
2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 7


Unit 7



1. Pandas like to eat b________

2. A r________ shows that there are fewer than 2000 pandas in the world.

3. He works as an animal k________ in the zoo.

4. A baby panda only weighs about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos at b________

5. An a________ elephant eats about 150 kilos of food a day.

二、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 

1. The Middle East is rich in__________(石油).

2. A cow__________()many times than a sheep.

3. We should protect the__________(野生的)animals.

4. Li Ming works for the panda__________(研究).

5. The twins are__________(成人)now and they should do things by themselves.


1. The world’s   river is the Nile, which is about 6, 671 kilometers long.

A. long B. longer

C. longest D. the longest

2. When the tourists first go to Tibet, they might find it hard to   air.

A. take in B. take out

C. take away D. take off

3. Who was the first woman   the top of Qomolangma?

A. reach B. to reach

C. reached D. to reaching

4. Which desert is   , the Sahara or the Taklamakan(塔克拉玛干)?

A. big B. bigger

C. the bigger D. the biggest

5. It’s everyone’s duty   the earth. We should do  it on our own.

A. protect B. protects

C. protected D. to protect


1. Wang Tao is a little ________(strong) than Li Lei.

2. Which is ________(small), the sun, the earth or the moon?

3. —Who is ________(thin), you or Helen?

—Helen is.

4. They were so ________ to hear the ________ news that they almost jumped with ______(excite)

5. He became weak after a bad ________(ill)

6. Koalas are usually__________(wake)at night.

7. There are four__________(ocean)and seven continents.

8. Although she tried her best to lose weight, she didn’t__________(success).

9. Pandas eat so many__________(bamboo)every day.

10. As I know, tigers are__________(endanger)animals.


1. 一只成年熊猫比一只熊猫宝宝重好多倍。

An adult panda ________ ________ ________ ________ than a baby one.

2. 生活在森林里的熊猫不到2000只。

There are now ________ ________ 2000 pandas living in the forests.

3. 熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,所以他们活不长。

The baby pandas often ________ ________ ________ and they do not live long.

4. 熊猫兴奋地向饲养员们跑过来,它们中有一些甚至撞到他们的朋友而摔倒了。

The pandas ________ ________ to the keepers ________ ________ and some of them even ________ ________ their friends and ________ ________

5. 我照顾他们就像他们是我自己的孩子。

I ________ ________ ________ them like they're ________ ________ ________


A. Is man the longest living animal in the world?
B. how long can a butterfly live?
C. it depends on what kind of dog it is.
D. how much does an insect weigh?
E. an ordinary cat weighs about a few kilos.

Teacher: Does anyone know how heavy a cat is?

Boy: I think 

Teacher: And 2 

Girl: Only a few grams, I’m sure.

Teacher: Right. So. . . A cat weighs many times more than an insect.

Girl: And what about the difference between a dog and a giant panda in size?

Teacher: Well,  3 But I would say that a big dog is just less than half the size of a giant panda.

Boy: I have a question!  4 

Teacher: No, that’s a giant turtle. But a man can live for nearly a hundred years nowadays. That’s quite long.

Boy: And 5 Can it live as long as a man?

Teacher: No, a butterfly only lives for a few days.

Girl: What a short life!

Teacher: Yes, many insects have very short lives.

1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ____ 












1. bamboo  2. research  3. keeper  4. birth  5. adult

二、1. oil 2. weighs 3. wild 4. research 5. adults


1. stronger  2. the smallest  3. thinner  4. excitedexcitingexcitement  5. illness  6. awake 7. oceans 8. succeed 9. bamboos   10. endangered

1. weighsmanytimesmore  2. fewerthan  3. diefromillness  4. runoverwithexcitementwalkintofallover  5. takecareofmyownbabies




上一篇: 2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 8 下一篇: 2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 6



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