







(2017·青岛市质检)After two years of careful consideration, Robert McCrum has reached a conclusion on his selection of the 100 greatest novels written in English.Take a look at a few in his list21教育网

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1678)

A story of a man in search of truth told with the simple clarity and beauty of Bunyan's prose makes this an English classic.www.21-cn-jy.com

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1719)

By the end of the 19th century, no book in English literary history had enjoyed more editions and translations.This world­famous novel is a complex literature that one cannot resist.

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (1726)

A great work that's been repeatedly printed, Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels comes third in our list of the best novels written in English.

Clarissa by Samuel Richardson (1748)

Clarissa is a tragic heroine, pressured by her dishonorable family to marry a wealthy man she dislikes, in the book that Samuel Johnson described as “the first book in the world that shows the knowledge about the human heart”

Tom Jones by Henry Fielding (1749)

Tom Jones is a classic English novel that gets the spirit of its age and whose characters are well­known since they have come to represent the society at that time.

Emma by Jane Austen (1816)

Jane Austen's Emma is her most outstanding work, mixing the best parts of her early books with a deep sense of feelings.

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe (1838)

Edgar Allan Poe's only novel — a classic adventure story with supernatural elements — has fascinated and influenced generations of writers.


21Which English book has got the most translations before the 20th century?【出处:21教育名师】

ARobinson Crusoe.   BGulliver's Travels.

CTom Jones. DEmma.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的By the end of the 19th century, no book in English literary history had enjoyed more editions and translations.可知,在20世纪前,《鲁滨逊漂流记》是被翻译最多的英文小说。故选A项。www-2-1-cnjy-com

22What does Samuel Johnson think we can learn about from the book Clarissa?2-1-c-n-j-y

AA love story. BQuarrels in a family.

CThe human heart. DThe spirits of the time.

解析:C 细节理解题干问的是关于《克拉丽莎》的情况根据Clarissa by Samuel Richardson (1748)标题下的in the book that Samuel Johnson described as the first book in the world that shows the knowledge about the human heart’”可知这本书被认为是世界上第一部关于剖析人心的小说故选C

23What makes the characters in Tom Jones famous?

ATheir classic lifestyles.

BTheir different nationalities.

CTheir typical spirits of the age.

DTheir representation of the society.

解析:D 细节理解题。题干提到Tom Jones故根据文章Tom Jones by Henry Fielding (1749)标题下的...whose characters are well­known since they have come to represent the society at that time可知,该部小说的人物之所以有名是因为他们代表了当时的社会。故选D项。2·1·c·n·j·y



I felt like I had clicked my heels three times and come to a country away from home every morning as I walked through the doors at the Embassy of Australia in Washington. Musical Aussie accents and Aboriginal art exhibits made me wonder if I had entered without a visa. In fact I was a temporary employee, a public affairs unpaid intern (实习生) for three months during the summer in order to engage myself in the culture of the country where I planned to study the next spring.21*cnjy*com

During the summer I read the Australian news every day. Working at the embassy allowed me to escape the US for six hours per day and learn about what was going on across the planet. After reading the daily Australian and US news I  usually helped prepare a PowerPoint presentation for school kids who visited the embassy as part of a school activity. Depending on whether an embassy event was going on, I would attend weekly meetings to listen to planning and see what I could do to help. Usually there were smaller tasks to be done such as creating visitors' guides.

The most fantastic event in which I participated was the visit of the Australian Prime Minister. As the only American among countless Australian media and staff, I felt comfortable and was kept busy taking pictures and recording doorstop interviews at famous sites such as the Capitol. As an intern, you will not be exposed to top­secret information, but you are on the inside when it comes to special events.

Government work is a useful addition to one's experience. As an embassy employee you will gain invaluable knowledge while spending your summer in a culturally diverse workplace.


24What is the author talking about?

AHer embassy internship.

BHer trouble in finding a job.

CHer foreign culture experience.

DHer preparation for future employment.

解析:A 主旨大意题。根据全文大意可知,作者主要讲述了她在位于华盛顿的澳大利亚驻美国大使馆实习的经历。21*cnjy*com

25Why was the author in the Embassy of Australia for three months?

ATo apply for a visa.

BTo prepare to study in Australia.

CTo record musical Aussie accents.

DTo appreciate Aboriginal art exhibits.

解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的in order to engage myself in the culture of the country where I planned to study the next spring可知,作者实习的原因是让自己融入澳大利亚的文化中,因为明年春天她要去那里学习,故选B

26What was the author forbidden to do when the Australian Prime Minister visited America?

ARecord doorstop interviews.

BKnow top­secret information.

CTake pictures of special events.

DStand among the Australian staff.

解析:B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句中的you will not be exposed to top­secret information可知,实习生不会接触到绝密信息,故选B

27What can we infer about the author's daily routine at the Embassy?

AIt is tiring. BIt is boring.

CIt is exciting. DIt is relaxing.

解析:C 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句中的The most fantastic event以及最后一段中的a useful additiongain invaluable knowledge可知,作者对这次经历的描述是非常积极和正面的,因此可以推断出,在大使馆工作是令作者兴奋的。


(2017·山市质检)The times are changing.On Thursday October 13th, singer­songwriter Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, marking the first time the highly­eyed­on literary award has gone to someone who is mainly seen as a musician, and giving rise to heated discussions.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

The 75­year­old won the prize “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”the Swedish Academy said.21·世纪*教育网

For 54 years he has been at it, reinventing himself said Sara Danius, the academy's permanent secretary.“Bob Dylan writes poetry for the ear.But it's perfectly fine to read his works as poetry.”

And while many Dylan's fans have found great delight at the news, others online and in the literary community are cross with the Committee, saying the award has skipped over fiction writers for the second year.

New York Times Book Review editor Pamela Paul said it was good news but pointed out how many “deserving” novelists there are.

Director Martin Scorsese put out a statement saying he was “overjoyed” that Dylan was awarded the prize.

Dylan's poetry, his musical genius, has meant so much to me personally and to generations of people around the world Scorsese said.His work has influenced and shaped culture, and he has never stopped exploring and growing as an artist.The Nobel Committee has given Dylan a form of recognition that fits his role in our culture — in world culture.21世纪教育网版权所有

Dylan won a Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for his “great influence on popular music and American culture”He's the first American to win the literary Nobel since Toni Morrison in 1993.


28Why does Bob Dylan's winning the Nobel Prize cause heated discussions?

ABecause he created poetic expressions.

BBecause he is known as a musician.

CBecause he reinvents himself.

DBecause he is 75 years old.

解析:B 细节理解题根据第一段中的 ...marking the first time the highly­eyed­on literary award has gone to someone who is mainly seen as a musician ...可知正是因为鲍勃·迪伦是一位作曲家所以获得诺贝尔文学奖才引发热议故选B【版权所有:21教育】

29Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined part in Paragraph 4?

AAre thankful to. BAre satisfied with.

CAre angry with. DAre worried about.

解析:C 词义猜测第四段开头的And while many Dylan's fans have found great delight at the newswhile表示尽管引导让步状语从句所以后面的others online and in the literary community are cross with the Committee中的are cross withfound great delight意思应该相反再根据该段最后的saying the award has skipped over fiction writers for the second year可判断are cross with应表示……生气故选C

30What can we know about Dylan according to Martin Scorsese?

ADylan influences Martin a lot.

BDylan is happy with the award.

CDylan is a poet rather than a musician.

DDylan benefits a lot from world culture.

解析:A 细节理解题据倒数第二段中的Dylan's poetry, his musical ...around the world可知鲍勃·迪伦对他影响很大故选A

31What is the passage mainly about?

AA brief introduction to Bob Dylan.

BThe reason for Bob Dylan's success.

CBob Dylan's influence on American culture.

DDifferent views on Bob Dylan's winning the Nobel Prize.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

解析:D 主旨大意题文章开头就点明了鲍勃·迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖引起了热议接着说明了不同的人对此事的不同态度故选D21教育名师原创作品


(2017·安徽百所重点高中二模)It's been a good week for new parents: Since Tuesday, three major corporations have changed their parental leave policies to reduce pressure on employees struggling to balance work and life with a new baby.The new program, which will take effect in November, offers up to 16 weeks of fully paid leave to primary caregivers and 10 weeks of medical leave for childbirth, totaling 26 weeks for a birth mother who is her child's primary caregiver.According to The Wall Street Journal, non­primary caregivers will receive up to 14 weeks of paid leave.

In the US, government mandates (命令) for paid leave are currently slim to nonexistent Ms.Morris said.  “That means  companies  must  seek  the  tough  balance  between supporting employees during major life events and meeting business goals.Too often, employees have not had the support they need.” Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics say only 13 percent of full­time workers in the United States had access to paid family leave in 2012.Willis Towers Watson benefits consultant Mary Tavarozzi told Reuters paid leave for American mothers usually lasts around a month.

According to The New York Times, the United States is the only high­income country that does not have nationally mandated paid family leave.In contrast, workers in Britain are given up to 50 weeks of family leave, 37 weeks of which is paid.Barack Obama has talked about closing this gap between the United States and its peers, The Times reported.In December, he began giving federal employees six weeks of paid family leave following the birth of a child.It's time we stopped treating childcare as a side issue or a women's issue, and treated it like the national economic priority (优先事项) that it is he said in his State of the Union address in January.

Some studies have shown that the benefits of paid parental leave are tangible (实际的) beyond the relief new parents experience at being able to focus on their children without worrying about money.


32Why is it a good week for new parents?

A. Because the cost they paid will be shared.

BBecause longer periods of parental leave are expected.

CBecause the policy benefiting them takes effect.

DBecause employees' working time is becoming shorter.

解析:B 推理判断题根据第一段中的three major corporations have changed their parental leave policies可知三大公司相继修改了产假政策;再结合totaling 26 weeks for a birth mother可知产假有望延长故选B

33What did Ms.Morris say about the US's present paid leave?

AIt's well carried out.

BIt's supported by employers.

CFew employees really get the benefits.

DIt increases the cost of the companies.

解析:C 推理判断题根据第二段中的In the US, government mandates (命令) for paid leave are currently slim to nonexistent可知在美国政府对于带薪休假的命令少得几乎不存在由此可推知很少有员工从带薪休假中受益故选C

34What can we infer from Obama's words?

A. Women can perform as well as men.

BChildcare should be taken more seriously than the economy.21cnjy.com

CWorking conditions for women are worsening.

DThe importance of paid family leave was once ignored.

解析:D 推理判断题根据第三段中的第一句可知美国是高收入国家中唯一一个无全国性的法定带薪产假的国家再结合It's time we stopped treating childcare as a side issue or a women's issue, and treated it like the national economic priority (优先事项) that it is可知奥巴马解释了这一现象的原因即忽视了带薪产假的重要性故选D

35What may be discussed in the following paragraphs?

A. People's reactions to Obama's decision.

BReasons for a paid family leave program.

COther advantages of a paid family leave program.

DThe gap between the US and other countries.

解析:C 推理判断题根据最后一段的内容尤其是the benefits of paid parental leave are tangible (实际的) beyond the relief可知带薪产假的好处不仅仅是初为父母的人在照顾孩子时不需要担心钱的问题故下文很可能会进一步探讨带薪产假给员工公司或社会带来的其他好处故选C





It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others.__36__ If you have done all your best to avoid conflicts and you are still arguing, then read these effective tips on how to avoid conflicts.

·Don't get in the center of the conflict.

Sometimes people can get in the center of conflicts due to their enthusiasm for offering help.Frankly speaking, it is very unwise, because it can make you the main figure of the conflict.__37__ You should focus on your own life issues.

·Be kind.

__38__ Life is full of conflicts and disagreements, and that's why you should find more conservative ways of dealing with them.For example, kindness can lessen the conflict.21·cn·jy·com

·Try to be a peacekeeper.

Peacekeepers tend to cooperate with people without bad emotions which usually lead to arguments and even conflicts.“__39__” This saying is the life motto of a natural­born peacekeeper.Don't worry if you are not a natural­born peacekeeper; you can gain this skill during life.

·Walk off.

When the conflict is gathering pace and you can't manage to control yourself, you should choose to handle the situation in another way.By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress.__40__ You should get away from the situation for a while.

AThe greatest victory is a battle not fought.

BConflicts are unavoidable, so try to accept them.

CWeak people usually desire others to offer help and support.

DLet other people solve their problems without your presence.

EIt is helpful to put some distance between yourself and the opponent.

FWhen someone pushes you to the limit, try to act kindly towards this person.

GArguing can either break your friendship or affect your relationship to some degree.

36G 根据空格前一句It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others.可知,尽量避免冲突是十分有必要的;据此可以判断,空格处承上启下,介绍冲突的严重危害,引出文章主题,故G项正确。

37D 根据空格后一句You should focus on your own life issues.可知,作者建议把注意力集中在自己的事情上;据此可以判断,空格处建议让其他人自己解决他们自己的问题,故D项符合文意。

38F 根据该段标题Be kind.可知,该段主要阐述和善待人的建议,这与F项中的try to act kindly towards this person相对应,故F项符合文意。

39A 根据空格后一句This saying is the life motto of a natural­born peacekeeper.可以判断,空格处是调解人的一句格言。A项意为最伟大的胜利是一场没有战斗的斗争,符合文意,故A项正确。

40E 根据该段标题Walk off.和空格前一句By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress.可知,这里作者建议要远离冲突,离开对手;据此可知E项符合文意。




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