
2019年牛津上海版 高一英语第一学期高一上学期期末巩固练习(二)


Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. Fir the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.



What does the term phubbing mean?

    The word was coined by Alex Haigh, a 23-year-old Melbourne resident. “Phubbing” stands for “phone snubbing”, and describes “the act of ignoring someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of (25)          (pay) attention to them.”

Now “Stop Phubbing” (26)          (become) the online home of a compaign against digitally derived rudeness recently.

The motive behind th eeffort is quite straightforward: to highlight the embarrassment of being ignored in public places, text-tapping fingers during personal dinners and coffee dates that may as well have been takenonline.

Among all, the (27)           (innovative) bit of the compaign arre the wedding place cards that you can download (28)         (place) on tables during your big day. It asks guests to pay attention to the wedding and not play with (29)         phones! According to statistics, 87 percent of teens would rather text than communicate face-to-face with a person.

The “Stop Phubbing” website even allows you to upload photos of your friends/family

  1.         are phubbers to a Name-and-Shame section. Or download posters that read, “No Tweeting, No Facebook, No Instagram, No Foursquare, No Sexting”.

    There’s even an option to send phubbers e-mails to let them know of the negative effect they could possibly have (31)         their friends.


    25.          26.         27.         28.         

    29.          30.         31.         



    A man recognized as a genius in business circles (32)        (invite) as an honour guest to a TV interview. Everybody was eager to hear a success story from him. He, however, only said with a slight smile, “(33)         not is be better for me to ask you for advice on a certain problem?”

    Here is the problem he raised.

    “People all rushed to the place (34)        a gold mine had recently been discovered but they were blocked by a river flowing across the only way to it. What would you do (35)

            you were among them?”

        “Make a roundabout(绕行的)way,” someone suggested.

    “Swim across,” said another.

    (36)       the audience finished their discuss, the genius smiled without a word through which can directly answer their questions about how to reach the gold mine. Then he gave his view. “Why not do something else instead of rushing to the mine? How about buying a boat to do some ferrying(摆渡)?”

    The audience (37)         shocked. He explained calmly, “The man could make a great amount of money from the passengers. They were willing to pay for the ferry (38)

            there was gold on the other bank.”

    Do (39)       others have not thought to do or something never attempted before---that is the key to success. (40)         difficult circumstance, in the eyes of a wise man, often means a potential chance for success.


    32.          33.         34.         35.         36.        

    37.          38.         39.         40.        


    Section B

    Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.





    TOKYO---Japan was recognized as the land of the $ 80 watermelon and the $ 90 cabbage. Many foreigners even thought it unlikely to use the word “affordable” and “Tokyo” in the same sentence.

    Yet as urban real estate values rise globally, and as prices for Japanese   41   like food and clothing drop, Japan is being seen as less expensive. Except three   42   Japanese money consumers---buying property, high-end dining, and taxis-costs are mild these days.

    One reason given is “globalization”. As wealth and lifestyle mix, urban costs are starting to   43  .

    Another   44   is greater price diversity, proposed by the government to   45   the huge rich-poor gap. Cheaper goods are on the shelves. Large discount retail stores have 46  up. Food and goods from countries like Korea and Thailand are   47   and steadily pouring in. Eased import restrictions are felt at the grocery store. Bananas used to cost $ 8 a bunch. Now organic bananas were $ 3.20 for three in most supermarkets.

    Food imports from foreign countries   48   have lowered family costs. But such a falling   49   is also due to Japanese consumer demands for cheaper goods. Japan dealers are experiencing carious types of restructuring and new   50  . Now Japanese are more sensitive to prices in other areas of the world and begin making demands. After all, Japan has become comparatively affordable.


    41.          42.         43.         44.         45.        

    46.          47.         48.         49.         50.        


    Reading Comprehension

    Section A

    Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


    You’ve now heard it so many times, you can probably repeat it in your sleep. President Obama will no doubt   51   the point publicly when he gets to Beijing: the Chinese need to

      52   more; they need---believe it or not---to become more like Americans for the sake of the global economy.

    And it’s all true.   53  , the other side of that question is that the U. S. needs to save more; For the moment, American households actually are doing so. After the personal-savings rate   54   to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic   55   last year prompted people to snap   56   their wallets. In China, the household-savings rate exceeds 20%. It is partly for policy   57  . As we’ve seen, wage earners are expected to   58   not only their children but their aging   59  . And there is, to date, only the flimsiest(脆弱的)of public-funded health care and pension systems, which increases incentives for individual to save while they are working. But China is a society that has   60   esteemed personal financial prudence(谨慎). There is no   61   that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.

    Why does the U. S. need to learn a little frugality(节俭)? Becasue healthy savings rates are one of the sunret indicators of a country’s long-term financial health. High savings lead, over time, to increased investment, which in turn generates productivity gains,   62   and job growth. In short, savings are the need corn of a good economic   63  .

    The U. S. government thus needs to act as well. By running   64   deficits(赤字), it is dis-saving, even as households save more. Peter Orszag, Obama’s Budget Director,   65   called the U. S. budget deficits unsustainable and he’s right. To date, the U.S. has seemed unable to see the consequences of spending so much more than is taken in. That needs to change.


    (   ) 51.A.play           B.take          C.make          D.give

    (   ) 52.A.concern        B.process        C.promote       D.consume

    (   ) 53.A.Anymore       B.Therefore      C.However      D.Furthermore

    (   ) 54.A.drawn         B.dipped         C.discounted     D.danced

    (   ) 55.A.issues         B.crisis          C.troubles        D.questions

    (   ) 56.A.cut            B.put           C.shut           D.get

    (   ) 57.A.reasons        B.situations      C.areas           D.zones

    (   ) 58.A.take off        B.break out      C.make up        D.care for

    (   ) 59.A.workers        B.colleagues     C.friends         D.parents

    (   ) 60.A.long           B.short         C.good           D.bad

    (   ) 61.A.doubt          B.wonder       C.chance         D.problem

    (   ) 62.A.condition       B.action        C.innovation      D.location

    (   ) 63.A.investment     B.harvest         C.trend          D.environment

    (   ) 64.A.significant     B.constant        C.conscioous     D.stable

    (   ) 65.A.occasionally    B.consequently    C.recently       D.accidentally


    Section B

    Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choice marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the inforamtion given in the passage you have just read.



    In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre in Edinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.

    At the same time, the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival. Eight theatre groups turn up uninvited in 1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.

    Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform thestre by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.

    Today the “Fringe”, once less recognized, has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theatre, music and dance on every one of thw 21 days it lasts. And years early as 1959, with only 19 theatre groups performing, some said it was getting too big.

    A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971, and today there are eight administrators(管理者)working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself. In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. More than 1,25 million tickets were sold.


    (   ) 66.Which point was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?

            A.To bring Europe together again.

                B.To honor heroes of World War II.

                C.To introduce young theatre groups.

                D.To introduce great artisits from Europe.

    (   ) 67.Why did some uninvited theatre groups to Edinburgh in 1947?

                A.They owned a public house there.

                B.They came to take up a challenge.

                C.They thought they were also famous.

                D.They wanted to take part in the festival.

    (   ) 68.Who joined the “Fringe” after it appeared?

            A.Popular writers.                 B.University students.

            C.Artisits from around the world.     D.Performers of music and dance.

    (   ) 69.We may infer from the text that Edinburgh Festival        .

                A.has become a non-official event

                B.has gone beyond an art festival

                C.gives shows all year round

                D.keeps growing rapidly



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(   ) 70.Where does the passage most probably come from?

        A.An Apple Store leaflet.           B.Apple Wesite.

        C.A textbook of app designing.      D.A science magazine.

(   ) 71.Which of the following best summarizes the feature of Powerful apps for iPad mini?

        A.An amazingly clear display.  

            B.Beautifully designed and combined.

            C.Well performing your daily routine.

            D.A super killer and greater battery saver.

(   ) 72.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

            A.An A7 chip installed, iPad mini with Retina display is more battery consuming.

            B.Having an iPad mini with Retina display, you can do more in more places.

            C.iOS7 with many new features is only designed for iPad mini with Retina display.

            D.Order an iPad mini with Retina display online then collect it at your favorite retail store.

(   ) 73.Who would be the potential readers of the passage?

        A.Apple product fans.              B.App software developers.

        C.Apple product sellers.            D.Information technology engineers.



Most good interviewers will make an effort to establish and keep eye contact. Make sure that you do not find yourself looking down or away. If you wear glasses, be sure to buy the non-glass lenses. Do not stare.

Rapidly nodding your head can leave the impression thay you are impatient and too eager to add something to the conversation---if only the interviewer would let you. Slower nodding, on the other hand, exphasizes interests, shows that you are validating(确认)the comments of your interviewer, and encourages him to continue. Tilting(倾斜)the head slightly, when combined with eye contact and a natural smile, shows friendliness and approachability(可接近的).

Your smile is one of the most powerful body signals. Everybody looks better when they smile. Offer an unforced, confident smile. Avoid at all costs the technique that some applicants use: grinning idiotically(白痴般地咧口笑)for the length of the interview, no matter what. This will only communicate that you are insincere(虚假的).

It’s worth remembering that the mouth provides a seemingly limitless supply of opportunities to convey weakness. This may be done by touching the mouth frequently; “faking” a cough when confused with a difficult question; or bite one’s lips absentmindedly(茫然地). Employing any of these “insincerity signs” when you are asked about say, why you lost your last job, will confirm or instill(慢慢灌输)suspicions about your honesty.


(   ) 74.The mouth may make your weakness known by        according to the passage.

            A.pretending to be coughing        B.having an unforced smile

            C.blowing a kiss                 D.showing your teeth

(   ) 75.The main purpose of this text is to        .

        A.tell you how to communicate with others effectively

        B.show you how to make yourself more understandable

        C.remind you of respecting the interviewer

        D.give you some advice on facial signals for job interviews

(   ) 76.What does the underlined word “suspicion” in the last paragraph mean?

        A.understanding  B.uncertainty     C.expression      D.agreement

(   ) 77.Which facial signal can cause you lose an opportunity of being employed?

        A.Eye contact.                   B.Tilting the head slightly.

        C.A natural smile.                D.Touching the mouth frequently.


Section C

Directions: Read the fassage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.


There are a lot of differenceds between American and Chinese in rommance. The main differences are in physical actions and oral expressions. In physical actions, Americans are more open. They hug each other when they meet together and give kisses to each other when they want to express their love. They share their emotions directly.

Unlike Americans, Chinese are shy about showing their feelings physically. They always keep their emotions under control. The only romantic hint is to hold hands with each other in their own room. They take working hard and being responsible as ways to show their romantic feelings to their spouses(配偶).

In oral expressions, Americans say sweet words to each other any time, such as “I love you”, “Honey”, etc. They send cards to show the feelings of apology and being sorry, greetings and appreciation. Americans are open-minded. In contrast, Chinese rarely say “I like you” to each other. Even if they do something wrong, they don’t apologize to their spouses. They think that there is nothing to be sorry for between a couple. They believe that buying gifts for each other is a waste of money. They think that to do their best and support the family in the wealthy condition shows their love to the spouses. That is much better than saying sweet words. In conclusion, Americans are open and direct, but Chinese are shy. There is really a lot of differences in romantic expression between Americans and Chinese.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)


78.How do Americans show romance in a physical way?


79.What can we conclude from Americans’ romantic expression that Americans are more open and direct than the Chinese while the Chinese                                  .

80.What do Chinese people think is the best way to express their love?


81.Chinese think it unnecessary to apologize to one’s wife or husband because they think




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


  1. 人人都应该知道投资的风险。(be aware of


  2. 他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。(account for


  3. 这些孩子倡导:人们应该充分利用自然能源以保护环境。(make the best use of


  4. 气候对农业生产有重大影响。(influence


  5. 他要的是忠告而不是钱。(instead of



    Guided Writing

    Directions: Write an English composition in 120---150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.








    Dear editor,

    My name is Li Hua. My topic today deals with the problem of near eyesight in students.







    Hope every one of you have a clear world.


    Li Hua



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