
2021学年上海牛津版高一上册英语unit 3Chapter3 Places of interest- Reading测试

Chapter3. Places of interest- Reading测试



1. —Bob, how about going swimming this weekend?

   —Go swimming in this weather? _____.

     A. Not likely            B. Have a good trip     

     C. OK                   D. I’m fond of that

2. _____you have studied very hard; on the other (hand) you have not learned as much as you need.

     A. Instead         B. On the one hand    [来源:学科网ZXXK]

     C. Though     D. First of all

3. Mr. Smith is considering ______ a computer, which is considered ______ a great help in our work and study.

     A. to buy; to be       B. buying; to be    

     C. to buy; being      D. buying; being

4. I _____ him carefully, because he was so angry.

     A. dealt    B. did    C. handled   D. exchanged

5. Every possible means _____ to work out the problem, but it is too difficult for us.

     A. is used         B. are used     

     C. has been used       D. have been used

6. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ______ telling lies.

     A. keep away from       B. keep away with  

     C. get away from        D. get away with

7. ______ England improve their game, they’re going to lose the match.

     A. If        B. When    C. Unless   D. Whether

8. —______ for Beijing?

   —Yes, and I’ll come back in two months.

     A. Have you left          B. Are you leaving[来源:&&]

     C. Do you leave          D. Did you leave

9. We should ______ white clothes from dark clothes before washing.

     A. separate   B. prevent C. protect D. combine

10. E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part in daily communication.

     A. is playing       B. have played     

     C. are playing       D. play

11. She’s so ______ that no one can please her.

     A. particular  B. simple C. normal  D. adventurous

12. I’ve won a holiday for three to New York. I ______ my dad and mum.

     A. am taking       B. have taken      

     C. take        D. will have taken

13. — How do you learn English so well?[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]

   — ______ it every day.

     A. In speaking      B. By speaking    

     C. With speaking    D. On speaking

14. During the last summer vacation, all the students had plenty of ______ and got a lot of practical  ______ in the factory.   

     A. exercises; experiences B. exercises; experience

     C. exercise; experience   D. exercise; experiences [来源:学科网]

15. The company has a free long-distance telephone number_____ customers may call with any questions they  have about its products.

     A. so that   B. although C. as       D. even if



As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears(恐惧) were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.

Maybe it was the strange 16 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 17 me so much. There was never total18, but a streetlight or passing car lights 19 clothes hung over a chair take on the 20 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 21, I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 22. A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My 23 would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would 24 very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.

Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, 25 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home — that was no 26. After school, 27, when all the buses were 28 up along the street, I was afraid that I’d get on the wrong one and be taken to some 29 neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn’t let the leaders out of my 30.

Perhaps one of the worst fears 31 all I had as a child was that of not being liked or  32 by others. Being popular was so important to me 33, and the fear of not being liked was a 34 one.

One of the processes(过程) of growing up is being able to recognize  and overcome(克服)our 35. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.

16.A. way       B. time C. place    D. reason

17.A.wounded    B. poisoned C. surprised    D. frightened

18.A.quietness    B. darkness C. emptiness    D. loneliness

19.A. got        B. forced C. made      D. caused

20.A. spirit       B. height    C. body        D. shape

21.A. eye       B. window C. mouth      D. door

22.A. breath      B. wind    C. air        D. sound

23.A. belief       B. feeling    C. imagination D. doubt

24.A. lay          B. hide     C. rest       D. lie

25.A. especially    B. simply C. probably     D. directly

26.A. discussion   B. problem C. joke       D. matter

27.A. though    B. yet C. although   D. still

28.A. called       B. backed   C. lined      D. packed

29.A. old        B. crowded C. poor D. unfamiliar[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]

30.A. sight      B. mind   C. order      D. task

31.A. above      B. in      C. of        D. at

32.A. protected     B. guided C. believed    D. accepted

33.A. then          B. there C. once      D. anyway

34.A. native       B. powerful C. heavy      D. right

35.A.ideas      B. opinions C. fears    D. situation




Two teenagers had to be saved from a steep mountainside in Scotland earlier today. They were members of a party of youngsters who were in the second week of a fortnight’s camping in the mountains. The two boys, both from Birmingham, had been with a party of ten others who, with an experienced guide and mountaineer, had been on a two-day climb away from the main party. They had become separated from the others and it wasn’t until late yesterday afternoon that the alarm was raised and a search party was organized.

The search which was called off late yesterday evening when thick fog set in,  was begun again early this morning and the boys were seen halfway up on a steep cliff(悬崖) face. Climbers quickly discovered that one of the boys had broken his leg and he was taken off the mountain by helicopter and flown to the nearest hospital. It is believed that the two went off exploring on their own and then got stuck on the cliff.

36. The youngsters planned to stay in the mountains for _______.

     A. one week          B. two weeks

     C. one day           D. two days

37. The search was put off until early the next morning because of the _______.

     A. heat     B. cold C. rain   D. fog

38. Why was one of the boys taken off the mountain by helicopter?

     A. He broke his leg and couldn’t move a bit.

     B. The hospital was too far.

     C. The cliff was steep.

     D. He was halfway up on the cliff.

39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

     A. The two boys had their legs broken.

     B. The two boys went away to explore on their own.

     C. One of the boys was sent to hospital.[来源:**Z*X*X*K]

     D. The accident took place in the mountains in Scotland.  


Flat 4B, Sunrise Court

                     68, Orchard Road

                     Singapore 1084

                     December 10th, 2004

Dear Celine,

I’m writing to tell you about my plans for the Christmas holiday. My family is planning to go to Japan for two weeks this winter. First, we’re going to spend a few days in Tokyo. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Then we’re going skiing in Hokkaido. This is an island to the north of Japan.

I’m very excited about the trip. I’ve neither been to Japan nor skiied before, and I have never seen snow! My friend Carol went skiing last year. Unfortunately, she broke her leg. I hope I won’t get hurt! At first, I’m going to ski very slowly because I want to be safe.

We’re going to leave Singapore on December 20th. Singapore will be warm then, but the weather in Tokyo will be cold. It will be very cold at night. We’re staying in Tokyo for three days before flying to Hokkaido so I will have enough time to buy a new Discman. Of course, it will be very cold in Hokkaido and there will be lots of snow. When we leave Singapore, we will wear summer clothes. Then a few days later in Japan, we will wear thick jackets and gloves so that we are warm! We’re going to spend Christmas in Hokkaido and the New Year in Tokyo. We’re going to come back to Tokyo on New Year’s Eve. We will leave Japan on January 2nd.

I saw a television program about Tokyo recently. I’m looking forward to our trip because it looks like a very interesting city. In fact, it looks a little like Singapore, but the buildings in Tokyo are much taller. It is just as busy and crowded, though! Well, that’s all for now. I’ll send you a postcard from Japan.


40. Joyce’s pen pal ______.

     A. is going to Singapore for a holiday     

     B. is going skiing this winter holiday

     C. lives in Australia                     

     D. is writing to Joyce from Australia

41. Joyce is excited about her holiday because ______.

     A. Japan is her favorite country    

     B. she has never been to Japan or skiied before

     C. she is going with her family          

     D. she will meet her pen pal there

42. Joyce is going to ski slowly because _____.

     A. last time she broke her leg           

     B. she doesn’t know how to ski quickly[来源:学科网]

     C. she has a broken leg                

     D. she doesn’t want to get hurt


The May Day holiday gives Chinese families a good chance to travel and leave behind the daily routine(日常琐事).

When the seven-day vacation was first put in place in 2000, groups of Chinese tourists went to the mountains “to see temples and get off buses to take photos”. However, as Chinese travellers diversified(使多样化) their interests, more and more people decided to travel on their own.

Millions of families with their own cars prefer to travel by car.

Cui Xiaotang, a career(职业) woman, and her two friends left from Beijing Saturday in a car. They did not have a firm destination but drove southwards. “Maybe when there is no road for cars, we will stop and stay one night in a local farmer’s house,” Cui said excitedly about her plan.

Exchanges between north and south and between cities and rural areas are two trends emerging(出现) during the holiday.

Northerners can enjoy the beauty of southern rivers, while southerners can travel to cooler parts of the country.

While millions of travellers made their way to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, people there decided to go somewhere else.

A large number of tourists join groups with plans to travel abroad. Every year, those groups go farther and farther away. There are also those, however, who choose to stay where they are.

Sun Bin, a graduate student representing a large number of “stayers”, chose the simplest way to avoid tourist crowds during the holiday. “I’d rather stay in the Beijing Library for the seven days to read National Geographic magazine. I have the whole world in my mind but avoid queuing up in the airport,” he said.

43. More and more people would like to travel on their own, because ______.

     A. they have more money

     B. they have their own cars

     C. they don’t like traveling with strangers

     D. they have their own interests[来源:**Z*X*X*K]

44. The underlined word “stayers” refers to those who ______.

     A. choose to stay where they are

     B. choose to stay in the library

     C. go home during the holiday

     D. stay in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou

45. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?[来源:Zxxk.Com]

     A. Some people would like to travel abroad during the May Day holiday.

     B. Some people would like to take adventure travel.

     C. People with their own cars would like to travel on their own.

     D. Some people would like to go to rural areas to have a taste of country lifestyle.




46. I really enjoyed your party—it was such a good fun.

47. We’re considering sell the house at the corner of the street.

48. She tried to explain by meaning of sign language.

49. I did meet him once and it was a experience I shall never forget.

50. I don’t like my job—I simple do it for money.

51. He learned English over listening to the radio.

52. Watch out his latest movie, which comes out next month.

53. After class Jenny and Linda went back home separate.

54. Andrew as well as Martin and Jim are fond of music.

55. There’s no coffee— would you like a cup of tea instead of?


56. 昨天他们没有去钓鱼,他们去滑冰了。

57. 两周后他们要到云南去度假。

58. 我父亲说他要到机场送别一位科学家。

59. 通过植树,游客们意识到了保护环境的重要性。

60. 他喜欢夏天戴墨镜,使眼睛免受阳光照射。




1-5 ABBCC    6-10DCBAA      11-15 AABCA     16-20 ADBCD  

21-25 ABCDA    26-30 BACDA     31-35 CDABC      36-40 BDAAC   

41-45 BDDAB

46. 去掉a           47. sell→selling         48. meaning→means  

49. a→an            50. simple →simply      51. over→by    

52. his前加for       53. separate→separately   54. are→is   

55. 去掉第二个of

56. Instead of going fishing, they went skating yesterday.

57. They are going on holiday in Yunnan in two weeks/in two weeks’ time.

58. My father said he would go to the airport to see a scientist off.

59. By planting trees tourists have realized it’s important to protect the environment.    

60. In summer he likes wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.




上一篇: 2021学年上海牛津版高一上册英语unit 3Unit3 Places of interest-more reading教案 下一篇: 上海牛津版高一上册Unit4Chapter 4 What Should I Do-Reading



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