
2020人教新目标八年级下册英语 Unit 6 语法50题 (有答案)

2020人教新目标八年级下册英语unit 6  语法专练50题 (有答案)


1. Zhong Nanshan is 84 years old when you meet him ____ the first time.

A.at     B. for     C.in       D.on

2. She was ____ excited at the news that she couldn't say a word.

A.so      B.very          C.such   D. to

3. Sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you ____ me

I'm Daniel.

A.remind      B.receive

C.respect      D.remember

4.Your dream will not come true      you keep trying your best.

A.when       B.unless

C.whether       D.because

5Some people think the old man is ____ silly, but he is so kind and warmhearted.

A.a kind of      B.a little bit

C.a bit of     D.a lot of

6. — When will your new book ________

— It has not been decided yet.

Afind out  Bcome out 

Clook up  Dset up

7. Children are ________ in watching cartoons.

Ainterest    Binterests  

Cinterested    Dinteresting

8. Don't be angry with Tom.________ he doesn't know the trutheither.

AIn all  BIn fact

CIn general  DIn the end

9. I'm all wet under the rain. This is ________ I forgot to bring an umbrella with me this morning.

Awhy    Bwhat  

Cthat    Dbecause

10. He is creative. He's going to turn his car ________ a playroom for the children.

Awith    Binto

Cin    Dfrom

11.I have two sistersbut ________ of them is a teacher.

Aall  Bneither  Cboth   Dnone

12.—What do you think of the movie My PeopleMy Country?

—It is exciting and it ________ me ________ the life in the past.

Aremindsof    Bletsdown

Cwakesup   Dcallsup[来源:..]

13.Carrying that box is ________ for your little brother.Let's help him.

Aa little bit difficult   Ba few bit difficult

Ca lot bit easy   Da little bit easy

14.You should spend more time staying with your mother ________ only giving her money.

Ainstead   Binstead of

Cbecause   Dbecause of

15.The football fans cheered ________ they heard the exciting news.[:Zxxk.Com]

Aeven though   Bin order that

Cas soon as   Das long as

16.—What's your ring made ________Helen?


Aof   Bfrom   Cin    Dby

17.—That girl really has a good ________

—Don't you know she is a well­known singer?

Asound   Bnoise  Cvoice   Dshout

18.I think the way can ________ us to his house.[来源:学科网]

Alead   Btell  Cmake   Dwant

19.—Did you miss the bus?

—Yesbut ________There will be another one in five minutes.

Aall right   Bnever mind

Chard to say   Dsorry to hear that

20.—I'll be away for a long time.

—Don't worry.She can look after your pet ________

Acareful enough   Benough careful

Ccarefully enough   Denough carefully


21.Last year I visited Wuhan.It was so beautifuland I fell in love ________ it.

Afrom    Bof   Cwith    Don

22.They couldn't stop ________ after they heard the story.

Alaugh   Blaughing

Cto laugh   Dlaughed

23.How beautiful Lucy looks todayThe dress ________ her ________

Afitsmuch   Bfitswell

Cmatchesmuch   Dmatchesgood

24.Our business won't improve ________ we offer better services to our customers.

Abecause   Bunless

Cafter   Dsince

25I'll send you a message ________ I get to school.

Asince   Bso that

Cas soon as   Dthough

26. — Is Jack in the next room?

— Wellit's hard to say. But I heard him ________ loudly when I passed by just now.

Aspeak  Bto speak

Cspoken  Dspeaking

27. — What do you think of my shirtIt ________ cotton.

— It looks nice on you.

Ais made in    Bis made for

Cis made of    Dis made by

28. You can't improve your spoken English ________ you practice it every day from now on.

Aas soon as     Bunless

Cif     Dsince

29. We've got no coffee. Let's have tea ________.

Aeither     Bhowever

Cyet     Dinstead

30. — I'm so sorry about last night. I was so impolite.

— ________.

ANever mind     BGo ahead  

CMy pleasure      DAll right

31. I enjoy fresh air so I always sleep with the window open______it is really cold.

A. unless B. when

C. if D. since

32. The movie was moving. I couldn’t stop______.

A. crying B. to cry

C. cry D. cried

33. This photo______me of my old friend, Linda.

A. tells B. reminds

C. shows D. brings

34. The soap opera is______boring______my parents can’t stand(忍受)it at all.

A. too; to B. enough; to

C. so; that D. as; as

35. Peter came to Beijing and fell in love______it at once.

A. of B. to

C. from D. with

36. Volunteers are raising money to set up a special hospital for ____  old and sick.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

37. With this magic stick, you can turn everything in this world ______  what you like.

A. of B. into C. in D. with

38. We will have a sports meeting in October, but ____  knows the date for sure.

A. everybody B. nobody

C. anybody D. somebody

39. —You cannot get paid ____  you finish the work very well.

—OK. That's a deal.

A. if B. unless C. after D. although

40. Imagine you're Yu Gong, what could you do ____  moving the mountain?

A. because B. instead of

C. because of D. instead

41. I tried to call Peter up, but the ____  from the phone was not his.

A. voice B. throat C. music D. noise

42. —What do you think of Bruce?

—He is very ____. He once jumped into the river and saved a child.

A. magic B. brave C. strange D. clever

43. Since you are so ____, why not stay at home and have a good rest?

A. silly B. weak C. lazy D. crazy

44. This coat doesn't ____  me. If possible, I'd like to change this for a large one.

A. touch B. push C. save D. fit

45. Dale, your brother often forgets things. You must remind him ____  the medicine tomorrow.

A. take B. to take C. eat D. to eat

46. We like those who have only one idea but make it ______.

  A. to work       B. working       C. work       D. works

47. In Great Britain it isn’t polite ______ from each other’s plate.

     A. eat           B. to eat         C. eating       D. for eating

48. _________ bad people the Monkey King uses a magic stick.

      A. To fight        B. Fighting    C. Fought       D. Fights

49. Monkey King keeps fighting and never ____________ .

       A. give out      B. give off     C. give up       D. give away.

50. English TV program Monkey King was shown ____________ 1979.

      A. in            B. on         C. at            D. by



1-5BAABB    6-10BCBDB  11-15BAABC   16-20ACABC

21-25CBBBC   26-30DCBDA   31-35AABCD

36-40 CBBBB   41-45 ABBDB   46-50 CBACA



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