


   姓名:                             得分:

  1. 将图片的序号填在相应的单词前。(16分)







        A               B              C               D21cnjy.com





        E               F              G               H21教育网


      1. tomatoes    (   ) 2. horse      (   )3. potatoes21·cn·jy·com

      4. sheep     (   )5. carrots    (   )6. hen

      7. cow      (   )8. green beans          

  2. 单项选择。(20)

      1. Look at the sheep.      cute.

             A. they are        B. They are       C. Are they21世纪教育网版权所有

      2. -----Mr Wang, how many      do you have?  www.21-cn-jy.com


             A. sheep          B. horse         C. cow2·1·c·n·j·y

      3. -----Are these ducks?  -----     .Theyre hens.

             A. Yes,they are             B. No,these arent

             C.No,they arent

      4. ----- The rabbits like eating    .

             A. potatoes       B. tomatoes        C. carrots

      5. There      five oranges on the table.

             A. is            B. are            C. have

      6. This is Lilys book. Lets     .

             A. have a look    B. look        C. look at

      7. Tina      a beautiful bike.

             A. have          B. has         C. is

      8. -----What are those?  -----    .

             A. They are horse.       B. Theyre tomatoes.

             C. These are sheep.

      9. I      like green beans.

             A. dont       B. not         C. doesnt

      10. There are ten cows     .

             A. on the farm    B. of the farm    C. for the farm

  3. 英汉配对。(12分)

      1. What are those?                A. 这是我的农场。

      2. Are these sheep?                B. 这些事胡萝卜。

      3. These are carrots.               C. 这些是绵羊吗?【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

      4. This is my farm.                D. 那些是什么?  www-2-1-cnjy-com

      5. Theyre cute.                   E. 不,不是。它们是奶牛。2-1-c-n-j-y

      6. No,they arent. Theyre cows.     F. 它们很可爱。21*cnjy*com

  4. 根据提示将单词补充完整。(14)

        At the farm, there are eleven          (母牛),seventeen         (马),some          (母鸡)and          (绵羊). Look at the garden! Those are          (土豆),            (西红柿)and            (胡萝卜)over there. This is my farm. Its so big!【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

  5. 连词成句。(20)

       1. these        what        are         ?


       2. those        are         potatoes     ?


       3. are          they        big       so      !【版权所有:21教育】


       4. dont        carrots      like       I      .21*cnjy*com


       5. to        eat       love      tomatoes     I    .


  6. 阅读理解。(18分)

       Hi, Im Mary. Welcome to my farm. My farm is very big. There are many animals and vegetables at the farm. I have 20 cows, 15 sheep, 50 hens and 18 horses. Look at the tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. They are good. We have green beans, too. I like tomatoes best. They are yummy. I love my farm very much.

      1. Mary has a      farm. 

             A. big           B. small           C. clean  

      2. Mary has twenty      and fifteen     .

             A. sheep; hens    B. cows;horses   C. cows;sheep  

      3. How many horses at the farm?

             A. 15            B. 20             C. 18  

      4. We cant see      at the farm.

             A. dogs          B. cows           C. carrots  

      5. Marys favourite vegetables are     .

             A. potatoes      B. tomatoes     C. Green beans  

      6. Mary      the farm very much.

             A. like          B. likes          C. Doesnt like


上一篇: 2019年全国卷Ⅰ理数高考试题文档版(含答案) 下一篇: 2019学年人教版初中生物实验题(带答案)



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