
2021-2022年牛津上海版七年级下册英语 Module 3 The natural elements.Unit 9 The wind is blowing.综合能力训练(有答案)

Unit 9 The wind is blowing. 综合能力训练



I. 翻译单词或短语。

1. 向里面看;调查 __________________

2. 长大;成长 __________________

3. 至于;关于 __________________

4. ……外;更重要的是__________________

5. 保持联系__________________



I. 单项选择。

1—Tong,        some books here, please.


Abring         Btake           Chave          Dlet

2—How many ______ are there in your school?

—There are twenty-one.

Awoman teacher Bwoman teachers

Cwomen teacher Dwomen teachers

3—Could you please tell me _______?

—Two months ago.

Awhen did you take this photo Bwhen you took this photo

Cwhere did you take this photo Dwhere you took this photo

4He will never _______ his dream if he doesn’t work hard.

Aachieve Bget Cmake true Dcome true

II. 完形填空。

Susan is a 14-year-old girl. She lives in London with her parents. Her father likes horse-riding (骑马) and works in a horse-riding   1   Susan also likes horse-riding. She   2   it’s an interesting sport. Susan goes horse-riding in her father’s school every Saturday   3   she can ride very well now. Sometimes she helps   4   the horses food and water after class. She also helps clean   5   Susan wrote   6   about horse-riding:“When you learn to ride a horse for the first time, it’s very  7   ! First, learn to get close to the horse. Next, learn to get on (上去) the horse. Then you   8   learn to get off (下来) the horse.

What should we do   9  the back of a horse? First you learn to walk around the horse. Then you learn to run slowly (慢慢地). When your teacher thinks you ride   10   you can learn to jump (). Not everyone has to learn to jump. But I like jumping. It’s great.”

1. Aoffice Bschool Cfarm

2. Athinks Bwishes Cwants

3. Abut Bor Cand

4. Ato give Bgiving Cgives

5. Athey Bthem Cit

6. Aanything Beveryone Csomething

7. Along Bdifficult Cheavy

8. Acan Bhave to Cmay

9. Aon Bin Cat

10. Agood Bnice Cwell

III. 补全对话。

A Don't you think it's a little silly?

B I'm reading a book called Yu Gong Moves a Mountain (愚公移山)

C That's better and faster than moving a mountain.

D In my opinion it's really interesting.

E Do you prefer to read stories?

F I still don't agree with you.

G How about you?

Emma What are you doing, Li Lin?

Li Lin1

Emma I have read it before. What do you think of the story?

Li Lin2Yu Gong found a good way to deal with his problem.

Emma Really? 3 It seems impossible to move a mountain.

Li Lin But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard.Yu Gong kept trying and didn't give up.

Emma4I think we should try to find other ways to deal with a problem.

Li Lin But what could Yu Gong do except moving the mountains?

Emma He could build a road.5

Li Lin We have different opinions about the story. There're many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.

Emma Yes, that's fine.

IV. 完成句子。

1. Amy 不再害怕狗了。

Amy isn’t                       dogs                     .

2. Alice 个子太矮了,不能够到桌子上的钥匙。

Alice was                         the key on the table.

3. 当我经过时我看到托尼正在游泳。

I saw Tony           when I                    .

4. 我们转过头来,但没有发现什么。

We _______ ________, but saw           .


I. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

manage            besides        primary          sleep        review

1. Another ______________ reason is that there seems to be too many private cars.

2. Her uncle is the ____________ of this big company and he works hard every day.

3. The lion lay ____________ in its den.

4. The ____________ leveled a broadside (猛烈地抨击) at the novel.

5. No one writes to me ___________ you.



I1look into    2grow up    3as for    4more importantly    5stay/keep in touch


I1A    2D    3B    4A

II1B    2A    3C    4A    5B    6C    7B    8B    9A    10C

III1B    2D    3A    4F    5C

IV1afraid of/any more    2too short to reach    3swimming; passed by\walked past    4turned around/nothing


I1primary    2manager    3asleep    4reviewer    5besides


上一篇: 2023年上海牛津版六年级下册 6B期末基础词汇语法复习Unit 6-10(有答案) 下一篇: 2023年牛津上海版六年级上册英语 Module 3 Food and drink.Unit 11 Let's make a pizza.综合能力训练(有答案)



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