
2020人教新目标八年级下册英语 Unit 5 语法50题 (有答案)

2020人教新目标八年级下册英语unit 5  语法专练50题 (有答案)


1He did all this ______ silenceand very rapidly.

A.at      B.in  C.with         D.of

2.We were ______ surprised that none of us believed that it was true.

A.so       B.very  C.such        D.too

3After we read the newspaper, we knew the ______ about the accident.

A.plan      B.advice C.truth       D.decision

4.My parents were ______ shocked when they heard the news.

A.completely     B.hardlyC.recently

5.Many shops in China ______ to shut down as a new law against ivory(象牙)trade came into effect on January 1st, 2018.

A.ordered            B.didn't order

C.were ordered       D.weren't ordered

6.-Could you tell me ______ yuanxiao in China?

Usually at the Lantern Festival.

A.when people eat     

B.how people eat

C.when do people eat  

D.how do people eat

7.I was staying at home and watching TV ____ the time of the rainstorm.

A.for    B.by     C.at     D.in

8.It rained ____ yesterday.I had to stay at home.

A.heavily     B.quietly    C.hardly        D.quickly

9.Sally was late for school because her clock didn't ring loudly.

A.get off    B.go off    C.put off      D.turn off

10.Their football team was ____ in that important game.

A.won    B.beaten       C.failed

11.How ____ ! There are no workers in the bank.

It's the first self-service bank in China.

A.strange      B.scary       C.boring

12.Can you help me ____ the pen?  It's under your chair.

A.ask for      B.look forC.pick up      D.put up

13.The man was so tired that he ____ soon after he went to bed.

A.fell asleep      B.stayed up C.went off

14.Our class are much sure to win the basketball game ____ Class Three.

A.of       B.in        C.against        D.from

15.The  boys  are  talking  about  the football match ____ .

Yes. They have so many fun things to share.

A.easily   B.happily C.sadly     D.angrily

16. I got up so late this morning because my clock didn't ________

A. go on  B. go out  C. go up  D. go off

17. —Where were you at 700 last night?

—I ________ to my mom at home.

A. write  B. was writing  C. wrote  D. am writing

18. —Did you see Mr. Black just now?

—Yes. He ________ his car when I met him.

A. parked  B. was parking  C. parks  D. will park

19. His sister couldn't fall ________ before the big exam.

A. sleep  B. sleepy  C. asleep  D. sleeping

20. He ________ when the UFO arrived. He didn't wake until the UFO disappeared.

A. Slept                     B. was sleeping

C. was doing homework        D. was singing

21. Susan and Lily ________ tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm at this time yesterday.

A. pick  B. are picking C. will pick  D. were picking

22. I called again but nobody answered it ________

A. too  B. either   C. neither  D. still

23. —What ________ you doing when it began to rain yesterday?

—I ________ doing my homework.

A. are; am  B. were; wasC. was; was  D. was; were

24. He didn't see the car ________ because he was busy looking for something.

A. come  B. comes  C. came  D. coming

25. Why haven't you ________

A. picked up it  B. picked it up C. called up it  D. called it up

26. --- What was your brother doing at this time yesterday

  --- He was reading a magazine _____ I was writing an e-mail at home.

   A. as soon as     B. after        C. until        D. while

27. It’s very hot here. Why not __________ your coat

   A. put on        B. try on       C. take off      D. turn off

28. He __ when the UFO arrived. He didn’t wake until the UFO disappeared.

   A. slept         B. was sleeping    

 C. was doing homework      D. was singing

29. --- What’s wrong with your alarm clock

  --- It can’t __________ now.

   A. go off        B. go by         C. go over     D. go back

30. Yi Jianlian is_____ famous ___ all the basketball fans in China know him.

   A. sothat       B. enoughto     C. tooto      D. asas

31. --- Where is your motherMaria

  --- She is doing the dishes in the __________.

   A. bedroom    B. bathroom     C. kitchen       D. barber shop

32. They got out __________ the library and walked __________ the street.

   A. inon       B. withup      C. toalong      D. ofdown

33. --- Were you at home at 7 o’clock last night

  ---YesI __________ a shower at that time.

   A. took        B. was taking     C. was taken     D. am taking

34. The poor man always imagines __________ in a tall building.

   A. lives        B. lived          C. to live        D. living

35. We are all __________ to hear the __________ news.

   A. amazingamazing              B. amazingamazed

   C. amazedamazing               D. amazedamazed

36. After my alarm clock          every morningI get up and get dressed.

     A. turns on    B. turns off     C. goes on   D. goes off

37. Thank you very muchI can’t pass the test            your help.

     A. with       B. because of   C. because   D. without

38. --- LookThe cat ______ from the tree.

         --- Yes. It ______ the tree just now.

A. is jumping downclimbed up  B. is jumping downis climbing up

 C. jumps downwas climbing up         D. jumps downclimbed

39. What were you doing ________ last Sunday morning

 A. at       B. in  C. over D. /

40. While I was at the ________I heard a nurse ________ Davy’s name.

 A. doctors’call B. doctor’sto call

 C. doctor’scalling D. doctors’called   

41. Listenour teachers __________ Red Songs in the next room.

  A. sings         B. are singing     C. is singing     D. sang

42. --- Where were you at 7:00 last night

  --- I __________ to my mom at home.

  A. write        B. was writing     C. wrote         D. is writing

43. Stop __________ so much noiseMy father is sleeping.

  A. to make      B. making        C. to hear         D. hearing

44. --- Do you still remember __________ me somewhere in Shanghai

  --- Yesof course. Two days ago.

  A. to see       B. see       C. seeing        D. saw

45. I met a good friend of mine while I __________ on the street.

  A. walks       B. walk       C. was walking     D. am walking

46. He found a key on the ground and       .

A. pick it up B. pick it out C. picked up it D. picked it up

47. You should believe in yourself. Nobody else can       you. 

A. win B. beat C. beats D. wins

48. Last Sunday,  he left home _____ silence.

A. on              B. in            C. for           D. with

49.—What were your family members doing ______ the heavy snowstorm came?

—We were trying to play a card game at home.

Awhile  Bwhen     Cas soon as  Dsince

50. It’s very cold in Harbin. Snowing in October is nothing _____ there.

A. strange          B. useful        C. traditional        D. natural




1-5BACAC    6-10ACABB    11-15ACACB

16-20D BBCB  21-25DBBDB  26-30DCBAA   31-35CDBDC

36-40DDADC   41-45BBBCC  46-50DBBBA






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