May

(      ) 5. --Do you like summer ?

--__________. Its too hot . I like cold days .

 A. Yes, I do .     B. No, I dont .     C. No, it isn’t .

三、 根据上下文选词填空,注意大小写。(5分)

play sports  go on a picnic     autumn     spring     season

Lily: What do you often do on the weekend ?

Mike: I often _______________. I will play football this weekend . What about you ?

Lily: I usually paint pictures . Look at my picture .

Mike: Wow , its beautiful ! I like the trees . The colors are pretty !

Lily: I like _________________best . Which ______________do you like best ?

Mike: __________________.

Lily: Why ?

Mike: Because I have a trip and _______________with my parents in spring.

四、   看图,完成句子和对话。(10分

1.I usually ____________   ____________ at 7:00 p.m . 

2. They sometimes ____________  ____________ on Sundays . 

3. We  can   _________  _____________on the farm . [来源:学,科,网]

4. A: Lets _______ in the _________.

   B:  Great !

5. I sometimes ________  for a _______ with my family on Sundays.[来源:学科网ZXXK]


(第1小题)    (第2小题)     (第3小题)     (第4小题)    (第5 小题)

五、    看问句,选答句,把相应的字母写在括号内。(5分)

(       )1. When do you eat dinner?                            

(       )2. Which season do you like best ?

(       )3. What do you usually do on the weekend ?

(       )4. Why do you like summer best ?

(       )5. When is Tree Planting Day ?


A. Because I can go swimming .

                           B. I like summer best .

                           C. At 6:30 p.m .

                           D. Its in March .

                           E. I usually go shopping .

七、连词成句。( 10分)

1. is,  when,  this,  trip,  year,  the (?)

2. summer,  because,  I,  vacation,  like (.)


3. nice,  the ,  is,  teacher (.)


4. Ill ,  with,  eat,  mooncakes,  my,  family (.)


     5. watch , I,  often,  and , TV,  ping-pong,  my,  play,  father(.)



( A ) 阅读邀请函,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)


Easter  Party

WHEN : April  10th,  7 p.m.

WHY:  Easter holiday

WHERE: Wu Yifans  home

WHAT : We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny.

RSVP: Will you come to the party ? Please send me an email at robin @ helpsu . cn by  March 23 rd.

 1、 (    ) The Easter party is on April 10 th.

 2、 (    ) We  will play  many games at the Birthday  party.

 3、 (    ) We  will eat noodles at the  party.

 4、 (    ) We  will meet the Bunny at the party.                   

 5、 (    ) We  will send an email at robin @ helpsu. cn  by March

23 rd.

( B ) 阅读短文,补全对话

    Hello, Im John. I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He is 11 years old. His birthday is in May. He usually goes to school at 7:30 a.m. and goes to bed at 10:00 p.m. He likes summer best because he likes swimming.  

1. Johns  friend  is __________.

2. Mikes  birthday  is in _______________.

3. Mike usually ______________________ at 7:30 a.m.

4. Mike goes to bed at ________________.

5. Mikes  favorite season is ______________.


上一篇: 2020年上海市一年级下册数学课堂小练习-5.4度量 下一篇: 2020年上海市小学五年级下册期中考试英语试卷9



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