


I.Choose the best answer.(12’)

(   )1.Betty’s mother had no idea about it         Betty told her.

A.when       B.as soon as     C.after      D.until

(   )2.Jack spoke loudly       everyone in the classroom could here him.

A.because     B.so that        C.though    D.no that

(   )3.When he was a child, he often      and nobody believed him including his parents.

A.lay         B.lied          C.laid       D.lain

(   )4.    She     you are allowed to enter. They can’t let two people go in at a time.

A.Both , and    B.Neither, nor    C.Either, or     D.Not only, but also

(   )5.When something glowing       his eye, he stopped       it up.

A.has caught, picking    B.has caught, to pick  C.caught,picking  D.caught, to pick

(   )6.The bus was so crowded that i couldn’t find a seat      .

A.to sit        B.to sit on       C.which can sit      D.for sitting

(   )7.please        the difference between “lie”and”lay”

A.say        B.tell           C.talk        D.speak

(   )8.       I am well again, i can go on with my work.

A.Now that    B.Although      C.Until      D.Before

(   )9.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others.

A.Don’t breathe in the harmful dust

B.I’ll tell you whether i can come on time.

C.The cleaner is paid monthly.

D.The country girl gathered some firewood.

(   )10.Mr Smith      short stories, but he       a TV play these days.

A.is writing, is writing     B.is writing,  writes

C.writes,  is writing       D.writes, writes

(   )11.This book      Kitty’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover.

A.must be       B.may be      C.can’t be       D.mustn’t be

(   )12.I’ve seen him before. Maybe we met          last week when i was on business

A.sometimes    B.some times    C.sometime      D.some time

II.  Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can be only used one.(8’

Can you picture a fish attacking a submarine(潜艇)? It happened.

A submarine, named the Alvin ,was near the ___13______of Georgia when it was attacked by a swordfish. The fish rammed into the submarine. It struck so hard that its sword went between the mental plates of the submarine’s body. The fish is unable to pull its sword _____14______

A flashing light inside the ship showed the sub was  ___15_______  The captain raised the submarine to the ____16______. It took two hours for the crew to get the sword from the submarine’s body.that evening the crew enjoyed a swordfish dinner!

Computers can store a large amount of information in a small space. This information is called ___17______ .It is stored in the memory of the computer. You can work with this information in many different ways. For example ,some companies have a database of all the people who work for the company. It includes their names and ____18_____, the number of year they have worked there, the jobs they do ,the hours they work and ____19_____. The managers might use this information to find out how many of their workers live in a particular area. They might also use it to decide whether they have enough people to complete a particular ___20_______ on time.  

III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(16’)

21.The pants are too long for me. Could you _______(short) them for me?

22.The government made an ______________(announce) that Chinese people would not give in.

23.It is very _____________(consider) of you to warm the milk for the patient.

24.This is the second ___________(edit)of the book, but it still has many mistakes in it.

25. “You’re not qualified ” said the prinple, “we need ______________(experience) teachers only.”

26. Your textbook and mine come from the same ___________ (publish) house.

27. The dresses are of the same size. They just ____________(different) in color.

28. Don’t give up! It’s a _____________ (decide) moment ! Keep working and you ‘ll succeed at last!

29.It’s not easy for the two countries to reach an _____________(agree).

30.The _____________(conclude) of the two-hour meeting is that they’re going to have another meeting!

31. We can hardly __________(competition) with them on price.

32.The Summer Palace is a major tourist __________________(attractive).

33. The new novel of that _________(talent) writer is really amazing!

34. Do you have any _______________(arrange) tonight?

35. I think programming is so ___________(tired) a job.

36. The poor old man just wanted to get rid of his wife’s endless ___________(complain).

IV.Rewrite the following sentences as required 14’)

37.Make sure you know the fire exit exactly.(改为反义疑问句)

 Make sure you know the fire exit exactly         ?

38.The students exchanged greetings at the school gate.(改为被动语态)

   Greetings          at the school gate.

39.John said to Jane,”why are you very tired today(合并为一句话)

   John asked Jane         was very tired that day.

40.Can you tell me where the theatre is?(保持原意)

  Can you tell me          of the theatre

41.Jack is the smartest student in his class.(同义句)

  Jack is     than any other     in his class.

42.Have you finished your homework?The teacher asked.(合并为一句话)

  The teacher asked    we    finished our homework.

43.Tom won’t visit the farm.He’ll stay at home.(合并为一句话)

  Tom will stay at home         visiting the farm.

Part 2 Reading and Writing  (第三部分 读写)

V.Reading comprehension (阅读理解); (50)

A.Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (12)

   As Shanghai is facing an aging population, couples in the city are encouraged by local family planning (计划生育) authorities to have a second child if they are both a single child themselves. 
  Single-child couples are allowed to have a second child under China’s family planning policy. However, a survey showed such couples in Shanghai are only having 1.2 babies on average, Huang Hong, director of the city’s Population and Family Planning Commission (人口与计划生育委员会), told a press conference (新闻发布会) last week. 
  A couple’s decision of whether they will have a second child is affected by main factors such as economic conditions and work pressures, according to Huang. 
  A rapidly aging population is a major problem facing Shanghai. At present, the elderly make up about a quarter of Shanghai’s registered population, while only 8.6 percent of the population are children under 14, Huang said. A lack of children will be bad for the city’s long-term development, she added. 
  By the end of September, Shanghai had a population of 23.7 million. About 14 million were registered residents and 9.7 million were migrants. 
  In 2011, about 3.5 million registered residents were aged over 60, and 2.3 million  of them were over 65, according to the commission. 
  The number of people aged over 60 will rise by 200,000 a year until 2015, when they will make up one-third of the total registered population. 

44.According to Huang Hong,how many babies do one single-child couples have in Shanghai on average?

A.1.2     B.12    C.23.7     D.65

45.Couples in Shanghai are encouraged to have a second child because                .

A.they are both a single child themselves

B.the city is facing an aging population

C.there are fewer and fewer people in the city

D.Local family planing authorities are facing the pressure

46.According to the passage,what is NOT one of the main factors that affect a couple’s decision of whether they will have a second child?

A.The amount of work they do     B.The amount of money they earn

C.The size of their living places     D.The population of the city

47.Why is Shanghai facing the aging problem?

A.There are more elderly people than children in Shanghai

B.There are too many single-child couples in Shanghai

C.Many families are not willing to give birth to a second child

D.There are many elderly people living in this city

48.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A.There are fewer immigrants than registered residents in Shanghai now.

B.There will probably be 4.3million people aged 60 in 2015.

C.In 2011,altogether 5.8 million registered residents were over 60.

D.In 2015,one-third of the total registered population will be old people.

49.Which could be the best title for this passage?

A.Shanghai Encourages Second Child

B.An Aging Population in China

C.Single-child Couples in Trouble

D.How to Solve the Aging Problem

B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择恰当的单词或短语完成短文)(共12分)

   The holiday season is a time for giving, but some may find that they give just a little too much. Since Christmas spending can get out of hand, it is important to use a few tricks to help us keep the spending under __50__.

   Some of the best tips for controlling Christmas spending come down to how you __51__ money in general. First, figure out a total of how much you want to spend; then write out the names of the people you will be spending it on and the role that they __52__ in your life. For example, if the gift is for your acquaintances, you may want to spend less than you would on a __53__ friend.

   Shopping in big-name stores can become costly, so you may want to shop __54__. In some cases, it may be difficult to find specific items outside larger stores; however, more general items such as clothing, toys, or household accessories may be found at discount or smaller stores. Shopping online is another option; you can easily find discounted items and coupons(优惠券).

   For those you are close to, getting a/an __55__ gift can be a heartwarming and economical(经济实惠的)solution. When giving to more than one person, you can easily purchase a large amount of material that can be used to create several gifts. You may also want to try making your own greeting cards by hand, or printing them from a computer.

50.  A.control    B.charge     C.catch       D.limit

51.  A.describe   B.pick up    C.deal with    D.take away

52.  A.consider   B.play       C.act         D.carry

53.  A.close      B.distant     C.normal      D.common

54.  A.anywhere   B.somewhere  C.nowhere    D.elsewhere

55.  A.well packed  B.handmade   C.expensive   D.cheap


C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。)

   He has lived through two world wars,the invention of the aeroplane and the rule of four Japanese emperors. Last month,the world’s oldest person,Jiroemon Kimura,c_______ his 116th birthday.

   Mr.Kimurais already the oldest person a_______,according to the Guinness Book of Records. He has attributed his impressive longevity to(把长寿归因于)having long practiced”moderation”in his daily life,eating small meals,rising early and exercising r._______

   There is also the possibility that he was endowed with(天生具有) long-living g_______with each of his four siblings also living into their 90s, with one reaching 100 years of age.

   Japan has long e_______ reputation for longevity,with an average lifespan of 83years of age.its population of centenarians (百岁或逾百岁以上的人)exceeded 50000 for the first time last year.

   The highest concentration of over 100s in japan can be found in its southernmost region Okinawa(冲绳县).there are about 50centenarians for every 100000residents in the region--more than d_______the ratio(比率) in the USA.

   After study,scientists have found that the key to long life in japan is a healthy diet,rich in vegetables and soy products.A_______ overeating is also important,which involves eating until you are 80 percent full.

56.c_______ 57.a_______ 58.r_______ 59.g_______ 60.e_______ 61.d_______ 62.a_______ 


D.Reading the passage below and answer the following questions.(根据文章内容回答下列问题。)


                           Pet hero Geo

   A brave German Shepherd puppy was badly injured after he pushed a boy out of the path of a runaway lorry and took the impact himself.

   Carly Riley and her three sons Charlie,10, Josh, seven, and Ben, four, were walking along Burrs Road in the town when the accident happened.

   As they waited at a street corner to cross the road, an out-of-control truck careered onto the pavement, heading straight for Charlie.

   Geo jumped forwards, pushing the boy out of the way, and was hit off the pavement and onto the road.  He was then hit by the vehicle again before the driver drove off.Mrs Riley and her factory worker husband Ian, 34, reported the hit-and-run to the police.'Geo must have sensed it as he leapt on Charlie and took him out of the way.it could have wiped us all out.” if it wasn’t for Geo, I am 100 percent sure it would have been Charlie.”Mrs.Riley said.

   Geo suffered a broken leg,fractured spine and severe bruising in the accident. He endured five hours of surgery during which two metal plates were inserted in his leg.

The Rileys, who hope he will make a good recovery, are now facing vets’ bills of around f8000.they have set up an account into which people may donate to help pay for the dog’s treatment.

   Mrs.Riley said,”we want Geo fixed,no matter what it costs. He’s family.”

63.when was Geo badly injured?

64.Where was Charlie when the accident happened?

65.What could have happened if Geo didn’t leap on Charlie and took him out of the way?

66.Geo isn’t still alive,is he?

67.What can people do if they want to help pay for Geo’s treatment?

68.What can we learn from Geo’s story?


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