
2020年高中英语牛津上海版高中一年级第一学期Unit5 Think before you eat巩固练习(有答案)

Unit5 Think before you eat

Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

( ) 21. —My teeth are loose.

—I think you need  some Vitamin C.

A. having B. / C. have D. to has

( ) 22. You  with your friends in the wide river, you?

A. dare to swim; dare not B. don't dare swim; don't

C. dare swimming; dare D. dare to swim; don't

( ) 23. Many things  impossible in the past are common today.

A. which considered B. which are considered

C. that were considered D. were considered

( ) 24.1 saw him yesterday, so he in France then.

A. mustn't have been   B. can't have been    C. can't be D. may have been

( ) 25.  confidence is the reason he failed.

A. A lacking of; for which B. Lacking; why

C. Lacking of; why D. Being short of; which

( ) 26. When she entered the room, she found that her son  in the sofa, TV.

A. were seated; watching B. seated; watching

C. sitting; watched D. seating; watching

( ) 27.  our assignment  before tomorrow?

A. Need; to be finished B. Needs; to be finished

C. Does; need be finished D. Does; need to be finished

( ) 28. Mr. Bush is always on time for everything. How it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?
        A. can                B. may               C. should            D. must

( ) 29. Things will get worse unless something  to stop pollution.

A. will do B. will be done

C. has done D. is done

( ) 30. His lovely explanation made the students  in his reading.

A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. to interest

( ) 31. The patient was warned  oily food after the operation.

A. to not eat B. of not eat C. not to eat D. not eat

(    ) 32. —Since when have you been a vegetarian?

—Since I Professor Wang's nutrition class.

A. have taken B. take C. took D. was taken

( ) 33. How the music composed by Mozart sound!

A. sweet B. sweetly C. well D. pleasantly

( ) 34. The animals in the zoo are so poor that they spend their whole life in a limited space just to entertain people.
         A. rising            B. raising            C. raised            D. risen

( ) 35. —May I leave before 4 o'clock in the afternoon?

—No, I'm afraid you

A. mustn't B. needn't

C. shouldn't D. won't

( ) 36. It is easy for kids to be by the attractive packages of goods on display.

A. included B. influenced C. mixed D. effected



Section B  

Directions: Complete the passage by choosing the proper words in the box.


A. breakdown      B. rapid     C. affected     D. instant     E. normal

F. overseas     G. cut     H. dependence    I. left     J. Low

 Internet users across Asia felt like fish out of water after an undersea earthquake    37     them off  from the Web.

 Key undersea communication cables were damaged in a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck off Taiwan's southern coast on December 26, 2006. Telephone and Internet traffic throughout the region were severely disrupted. Millions were    38        longing for their e-mail and holding telephones that didn' t work.

Repair ships have been trying to fix the damaged cables and at the same time to enlarge the load of the only cable that survived the earthquake.

   39    surfing speeds gradually improved last week. But the cable companies warned that the damage is more serious than they expected and the repair work would take weeks. Phone and Internet users would have to wait longer to get    40        service.

The disruption has   41    millions of Chinese Internet users, highlighting their growing   42    on popular Web-based services such as MSN    43   messaging.

"The    44    of the MSN service since Tuesday has brought a sudden end to my familiar cyber world, making my life dull and boring. " Said one Internet user in Beijing.

In addition, office workers also complain that the Internet breakdown has made their work less efficient, making online communication with their   45   business partners impossible.


Reading Comprehension   

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food   46        it is badly cooked. The     47 a meal is cooked and served is most important and an     48  served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child    49    he likes or dislikes a food and never    50    

likes and dislikes in front of him or allow    51      else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother refuses vegetables in the child's hearing he is     52    to copy this procedure. Take it for granted that he likes everything and he probably     53    . Nothing healthful should be left from the meal because of a      54     dislike. At meal times it is a good     55      to give a child a small portion and let him     56    back for a second helping rather than give him as      57    as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child      58    meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not     59      him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will soon learn to swallow his food so he can hurry back to his toys. On no condition must a child be cheated    60    forced to eat.

( )46. A. if B. until C. that         D. unless

( )47. A. procedure B. process C. way         D. method

( )48. A. adequately B. attractively C. urgently      D. eagerly

( )49. A. whether B. what C. that          D. which

( )50. A. remark B. tell C. discuss        D. argue

( )51. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody      D. nobody

( )52. A. willing B. possible C. obliged         D. likely

( )53. A. should B. may C. will             D. must

( )54. A. supposed B. proved C. considered        D. related

( )55. A. point B. custom C. idea D. plan

( )56. A. ask B. come C. return D. take

( )57. A. much B. little      C. few               D. many

( )58. A. on B. over C. by                D. during

( )59. A. agree B. allow C. force           D. persuade

( )60. A. or B. nor C. but            D. neither


Section B 

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


A couple had two little boys, aged 8 and 10, who were very naughty. They were always getting into trouble. And their parents knew that. If any mischief (恶作剧) happened in their town, their sons were probably involved.  They got very worried.

The boys' mother heard that a clergyman (牧师) in town had been successful in disciplining (管教) children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them separately. So the mother sent her 8-year-old boy first in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a loud and deep voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him strictly, "Where is God?" The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no answer, sitting there with his mouth still open, wide eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even more strict voice," Where is God!!?" Again the boy made no answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and shouted, "WHERE IS GOD!?"

The boy screamed and rushed out from the room, ran directly home and hid himself into his closet, shutting the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?"

The younger brother, gasping (喘气) for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time, God is missing — and they think WE did it!"

( ) 61. The underlined sentence means            

A. their sons were probably beaten by their parents

B. their sons were probably hurt

C. their sons probably played a part in it

D. their sons were probably happy
(     ) 62. The clergyman promised to            

A. frighten the children B. beat the children

C. see the two children at the same time   D. have an interview with the children

( ) 63. By "Where is God?" the clergyman wanted to tell the child            .

A. they should behave themselves B. he was angry, for they had stolen God

C. that God was missing D. to find God


Betty and Harold have been married for years. But one thing still puzzles old Harold. How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ball game, come back three and a half hours later, and they're still on the sofa, talking?

"What in the world," Harold wonders, "do they have to talk about?"

Betty shrugs(耸肩). "Talk? We're friends. "

Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear: women have more friendships than man, and the difference in the content(内容) and the quality of those friendships is "obvious and unmistakable. "

More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman. Yet three quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman. More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they could turn to in time of emotional (感情的) distress(危机). "Most women," says Rubin, "identified(认定) at least one, usually more, trusted friends to whom they could turn in a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives. "

"In general," writes Rubin in her new book, "women's friendship with each other depends on shared emotions and support, but men's relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part, Rubin says, interaction(交往) between men are emotionally controlled—a good fit with the social requirements of "manly behavior".

"Even when a man is said to be a best friend," Robin writes, "the two share little
about their deepest feelings. However, a woman's female friend might be the first to tell
her to leave a failing marriage; it wasn't unusual to hear a man say he didn't know his
friend's marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could
sleep on the sofa. "
( ) 64. What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that .

A. he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband

B. women have so much to share

C. women show little interest in ball games

D. he finds his wife difficult to talk to

(     ) 65. Rubin's study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to
A. a male friend         B. a female friend        C. her parents            D. her husband

(     ) 66. The research done by psychologist Rubin centers(......为中心) around .

A. happy and successful marriages

B. friendships of men and women

C. emotional problems in marriage

D. interactions between men and women



Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time. If being corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, children learn to work, run, ride a bicycle without being taught. They compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.

But in school, we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, let alone(更不用说) correct them. We do it all for him, we act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself, let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it.

If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in maths or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teacher waste time on such work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us he can't find the way to get the right answer and let the children learn how to measure their own understanding.

The idea that there is a lot of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one's life is out of date in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say, "But suppose they fail to learn something necessary, they will fail to get on in the world.” Don't worry, they will go out into the world and learn it.
( ) 67. What does the writer think is the best way for children to learn things?

A. By copying what other people do.

B. By making mistakes and having them corrected themselves.

C. By listening to explanations from skilled people.

D. By asking a great many questions.

( ) 68. Teachers should not .

A. give children correct answers

B. always point out children's mistakes to them

C. allow children to judge their own work

D. encourage children to work out with the help of others

( ) 69. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are .

A. not really important skills

B. more important than other skills

C. basically different from learning adult skills

D. basically the same as learning other skills

( ) 70. Children's progress should be only measured by .

A. educated person B. the children themselves

C. teachers D. parents


Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Why do people faint?

B. What do doctors do?

C. Fainting can cause serious illness.

D. How can you prevent fainting?

E. How to help someone who faints?

F. Introduce the topic. 


Fainting (昏厥) is quite common in teens. The good news is that most of the time it's not a sign of something serious.


When someone faints, it's usually because changes in the nervous system cause a short-time drop in the amount of blood reaching the brain. When the brain loses its blood supply, a person loses consciousness and falls over. After lying down, a person's head is at the same level as the heart, which helps restore blood flow to the brain. So the person usually recovers after a minute or two.


If you think you're going to faint, you may be able to head it off by taking these steps:

If possible, lie down. This can help prevent fainting as it allows blood to circulate to the brain. Just be sure to stand up again slowly when you feel better — move to a sitting position for several minutes first, then try standing.

Sit down with your head lowered forward between your knees. This will also help blood circulate to the brain, although it's not as good as lying down.

Don't let yourself get dehydrated. Drink enough water, especially when your body is losing more water due to sweating or being in a hot environment.


For most teens, fainting is not connected with other health problems, so a doctor will probably not need to do anything beyond examining you and asking a few questions. If you are concerned about your fainting, the doctor may order some tests in addition to giving you a physical exam and looking at your medical history. Tests depend on what the doctor thinks might be causing the problem, but common tests include an EKG(a type of test for heart problems),a blood sugar test, and sometimes a blood test to make sure a person is not anemic.


If you're with someone who has fainted, try to make sure the person is lying flat, but avoid moving the person if you think he or she might have been injured when falling (moving an injured person can make things worse).

Instead, loosen any tight clothing — such as belts, collars, or ties — to help restore blood flow. Propping the person's feet and lower legs up on a bag can also help move blood back toward the brain.


Section D

Directions: Read the following passage.  Then answer the questions or complete the sentences according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  The majority of astronauts (宇航员 ) from America have been men. At the start of the space programme there was strong resistance from some people against having women in space. However, some women were very keen to become astronauts and in the end they were successful. In 1978, NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.

Judy Resnick and Christa McAuliffe were both astronauts and they were both women, but in many other ways they were very different. Both of them were on Flight STS-51-L. Judy Resnick was born in 1949 and studied engineering at university and went on to obtain a PhD in 1977. She was a member of the first group of women selected for astronaut training in 1978, and in 1984, she became the second woman in space. During that flight, she helped to launch three new satellites and she carried out a programme of research. She was, in many ways, a professional astronaut whose whole life was devoted to space travel.

Christa McAuliffe was born in 1948 and she was an astronaut almost by accident. In 1984, NASA decided to find a teacher who could accompany astronauts into space.  They

hoped that she would be able to communicate with students from space and encourage every one of them to be interested in space travel. Christa was a secondary teacher in history and social studies. She was a gifted teacher and she was selected from over 11,000 applicants to go on flight STS-51-L. She was also a very good communicator and she immediately established a very good relationship with the news media (radio, television and newspapers). It was partly because of this that there was a great deal of interest and excitement about the flight. Thousands of students in schools and universities all around the country were looking forward to communicating with Christa in space. Millions of people were watching her flight with great interest. It is partly because of the excitement over McAuliffe's place in the flight that the disaster in 1986 had such an effect on people.

  1. Why was Christa McAuliffe chosen for training?


  2. Judy helped to in 1984.


  3. The reason why there was great interest in Flight STS-51-L is that .


  4. What would be the best title for the passage?


    80. 专家建议我们要保持平衡的饮食。(advise)


    81. 你无需告诉我细节,我只想知道发生了什么。(need)


    82. 农民们用来控制害虫的农药很难被彻底洗干净。( pesticide)


    83. 解放以来中国经历了许多历史性的变化。( since)


    84. 我和爸爸都认为没有必要改变计划。(neither)


    Guided Writing 

    Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




上一篇: 2020年牛津上海版 8A Unit7 Nobody wins课后练习(有答案) 下一篇: 2020年高中英语牛津上海版高中三年级第一字期阅读专项练习(十一)(有答案)



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