


Hi, friends. My name is Kelly. Welcome _____ my room. My room is very tidy. First, you can see a desk. _____ it, you can see a tape player and some _____ (tape). Next to (挨着) the desk, there is a chair. On the chair, you can _____ (see) a computer game. It's not _____ (I). It's my _____ (brother). _____ is my schoolbag? Oh, it's under the chair. _____ in my schoolbag? Look! _____ ID card, a pencil box and some books are in it. What are _____(this)? Oh, they are my CDs. They're in the schoolbag, too.



Hi, I am Mike. This is Tom. We are at the Lost and Found now. I _____ (lose) my school ID card. The number is 20180428. I must _____ (find) it. Call me _____ 685-6034. Look, what's that? It's a dictionary. It isn't _____ (my). It isn't _____ (Tom). _____ (he) is in his schoolbag. Is it _____ (you)? What _____ these books? Are these _____ books? Ask the teacher _____ them if they are.



Lin Hai,

A computer game is _____ the school library. Is it _____ (you)? Ask the teacher _____ it.


Some _____ (key) are _____ Classroom7E. _____ (be) they yours? E-mail _____ (I) _____ maryg2@gfimail.com.

Is this your watch? My phone number is 495-3539. Call at me.


I _____ (lose) my school ID card. I must find it. Call me _____ 685-6034. Thanks.




I'm Kate, and my sister is Gina. I'm tidy, _____ Gina is not. _____ our room, my books and tapes _____ (be) in the bookcase. My keys are _____ my schoolbag. I _____ (have) a clock. It's on the desk. _____ (Gina) books are everywhere—on her bed, on the sofa _____ under the chair. The white model plane is _____ (her). It's under the desk. "Where _____ (be) my keys? Where's my ruler? Where's my schoolbag?" Gina always _____ (ask).



It's Sunday today. Kangkang's friends meet _____ half past eight at Kangkang's home. It's 9 o'clock now. It's time _____ go to the zoo.

They see many _____ (animal) in the zoo. Pandas are Michael's favorite animals. Jane's favorite animals are elephants. What about Maria? She likes tigers very much. They see Monkey Show at ten _____. At about half past ten they see Elephant Show. Oh, what _____ is it now? It's half past eleven. They have to _____ (go) home.

Kangkang meets Baby Monkey _____ his way home. The Baby Monkey can't find _____ (he) way home. Kangkang helps him _____ (find) his mother. The Mother Monkey thanks Kangkang for _____ (help) her son.



Hello everyone! I am Anna. I'm a middle school student of 13 years old. My parents _____ (be) both teachers. I am always busy with my study, _____ I hardly help my parents with the housework. I often feel quite sorry _____that. Last month, I began to think about how to help them.

Then last Sunday, when my parents _____ (go) out for shopping, I suddenly got _____ idea: "Why not give the rooms a good cleaning?" I started to work at once. First, I collected all the books, newspapers, magazines _____other things in the rooms. I put these _____ (thing) in place. Then I cleaned all the tables, chairs and so on. I was _____ (real) excited then.

At this moment, my parents _____ (come) back. They were quite surprised to see all the rooms so clean. My mother gave _____ (I) a hug. I could see she was happy from her eyes. Though I was tired, I never felt so good.



Hello, everyone, my name is Alex Greenall. I'm a student of Park School in Oxford, England. _____ weekdays, I get up at half past seven and then have breakfast. I go to school at twenty _____ eight. Classes _____ (begin) at nine o' clock. We _____ (have) three lessons in the morning. _____ (do) we have lunch at school? Yes. The lunch is delicious and I like it. We _____ (start) lessons in the afternoon at half past one. After two lessons, we go home _____ half past three. In the evening, I _____ (watch) TV and have dinner with my family. I do my homework and go to bed at ten o' clock.

My favorite day of the week is Wednesday. I _____ (not have) maths on that day but I have Chinese. It's my favorite subject _____ it's very interesting.

How about your school days?



Hi, I'm Jin Tao. This is my bedroom. It's big _____ clean. What can you see in it? You can see some pictures _____ the wall. _____ are nice. There _____ (be) a table by the window. A computer is on the desk. A photo of my family is on the table, too. There is a chair next to the table. _____ (I) football is under the chair. _____ is the bed? Look, it's next to the table. What's on the bed? I can see two _____ (cat) on it. They _____ (be) white and yellow. I like to play with them. What's under the bed? They're my _____ (shoe). Where are my books? They are in my schoolbag. Some pens and pencils are _____ the schoolbag, too.

I like my bedroom.



This is our school. It is small very clean and tidy. Our school is _____ a library and a book store. Many _____ the students in our school like to go there to read _____ buy books. I live only five kilometers _____ the school, _____ I can ride there every day. It usually _____ (take) me a quarter to ride to school. My bike is _____ a friend to me.

I always leave home _____ about seven in the morning. It's my habit _____ (get) up early. I think it's good for me. What do you think _____ it?



One Sunday afternoon Mr. Green and his child, Mary, are _____ a big shop. Mr. Green likes Mary and wants _____ a new skirt for her. Mary _____ (not like) the new skirt. She likes something _____ (eat). So her father buys two kilos of apples _____ her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books _____ colored pencils. There _____ (be) many things and many people in the shop. They are men and _____ (woman), old and young. _____all want to buy something there. The people in the shop are very _____ (friend).



Hi! I'm Jenny. I'm a student and I'm _____ America.

I have four _____ (class) in the morning. Classes begin _____ 8 a.m. _____ the afternoon, we have two classes. We have English, science, history, music, and some other _____ (subject). Music is my favorite subject. I sing and dance with my friends from Wednesday _____ Friday after school. _____ I don't like science. _____ I think it's difficult and boring. Do you think so?

On Saturday and Sunday, I usually play soccer _____ my friends. My favorite sport is soccer. I can play it very _____ (good).



Hi, Grace! l'm Helen. Here is a photo _____ my family. Those are my _____ (grandparent) Leo and Sue. _____ (this) are my parents. My father's name is John. He's _____ English teacher. He's 40. My mother is Linda. _____(her) is a doctor. They are _____ China now. This boy is my brother Mark. He likes yellow. You can _____ (see) he wears (穿) a yellow jacket in the photo. He's 13. And _____ (these) is me. I'm 15. I like blue _____ I have a blue cup. Mark and I _____ (be) in Blue Sky Middle School.



Look at the pictures. _____ (it) are pictures of my room. Oh, where is my bag? _____ (be) it on the desk? No. _____ it's not under the chair. Oh, it is on the sofa. _____ (be) the keys on the sofa? No, they _____ (be). They are on the table _____ my room. _____ is the map? I think it is in my _____ (grandparents) room. Where is _____ (I) hat? Haha, it's _____ my head.



Hello! I'm Zhang Kai. I'm ten _____ (year) old. I'm a student. I study _____ a middle school in Hangzhou. I'm in _____ 2, Grade 1. I live at 168, Qingchun Road. _____ (I) home is near the school. This is my schoolbag. I have _____ notebook and a pencil box in it. My phone number is in the notebook. If _____ (your) want to make friends (交朋友) with me, you can call me _____ 86886969. I also have two _____ (watch). They _____ (be) in the pencil box. The watches are yellow. _____ pencil box is green. I like them.



Look! Here is a blue box _____ the classroom. It's Kate's. In the box _____ (be) a red schoolbag, a purple notebook and an English-Chinese dictionary. The schoolbag is _____ (Lisa). It is nice. You can _____ (see) a pencil box and some books in it. Oh, three _____ (key) are in it, too. Look at the notebook! Is it Bob's? No, it isn't. It's _____ sister, Grace's. Her name is on the _____ (one) page (). Kate found a set _____ CDs in the school library this morning. Is it _____ (your)? Please ask Kate _____ it.



Jane and Mary are good friends. Their families are _____ Shanghai now. Jane is from Britain and Mary is _____America. Jane is eleven _____ Mary is twelve. They are in the same school, but they _____ (be not) classmates. Jane is in Class _____ (one). Miss May is _____ (she) teacher. Mary _____ (be) in Miss White's class. Jane and Mary have () QQ numbers. Jane's QQ number is 18267379. Mary's QQ _____ is 70938166. They often talk (交谈) _____ Chinese on the Internet. They want to learn _____ (China) well. They like Shanghai. They like China.



Good morning! I am _____ English boy. _____ (I) name is Mark Smith. Mark is my _____ (one) name. Smith is my _____ name. I am _____ a middle school _____ Beijing. I like green _____ blue. This girl _____ (be) my friend. Her name is Fang Wei. _____ (she) is a nice girl. She is in Beijing, _____.



Danny is twelve years old. He lives in a village in America. There are four people in his family.

Everyone in the family _____ (like) to collect things. His father, David, has a large collection of _____ (car). Some of them are old. _____ is his mother's collection? Clocks. The oldest is on hundred years old. Danny's brother, Jonah's collection is _____ (usual). He loves collecting different kinds of soap. Danny himself collects things, too. He is interested in pens. He has _____ old dip pen. It is very expensive. It cost him 250. But it is very hard for Danny _____ (get) the pen.

Everyone _____ the family collects something different, but the whole family collects animals! There _____ (be) enough space for those animals to live and play. If you follow Danny into his garden, you _____ (see) many animals: dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, rabbits, fish and even a horse! Yesterday, Danny _____ (ride) the horse to go to school. Their house is like a zoo. It is interesting.



Look at the pictures. _____ (it) are pictures of my room. Oh, where is my bag? _____ (be) it on the desk? No. _____ it's not under the chair. Oh, it is on the sofa. _____ (be) the keys on the sofa? No, they _____ (be). They are on the table _____ my room. _____ is the map? I think it is in my _____ (grandparents) room. Where are the _____ (book)? They are on the bed. Where is _____ (I) hat? Haha, it's on my head.



Mike is _____ (I) brother. This is his room. It's not tidy. I see his _____ (cloth) everywhere _____ the room. His trousers _____ (be) under the bed. I see his T-shirt under the bed, _____. Where _____ (be) Mike's shoes? Oh, _____ (it) are on the sofa. On the sofa, I see a pair of shorts, too. _____ are those on the shorts? Well, they are his _____ (sock). Hmm, I think I need _____ (help) Mike tidy up (整理) his room.



Hello! I am _____ Huangshi Middle school. _____ (I) name is Frank Green. My _____ (one) name is Frank. My last name is Green.

This is _____ picture of my family. _____ (this) are my parents. This is my father. His favorite (最喜欢的) color is black. And his favorite number is three. His telephone number is 098-7333. This is my mother. She is nice. Her phone number is 897-6743. Who is that girl next to (紧挨着) her? _____ (her) is my sister, Alice. My _____(grandparent) are in the picture, too. And they _____ (be) in China now. What's the name _____ the dog? It's Coco. My sister and I are his good _____ (friend). I am not in the picture.



Welcome to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store! We sell all the clothes _____ very good prices. Do you know how _____ the hat is? It's only five _____ (dollar). How much _____ (be) our yellow socks? Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two _____ (pair). Do you like the black trousers? _____ nine dollars. How about _____ (this) purple skirts? They're really nice and cheap! _____ (that) white T-shirts are fifteen dollars. How much are the _____(short) for boys? A surprise (惊喜) price. _____ do you need? Come to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store now.



Hello, I'm Justin. Do you know the new clothes store in our block (街区)? The store is very big. The clothes in the store are on _____ (sell) these days. My parents take my sister Selina _____ me there. Look! I like the brown shorts and the black trousers. I'll take_____ (they). I still need _____ T-shirt. How about this red one? Oh, it _____ (look) nice, but it's a little small for me. What about Selina? She needs _____ (buy) a skirt. There are skirts _____ all colors, and they fit (合适) her very _____ (good). But Selina doesn't know which color to choose. Mom wants to buy a pair of shoes. Dad finds some shorts for himself. _____ much are they? They are thirty _____(dollar).



I am _____ (America). My name is Lily. I am a new student. I am twelve years old. Now I am in _____ (class) 6, Grade One, No.5 Middle School. I can sing _____ English. My teachers _____ (be) Miss Gao and Mr. Jin. I have a sister. _____ (she) name is Lucy. We are twins. We look the same. She is in _____ different school.

Look! This is _____ (I) schoolbag. It is old. What _____ is it? Oh, it is yellow. My books are in _____. My pens and pencils are in it, too. _____ is my sister's schoolbag. It is new.



Fashion Clothes Store Sale

Come and buy your clothes _____ our great sale. We sell _____ (boy) trousers for only 25. Do you like _____ (sweater)? We have sweaters at a very good _____ (price)—only 20! _____ girls, we have skirts _____ red, white and purple for only 15. For _____ (woman), we have black shoes for 12. The blue shirts and yellow T-shirts are on _____ (sell) for only 16. How _____ are our jackets? Only 30! And we have black and brown T-shirts for only 15. Socks are only 2 for three _____. Come to our store now.



Jane and Mary are good friends. Their families are _____ Shanghai now. Jane is from Britain and Mary is _____America. Jane is eleven _____ Mary is twelve. They are in the same school, but they _____ (be not) classmates. Jane is in Class _____ (one). Miss May is _____ (she) teacher. Mary _____ (be) in Miss White's class. Jane and Mary have () QQ numbers. Jane's QQ number is 18267379. Mary's QQ _____ is 70938166. They often talk (交谈) _____ Chinese on the Internet. They want to learn _____ (China) well. They like Shanghai. They like China.



Hello! I'm Zhang Kai. I'm ten _____ (year) old. I'm a student. I study _____ a middle school in Hangzhou. I'm in _____ 2, Grade 1. I live at 168, Qingchun Road. _____ (I) home is near the school. This is my schoolbag. I have _____ notebook and a pencil box in it. My phone number is in the notebook. If _____ (your) want to make friends (交朋友) with me, you can call me _____ 86886969. I also have two _____ (watch). They _____ (be) in the pencil box. The watches are yellow. _____ pencil box is green. I like them.



There are many people in the shop.

Mr. Brown would like to buy some clothes _____ his daughter, Maria. She _____ (try) on a red coat. _____ does she like the coat? She likes it very much. It looks very nice _____ her.

Ben is helping his father do some _____ (shop). They need two _____ (kilo) of apples and some rice. Oh, they don't have _____ (some) milk. Milk is on big sale. Buy three for 20 yuan. They want to buy six bottles. How _____are they? They are forty yuan.

Peter is in the shop too. What _____ he want to buy? He doesn't want to buy anything. He is just _____ (look).



Hi, I'm Jin Tao. This is my bedroom. It's big _____ clean. What can you see in it? You can see some pictures _____ the wall. _____ are nice. There _____ (be) a table by the window. A computer is on the desk. A photo of my family is on the table, too. There is a chair next to the table. _____ (I) football is under the chair. _____ is the bed? Look, it's next to the table. What's on the bed? I can see two _____ (cat) on it. They _____ (be) white and yellow. I like to play with them. What's under the bed? They're my _____ (shoe). Where are my books? They are in my schoolbag. Some pens and pencils are _____ the schoolbag, too.

I like my bedroom.



Come and buy your clothes at Mr. Cool's Clothes Store! We sell all the clothes _____ very good prices. Do you know how _____ the hat is? It's only five _____ (dollar). How much _____ our yellow socks? Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two _____ (pair). Do you need _____ (sweater)? They are only twelve dollars. Do you like the black trousers? _____ (it) are nine dollars. How about _____ (this) purple skirts? They're really nice and cheap! _____ (that) white T-shirts are fifteen dollars. How much are the _____ (short) for boys? A surprise (惊喜) price. Come to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store now.



At present, the students in America have a lot _____ homework. But home is not a good place for students _____(do) their homework. So there come Homework Clubs. And they are more and more popular in America.

What's the Homework Club?

The Homework Club is a _____ (quietly) place for students to do their homework. _____ teacher will help students prepare (准备) for the tests there. The teacher is not to teach students _____ to give them help when they need.

Where and when is the Homework Club?

The Homework Club _____ (be) usually in a library or in a classroom. It is a popular activity after school every _____ (daily). If there is no school that day, the Homework Club will not _____ (meeting).

What will students do in the Homework Club?

In the Homework Club, the students will do their homework _____ the first hour and then they will draw _____(picture) or play football.



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