


一. 选择字母,完成单词。每小题2分,共10分。

()1. wee_k_nd  A.  d;e   B. k;n   C. n;e

()2 .Fr_day   A. o   B. e   C.  i

()3. s_ _son  A e e   B. o a   C. e a

()4. wh_ _h   A. i a   B. i c   C. i. e

()5. w_nt_r   A.i; e   B. i ; o   C. e; i

二. 选出每组中不同类的单词。每小题2分,共10分。

()1A. lunch    B. supper   C. banana

()2.  A. grape   B. apple   C. plan

()3.  A. Childrens Day   B. Fathers Day   C. singing contest

()4.  A. spring   B .summer   C. season

()5.  A. white  B .black  C. sun

三. 英汉互译。每小题2分,共10分。

看电视________              have English class ________

 _______              make a snow man  ________

弹琵琶________              play in the snow ________

做晨练  _______                 favourite  food ________

有风且寒冷 ________               plan trees ________


    windy 的名词 __________      Mike的所有格__________

    January的缩写  __________    Let us的缩写__________

    what is的缩写  __________     I am的缩写__________

    go第三人称单数  __________  watch第三人称单数__________

    boy的复数__________          March的缩写__________

四. 单项选择题。每小题2分,共10分。

  ()1.  _____ is your birthday?

        My birthday is in November.

A. What   B. Which   C. When

()2. _____ will the students do in May?

A. How   B. Where   C. What  

()3.We often plan trees_____ March 12th.

A. In    B. on   C.about

()4.What  _____ you doing?

A. do     B. doing   C. are

()5.summer is _____June _____ August.

A. In .in    B. at . of    C. from .  to

五. 选词填空。每小题2分,共10分。


   1. Its ______late.

2. When do you get _____?

3. We go to school from Monday ______to Friday.

4. I go to school____7:30.

5. _______ season do you like best ?


   1. We, a, few, things, in, have, fun, spring(.)


2. winter, When, is, the, vacation(?)


3.Fathers Day is in June .(对划线部分提问)


4. We have a school trip every year.(改为否定句)

We _____ have a school trip every year.

5.They have a singing contest in March.(改为一般疑问句)

______they______ a singing contest in March.

八. 改错题。每小题2分,共10分。

1. I   do  morning  exercises  at  seven  oclock.  (  )______

A   B                     C

2. Lily  go  to  bed at nine  oclock  in  the  evening.(  )______

    A    B      C  

3What  does  you  doing  on  Sunday?(  )_______

          A          B     C

4. We  can  plan  tree  in  spring. (  )______

     A         B    C

5.Its  always  sun  and  cool  in  fall.(   )________

        A     B              C



Today is Mike’s birthday. All his friends are at home. They’re RoseLilyAmy and John. They all have presents for Mike. Rose’s present is a big cake. Lily’s is a toy boat. Amy’s are some beautiful flowers. And John’s is a VCD of Japanese cartoons. Look, there is a new bike over there. It’s from Mike’s parents. They are putting 11 candles on the cake and singing “ Happy Birthday” to Mike.

判断正误。 正确T, 错误F

(   )1. Today is Mike’s birthday.

(   )2. Lily’s present is a big cake.

(   )3. Mike is eleven years old.

(   )4. Mike’s father and mother’s birthday present is a new kite.

(   )5. They’re singing  the song“ Happy Birthday” to Mike.


Mr. Smith is from America. He and his wife(妻子)often go to work at 8:00a.m.They have a daughter(女儿).They are Mike and Julia.

Julia is a student. She likes swimming very much. She sometimes goes swimming on Tuesday afternoon. Mike always goes swimming on Tuesday afternoon. Mike always gets up early in the morning and does morning exercises. Sometimes Julia and Mike visit their grandparents on the weekend.

The Smiths are in China now. They are very happy.

(   ) 6.The Smiths are in England now.

(   ) 7. Mr Smith and his wife are Germans.

(   ) 8.Julia and Mike are their daughter and son.

(   ) 9.Julia always goes swimming on Tuesday afternoon.

(   ) 10.Mike does not do morning exercises in the morning.


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