
2019年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 9单元测试卷(含答案)



(   )1.Math is________ useful subject, and I study it for ________ hour every day.

A.a;a  B.an;an  

C.an;a  D.a;an

 (   )2.—What do you do ________ Saturday morning?

—I read (读) books.

A.at  B.on

C.in  D.from

(   )3.Mary likes sports very much.So she wants to be a(n)________ teacher.

A.art  B.math  

C.music  D.P.E.

(   )4.—Bob,is science your favorite ________?

      —No, my favorite is music.

 A.subject  B.month   

C.sport  D.test

 ( )5.—You look really________in that black T-shirt, John.

     —Thank you.

A.busy  B.free

C.cool  D.fat

(   )6.I ________ science today.It's difficult ________ interesting.

A.have;so  B.has;but

C.have;but  D.has;so

(   )7.This morning we have ________ classes,and the ________ class is history.

A.four;fourth  B.fourth;four

C.four;four  D.fourth;fourth

(   )8.At about 9:20 p.m.,I finish ________ my homework (家庭作业).

A.do  B.doing

C.to do  D.to doing

(   )9.—When is TFBOYS' concert (音乐会)?

—________ 5:00________ Saturday afternoon.

A.In;on  B.In;In

C.At;on  D.At;in

(   )10.—________ is your favorite basketball player?

—Kobe Bryant.

A.What  B.Who

C.When  D.Where

(   )11.Music is________ for me.I really like it.

A.difficult   B.boring

C.relaxing  D.healthy

(   )12.—Let's ________ volleyball this afternoon.

—Sorry,I want ________ my uncle.

A.to play;to meet  B.to play;meeting

C.play;to meet  D.play;meet

(   )13.—Do you like history?

—Yes,I do.________ my sister doesn't like it.

A.Then  B.And  C.So  D.But

(   )14.—How's your day,Bill?


A.It's OK  B.It's Sunday  

C.It's my favorite day  D.I'm busy today

(   )15.—I think Ms.Gao is full of fun.

—________.All the students like her.

A.That's for sure  B.That sounds fun

C.You're welcome   D.I don't know


My name is Mike.I'm in No.3 Middle School.My __16__ is very big.My teachers and classmates are __17__ to me.I love __18__ very much.

Our first class __19__ at 8:00 in the morning.We have __20__ lessons every day—four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon.We have some subjects like English,math,Chinese,art and P.E.My favorite subject is __21__.I think English is very useful.I love art,too,but I don't __22__ history because it is boring.

I often have lunch __23__ my classmates at school.Then we go to the library to read some __24__.After school,we like to play basketball.I have a good __25__ at school.I love my school.

(   )16.A.room  B.school   C.library  D.bookcase

(   )17.A.nice  B.healthy  C.right  D.welcome

(   )18.A.him  B.you    C.her  D.them

(   )19.A.have  B.is     C.has  D.are

(   )20.A.five  B.six     C.seven  D.eight

(   )21.A.math  B.English     C.music  D.art

(   )22.A.like  B.take     C.get  D.play

(   )23.A.for  B.about     C.of  D.with

(   )24.A.photos  B.books    C.computers  D.cards

(   )25.A.party  B.birthday    C.time  D.picture



This is the timetable for the tests of Chongqing No.1 Middle School.It's for the students in Grade (年级) Seven.After the tests, their first term in this school will finish.







January 4th



8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m


2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.


January 5th


8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.


2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.


(   )26.The students have the________test(s) in the morning.

A.Chinese and math   B.English

C.history   D.Chinese

(   )27.The Chinese for the under lined  word “timetable” is________.

A.座次表   B.课桌

C.时间表   D.饭桌

(   )28.The students have tests of________ subjects.

A.two    B.three

C.four   D.five

(   )29.The students have the________test for an hour.

A.history   B.math

C.Chinese   D.English

(   )30.________ is the last day of their first term in Chongqing No.1 Middle School.

A.January 3rd   B.January 4th

C.January 5th   D.January 6th


Hello,boys and girls!I'm from Shanghai and my English name is Helen.Now this term is from September to December.I have many subjects this term.They are math,Chinese,English,history,computer,music,geography,science,art and P.E.My favorite subjects are English and P.E.I can talk (谈话)with some students in English now.In the P.E.lesson,I can do many sports.And they are really interesting.I can play soccer and basketball well.And my favorite sport is soccer.Art is very relaxing.I can draw (画)fruit,clothes,desks and many fun things in the art class.Our art teacher is very nice.She always takes us out to draw things.

What subjects do you have this term?What is your favorite subject?Tell me,please.And e-mail me at helen2015@tom.com.You can call me at 309-7708,too.


(   )31.Helen has ________ subjects this term.

A.seven  B.eight  C.nine  D.ten

(   )32.Helen's favorite subjects are ________.

A.P.E.and English  B.Chinese and English

C.music and P.E.  D.math and science

(   )33.Helen thinks her art class is ________.

A.easy  B.difficult  C.relaxing  D.great

(   )34.You can ________ to tell Helen your favorite subject.

A.call her at 903-7708  

B.call her at 300-8077

C.e-mail her at helen2005@tom.com  

D.e-mail her at helen2015@tom.com

(   )35.这篇短文的最佳标题是________。

A.Helen's School  

B.Helen's Subjects This Term

C.Helen's Favorite Sports  

D.The English Class This Term



36W__________ is the fourth day of a week.

37I like Friday b__________ the next day is Saturday.

38Today I am very b________,so I can't play with you,Jane.

39The book is very u________.I want to buy it for my son.

40Geography is my favorite s________.How about you?


41We have history and ________ (China) on Tuesday.

42What ________ (class) do you have today?

43Her art lesson ________ (finish) at 3:15 in the afternoon.

44At school ________ (Anna) favorite subject is art.

45The ________ (three) lesson is music today.


46My mother's birthday is on Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ mother's birthday on Sunday?

47Mr.Brown plays__games with his students.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ Mr.Brown do with his students?

48My favorite day is Thursday(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ favorite day?

49Jenny likes geography because__it__is__fun(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ Jenny like geography?

50Eric doesn't think math is interesting.(改为同义句)

Eric thinks math ________ ________.




B:Hi,David!I want to buy some Chinese books in the bookstore.

A:Is Chinese your favorite subject?

B:52.________________.I like it very much.


B:Because my Chinese teacher is great fun.


B:I have it on Tuesday and Thursday.

A:My Chinese is not good.Can you help me?


A:Thank you very much.


Ⅶ. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)


My name is Cindy.I'm thirteen years old.__56__ I'm in Class Three, Grade Seven.I have some new subjects this year.__57__ My favorite day is Thursday because I have science on that day.

I have a twin sister (孪生姐姐).Her name is Sonia.She is in Class Six, Grade Seven.__58__ Her favorite day is Monday because she has P.E.on that day.

My father is Mr.White.He is a math teacher.His favorite day is Sunday because he can go to the baseball club.__59__

My mother is Mrs.White.She is a clerk at Huaxing Clothes Store.Her favorite day is Saturday because on that day she doesn't go to work.__60__ Oh, playing tennis makes her relaxed very much.


A.What's her favorite day?

B.How old is your father?

C.And she can play tennis with her friends.

D.Playing baseball makes him healthy.

E.She likes playing sports.

F.They are science, history and biology (生物).

G.I'm a middle school student.


56________ 57.________ 58.________ 59.________ 60.________









Dear Zhou Tao,

I have a good time at my new school,Yucai Middle School. Here,the life is busy but







Gao Qiang













Test for Unit 9

Ⅰ.1-5 DBDAC 6-10 CABCB 11-15 CCDAA

Ⅱ.16-20 BADBC 21-25 BADBC

Ⅲ.26-30 ACCAC 31-35 DACDB

Ⅳ.A)36.wednesday 37.because 38.busy 39.useful 40.subject

B)41.Chinese 42.classes 43.finishes 44.Anna's 45.third

Ⅴ.46.Is your 47.What does 48.What's your 49.Why does 50.is boring

Ⅵ.51.What do you want to buy 52.Yes,it is 53.Why do you like Chinese 54.When do you have it 55.You're welcome

Ⅶ.56-60 GFEDC

Ⅷ.One possible version:


I__have__a__good__time__at__my__new__school,Yucai__Middle__School. Here,the__life__is__busy__but__interesting. Every day I get to school at 7:30 a.m. In the morning I have four lessons and in the afternoon I have three lessons. My favorite day is Tuesday,because I can have geography and math. You know they're my favorite subjects. School finishes at 5:30 p.m. After school I always play sports with my classmates. I like my new school.






上一篇: 2019年人教版七年级语文上册第二单元测试卷 下一篇: 2019年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 8单元测试卷(含答案)



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