


一. 从下列ABCD中选择一个正确选项填空。

(    )1 I learn Chinese by ________with a group  

A .work    B. working   C. worked   D. to work

(     ) 2. It took me about three days ______ the book.

A. write     B. to read     C. buy     D. to selling

(    )3. Don't forget _____ the door when you leave.

   A. close    B. closing   C. to close    D. closed

(    ) 4I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow

Awhen does he come Bhow will he come

Cif he comes Dwhether he'll come

(     )5. Teenagers should _______to go out with   their friends.

A.  be allow                  B.  be allowed

C.  allow                      D.  are allowed

(    )6Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is

Awhat Bhow Cwhether Dwhere

(    )7Do you know where _________ now

Ahe lives Bdoes he live Che lived Ddid he live

 (     )8. She is ______ careful a girl ______ she can do everything very well.

A.so; that     B. such; that     C. too; to     D. as; as

(     )9. Our teacher is coming. Please ______ in class.

A. stop to talk    B. stopped to talk    C. stop talking    D. stopped talking

(     )10. —Did you see Mr. Smith when you were in France?  

          —No, when I _____ France, he ______ to China.

        A. had arrived, had gone       B. arrived to, went

        C. got to, had gone            D. had got to, would go

(      )11. We have ______ much money for the project since last year.

A. paid    B. cost    C. taken    D. spent

(     )12. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he _____ at the party.

A. left, had arrived                  B. left, arrived

C. had left, had arrived           D. had left, arrived

(    ) 13.He was _____ tired _______ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

      A. so; that    B. too; to     C. enough; to    D. such; that

(     )14. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I ______ a good drink.

A. had enjoyed                B. was enjoying

C. has enjoyed                D. had been enjoying

(     )15. Catherine ______ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.

A. has written                  B. was written

C. had written                 D. is writing


1I won't return the book to the library because I _______ (not finish) reading it.

2As soon as he saw me, he _______ to speak to me. (stop)

3I hope he _______ (come) back in a week.

4It _______ (rain) hard when I got to the factory this morning.

5The old man told the children _______ (not walk) in the rice fields.

6He told me he _______ (help) her with her maths the next evening.

7She said they _______ (know) each other for quite some time.

8If it _______ (not rain) tomorrow, we _______ (visit) the Pople's Museum.

9John _______ (write) something when I _______ (go) to see him.

10Our teacher told us that light _______ (travel) much faster than sound.

11When I got to the cinema, the film _______(begin)

12Mike asked me if we _______(ask) any questions the next class.

13Will you come and stay with us for a while when you _______(finish) doing your homework?

14Comrade Wang didn't know if there _______ (be) on English evening that day.

15Please tell me if she _______ (come) again next time.


.   She is a careful girl.

The teacher said _____________a careful girl.


2.   Does the plane stop on the way?

Could you tell me________ the plane  ________ on the way or not?

3.   What does he  want?

Mother asked me ____________


4.  He has bought the dictionary.

He said that he____________the dictionary.

5.   What is his name?

The teacher asked me  _____________________


6.  What is wrong with your computer?

Mr. Wang knew ______________________   with your computer.

7.   I asked, “are you doing your homework, MeiMei?”

I  asked MeiMei   __________________ doing _____homework

8.   The baby asked mother, “Why does the sun rise from the east?”

The baby asked mother why_________________________ from the east

9. “Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?” the driver said to the policeman.

The driver asked the policeman    ______________________ get to the post office.


1. He ___________turnoff the light. We can leave now.

2. By the time we got to the cinema, the film ___________begin.

3. She ___________finishher homework before I left school.

4. My mother ___________bea teacher since 2003.

5. He told us that he ___________givethe book to his brother.

6. I ___________washall the clothes. So I can have a rest.

7. They ___________stayin China for a long time.

8. My father ___________arrivehome before nine oclock last night.


December 21st is my grandma’s birthday. I’ll go back to my hometown   1   my parents. Yesterday evening our family   2   the presents for my grandma.

  3   can we buy for my grandma’s birthday?” I asked.

We can buy her a big suit,” said my mother.

My sister   4  me yesterday. She said she would buy clothes for my mother,” said Father.

We can buy her a big   5   and some vegetables.” I said.

My brother, your uncle, told me he would prepare the birthday   6  .” my father said to me.

Can we buy something   7  ?” asked my father.

We thought  8  . At last I shouted, “I know. We can buy   9   some Wahaha!”

Wahaha?asked my father. Why?” “Grandma is   10  . She lost some of her teeth. If we buy her some Wahaha, she will drink it and get all the calcium() she needs.

(    )1. A. and     B. with   C. for    D. at

(    )2. A. looked for  B. talked about  C. found  D. heard from

(    )3. A. Where     B. Which       C. How D. What

(    )4. A. called     B. took       C. said D. made

(    )5. A. pear B. apple       C. cake D. orange

(    )6. A. suit B. dinner       C. present D. dress

(    )7. A. others     B. another     C. other D. else

(    )8. A. hard B. of       C. about D. over

(    )9. A. she B. hers   C. her D. us

(    )10. A. strong     B. old   C. tall D. thin



Zhang Min is Li Hua’s wife. She has a little boy. The boy is five.

Zhang Min is a tall and fat woman. She wants to lose her weight(减肥). Her husband is a tall man. But he is very thin. Zhang Min thinks he looks like a stick(棍子). Her son is thin, too. She thinks he looks like a monkey. Zhang Min worries about them. She wants them to put on some weight(增加体重).

She thinks and thinks, then she has a good idea. She puts a picture of a nice girl on the door of the fridge.

When she comes back from work, she sees the girl first. “I must learn from her. I must have less food and become thinner.

When her husband comes back from work, he always says to himself, “The girl is too thin. How poor she is! I don’t want to learn from her. I’m going to be fat.” So he takes much food from the fridge, and eats them up.

Two months later Zhang Min loses four kilos and her husband gains(体重增加了) three kilos. But her son is thinner than before.

Why are you thinner and thinner, Li Ming?” asks his mother, “You must learn from your father.”

My father is bad,” says Li Ming angrily.

Why?” asks his mother.

The weather is getting colder and colder after autumn. My father keeps the girl in swimsuit. I want to save some money and buy some clothes for the girl. I think she is going to be cold in winter.?

1. There are      people in Zhang Min’s family.

   A. two       B. three        C. four         D. five

2. Li Hua is Zhang Min’s             .

   A. wife       B. friend       C. husband       D. student

3. There is a          in Zhang Min’s family.

   A. computer     B. DVD      C. TV           D. fridge

4. Li Hua is getting             .

   A. fatter and fatter             B. taller and taller    

C. thinner and thinner         D. smaller and smaller

5. Li Ming becomes thinner because he             .

   A. is too fat        B. wants to save money to buy some warm clothes for the girl

   C. loves his mother       D. doesn’t like his father




1haven't finished 2stopped

3will come  4was raining

5not to walk  6would help

7had known  8doesn't rain, will visit

9was writing, went 10travels

11had begun  12would ask

13finish  14would be

15will come

三.1. she, was    2. whether, stops     3. what, he, wanted     4. had, bought     5. what, his, name, was     6. what, was, wrong     7. if she, was, her     8. why, the, sun, rises     19. how, he (she), could

四.Key1. has turned  2. had began  3. had finished  4. has been  5. had given  6. have washed 7. have stayed  8. had arrived 五略


1~5  B C D A B    6~10  B C D D B


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