
2018-2019学年上海市定西中学九上单元测试Unit5 (无听力部分)

Test for 9A Unit 5

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

II. Choose the best answer

26. I’d suggest you call a taxi home now. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A./səˈdʒest/ B./səˈdʒʌst/ C./səˈdʒæst/ D./sʌˈdʒest/

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. He was too tired to walk straight.

C. A dog will love you faithfully for many years.

D. It is said that the weather will be very hot here next week.

28. He met many problems ________ he was going over his lessons.

A.until B.as soon as C.since D.while

29. How long ________ the post office ________ ?

A.did...open B.has...been open C.has...open D.has...opened

30. Mary as well as her friends ________ a birthday party in the candle light at eight last night.

A.held B.was holding C.took place D. were holding

31. They ________ help then. They managed to do it by themselves.

A.didn’t need any B.didn’t need to C.needn’t any D.didn’t need to any

32. I’m not sure ________ the composition will be finished.

A.how long B.how far C.how soon D.how often

33. Diogenes thought that the way to stay happy was ________ as few things as possible.

A.owning B.to own C.own D.to owning

34.--I got up late this morning, so I ________ the early bus.

  --What a pity!

A.caught B.failed C.missed D.took

35. We all agree ________ Annie’s idea of having a picnic this weekend.

A.on B.with C.to D.of

36.--How did you ________ the movie last night?

  --Oh, both interesting and instructive.

A.find B.like C.think D.suppose

37. This is ________ I have ever seen. I really want to see it again.

A.such an exciting film B.so exciting a film

C.an exciting film D.the most exciting film

38. ”Write ________ and try not to make any mistakes,” the teacher said to her students.

A.as careful as possible B.as carefully as you can

C.as careless as possible D.as carelessly as you can

39.--Lisa, it’s too cold here. Would you please keep the windows ________ ?

  • All right.

    1. Open B. opened C. close D. closed

  1. – Let’s go to the supermarket on foot.

    - You’d better _________ a taxi. It is far from here.

A. to take B. taking C. take D. took

  1. - _________ terrible weather it is!

    - The radio says that it’ll get even _________ later in the day.

A. What a; bad B. What; worse

C. How; bad D. How a; worse

  1. - I’ll return the book to Helen, but I can’t find her anywhere.

    - She _________ the teachers’ office. You can find her there.

    A. has been to B. went to C. has left D. has gone to

  2. _________ important memory is! We cannot work well without it.

    A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

  3. I am wondering _________.

  1. if can computers work better than judges.

  2. what computers can work better than judges.

  3. if computers can work better than judges.

  4. what can computers work better than judges.

  1. – Friendship is one of the most precious things in the world.

    - _________

    A. I also have a lot of good friends. B. Yes, you are the best one.

    C. Yes, we should love friends. D. Yes, everyone needs friends.


III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词只能填一次):(8)

A. grew up B. by the end of C. famous D. fight E. common

Michelle was flying from Houston to London, and during the ___46___, she began talking to John, the man in the seat next to her. She found out that he was president of a ___47___ jeans company based in Texas. In fact, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company! But that wasn’t the most surprising thing. He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school, and it turned out that he knew Michelle’s best friend, who also ___48___ in San Francisco! They continued talking. And ___49___ the flight, they felt that they had know each other for much longer than eight hours.

A. attack B. showed up C. million D. suddenly E. attractive

But back in Houston, Michelle almost forgot about the ___50___ man she had met on the plane. One evening, she was walking her dog when a much larger dog came running toward them growling. The owner was running after it, shouting, He managed to catch the dog just as it was going to___51___Michelle's dog. Michelle was very angry. “Why don’t you keep your dog on



a leash(拴狗带) ?” she shotted.Then_  52  , she looked at him and stopped shouting. “John?" "Michelle? "they said at the same time. Michelle said, "Do you live around here?I live on the next street""I don't believe it,"John said. "In a city of two   53   people, you live three blocks from me! "And in the end, as had to happen. Michelle and John began going out together--all because of seats on an airplane and their dogs.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(8)

54.We can find some         stories about memory. (amaze)

55. We all agree that         is more important than knowledge itself. (able)

56. Tom went out of the room         after he was laughed at.(angry)

57. The best way of         your spoken English is to use it as often as possible. (improve)

58. There was a         moment today when a large bird flew into our classroom. (drama)

59. The new film was         on a real story that happened in the village. (basic)

60. Money is not         to happiness. (essence)

61. If you want to          something, you must make a picture in your mind. (memory)



V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词:(14)

62. The Shanghai International Art festival is held once a year.(对划线部分提间)

                   is the Shanghai International Festival held?

63. The water in the river was too dirty for us to drink.(保持原句意思)

The water was         dirty that we         drink it.

64.You have to make a decision before next Monday.(保持原句不变)

You have to                  your          before next Monday.

65. Will Tony join the English Club? Please tell me.(合并成一句)

Please tell me         Tony          join the English Club?

66. The sports meeting was held last month.(保持句意不变)

The sports meeting                  last month.

67. I have no idea what life would be like without water.(保持句意不变)

I                   what life would be like without water.

68.telephone,an,who,brain,about,had,a programme,his,injured,accident,saw,a man,I,on, had,and(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing

VIReading comprehension(阅读理解:(50)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12)

Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them over and over.








Charles Dickens, the famous English author, said that he could tell the name of every shop

he had passed. Many great men of the world have had wonderful memories.

A good memory is a real help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child. Some children---- like boys and girl who

live in foreign countries with their parent-----seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one.

In schools it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well.

The human mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photographs not only of what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photograph with a camera, there is much to do before the photograph is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can make a picture remain forever in the mind.

Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.

(    )69. ________ have good memories.

A. Some great people               B. Only great people

C. Children who live in foreign countries with their parents

D. Pupils who study a second language in schools

(    )70. It is said in the passage that Charles Dickens could remember things by ________

A. looking at them over and over

B. saying them over and over

C. looking at them once

D. saying them loudly once

(    )71. Every body learns his own language by ________

A. taking photographs with a camera and reminding them in the mind

B. being taught when he is a small child

C. remembering what he hears when he is a small child

D. going to other countries

(    )72. According to the passage, it is ________ to learn a second language in their own countries than in foreign countries

A. slower B. easier C. quicker D. more difficult

(    )73. According to this passage, the human brain is like _________

A. a computer B. a DVD player C. a camera D. a book

(    )74. Which of the following is true?

A. Memory is very important in learning a foreign language

B A person learns his own language by remember what he hears when he is born.

C. An adult can pick up a language more easily than a child.

D. Our memory is just like a camera.


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语


When I was fifteen I went to a summer camp. There were lots of great activities but there

was one thing I was really scared about: climbing the wall.

The wall is a kind of rock that people use to learn how to climb. It is very tall. We were all

supposed to climb the wall, but I knew I couldn't get to the top because I am ___75____heights. I was ashamed and I didn’t want anyone to know that I was scared. I thought they would all laugh at me. I practiced my excuse: “I’m not scared, you know I suffer from vertigo (患眩晕症).”

The day came. It was time to climb the wall. The sun was shining but everyone was very quiet that morning. I took photographs at the bottom of the wall and tried to ____76____. Everyone in the group went up. Then the moment came. It was my turn. I was so scared that all I could think about was my excuse. Someone said, “Shall I take your camera?” and I answered, “I’m not scared, you know, I suffer from vertigo.” The ____77____ was that I was more than scared, I was terrified. The camp leader said, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” I was surprised. Everyone was understanding. No one ____78____.

The next day, the leader asked me if I wanted to try the wall on my own, ____79____ the others watching. Although I was still very nervous. I agreed and climbed slowly to the top with his help. I was still shaking when I came ____80____, but I was really happy and relieved too. For me, climbing the wall was a real achievement.

  1. A) poor at B) good at C) afraid of D) fond of

  2. A) go B) hide C) appear D) run

  3. A) truth B) situation C) story D) reason

  4. A) jumped B) cheered C) smiled D) laughed

  5. A) with B) without C) among D) behind

  6. A) in B) out C) up D) down

    C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (14)

    When Crag was 12, he started a group that helped kids all over the world. The group is still going strong. In seventh grade be learned something that made him a____81____. It was about the life of a boy in the country of Pakistan. When the boy was four years old, he was sent to work in a factory. He worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. He could not go to school. He could not e____ 82____ play. He had no freedom at all.

    Crag wanted to help those who didn’t have the same advantages as he and his friends. As a result, Crag and some friends started Free The Children. They decided that Free The Children should r____83____ money to build schools. Crag hoped that learning would help poor kids live better. He also hoped they would learn the outside world.

    Today, Crag’s charity has more than one million members in 45 countries. M____84____  of them are kids. The money they have got has done many good things. It has helped build more than 500 schools around the world. They worked with Oprah Winfrey to pay for the school. It also pays for h____85____ care in poor communities. With the money, many sick kids can go to hospital in time.       

    Crag has achieved a lot of s____86____. However, he still remembers his start in seventh grade. “We were laughed at by other kids, who said we couldn’t c____87____ things,” he says. Still, Crag didn’t give up. Now he wants more kids to help . " Go to freethechildren.com. Bring it to your teachers" he said "As you gain more confidence, fiends will join you. It just gets easier.”


    D.Answer the questions (根据知文内容回答下列问题)(12)

    An ant is saved by a pigeon (鸽子),  and almost immediately returns the favor.

    One day an ant found a grain of corn and decided to take it home. He held if very tight, and  hurried as fast as he could, so that nobody would take the grain of corn from him. There was a river on the way home, but the ant, in a hurry, had forgotten about it, and he fell in, com and all. The corn slipped from his mouth and went to the bottom of the river The ant stayed on top of the water and worked hard to find a place to get out . But after a while, the ant began to be afraid that he was out of breath.

    A pigeon came to the river to drink, and he saw the ant crying for help in the water . She decided that she would help the little fellow. She took a long, dry piece of grass and dropped it so that it fell near the ant. He climbed on to the grass and soon got out. The ant caught his breath, and then thanked the pigeon for saving him.

    There was a boy near the river with a gun. The ant saw him walking up nearer and neater to the pigeon. Hurrying as fast as he could, the ant climbed up the boy’s leg and gave him a hard bite. The boy dropped his gun and cried out, and the pigeon saw him and flew to safety.

    Each had saved the other. When the pigeon saved the ant she did not know that the ant would ever be able to do anything for her in return. Each was happier because of what each did for the other.

           The Bura people say, “ Every person is another’ s butter.”

  1. What did the ant find one day?


  2. Why did the ant go back home as fast as he could?


  3. Was the ant able to get out of the river by himself?


  4. What did the pigeon see when she came to the river?


  5. How did the ant save the pigeon when the pigeon was in danger?


    93. What does the underlined part at the end of the story try to tell us?


    VII. Writing(作文):(20)

    94. Write a passage of more than 60 words on the topic" My special memory  " (我的特殊回忆为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

    Use the following points as a reference.(以下问题仅供参考)

    ▶What happened?

    ▶Why do you think it's your special memory?

    What can you learn from it?




     46-49: D C A B

     50-53 E A D C

     54-61 Keys:amazing;ability;angrily;improving;dramatic;based;essential.memorize

     62-68 KeysHow often;so couldnt ;make up mind;if will;took place;dont know;

    I saw a programme on television about a man who had an accident and injured his brain.

    Key69-74 ACCDCA

    76-80. BADBD'

    75. angry;  82. even;  83. raise;  84. Most;  85. health;  86. success;  87. change.

    88. A grain of corn.

    89. Because he was afraid that someone would take the grain of corn from him.

    90. No, he wasn’t.

    91. She saw the ant crying for help in the water .

    92. By giving the boy’s leg a hard bite.

    93. People  should help each other .


上一篇: 2020学年上海市黄浦区高三(上)期末物理试卷(解析版) 下一篇: 2018-2019学年上大附中高三上第一次月考化学试卷



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