
2020年牛津上海版高一年级第一册 Unit4 Entertainment综合能力训练(有答案)

Unit4 Entertainment综合能力训练

Grammar and vocabulary.

Section A:

 1. "My arm! My arm!" The little girl ______, "I'm afraid it's broken!"

A. said B. whispered C. gasped D. boomed

2. With the development of , the entertainment industry has taken on a new look.

A. skills B. technology C. effects D. techniques

  1. There is only one week ________ for them to complete preparations for the award ceremony.

    A. leaving          B. remaining C. to go D. being left

  2. The country is under great pressure to  its energy-saving goal this year.

    A. get B. achieve C. reach D. win

    5. If you want to win the grand prize, you will have to answer questions.

    A. another two B. more two C. two another       D. two more than  

    6. She was so frightened at seeing the snake that she just stood ______, waiting for someone to help her out.

    A. calm           B. still             C. quiet             D. silent

    7. To our great surprise, she _________other contestants and ________the first prize.

    A. won … won B. beaten… achieved

    C. defeated … won D. defeated … achieved

    8. It is really breathtaking scenery that the waterfall the trees and flowers .

    A. is covered with B. is surrounded with

    C. is filled with D. is full of

    9. If you want to feel like ________what is happening on the screen, you should go to the Imax Dome Theatre.

    A. experience       B. to experience       C. experiencing        D. experiences

    10. I guarantee that I will arrange __________a car to pick you up when you arrive.

    A. at              B. for                 C .with             D .by

    11. I don't like as you read.

    A. the novels B. the such novels       C. such novels D. same novels

    12. He talked a lot about things and persons _ _ they remembered in the school.

    A. which B. that C. whom D. what

    13. The letter is from my sister, is working in Beijing.

    A. which B. that C. whom D. who

    14. In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of are women.

    A. them B. which C. whom D. who

    15. The supermarket had closed        we could get the last-minute food, which added to our misery.
    A. after          B. while               C. as              D. before

    16. Nobody thought that Angela would win the grand prize in the contest,          ?

    A. didn't they     B. would she           C. did they          D. wouldn't she

    17. The scenery in Guilin is so fascinating that they decide to stay there for         two days.

    A. other          B. more C. another           D. the other

    18. —Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

    —Great!  You          read widely and put a lot of work into it.

    A. must          B. must have           C. can D. can't have

    19. On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont        I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading "Boston".
       A. that            B. until              C. as               D. when

    20. True friendship is like health and the value of it is seldom known         it is lost.

    A. until           B. unless C. after D. once

    21. Though there was a _____ hope, the rescue team still kept on trying.

    A. faint            B. weak              C. light              D. slight

    22.Do you think the newly-released film Lust and Caution is similar______style       those previous films directed by Ang Lee?

    A. in; to           B. with; to           C. in; with           D. to; in

    23. The audience in the theater       dressed in different ways some in suits and dresses, and some in jeans last night.

    A. was            B. were             C. has               D. have

    24. —My room is empty. All my things are gone.

    —Oh, very sorry, sir. We thought you  the hotel this morning, so we took your suitcases downstairs.
       A. leave           B. had left           C. were leaving       D. have left

    25 He told me that it was ten years he had enjoyed his wonderful holiday in Rome with his family.
       A. before          B. when             C. that              D. since

    26. Whether that is a good solution depends on .

    A. what you look at it                    B. you look at it

    C. that you look at it                     D. how you look at it


    Keys:   1. CBCBA    6. BCBCB   11. CBDCD    16. CCBDA     21. AABCD   26. D   


    6quiet 不修饰人,表示周围很安静.

    calm 可以修饰人, 表示镇定,冷静

    still  可以修饰人,表示人一动不动,没有动作(根据语境,still 意思相符)


    10.词组固定搭配 arrange  for  sb. to do sth  安排某人做某事

    15Misery 是不好的遭遇,


    19. 固定结构“be doing …… when ……  ” when 翻译成“就在这时候”

    20.  not until 的变体形式,seldom表否定,相当于not 的意义。

    21a faint hope 一线渺茫的希望

    24.  were leaving 过去进行时表示过去将来时的含义

    Section B:

    Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blanks according to the context, and write down the order of each word in the answer sheet, there will be an extra word in the table.

A. because B. wealthy C. causes D. special E. on

F. for G. experience      H. less I. as J. ever

Tourism was not always as important as it is today.  In the past only  27   people could travel  28   vacations to other countries. But in 1976 one person in twenty visited a country away from his own.

More people travel today than in the past  29   there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world. People now have more money   30   travel. Especially airplane fares for tourists make travel  31   expensive and thus more attractive than   32  before.    .

One person does not travel for the same reason as another. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people. Try new food and   33   life in other parts of the world.

Tourism   34   many changes in a country and in people's lives. People build new hotels and restaurants and train native men and women   35   tour guides to show tourists interesting places.


Keys:  27.  BEAFH     32. JGCI


Reading Comprehension  

DirectionsFor each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked ABC and DFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context

Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset? If so, then a new alarm clock could be just for you. The clock, called Sleep-Smart,    36  your sleep cycle, and waits for you to be in your slightest phase of sleep 37 waking you up. Its makers say that it should ensure you wake up feeling 38 every morning.

As you sleep, you pass through a sequence of sleep states—light sleep, deep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep—that 39 approximately every 90 minutes. The point in that cycle at which you wake up can affect how you feel later, and may  40  have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept. Being woken up during a light phase means you are more likely to wake up energetic. Sleep-Smart records the distinct pattern of brain waves  41  during each phase of sleep, by means of a headband equipped   42  electrodes(电极) and a microprocessor. This measures electric activity of the wearer's brain, much in the same way as some machines used for medical and research 43 , and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed. You  44  the clock with the latest time at   45  you want to be woken up, and it   46   duly (适时地) wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.

The  47  was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island after a friend complained of waking up tired and   48  poorly on a test.

"  49  sleep-deprived people ourselves, we started thinking of  50  to do about it," says Eric Shashoua,a recent college graduate and now CEO of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories.

( )36. A. makes B. measures C. mentions D. moves

( )37. A. before B. towards C. upon D. till

( )38. A. tired B. sleepy C. refreshed D. sad

( )39. A. reveals B. reverses C. revolves D. repeats

( )40. A. already B. ever C. never D. even

( )41. A. proceeded B. produced C. processed D. progressed

(     )42. A. by B. of C. with D. over

( )43. A. findings B. prospects C. proposals D. purposes

( )44. A. preview B. program C. plug D. plan

( )45. A. it B. this C. which D. that

(     )46. A. then B. also C. almost D. yet

( )47. A. claim B. conclusion C. concept D. explanation

( )48. A. observing B. performing C. affecting D. reflecting

(     )49. A. Besides B. Despite C. To D. As

( )50. A. what B. how C. whether D. when


Keys:   36. BACDD  41. BCDBC  46. ACBDA

Section B 

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Although the new year is already here, the great moments of the old year are still in the memory. Lets look back at some of these.

   the United States

   One of the worlds largest New Years Eve parties was held in Times Square, New Year. The festival attracted hundreds of thousands of people to watch brightly-lit ball drop on a landmark building at the stroke(报时的钟声) of midnight.

   A great amount of confetti(五彩纸屑) was released from the sky at zero oclock..


   Painted in shining colours and blowing on whistles,50,000 party-goers arrived in Londons Millennium Dome to dance in the New Year. The Millennium Dome came to life at midnight as 50 DJs started up, competing on five separate dance floors to warm the crowd into the party mood.


   New Year is the biggest holiday in Russia. It is traditional to put up a tree for celebrations with family and friends.

   On the very last day of the years, Russians with a taste for a very cold swim braved freezing temperatures to plant traditional, festival trees on the bed of the Northern Ocean and at the bottom of Lake Baikal, the worlds deepest lake.


   Brave skydivers threw themselves off the worlds tallest buildings near midnight and floated towards the new year.

   The jump from the 452-metre Petronas Twin Tower was called a real leap from one year to the next since the group took off in the last second of the old year and landed a minute later in the new year.That was really cool,said Roland Simpson,over crowds of onlookers to the landing spot.

51. In New Year the brightly-lit ball dropped______.

A. from the sky onto the Times Square    B. to celebrate the stroke of midnight

C. to welcome the arrival of Christmas    D. at the point between the old and the new year

52. Which of the following is NOT true about celebrations in the world?

A. A large quantity of confetti was given out from the tallest building.

B. Skydivers in Malaysia jumped down from the worlds tallest buildings.

C. Some Russians planted trees on the bed of Lake Baikal.

D. In Britain 50 DJs competed on five separate floors.

53.The underlined word landmarkmeans______ in the text.

A. an easily recognizable object, such as a tall tree or building

B. something that marks an important point in ones life

C. something marking the limits of a piece of land

D. a building that is marked on a map

54. The text shows that_____.

A. New Year has been the starting point for people to have dreams

B. people in different countries welcomed New Year in different ways

C. peoples ways of celebrations are exciting

D. the new year is better than the old year


Li Keren is a fairly famous writer on his campus. Although the Senior 2 boy from Dongguan High School, Guangdong Province has yet to publish a book, his tales about school life on his blog attracts thousands of people every day.

A blog was originally a website that tracked headlines and articles from other websites. They were kept by volunteers and focused on a certain topic.

The word "blog" is short for "web log". It first appeared in 1997 and by 1999 had appeared throughout newspapers and magazines. By 2004,"blog","Hogging" and "blogger" had become popular and part of modern culture.

There are many kinds of blogs in the cyber world. News blogs,for example,have developed into major information sources in recent years similar to newspapers, radio and TV. Bloggers focus on various topics from war in Iraq to gas prices. The latest information is updated every second. Research has shown the news blogs compete with TV and newspapers for news reporting.

As blogging becomes more and more popular,many teenagers are starting their own.
There are many websites, such as www. blogchina. com, where you can create your own
blog. Just have a try!
55. What does the writer really want to tell us by referring to Li Keren?

A. He is well-known as a writer.

B. He has already published a book.

C. His tales about school life are very attractive.

D. He has a blog of his own.

56. When you describe a blog,which statement will you NOT choose?

A. Articles on a blog are always originally written.

B. There are many kinds of blogs.

C. The word "blog" stands for "web log".

D. The latest information will be offered every second.

57. Compared with TV and newspapers,a news blog has the advantage of .

A. providing photos B. supplying reports

C. focusing on various topics D. updating news every second



If two scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory are correct, people will still be driving gasoline-powered cars 50 years from now, giving out heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere—and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute to global warming.

In a proposal by two scientists, vehicle emissions (排放) would no longer contribute to global warming.  The scientists, F. Jeffrey Martin and William L.   Kubic Jr. , are pro-

posing a concept(概念), which they have named Green Freedom, for removing carbon dioxide from the air and turning it back into gasoline.

The idea is simple. Air would be blown over a liquid solution (溶液) of potassium carbonate, which would absorb the carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide would then be put to chemical reactions that would turn it into fuel: gasoline or jet fuel.

This process could change carbon dioxide from an unwanted, climate-changing pollutant into a vast resource for renewable fuels. The cycle—equal amounts of carbon dioxide produced and removed — would mean that cars, trucks and airplanes using the synthetic (合成的) fuels would no longer be contributing to global warming.

Although they have not yet built a synthetic fuel factory, or even a small model, the scientists say it is all based on existing technology. "Everything in the concept has been built, is operating or has a close cousin that is operating," Dr. Martin said.

The Los Alamos proposal does not go against any laws of physics, and other scientists who have independently suggested similar ideas. Dr. Martin said he and Dr. Kubic had worked out their concept in more detail than previous proposals.

There is, however, a major fact that explains why no one has built a carbon-dioxide-to-gasoline factory: it requires a great deal of energy.

According to their analysis(分析), their concept, which would cost about $ 5 billion to build, could produce gasoline at an operating cost of $ 1. 40 a gallon and would turn economically practical when the price at the pump hits $ 4. 60 a gallon.

Other scientists said the Los Alamos proposal perhaps looked promising but could not evaluate(评价) it fully because the details had not been published.

"It's definitely worth pursuing," said Martin L   Hoffert, a professor of physics at New York
University. "It's not that new an idea.  It has a couple of pieces to it that are interesting. "
58. What is the idea of the project being discussed in the passage?

A. Recycling the carbon dioxide from cars back into gasoline.

B. Create a new gasoline that gives off very little carbon dioxide.

C. Using a special liquid solution to absorb carbon dioxide from cars.

D. Build synthetic fuel factories to remove carbon dioxide from the air.
59. What's the name given to the new concept?

A. Synthetic Fuel. B. Green Freedom.

C. Renewable Fuel. D. Carbon-dioxide-to-gasoline Factory.

60.  Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of this new concept as suggested in the article?
A. Reduction of global warming.             B. Cheaper gasoline for cars.

C. Longer life of cars. D. Less pollution of the atmosphere.


What science fiction once told of other worlds far away, is now a fact. Astronomers prove the existence of another solar system like ours with some planets in the constellation Andromeda(仙女座) .

Geoffrey Marcy is a professor of astronomy and physics at San Francisco State University and says, What we have found now, for the first time ever, is indeed a fully-grown system of planets around the star Upsilon Andromeda, in which there are three planets, one close in, one at a middle distance, and one farther out. The star is slightly larger than our sun. The planets are huge, like our Jupiter (木星)

Marcys partner in this research, Debra Fischer, describes the solar system, Heres the inner planet that goes around every 46 days, the middle planet that goes around every 242 days, and then the outer planet that goes around every three and a half to four years. 

 Astronomically, its not far away, 44 light years. The sun of that solar system, Upsilon Andromeda, is so near and bright that it can be seen by using no equipment during summer and fall.

For twelve years astronomers searched the skies in the belief that if our sun has planets around it, surely others do, too. Geoffery Marcy says, And then starting three and a half years ago, we began finding for the first time planets singly, one planet here around one star.

When I look up at the stars now at night, I can imagine easily that every one of them has planets around them, says Debra Fischer.

     It was the tremble in the star that led Marcy to discover the planets. “The star rocks around due to the gravity of the planet much like a dog owner gets pulled around by a little dog.

     Can they support life? We dont know, because present technology is not advanced enough to determine what the planets are made of. That, Marcy says, is astronomys next challenge.

61. Which of the following can best show the relationship between Andromeda (A), Upsilon Andromeda system (U) and the three mentioned planets (P) ?






A                       B                     C                   D

62. What led to Marcys discovery of the planets?

A. That he found a dog owner was pulled by his dog.

B. The tremble of Upsilon Andromeda

C. That any planet has gravity

D. That he believes any star has its planets

63. We can infer from the text that scientists are _______________

  A. to find out whether the planets can support life

  B. to find means to communicate with the living beings on the planets

  C. to find means to travel to the planets

  D. soon to be able to find another planet for life to live on

Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Innocent people may be wronged by lie detectors.

B. Lie detectors are adopted in the U. S.

C. High success rate also leads to unrest and wild suspicion.

D. Guilty people may escape from the detector.

E. The usage of lie detectors is questionable in Britain.

F. Researchers are improving the accuracy of the detector.


Lie detectors are widely used in the United States to find out whether a person is telling the truth or not. Polygraphers ,the people who operate them, claim that they can establish guilt by detecting physiological (生理的) changes that accompany emotional stress. The technique adopted is to ask leading questions such as "Did you take the money?" or "Where did you hide the money?" mixed in with neutral questions, and measure the subject's electrical resistance in the palm or changes in his breathing and heart rate. Such apparatus has obtained widespread recognition.


Whether lie detectors will ever be adopted on a similar scale in Britain is still a matter of opinion. At first sight, it appears obvious that any simple, reliable method of convincing guilty people is valuable, but recent research sponsored by the U. S. Office of Public Health not only raises doubts about how lie detectors should be used but also make it questionable whether they should be employed at all.


The point is that, apart from many of the polygraphers being unqualified, the tests themselves are by no means free from error, primarily because they discount human imagination and ingenuity. Think of all those perfectly innocent people, with nothing to be afraid of, who blush and stammer when a customs officer asks them if they have anything to
declare. Fear, and a consequently heightened electrical response, may not be enough to establish guilt. It depends on whether the subject is afraid of being found out or afraid of being wrongfully convicted.


On rhe other hand, the person who is really guilty and whose past experience has prepared him for such texts can change the results by preparing for the important questions or deliberately giving exaggerated responses to neutral ones!


The success rate of up to 90% claimed for lie detectors is misleadingly attractive. If we refer such a figure to a company with 50 employees, twenty of whom are thieves, the lie detector could catch 18 of them but in doing so would place 32 innocent employees under suspicion. The problem for the management would therefore become one of deciding how much industrial unrest they are prepared to cause in order to find out theft.

Keys:    51.   DDAB     55. DAD    58. ABC    61. BBA     

  64.  BEADC


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

69.令我惊讶的是他的想法和我不同。( opposite)


70.这场精彩的音乐会吸引了许多观众。( audience)




72. 令我们大为失望的是我们的球队在决赛中以一球之差被击败了。(beat) ( 5)


73.直到读了这篇课文,他才意识到均衡饮食的重要性。(It was  ...that...) ( 5)


Keys: 69. To my surprise, his idea was opposite to mine.

     70. The wonderful concert attracted a large audience.

     71. The injured were rushed to the hospital shortly\ soon after the accident happened.

72. To our great disappointment, our football team was beaten by one score in the final.

     73. It was not until he read the text that he realized the importance of having a balanced diet.


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