

2020 年五年级新生入学诊断模拟卷(英语 B 版)

姓名:  (中文名) 家长联系方式: 

I. Multiple choices. 单项选择题

1. The classroom  _ by the students yesterday.

A. was cleaned B. is cleaned C. cleaned D. is cleaning

2. How about visiting our teacher  next Sunday?

A. in B. on C. when D. /

3. She looks so tired. She had better  .

A. stop to work B. stop working C. stopping to work D. stop work

4. Steven  dinner for his family every Monday.

A. is cooking B. cooks C. cooked D. cook

5. China is one of  countries in Asia.

A. large B. the most large C. the largest D. largest

6. I don’t know  he should go to the music club or not?

A. if B. what C. when D. whether

7. Father didn't tell me when he  back, but I'll call you as soon as he  .

A. would come; comes B. would come; will come

C. will come; will come D. will come; comes

8. Joe  with his friends if it  .

A. is going to hike, won’t rain B. will go hiking, doesn’t rain

C. will go hiking, won’t rain D. goes hiking, won’t rain

9. When she learned the news, she felt  .

A. excited B. exciting C. well D. happily

10. Neither he nor I _ satisfied with the show.

A .is B .are C .am D. be

II. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 按要求填空

11. He hardly reads books, _   ? (反义疑问句)

12. Clean your room now!(改为否定句)

  your room now!

13. Shall we go shopping tomorrow?改写句子,保持意思不变

  go shopping tomorrow?

14. He had an English class this morning.(改为否定句)

He  an English class this morning.

15. He was reading a book when I called him last night.(对划线部分提问) What  he  when I called him last night?

III. Reading Comprehension. 阅读理解

One Monday Jack went into a small restaurant and sat down at a table. He waited for a while and when a young waitress came to him, he asked for some vegetable soup. The waitress wrote this down in a notebook and walked off.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant and the girl was very busy. But she came to Jack with a plate of fish and potatoes.

The girl was turning away when Jack stopped her. “But I didn’t order fish and potatoes. I ordered a vegetable soup.”

“Oh,” she said. “I thought you asked for fish and potatoes.”

“No,” Jack said. “Look at your notebook and you’ll see that I ordered one vegetable soup.”

The waitress looked everywhere in her little notebook, and at last she found Jack’s order. “Table No. 24.” she read out. “Yes, I’m sorry. I got mixed up. I’ll change it.”

She put the notebook down on Jack’s table, took out a pen, crossed the words “vegetable soup” and wrote in “fish and potatoes”. She shut the notebook and quickly walked away, while Jack sat

with his mouth wide open, too surprised to say another word

16. Jack ordered his vegetable soup  .

A. as soon as he sat down at a table

B. after the waitress brought him some food

C. after he had sat at a table for some time.

D. when he was walking into the restaurant.

17. The waitress brought  to Jack.

A. what he ordered B. the food he didn’t order

C. some vegetable soup D. the right food

18. The waitress took out a pen and changed  .

A. Jack’s food B. her mind C. Jack’s mind D. Jack’s order

19. Jack was  what the waitress did

A. very happy with B. angry with

C. interested in D. very surprised at

20. “I got mixed up” in the passage means  

A. I put them together B. I did something wrong

C. I was so busy D. I got the mixture


上一篇: 2020年小升初英语知识专项训练(基础知识)1 语音基础 下一篇: 2020年五年级下册英语新生入学诊断模拟卷A



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