


Part I Vocabulary and Grammar

I.Choose the best answer.

1.There is____ 'b’ ____‘u’, and ____‘s’? in the word 'bus’.

A. anan, a B. a, an, an C. a, aan D. an, aan

2.There is ___ hole; we must be careful.

A. a 8-feet-deep

B. a 8-foot-deep

C.an 8-feet-deep

D.an 8-foot-deep

3What did the teacher____ our monitor to____at the class meeting?

A. tell, say B. say, tell C. tell, speak  D. saytalk

4.-The smell in the room is really terrible.

—Let’s keep all the windows ____,

A. closed B. to open C. opened D. open

5.As the price of the material has____ , the factory has to____the price of their products, too.

A. been raised, raise B, raisedraise

C. been risenrise. D. risenrise

6.The boy wanted to add some sugar to the milkbut he found there was ____ left in

the bottle. .

A. none  B. nothing C. no one D. no thing

7.Nobody noticed that Tom____the bank at the corner of the street.

A. had entered B. enter C. entering D. to enter

8.1can’t understand the sentence ____  there are no new words in it.

A. if   B. until   C. though D. because

9. This sign means: we____ wash these clothes____ warm water.

A. should, with B. should, in C. mustin D. must, with

10.The sick man’s allowed to take a walk in the garden every day, ____ ____?

A. hasn’t he B. has he C. isn’t he D. is he

11.We needn’t____ the little boy. He ____ any help.

A. worry; needn’t B. to worry; doesn’t need

C. worry; doesn’t need D. to worry; needn’t

12.I really don’t know ____ to leave for the village by bike.

A. when B. where C. what D. how

13. She found____to ski in the mountain regions.

A. it frightened     B. it was scared

C. it is frightening D. it frightening

14. Tom is as heavy as his best Peter. The underlined phrase means____ .

A. the same as        B. the same weight to

C. the same weigh as    D. the same weight as

16. There____ a number of sheep coming____ our direction.

A. isto B. is, in ,

C. arein D. areto

17. ____ near the entrances warn ail visitors____ .

A. Signsnot smoke     B. Signals, against smoking

C. Signs, not to smoke  D. Signatures, not to smoke

18. I didn’t mean ____ into you, but falling off my bike accidentally meant ___.

A. to knockto lose control B. knocking, losing control

C. to knock, losing control   D. knocking, to lose control

19. He ____ an invitation, but decided to ____ .

A. accepted, turn it up B. received, turn down it

C. accepted, turn up it D. received, turn it down

20.-Would you mind telling me your brother5s e-mail address?


A. You're welcome.

B. Certainly not.

C. The same to you.

D. Yesplease.


II. complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

21.Her brother is the kingbut she is the effective ____ . (rule) ruler

22.Strong hunters and brave____  were guided into the cave, (hike) hikers

23.He lost interest and dozed into sleep because of the____ of the lecture.

(mean) meaninglessness

24.We are expecting the____  exhibition to be held next month, (inform) informative

25.The water is carried by ____ of a pipe, (mean) means

26. He served on the board of____   of a local bank, (direct) directors

27. With no  ____ ; he was fired from his job. (warn) warning

(2S. Always read the ____  before you start taking the medicine, (instruct) instructions

29. Somewhere along the road we took different____ . (turn) turnings

30. He glanced ____   at the other policeman, and went up the stairs, (mean) meaningfully

III. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in their proper forms.

31.By the end of last month, Mrs. Lin many interesting comic strips____

from the students, (receive) had received

32.She ____ (achieve) many A grades since last year. has chieved

33.He will never give up trying unless he____ . (succeed) , succeeds

34.I hope you ____ (write) to me soon. Im really looking forward to

____(hear) from you again. will write hearing

35.We  ____ a meeting when the fire alarm went off. (have) were having

36.The shopkeeper said they ____  the shoes in my size. What a pity! (sell)had sold

37. More and more old roads  ____ in our city in two years! (build) will be rebulit

IV. Complete the following sentences as required.

38. Alice must be one of the top students in our class.(改为反意疑问句)

Alice must be one of the top students in our class, ____ ____ ? isn’t she

39. The mountain was too high that neither of us could reach the top.

The mountain was so high ____ ____  of us to reach the top.(保持句意不变)for either

40. It’s twenty minutesride from the hotel to Green Mountain.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ is it from the hotel to Green Mountain? how far

41.Then all the other players take turns to roll the dice.

Then all the other players roll the dice ____  ____ .by turns

42.The person who got to the office last was to sing a song for us.

The person ____ ____  at the office last was to sing a song for us.to arrive

43.A parking sign tells us where to park our car.

A parking sign tells us ____ ____  ____ park our car. where we can

Part 2 Reading

A. Choose the best answer.  CCCDD

The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the United States. It was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beans. The coffee shop’s business did welland by 1981 there were three more Starbucks stores in Seattle.

Things really began to change for the company in 1981. That yearHoward Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large .lumber of special coffee makers, and he was curious about the company. Schultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did, and he liked what he saw. He wanted to become part of the company. In 1982the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the company’s head of marketing.

In 1983Schultz travelled to Italy. The unique atmosphere of the espresso bars there caught his eye. To Schultz it seemed that Italians spent their daily lives in three

places: home, work, and coffee bars. His experience in Italy gave Schultz a new idea

for Starbucks back in Seattle.

Schultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable and casual, and customers everywhere seemed to like it. Between 1987 and 1992Starbucks opened 150 new stores, and that was only the beginning. As a matter of fact, by the year 2000three new Starbucks stores opened somewhere around the world every day!

Today, Starbucks has thousands of storesincluding stores in twenty-six countries. One thing that helps make Starbucks succeed in cities outside the United States is the way Starbucks works with local stores and restaurants. By working together with a store already in the city, Starbucks gains an understanding of customers in the city. This understanding helps Starbucks open stores in the right locations for their customers / 44. What is the main topic of this passage?

A. How Starbucks has grow B. What Starbucks makes

C. Starbucks5 customers D. How Starbucks makes its coffee

^ 45. Which is true about Starbucks’ first ten years of business?

A. It grew very quickly. . B. It was run by Howard Schultz.

C. It was a small company. D. It made special coffee makers.

46. Who is Howard Schultz?

A.A coffee seller in New York.

B. An Italian coffee maker,

C. The man who changed the company.

D. One of the original owners of the company.

 47. How many new Starbucks stores probably opened in 1999?

A. About 3. B. About 150.

C. About 300, D. More than 1,000.

48. What helps Starbucks succeed in places outside the United States?

A. Opening restaurants in just a few locations each year.

B. Only selling locally produced coffee beans.

C. Working with other major coffee-making companies.

D. Learning about local customers.

B. Choose the words and complete the passage.

Miners work under the earth to collect coal. They have 49 jobs because

occasionally the earth sinks or falls apart. When this happensminers are trapped understood. They are buried. 50 they don’t have air to breathe, food to eat, and water to drink, they will die. They can’t go without any of these things for longbut the 51 is the most important. It is difficult to figure out where miners are and reach them in time. Trapped miners dream of being free and don’t give up.

In July 2002nine miners went to work in Pennsylvania. All of a suddenthere

was a terrible 52 . A wall broke apart and water flooded the area where the miners were working. It came up to their collars. At first, the miners 53 but no one could hear them. Luckily, people on the surface finally figured out where the miners were and dug a breathing hole. Later, they gave them 54 from their families. Many people took part in helping to 55 them. After a period of several daysthey brought the tired miners to the surface alive.

49. A. wonderful B. dangerous C. exciting D. hard

50. A. Because B.As soon as C. If  D. Until

51. A. first B. second C. third D. last

52. A. storm B. fire  C. wind D. accident

53. A. shocked B. talked C. shouted  D. argued

54. A. messages B. pictures C. clothes D. money

55. A. find B. help C. save  D. search  


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

When I think of growing up, I think of summertime and those long days when

good weather and free time allowed the world to o 56 up in front of me. Every

day was a new opportunity for experience and a 57 .

The first summer I can really remember, I was six years old and spending time in the countryside. There were fields of com separated by windbreaks of tall trees and a

railway line cut t 58 the middle of the landscape with its shiny steel tracks.

My brother and I walked along the tracks, every stones at the cattails that grew

in the ditches along each side. We were warriors, adventurers. I don't know whybut I

suddenly stopped throwing stones and just started looking and 1 60 . The corn leaves, the trees, the train tracks, every cloud in the skyevery stone on the ground, every sight, every sound; it was ... beautiful! I had never thought of beauty until then. I was too young to be aware of the concept. But there it was all around me and I was part of it.

Today’s city children have less c 61 of experiencing that moment. They

are the “touch screen generation” who spend up to seven hours a day on their mobile phones or surfing the Internet or watching TV. Even when they have a chance pf spending some time with nature, they are more likely to ignore it. They p to stay focused on their mobile devices.

Summer is the growing season: for plants and the  for young people. This summer, try to put aside your “touchscreen” and let the true beauty of the growing season open up for you.

open adventure towards threw listen comforting prefer

D.Answer the questions.

Lester liked to collect things. He would walk near his house with his eyes focused on the ground, hoping something interesting would present itself at liis feet. Lester had found many things this way.

One dayLester was walking home from school. Just as he turned the comer to his street, Lester noticed something on the ground. When he bent down to pick it up, he was amazed! It was a small rock, shining in the sun. “It is a diamond!” he thought. He could not be surethough.

Lester picked the rock up and carefully put it into his pocket. When he reached his house, he ran to his bedroom. He pulled a magnifying glass and began to examine his find. Lester had heard that diamonds can cut glassso he rubbed the rock on the mirror and there was a small cut in the mirror’s surface. It was a real diamond.

It must have fallen out of someone’s ring. Lester thought about what his mum had said about finding something valuable“You should always give it to the police, so they can try to find the owner.”

The next day, Lester carried the stone to the police station. He told the policeman where he had found the rock and how he thought it might be valuable. “Thank you, young man” the policeman shook Lesters hand. “You did the right thing coming down here today” he said. “According to 4the found-property law’if you had not brought the diamond to the police and just kept ityou might have been breaking the law. Since you did bring it to the police, there is a chance you could keep it legally.”                                      “Is that true?” Lester asked.

“Yes” the policeman answered. “If no one claims this diamond within six months, it will be yours under the law.”

Lester walked out of the police station happily. He was glad he had given the diamond to the police, and he thought about how happy it would make someone to get it back. Still, Lester hoped that maybe he could keep the diamond. ’

63.Why would Lester walk near his house with his eyes focused on the ground?

because he was hoping something interesting would present itself.

64.How did Lester feel when he bent down to pick up the small rock? Amazing

65.Where was a small cut left after Lester rubbed the rock?

in the mirror’s surface

66.What did Lester’s mum tell him to do if he found something valuable?

to give it to the police.

67.There wasn’t a chance that Lester could keep the diamond legally, was there?

yes, there was

68.What do you think of the “the found-property law”.



上一篇: 2023年上海上宝中学第一学期初一英语测试卷Unit2 下一篇: 上海牛津英语高一上Unit3翻译练习(有答案)



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