




II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%)

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

You may think that mom-and-pop stores are gradually dying out, giving way to chain stores and big business, (1)_________ you would be wrong. The online shopping platform Taobao is a game changer and (2) _____________ (revolutionize) the way we buy and sell.

Taobao, or “treasure hunt”, recently became the largest e-commerce website in terms of traffic, surpassing Amazon. It has 190 million (3) ________ (register) users and serves (4) __________ (big) marketplace in the world. Half of China’s Internet users go to Taobao, either to browse, buy or sell, according to Web information company Alexa.

(5)____________ Taobao borrowed its original business model from eBay when it started up in 2003, the student soon became the master. Just three years later, eBay shut down its site and now Taobao controls about 80 percent of the country’s online shopping market.

It charges almost (6)_________ to list items for sale and makes most of its money from advertising. It also plans to share transaction data with its users so they can cash it on buying trends. This allows anyone with an idea and a computer to start a viable business, doing away (7)______ the need for significant start-up capital. (8)_________ _________ opening up a store on the high street selling to passersby, the world is every Taobao user’s oyster.

A friend of mine is a typical. She opened up a store selling children’s clothing near Nuren Jie, (9) _________ was a popular market in Beijing. It was not a great success but her online sales through Taobao went ballistic. She closed the store and is now e-commerce only.

Effectively, taobao has become the country’s high street, but with global reach. (10)_________ China is the world’s manufacturing base, it is relatively easy for individuals to source cheap goods and sell at a reasonable markup. Micro-stores are opening in their thousands every day and delivering an amazing variety of goods.


1.but        2.have revolutionized     3.registered     4.the biggest    5.Although/While/Though

6.nothing    7.with                  8.instead of     9.which        10.Since/as/because


1.考查连词。前后两个句子完成,填连词连接两个句子;前后句之间是转折关系,所以填转折连词 “but”.

2.【解析】考查时态。本句强调的是淘宝已经改变了我们买卖东西的方式,对现在的影响,故用现在完成时,“Have revolutionized”已经改革了.


4.考查形容词比较级和最高级形式。由后面的提示词“in the world”这个范围,可知填形容词最高级, the biggest.

5.考查连词。前后句转折关系,填Although/While/Though 引导让步状语从句.


7.考查固定搭配。 do away with “解决”.

8.考查介词短语。转折里的“instead of”




Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


A. estimates     B. lack           C. potential     D. crucial       E. transforms      F. rejected           

G. anxiety       H. unemployed    I. routine       J. impact        K. affects


 Joblessness is far more than an economic misfortune. It can be psychological disaster for the ___1___ and their families. It can cause illness, divide families and create a downward spiral (螺旋式下降) of feelings of worthlessness and ___2___ of self-esteem. According to research done by M. Harvery Brenner, associate professor of health at Johns Hopkins University, every 1% increase in the unemployment rate ___3___  37,000 deaths over the next 6 years, including over 20,000 deaths from heart attacks, 900 suicides and nearly 500 deaths from cirrhosis of the liver (肝硬化). In addition, Brenner ___4___ that 7,500 unemployed or their families will be admitted to prison after committing a crime or to a mental hospital. “The __5___ goes well beyond the individual who loses a job,” said Brenner. “Stress caused by economic factors ___6___ our national life at every level.” Men who have been socialized as the family breadwinner are especially hard hit by unemployment. They suffer greater depression and ___7___ and have a higher possibility of psychotic behavior than men who are employed. “Nine month on this seems to be a ___8___ point when hope and patience give out,” said a leading psychologist. “After that illness, suicide, alcoholism, divorce, and even crime grow at an epidemic (流行的) rate.” Left without a job, many workers feel they have nothing to look forward to. They miss their co-workers and the __9___ of going to work. For many, the sense of hopelessness grows worse every time they are ___10___ for a new job. When this happens often enough, the rejection unemployed workers feel may be exacerbated (恶化) if some friends and neighbors avoid them as if they had a contagious disease (传染病).



1-5: H B E A J   6-10: K G D I F






6.句子缺少谓语动词,根据句意,填 “affects”影响, 最合适。

7.句子中横线部分与前面的depression是并列成分,故填anxiety “忧虑最合适,词性和意思跟depression完全匹配。

8.不定冠词a和名词point之间填形容词作定语,a crucial point “关键的时刻,填crucial最合适。

9.the of 之间填名词,routine “常规” “例事”, 根据句意可知填routine最合适。

10.根据前面的are,和句意,可知填“be rejected被拒绝最合适。


III. Reading Comprehension (45%)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Along with its Nordic neighbours, Sweden features near the top of most gender-equality rankings. The World Economic Forum rates it as having one of the    1  gender gaps in the world.

But Sweden is not only a good place to be a woman: it also appears to be an idyll(田园生活) for new dads. Close to 90% of Swedish fathers take paternity leave(陪产假). Last year some 340,000 dads took a total of 12m days' leave,   2   to about seven weeks each. Women take even more leave days to spend time with their children, but the gap is   3   . Why do Swedish dads take so much time off work to   4   their children?

Forty years ago Sweden became the first country in the world to introduce a gender-neutral paid parental-leave allowance. Benefits were   5   of 90% of wages for 180 days per child, and parents were free to divvy up(分摊) the days between them in whatever way they pleased. But the policy was   6   a hit with dads: in the scheme's first year men took only 0.5% of all paid parental leave.

Today they take a quarter of it. One reason is that the scheme has become more   7   , with the number of paid leave days for the first child being bumped up from 180 to 480. But it has also been   8   to encourage a more equal sharing of the allowance. In 1995 the first so-called "daddy month" was introduced. Under this reform, families in which each parent took at least one month of leave received an additional month to    9   to their total allowance. The policy was expanded in 2002 so that if the mother and father each took at least two months' leave, the family would get two extra months. Some politicians now want to go further,   10   that the current system of shared leave be turned into one of individual entitlements, under which mothers should be allowed to take only half of the family's allowance, with the rest   11   for fathers.

Policies similar to the Swedish "daddy months" have been introduced in other countries.   12   Germany amended(修正) its parental leave scheme in 2007 along Swedish lines, and within two years the share of fathers who took paid leave jumped from 3% to over 20%. One of the most powerful arguments  13   splitting parental leave more equally is that it has   14   ripple effects(波及效应) for women. Since Swedish men started to take more responsibility for child rearing, women have seen both their incomes and levels of self-reported happiness   15  . Paying dads to change nappies and hang out at playgrounds seems to benefit the whole family.


1. A. largest B. widest     C. narrowest     D. longest

2. A. equivalent B. similar       C. available D. familiar

3. A. widening B. shrinking C. expanding D. emerging

4. A. encourage B. maintain C. raise D. concern

5. A. consisted B. composed C. disposed D. deprived

6. A. hardly B. entirely C. amazingly D. probably

7. A. tight B. tough C. strict D. generous

8. A. divided     B. updated C. reversed D. implemented

9. A. add B. attribute C. distribute D. attend

10. A. restricting B. confirming C. proposing D. identifying

11. A. eliminated B. reserved C. protected D. defended

12. A. However B. Otherwise C. Furthermore D. For instance

13. A. in favor of B. in exchange for     C. in addition to D. in honor of

14. A. negative B. positive C. definite D. specific

15. A. increase     B. plunge       C. decrease D. vary


1-5:CABCB         6-10: ADBAC         11-15: BDABA



故填C. narrowest “最狭小的。A largest最大的,B widest最宽的,D longest 最长的。

2.本句说的是爸爸的假期相当于每七周一天be equivalent to 相当于,填“equivalent相等的,相当的最合适。

3.男女之间的性别差距在缩小,A widening扩宽,C expanding扩张,D emerging出现,故填C shrinking“收缩最合适。

4.根据句意,可知raise “抚养最合适,句意为为什么瑞士的爸爸们花费如此多的假期来养育他们的孩子

5.考查固定搭配。根据句意,A consist 没有被动语态,B.be composed of “......组成dispose of 处理,解决,be deprived of 被剥夺..,只有B 最合适,句意为每个孩子都享有津贴,这些津贴是由薪水的90%而构成的。注意:benefits津贴费之意。

6.根据句意,hit 成功,句意为这个政策并不是一项成功之举A hardly “几乎不表否定,最合适。

7.根据句意,填正面词,A tight 紧的,B tough 艰难的 C strict 严格的,只有D “generous慷慨的正面词,最合适。


9.add to “增加”,attribute to 因为,归功于,distribute to 分布,attend to 处理,解决,根据句意,只有A最合适。



12.根据句意,其他的国家也已经引进了类似于爸爸陪产假这样的政策与后句以德国为例之间是举例关系,所以for instance 例如,最合适。

13.in exchange for 交换,in addition to 除了...之外还, in honor of 为了纪念,根据句意,in favor of 支持最合适。

14.negative 消极的,definite 明确的,specific具体的,根据句意,positive积极的,最合适。

15.increase增加,plunge 跳入,decrease下降,vary ...不同,根据句意自从瑞士的男士开始承担起更多的养育孩子的责任,瑞士女士们的薪水和幸福感都在上涨,A increase最合适。


Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.



I look around and can’t recognize where I am. It seems familiar but distant. I see my friends gather by a stage where music is playing and I run over. As I begin running towards them, they become further and further away. I keep calling them, but no one hears me. I start hearing a distant alarm-like sound and I am transported away. I woke up in a daze sitting in my bed.

“Oh, it was only a dream,” I said to myself. I have always had vivid and intense dreams. It feels like I haven't even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep.

Today, dreaming is being studied even more than ever. Some say that dreams are how your receptors make sense of random thoughts while you sleep. Some say that you can’t dream of a face you have never seen before, so everyone you see in your dreams you have at least laid eyes on at one time or another.

Other people think dreams are ways of expressing stress or internal feelings you may be experiencing. A lot of people say that they have dreams about being chased.

A common interpretation of the “being chased” dream is that you are feeling threatened. Some dream interpretation websites say you should try to reflect on what or who is chasing you to get a better idea of what is making you feel this way.

Another dream that is often experienced is flying. This dream has a much more positive interpretation, which is that you are feeling free or have broken out of a bad situation such as a relationship turned sour or a job you hate.

Unfortunately, you may forget half of your dream within five minutes of waking up and within 10 minutes, you usually forget 90 percent of it.

Dreamologists, people who devote time to the study and interpretation of dreams, suggest if you want to try to remember and study your dreams you should keep a journal beside your bed and write down what you dreamt as soon as you wake up so you can reflect on it later.

1. What does the author think of his dreams?

A. They have influenced his sleep. B. They reproduce his real life scene.

C. They are just his random thoughts. D. They are unbelievable and ridiculous.

2. In which situation do dreams of “being chased” probably occur?

A. You are feeling free. B. You just quit a job you hate.

C. You lack the sense of security. D. Your friends keep you at a distance.

3. Why should we keep a journal beside our bed?

A. To reflect on our dreams. B. To avoid forgetting our dreams.

C. To help us sleep well without dreams. D. To help us get out of the tense dreams.

4. Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A news report. B. A fiction book. C. An ad website. D. A science newspaper.


【答案】1. A  2.C  3.B  4.D


1.  细节理解题。根据文章第二段的It feels like I haven’t even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep可知。

2.  细节理解题。根据文章第五段的…that you are feeling threatened可知。

3. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的…you want to try to remember…, … keep a journal beside your bed and write down what you dreamt…可知。此题A答案有一定的干扰。床边放一个日记本是为了写下梦境,防止忘记所做的梦”“写下来是为了以后来研究、思考

4. 推断题。本文主要讲梦境的解析。这是一种科学。








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1. Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. An Apple Store leaflet. B. Apple Website.

C. A textbook of app designing. D. A science magazine.

2. Which of the following best summarizes the feature of Powerful apps for iPad mini?

A. An amazingly clear display.

B. Beautifully designed and combined.

C. Well performing your daily routine.

D. A super killer and greater battery saver.

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. An A7 chip installed, iPad mini with Retina display is more battery consuming.

B. Having an iPad mini with Retina display, you can do more in more places.

C. iOS7 with many new features is only designed for iPad mini with Retina display.

D. Order an iPad mini with Retina display online then collect it at your favorite retail store.  

【答案】1.B  2.C  3.B


1.细节理解题。根据文中The Apple Store app for iPad. A whole new way to shop. Download now这句话可以判断出该文章是在Apple网站上,故选B

2.细节理解题。根据文中iPad mini comes with great built-in apps for the everyday things you do, like checking email and surfing the web,故选C

3.推理判断题。根据文中So you get incredible power in a device you can take with you wherever you goiPad mini can do just about anything — which means you can, too,故选B



Biology may not be everything, but genes apparently have a far greater influence on human behavior than is commonly thought. Similarities ranging from hobbies to bodily gesture are being found in pairs separated at birth. Many of these behaviors are “things you would never think of looking at if you were going to study the genetics of behavior,” says psychologist Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. , director of the Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research at the University of Minnesota.

Bouchard reports that so far, exhaustive psychological tests and questionnaires have been completed with approximately 50 pairs of identical twins reared apart, 25pairs of fraternal twins reared apart and comparison groups of twins reared together. “We were amazed at the similarity in posture and expressive style,” says Bouchard. “It’s probably the feature of the study that’s grabbed us the most.” Twins tend to have similar mannerisms, gestures, speed and tempo in talking, habits and jokes. Many of the twins dressed in similar fashion--one male pair who had never previously met arrived in England sporting identical beards, haircuts, glasses and shirts.

The most striking example of common psychopathology(精神病理学)however, came from a pair of twins raised apart. One had been reared by his own (poor) family the other had been adopted into a “good solid upper-middle-class family.” Both are now considered to be antisocial personalities, suffering from lack of impulse control, and both have criminal histories. Although the twins share, on average, 50 percent of their genes, Bouchard suggests that the overlap is probably considerably more with this pair.

Personality similarities between the identical twins raised apart are almost the same as they are with identical twins raised together, according to the results of a test developed by University of Minnesota psychologist Auke Tellegen. His personality questionnaire contains scales such as “social closeness,” ”harm avoidance” and ”well-being.” The researchers were especially surprised to find that ”traditionalism”--a trait implying conservatism and respect for authority--can be inherited. In fact, says Bouchard, his and other studies have found about 11 personality traits that appear to have significant genetic input.

Overall, the emerging findings of the Minnesota study constitute a powerful disproof of those who maintain that environmental influences are the primary shaping forces of personality. The textbooks are going to have to be rewritten, Bouchard predicts.

1.Why does Bouchard say these behaviors are “things you would never think of looking at if you were going to study the genetics of behavior?”

   A. These behaviors seemed too unimportant for scientists to observe.

   B. These behaviors seemed too intimate to allow scientists to observe them.

   C. Psychologists assumed these external characteristics could not be biologically based.

   D. Psychologists assumed the causes of these behaviors were too complicated for current methods of observations.

2. The word “identical” (in para.3) most probably means________.

   A. fashionable               B. alike             C. complex       D. identified  

3. According to the passage, Auke Tellegen agrees that _______________.

  1. some textbooks on genes and behavior will be rewritten quite soon.

  2. people’s behaviors and personalities depend at large on their genes

  3. his personality questionnaire can indicate people’s 11 personality traits

  4. the environmental influences have great effect on people’s personalities

    4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  1.  Twins generally share the same hobbies and gestures if they are raised apart.

  2.  Genes have a greater influence on human behavior than is commonly thought.

  3.  People from upper-middle-class family are the same as those from poor family.

  4.  Twins tend to dress in similar fashion even when brought up in different families.

【答案】1.C  2.B  3.B  4.B


1.细节理解题。根据文中Personality similarities between the identical twins raised apart are almost the same as they are with identical twins raised together故选C


3.推理判断题。根据文中Personality similarities between the identical twins raised apart are almost the same as they are with identical twins raised together, according to the results of a test developed by University of Minnesota psychologist Auke Tellegen. His personality questionnaire contains scales such as “social closeness,” ”harm avoidance” and ”well-being”,故选B

4.推理判断题。根据文章所讲主旨以及文章第一句话Biology may not be everything, but genes apparently have a far greater influence on human behavior than is commonly thought,故选B


Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


A. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance.

B. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause.

C. It is a good virtue for children to form a habit to learn how to save money.

D. The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.

E. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.

F. Parents are supposed to tell their children how they should spend their pocket money wisely but the refused to do so..


Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance (pocket money). The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.

_______1_________.Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance. In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.

At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget._____2____.The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.

Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.

Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money._______3____. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save and maybe even invest it.

Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future.

Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing. _______4___________.A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest. Compounding works by paying interest on interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on.

That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.

【答案】1.D  2.E  3.B  4.A




3.语义推断题。根据下文 They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save and maybe even invest it的意思和句子形式,故选B



IV. Summary (10%)

Hitting the right button

It has been found that in some countries, achievement in some subjects at school is not always good for boys as it is girls. It is possible that using computers may be a way to solve this problem.

Many boys seem to have a natural liking for computers, but it can often be hard to leave the screen and concentrate on the work the teacher wants them to do.

As computers are becoming more and more important in the world of education today, it is natural to assume that computers can help greatly with boys who do not do too well at school and need to raise their general educational standards. Many boys appear to be more confident than girls in using it, and they need to use computers more frequently, especially at home.

Researchers at universities now think that it could be a really good way of re-engaging under-achieving boys in the learning process, and teachers have indicated that it does work. They have found that, although lots of boys do not seem to like writing in the classroom, when they use a computer they are more willing to compose longer pieces of writing and use different styles. The issue of unintelligible handwriting is no longer a problem, either, as the neatness and presentation standards rise when boys use a computer to print out their work.

Many boys welcome the “hands on” approach of computer. However, researchers and teachers need to be careful that boys don’t just “cut and paste” things that they have found on the internet, but haven’t read, and hand it in as a completed assignment. Some boys overestimate how good they are and think they can do things without any effort. They need to develop proper research skills and make their written work more structured. Other boys take short cuts, or look at internet sites they haven’t been asked to look at. They may not plan or think carefully about their work, or they may try to finish their work quickly. This tendency is not going to be completely cured by using computers. One way to get boys to concentrate properly on the work they have been asked to do may be to encourage them to use their computers at home. However, they also need to be set tasks that are interesting and relevant to them.

As in all things, the interaction between the pupil, the teacher and the computer is crucial.


【答案】This passage concerns the phenomenon whether encouraging boys to using computers more can bridge the gap with girls remains to be seen, despite the fact that this motivation can enhance the inspiration of students to explore the internet, which can’t help them cultivate practical abilities, in terms of the current situation, the crucial role of teachers and computers should be played to the full and relevantly practical measures are supposed to be taken to optimize students’ academic performance.


第一段的中心应该就是讲achievement in some subjects at school is not always good for boys as it is girls. It is possible that using computers may be a way to solve this problem.后面是具体说明









V. Translation (20%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


【答案】Appropriate/proper pressure/stress will lead to better academic performance.

【分析】Appropriate/proper pressure适度的压力;lead to 导致,引起。


【答案】We should make it a rule to place/put the books that have been read where they can be found again.

【分析】整个句子是一般现在时态,读过的书 the books that have been read;后面用一个地点状从表示能够再次找到的地方


【答案】The Disney land located in the southern area of Shanghai is attracting more and more tourists from home and abroad, which plays a critical role in the development of /developing tourism (industry).

【分析】 坐落于located in,后半句译成一个非限定性定语从句,修饰前面的所有内容;起着至关重要的作用 plays a critical role

4.同学们一看完这些令人震惊的非洲饥荒照片,就自告奋勇挨饿一天,筹款帮助发展中国家的穷人。(No sooner)

【答案】 No sooner had the students seen the shocking pictures of famine in Africa than they volunteered to go without food for one day to raise money/ funds to help the poor in the developing countries.  

【分析】 No sooner ...than ............,翻译时要注意倒装。


VI. Guided Writing (25%)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.









In recent years, with the continuous development of our country’s economy, people's living standard is getting better and better. The parents for their children education problem is more seriously, study abroad has become the choice for a lot of families.

First of all, the parents feel the younger children are, the stronger of their ability to learn language, the English learning atmosphere can make the students both inside and outside the classroom improve their foreign language level;

Moreover, foreign high schools generally adopts a system of continuous evaluation, which can give children a more comprehensive evaluation of children.

Last but not least, the foreign high school education generally adopts the course selection system, which enables students to choose courses according to their interests and hobbies.


上一篇: 2022年上海市浦东新区周浦中学第二学期高三英语周测英语试卷 下一篇: 2017-2018学年上海市南洋模范八下英语三月月考



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