
2023年上海牛津版六年级下册 6B期末基础词汇语法复习Unit 6-10(有答案)

期末复习2 基础词汇语法复习2



1. 情态动词must 

  must do sth. 

  We must keep the environment clean.

  Water must be pure if it is to be drunk.

2. 情态动词must的否定形式: don’t have to / needn’t do 

  ----Must I clean all the rooms? 

  ----No, you neednt. 

3. with的用法  

  white shirts with long/short sleeves长袖/短袖白T

  拓展: help sb with sth = help sb do sth.


4. many/not many 

e.g. Not many students like playing in the playground because it is hot. 

5. 连词because表原因, 划线提问用Why

  Reading is my favourite activity because I like to know new things. (划线部分提问)

  _____ _______ reading my favourite activity?   


1. 情态动词have tomust的转换 

  两者的区别: have to表示被动, must 表示主动.

2. insteadinstead of的转换 

e.g.  The American doesn’t use chopsticks. He uses a spoon instead. 

   = The American uses a spoon instead of chopsticks. 

  He didnt go to school by bus. Instead, he take a bile to school in order to keep healthy.

3. All of, most of, some of, none of的谓语动词单复数形式

all of +复数名词\代词+谓语动词的复数形式
 All of my friends like swimming.
 All of us like swimming.
 All of the books are interesting.
 All the books are interesting.
 Not all of the books are interesting.
 All of the food has gone bad.

most of后面接名词时,名词前必须有限定词, 比如his, this, the, those
  most of前面, 不能用the.
  Most of us like English.
  Most of the students like English.
  Most of his money was spent.
  most of 后所跟的谓语动词, 取决其后接的名词/代词的单复数形式.

some of后面接名词 (可数名词或不可数名词均可), 谓语动词取决于名词的单复数形式

  Some of them are mine.

  Some of my friends use iPhone.

  That camera is mine.  

  My friend, Josh, uses iPhone.

None of + 不可数名词 + 谓语动词单数
  None of the work was done.

  None of these clocks works.

4. perhaps, maybe, possibly转换

  可能性: possiblyperhapsmaybe

5. In the past, Nowadays, in __ years’ time考察时态 

  In the past用于过去时; nowadays用于现在时; in+一段时间, 用于将来时

6. more, fewer, less考察比较级与可数名词、不可数名词的搭配 

  more + (C) / (U)



7. What … be likeHow … be的转换 

e.g.  What will travelling in Shanghai be like? 

   = How will travelling in Shanghai be?


1. see sb. doing sth. (偶然性地)


2. when的时间状语从句

 (只考核前后时态一致,主句从句都是现在时或者主句从句都是过去时, 瞬间性动词和延续性动词区别不出现) 

e.g. I can see people holding raincoats tightly when there is a gentle wind. 

   He enjoyed drawing when he was a child. 

3. 副词gently, tightly, slightly, slowly, fiercely, quickly, carefully 

e.g. The wind blows gently. 

Leaves move slightly. 

hold raincoats tightly.

The clouds move slowly. 

The wind blows fiercely. 

The clouds move quickly. 

walk carefully in the street 


are—were      pass—passed

fly—flew       blow—blew 

move—moved    watch—watched     walk—walked  

fall—fell       become—became  

sink—sank      see—saw          go—went

情态动词should/may do sth


1. 形容词最高级的考察 (one of+形容词最高级+名词复数

e.g. one of the most intelligent animals 

one of the most dangerous animals 

2. 词组be important to sb, keep sth. +adj 

It is very important to students to keep working hard at school.

 3. have/need/use sth. to do. 

e.g. have/need/use water to brush our teeth 

4. If的条件状语从句(注意主将从现,以及主句的几种特殊情况) 

  e.g. If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink. 

5. by doing sth./ by not doing sth. 

e.g. We can save water by fixing a dripping tap. 

We can save water by not playing water games.


Phrases:  Forests and land  

1.read some information about forests  看一些关于森林的信息  

2.a large area of trees  大片的树木   

3.provide shelter and food for birds (provide sth. for sb./sth) 为鸟类提供栖息地和食物  

4.make nests In trees 在树上筑巢  

5.cook food with wood  用木材做饭   

6.get sth. from sth. 取材于… 

get…from the environment

get wood from forests

get plastic from oil

get oil, metal and clay from the ground

get wool from sheep

get cotton from plants/get glass from sand 

7.use sth. to do sth  …….……  

use wood to make paper 

use plastic to make cups, toys, decorations(装饰品) and many other things

use metal to make spoons

use clay to make plates

use wool and cotton to make clothes

use glass to make bottles 

8.cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper (cut down trees to do sth.) 


9.lose their homes and food 失去他们的家园和食物  

10.stop cutting down forests 停止砍树  

11.sth. be made of sth. (看得见原材料….制成的   

12.wood-----a wooden box  

wool---a woollen (woolen) 

scarf cotton---a cotton T-shirt   

plastic—a plastic cup  

metal ---a  metal 

pencil -box 

clay---a clay tea pot   

glass-----a glass vase metal    

A: What’s it made of ?(询问物品的原料)  

B: It’s made of …   

A: How does it feel?   

B: It’s hard/soft/smooth/rough/cold/hot.


Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写句子)

1. We use paper to make paper planes. (保持原句意思不变)

We use paper _____ ______ paper planes.

2. Many animals die because people take away their shelter and food.  (划线部分提问)


3. We use cotton to make this T-shirt. (保持原句意思不变)

This shirt ______ ______ _____ cotton.

4. We get wood from trees.  (划线部分提问)


5. We use leather to make bags.  (划线部分提问)


Fill in the blanks.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. We must brush our ______ (teeth) at least twice a day.

2. We can save water by __________(not take) a bath every day.

3. Don’t _______ (waste) money.

4. Plants and animals will _______(dead) if there’s no rain.

5. It there______ (be) no water, we _______ (die).

6. We get _______(wooden) from the forest.

7. I bought a ______ (wool) sweater yesterday.

8. The man is wearing a pair of _________(glass).

9. We can see people walking in the park when there is a _________ wind. ( gently )  

10. The wind blows __________ and people cannot walk properly. (fierce)

11. The meeting room is ________. Its cool to stay in it. (air-conditioner)

12. ________ of the students are girls. Only a few of them are boys. (many )

13. You made ________mistakes in your homework than before. (few)

14. I’ve moved to a new flat. It’s on the ___________ floor. (twelve)

15. I’d like to be a _______. I have to practice __________ more. (sing)

16. Many foreigners like to go __________ in Beijing. (sightsee)

17. We must keep the _______ mushrooms fresh. (dry)

18. There will be _______ traffic jams in Shanghai. (few)

19. There aren’t _________ in those rooms. So they feel very hot. (air-condition)

20. Peter is a photographer. He takes _____. (photo)

21. In the balcony there are a lot of ______ flowers. (beauty)

22. Watermelons are a kind of _______ fruit. (season)

23. I don’t like _____ rice dumplings. (salt)

24. There are some _______ over there. (trolley)

25. There is a bus ______ on each bus. (conduct)

26. We must wait for the green light at the ______. (cross)

27. What will ______ in Shanghai be like in 10 years’ time? (travel)

28. There will be _______ traffic jams in the future. (few)

29. Joe likes using _________ card better than using money. (transport)

30. Please hold your raincoat ________. (tight)

31. James is taking these flower ______ into his room. (pot)

32. The ______ in the sky move quickly. (cloud)

33. Amy is a top student. She always does her homework _______. (careful)

34. At first, the wind blows _______. (gentle)

35. The notice is important. She read it very _______ just now. (careful)

36. After typhoon, many street ______ work on the street. (clean)

37. People like flying kites on ________ days. (wind)

38. We should wait for the green light at the _______. (cross)

39. Ships and boats _______ in the big waves when the typhoon came. (sink)

40. _______ use nets to catch fish and prawns in the deep sea. (fish)


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. At first, the winds blows ________ (gentle).

2. You must do your homework ________ (care).

3. Peter and Simon are ________ (play) in the playground.

4. What’s the weather like today? It’s ________ (wind).

5. Look! There is a ________ (fish) boating in the middle of the lake.

6. You must stop ________ (eat) chocolates. You are so fat now.

7. I stopped ________ (post) a letter at noon today.

8. All the students stopped _________(look) up when they heard a loud noise suddenly.

9. We can save water by ______ (fix) the dripping tap.

10. If there is no water, fish will have nowhere ________(live).

11. If there is no rain, there _______(be) no water to wash the dishes.

12. Plants _________(die) if there is no water.

13. If she _______(come) back, I ________(tell) her the news.

14. In some places, we can get _______(drink) water by ________(take) away the salt from the sea water.

15. We must ________ (keeping) our city clean.

16. Students can find some interesting ________ (information) about our world.

17. We can use water for ________ (cook) food.

18. People use most of the land for ________ (farm).

19. If there is no rain, there ________ (be) no water to grow vegetables.

20. Firemen use water to ________ (put) out fires.

21. Tigers are a kind of ________ (danger) animals.

22. We must stop ________ (pollute) the air.

23. We can save water by ________ (turn) off the taps.

24. We mustn’t wash the dishes under a ________ (run) tap.

II. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms. (用所给动词的适当形式填空)   

1. Many years ago, there ______ (be) not much traffic.

2. _____(not) speak so loudly. The baby _________(sleep).

3. I ______(go) out for a picnic with my family next Sunday.

4. I see Peter _________(play) with his brother in the garden.      

. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写句子)

1. Beijing is more beautiful than any other city in North China.  (保持原句意思不变)

Beijing is ______ _______ ______ _______ in North China.

2. Whales are the largest animals on the earth. (保持原句意思不变)

Whales are ______ ______ ______ ________ _____ on the earth.

3. We can save water. Turn dripping taps off. (合并一句)

We can save water _______ _______dripping taps off.

4. We can save water. Don’t wash our hands under a running tap. (合并一句)

We can save water ___ ______ ______our hands under a running tap.

5. We use water to clean our classroom.   (划线部分提问)

  _______ _____ we use water ______ _______?

6.Don’t play computer games. Play football instead.  (合并一句)

Play football_______ ______computer games.

7. We use water for cleaning our classroom.   (划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ we use water for?

8. We can save water by fixing dripping taps.    (划线部分提问)            

  _____ ______we save water?


.Fill in the blanks.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. They are too ___________. (salt)

2. ___________diet is good. (she)

3. Danny’s diet is ___________healthy than Alice’s. (little)

4. I don’t like to eat sandwiches and ___________ rice. (fry)

5. It’s helpful to write a ___________ list. (shop)

6. Tokyo is the capital of ___________(Japanese)

7. There are many tall ___________in Garden City. (build)

8. Let ___________say something about ___________to you first. (I)

9. I like to go ___________ with Mum and she always buys something for me. (shop)

10. Many ___________people like to go abroad on holidays. (China)

11. There are so many beautiful ___________here. I have no idea which one to choose. (scarf)

12. Our ___________leaves New York at 10 a.m. (fly)

13. The ___________of the train was delayed. (depart)

14. ___________are helpful in the supermarket. (trolley)

15. Jessica has ___________ a lot of drinks. (bring)

16. Would you please find some ___________for me? (trolley)

17. Where’s my ___________ card? I can’t find it. (board)

18. Has Jenny ___________ enough dumplings for lunch? (buy)

19. Please tell me the ___________ time and the arrival time of this flight. (depart)

20. ___________usually go window-shopping in big cities. (tour)

21. I like the black shoes, but I don’t like the white___________. (one)

22. It’s very ___________to swim in the river. (danger)

23. Would you like some ___________ rice dumplings? (salt)

24. Your cousin will tell the truth ___________(late)

25. I have been to many other ___________ (country)

26. I go to the restaurant ___________ a week. (one)

27. I ___________enjoy the winter holiday. I have a lot of fun. (real)

28. There is ___________ pollution in the countryside than in the cities. (little )

29. Some students like all kinds of ___________. (act)

30. Computer specialists always write programs for people to solve different___________. (problem)

31. The Dragon Boat Festival is in the ___________ lunar month. (five)

32. I like sweet rice dumplings, but I don’t like salty ___________without meat. (one)

33. Would you like some ___________ for lunch today? (sandwich)

34. Sally has a stomachache. She should have ___________rice dumplings. (few)

35. We mustn’t pollute the environment any more because many animals and plants are in ___________. (dangerous)

36. The ___________is interviewing a businessman. (report)

37. Grandma often wears a pair of ___________when she does some sewing. (glass)

38. I think you are too weak. You should do ___________exercise. (much)

39. Cici won the first prize ___________.(final)

40. Judy can ___________lend you the book. (possible)

41. My father is a ___________. He ___________ bread and cake in the ___________every day.(bake)

42. There are a lot of ___________jobs in our city. (season)

43. Boy students must wear shirts with short ___________. (sleeve)

44. All the staff rooms in our school are ___________. (air-conditioned)

45. We can see a lot of people ___________in the sea in Qingdao. (swim)

46. Last year there was a heavy snow in Shanghai. Many children made __________ in the garden.(snowman)

47. They will be ___________ when they’re 28 years old. (report)

48. I’ll be taller and ___________in 3 years’ time. (heavy)

49. Watermelon is one kind of ___________fruits. (season)

50. Danny will ___________ be a cook when he grows up. (possible)

Reading comprehension (阅读理解):

A. Complete the dialogue with proper sentences in the box (补全对话信息):5%

He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired.

They met two men on the road who said, “Why are you walking, farmer? You have a hose, it’s a long way to the market.” The farmer knew that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked.

Then they met two old women, “What are you doing up there, farmer? Can’t you see how tired the boy is?” So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead.

Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. It’s too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up behind his son, and they rode on.

Some time later, a young woman passed them, “Why aren’t you walking?” She asked,“It isn’t far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest.”

So the farmer, and his son, got down once again. It is a fact that you can not please all the people all the time.

(  ) 1. The farmer wanted to sell the horse ______.

A. before it was dead B. before it became too tired

C. before his son didn’t like it D. before it was as old as he was

(  ) 2. The two men on the road ________.

A.asked how far it was to the market

B.said they thought the horse looked very tired

C.asked why the farmer was not riding on his horse

D.told the farmer’s son to get off the horse and walk

(  ) 3. The two old women said it was wrong for ______.

A.the farmer to ride such a tired horse

B.the farmer to ride while his young son walked

C.the boy to ride instead of his father

D.only one person to ride such a long way

(  ) 4. The farmer got up behind his son because ________.

A.the old man said it was too hot for him to walk

B.the three old men stopped them on the road

C.he did not know why was walking

D.his son could not ride the horse by himself

(  ) 5. The young woman was most sorry ________.

A. for the old man B. for the farmer’s young son

C. that it was not far to the market D. for the horse

(  ) 6. How many people did he farmer meet on their way to the market?

A. Three   B. Four   C. Eight    D. Six



改句子;1.for making  2.Why do many animals die?  3.is made of  4.How do you get food?  5.Why do you use leather?

完形:1.teeth  2.not taking  3.waste  4.die  5.is, will die  6.wood  7.woolen  8.glasses  9.gentle  10.fiercely  11.air-conditioned  12.Most  13.fewer  14.twelfth  15.singer, singing  16.sightseeing  17.dried  18.fewer  19.air-conditioners  20.photos  21.beautiful  22.seasonal  23.salty  24.trolleys  25.conductor  26.crossing  27.travelling  28.fewer  29.transporting  30.tightly  31.pots  32.clouds  33.carefully  34.gently  35.carefully  36.cleaners   37.windy  38.crossing  39.sank   40.Fishermen


完型 1.gently  2.carefully  3.playing  4.windy  5.fishing  6.eating  7.posting  8.to look up  9.fixing  10.to live  11.will be  12.will die  13.comes, will tell  14.drinking, taking  15.keep  16.information  17.cooking  18.farmers  19.will be  20.put  21.dangerous   22.polluting  23.turning  24.running

1. was  2.Don’t; is sleeping  3.will go  4.playing  

改句子: 1.the most beautiful city  2.larger than any other animal  3.by turning

4.by not washing   5.What do to do   6.instead of  7.What do  8.How can  

1.salty  2.Her  3.less  4.fried  5.shopping  6.Japan  7.buildings  8.me  myself  9.shopping  10.Chinese  11.scarves  12.flight  13.departure  14.trolleys  15.brought  16.trolleys  17.boarding  18.bought  19.departure  20.Tourists   21.ones  22.dangerous  23.salty  24.later  25.countries  26.once  27.really  28.less  29.actions  30.problems  31.fifth  32.ones  33.sandwiches  34.fewer  35.danger  36.reporter  37.glasses  38.more  39.finally  40.possibly  41.baker  bakes  bakery  42.seasonal  43.sleeves  44.air-conditioned  45.swimming  46.snowmen  47.reporter  48.heavier  49.seasonal  50.possibly


上一篇: 2023年上海牛津版六年级下册Unit5 What will I be like同步提升练习(二)(有答案) 下一篇: 2021-2022年牛津上海版七年级下册英语 Module 3 The natural elements.Unit 9 The wind is blowing.综合能力训练(有答案)



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