
2020年牛津上海版 8A Unit7 Nobody wins课后练习(有答案)


(    )26You__________come here so early every day

  1. don’t need     B. needn’t     C. not need to      D. needn’t to

    (    )27. Amanda_________her digital camera at the most beautiful flower and took the picture

    A. points        B. directs     C. aimed         D. showed

    (    )28Press that__________and then a game will bubble out

  1. butter        B. bottom     C. button         D. bottle

    (    )29He was so surprised when he saw that there was water________out of the cliff

  1. drank        B. drinking     C. sprang       D. springing

    (    )30The bed inside the cave was so huge_________they could play________tennis on it

  1. for... the   B. that... /     C. for... /     D. that... the

    (    )31The plane landed on a small island _________six o’clock ________last Friday morning

  1. at... in     B. at... on       C. at... /    D. in... on

    (    )32Captain King said“We can’t open the door__________we are not strong enough’’

  1. because     B. however       C. but        D. so

    (   )33.Im sure Ive put my key____in this room.

  1. where    B. anywhere   C. somewhere   D. nowhere

    (    )34.We need ____ furniture to decorate our new office.

  1. many   B. two    C. several pieces of    D. a number of  

    (    )35.To_____ that he was at home, I called him in advance(提前).

  1. decide     B. make sure    C. be afraid     D. be sure

    (    )36.Tracy is standing_____Lisa.In other words,Lisa is standing___her.

  1. behind...next to    B. next to...after   C. beside...next to   D. after..behind

    (    )37.Would you like to buy _______shrimp for me?  

    A. some        B. any          C. few       D. A few

    (  )38. The teacher entered the classroom with a book in _____hand and some CDs in_________one.

    A. one... another      B. one... the other   C. another... other     D. one... other

    (    )39. Which word cannot be used in the sentence below?

          ________of us have been to the Palace Museum.

    A. Many        B. Most          C. A few      D. Much


    II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或短语填人空格'完成短文。每 空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)


A.encouraged  B. in the end  C. invite  D.different E. Thousands of  F. on  G. decided            

       The majority of astronauts from America have been men. At the start of the space                                                     programme there was strong resistance from some people against having women in space.

However, some women were very keen to become astronauts and 40_______they were successful. In 1978NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.

      Judy and Christa were both astronauts and they were both women, but in many other ways they were very 41________. Both of them were on Flight STS-51-L.

    Judy was born in 1949 and studied engineering at university and went 42______ to get a Ph.D in 1977. She was a member of the first group of women selected for astronaut training in 1978, and in 1984she became the second woman in space. During that flight, she helped to launch three new satellites and she carried out a programme of research.

Christa was born in 1948 and she was an astronaut almost by accident. In 1984, NASA 43 ________to find a teacher who could accompany (陪同) astronauts into space. They hoped that she would be able to communicate with students from space and 44_________ every one of them lo be interested in space travel. Christa was a secondary teacher in history and social studies. She was a gifted teacher and she was selected from over 11,000 applicants (候选人)lo go on flight STS-51-L. She was also a very good communicator and she immediately established a very good relationship with the news media.45_______country were looking forward to communicating with Christa in space. Millions of people were watching her flight with great interest.


III.Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 用所给单词正确形式填空)

  1. The heavy rain _______ (interruption) the tennis match just now.

  2. Models always wear _______(attraction) clothes.

  3. It's the_______(noise) street I've ever known.

  4. The plane landed_______(save) at last.

  5. The _______(sleep) bag I bought last Monday is very cheap.

  6. We finished our dinner_______(silence).

  7. They were too tired and fell_______(sleep) at once.

  8. I told her the news_______(immediate) after I heard about it.


IV.Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写)

  1.  The old man likes classic music better than pop songs.(保持原句意思基本不变)

       The old man_______classic music_______pop songs.

  2.  He didn't watch the TV series. He went to the movies.(两句合并成一句)

       He went to the movies_______of________the TV series.

  1.  We lay on the floor inside the room at that time.(改为一般疑问句)

       _____you_______on the floor inside the room at that time?

  2. These iPhone games are really interesting.(改为感叹句)

      _________  __________these iPhone games are!

  1.  The Expo-centre is about 300 meters away.(对划线部分提问)

      ______  _______is the Expo-centre?

    59. The basket is too small to hold ten apples.(保持原句意思基本不变)

       The basket isn't  _______  ________to hold ten apples.

I. Reading comprehension (阅谈理解

   A. Choose the best answer根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案

Have you ever found that what may be normal to us may be strange to others? Why is that so? Not all strange things can be explained as tradition or custom. And what makes them strange in the first place? How did some of them become traditional?

In Thailand, it is very rude to walk into a person's house with your shoes on. Shoes are left at the front door. And it is considered rude to cross your legs in company and to point your toes at another person. The feet, as the lowest part of the body, are given the lowest respect. Pointing a toe is demeaning to the person at whom the foot is pointed.

Equally, the head is the most important part of the body and should never be touched by another. Children in most western countries are familiar with being patted on the head and consider it a compliment. In Thailand, however, it is extremely rude.

Also in Thailand and some other Asian countries, when two people meet it is the practice to hold the two hands together in a prayer position. It is called a whai in Thailand and takes the place of the western handshake. Once again this is a much cleaner greeting as there is no body contact. The height of the hands raised shows the importance of the person to whom the whai is made. The most common whai between two equals is with the tip of the fingers at nose level. When a person of a lower status (社会地位)meets a person of a higher status, the former raises the hands to forehead height and the latter to chest height. It is a very convenient way to greet a friend with a whai in a crowded room where personal contact is difficult. It seems so much more dignified and sincere to greet with a whai rather than a wave (招呼).

It is those customs which travelers consider “oddthat make travel worthwhile.

(    )60.If you want to visit a friend in Thailand, it's necessary to _________.

  1. leave your shoes at the door of your house

  2. take off your shoes before entering his house

  3. cross your feet to show your respect

  4. point your toes at your friend

    (    )61.The underlined word demeaning in Para. 2 probably means “_________

  1. shameful      B. careful          C. important     D. impolite

    (    )62.It's very rude to pat a Thai on the head because___________.

  1. people consider it as compliment

  2. the head is given the lowest respect

  3. the head is the most important part of the body

  4. children are never allowed to touch the head

    (    )63.It won't be considered__________to greet a Thai with a whai.

    A. clean           B. convenient      C. strange D. sincere

(   )64.If you have a Thai classmate, you can greet him by holding two hands with the tip of the fingers   


A. nose            B. eye            C. chest         D. forehead

(   )65.We can infer from this passage that____________.

  1. travelers have to accept foreign customs

  2. traditions are the main reason to cause differences among countries

  3. the writer helps people understand and follow different customs

  4. the writer stresses the importance of respecting others


B. Read and choose the best words to complete the passage.(选择最恰当单词完成短文)

Some people believe aliens may visit the Earth and suggest applying UFO technology for country defenses.

Some files and documents from the Ministry of Defence make people believe aliens could visit 66 “military reconnaissance""scientific research" or “tourism”.

        A desk officer said humans might think of the purpose of reported alien craft sightings first. Perhaps, aliens did not appear to be “hostile intent(明显的敌意).

        An unnamed scientist said it was "essential that we start with open minds?explaining “what is scientific ‘fact?today may not be 67_______ tomorrow”. Although he did not "talk to little green men every nighthe said:“We have a guess that we have never satisfied. That is, we do not know if UFOs really exist. If they do exist, we do not know what they are, their purpose or 68_________ they pose a threat to the world.

He added that “if reports are taken at face value?they showed the vehicles aliens took had 揳 very wide range of speeds and are stealthy (隐形)”. 69 he suggested, we could use this technology, if it exists."

His brief document lists possible 70 for UFO sightings, including mass hallucinations (集体幻觉) newly-designed aircraft, atmospheric events?and hoaxes (恶 作剧),but indicated none provide a fully convincing explanation.

It adds there are some indications that the reported incidents are only the tip of an iceberg and 71 people do not wish to risk embarrassment and so do not report sightings".

He also noted that the number of reports of strange objects in the skies?increased dramatically after the World War II, with most sightings coming from 44farmers, policemen, doctors and lovers?

   (    )66. A. by B. from C. for D. to

   (   )67. A. real B. true C. natural D. common

    (   )68. A. whether           B. why C. when D. though

   (   )69. A. Besides B. Luckily C. Thus D. Finally

   (   )70. A. ways B. ideas C. collections       D. reasons

   (   )71. A. few B. many C. enough D. average


C. C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. The first letters are given (在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空限填一词,首字母已给) 

       It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle. As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade (消退) , or we t 72_________so. We bought her a lovely doll, and a doll house.

Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she really wanted a bike more than anything c 73_________ But it was just too late. With such a lot of preparations to do for the Christmas dinner we did not have the time to buy our little girl bike. Sohere we were Christmas Eve around 9.00 p.m., w74 ________ Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, sleeping in their beds. Now we could only think of the bicycle and the d75_________ of our child. “What if I make a little bicycle out of clay ()and write a note that she could trade the clay. bike in for a real bike??her dad asked. So he spent the n 76 four hours making a tiny clay bike.

On Christmas morning, we were e 77       waiting for Almie to open the little gift box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud. “Does this mean that I can trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one??I said, “Yes.” Almie had t 78       in her eyes when she replied, “I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. I'd rather keep this than get a real bike.”

At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy her every bicycle in the world!

72. t  73. c  74. w  75. d  76. n

77. e  78. t


D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) 

In New York City one day, a businesswoman got into a taxi. Because it was the rush hour and she was hurrying for a train, she suggested a route. “I’ve been a driver for 15 years!" the driver shouted. “You think I don't know the best way to go?”

The woman tried to explain that she hadn't meant to offend him, but the driver kept shouting. She finally realized he was too upset to be reasonable. “You know, you're right,” she told him. “It must seem dumb for me to assume you don't know the best way through the city.”

Taken aback, the driver flashed his rider a confused look in the rear-view mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. “He didn't say another word the rest of the ride,?she said, 44until I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me.”

When you meet people like this taxi driver, there's an irresistible urge (无法避免)to dig in your heels (钻牛角尖). This can lead to prolonged arguments, soured friendships, lost career opportunities and broken marriages. As a clinical psychiatrist, I've discovered one simple but extremely unlikely principle that can basically prevent any conflict or other difficult situation from becoming a recipe for disaster.

The key is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and look for the truth in what that person is saying. Find a way to agree. The result may surprise you.

  1. Why did the woman suggest a route to the taxi driver?


  2. The driver was not satisfied with the woman's suggestion, was he?


  3. Did the driver become calm when hearing the woman's explanation?


    82.Which route did the driver choose at last, the woman's or his own?


  1. When did the driver said "thanks?to the woman?  


  2. What do you learn from the passage?



I.  26.

B 27. C 28. C 29. D

30. B 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. B


C 37. A 38. B 39. D


II. 40.

B 41. D 42. F 43. G

44. A 45. E

III. 46.

interrupted 47. attractive

48. noisiest 49. safely 50. sleeping 51. silently


asleep 53. immediately


IV. 54.

prefers, to 55. instead, watching 56. Did, lie 57. How interesting


How far 59. big enough


I. A.

60. B 61. D 62. C 63.

C 64. A 65. C


66. C 67. B 68. A 69.

A 70. D 71. B


72. thought 73. else       74.

with 75. disappointment 76. next 77. excited

D. 79. Because she was hurrying for a train.

      80. No, he wasn't.

      81. No, he didn't.

      82. The woman's.

       83.When they arrived at the train station / When the woman got out and paid him.

   84.Any possible answers







上一篇: 2020年牛津上海版 高二第一学期 Unit3 Contemporary style知识点讲解及练习(有答案) 下一篇: 2020年高中英语牛津上海版高中一年级第一学期Unit5 Think before you eat巩固练习(有答案)



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