

Module 7 Unit 2 There are three brown monkeys.


  • 基础题

  1. 正确抄写下列单词

    over  there  table  we   some  at  can  seee   animal  




  1. 选出不同类的单词。 

    (  ) 1. A. some    B. eleven    C. one       D. four

    (  ) 2. A. bird   B. tiger    C. lion       D. animal

    (  ) 3. A. zoo     B.horse   C. elephant   D. giraffe[来源:学科网ZXXK]

    (  ) 4. A. crayon  B. tree     C. pencil    D. ruler

    (  ) 5. A. driver    B. clown C. tree    D. nurse

    . 读一读,选一选 

    (  ) 1. There is a horse.


    A.   B.

    (  ) 2. There are some pigs.

    A. B.

  • 能力题


    (  ) 1. There _________ a bird in the tree.

    A. is   B. are

    (  ) 2. There ________ four lions over there.

    A. is   B. are

    (  ) 3. There ________ short crayons over there.

    A. is   B. are

    (  ) 4. There ________ a white elephant under the tree.

    A. is   B. are

    (  ) 5. There ________ a policeman over there.

    A. is   B. are

  1. 填写句子

    1. There ______ some tigers.

    2. There ______ a monkey in the tree.

    3. There are some lions under ___ tree.

    4. The elephant is tall, the snake is _____().

    5. There________ (be not) any rice in the bowl.

  • 提升题

  1. 汉英翻译

  1. 动物园有很多动物。


  2. 那有狮子和老虎。


    3. 你可以看见多少猫?


    4. 那里有两只灰色的马。


    5. 这里也有大象。


  1. 阅读理解[来源:Z.xx.k.Com]

    Look! There are so many animals at the zoo. There are twelve black and white pandas. There are three white bears. There are eleven black and red monkeys. There are nine yellow and black tigers. There are ten green and purple birds. They are very cute.

    (  ) 1. There are ________ bears.

    A. twelve   B. three   C. nine

    (  ) 2. The tiger are _______.

    A. black and white    B. green and purple   C. yellow and black

    (  ) 3. The birds are ________.

    A. green and purple   B. black and red   C. orange and white



  • 基础题


  1. 省略

    . 1. A   2. D   3. A   4. B   5. C

    . 1. A   2. B


  1. 注意学生的单词格式是否正确。

  2. 本题考查学生对于单词的掌握的程度和能否区分意思相近的单词[来源:##Z#X#X#K]


  • 能力题


  1. 1. A   2. B   3. B   4. A   5. A

  2. 1. are   2. is   3. to   4. short   5. is not


  1. 本题考查学生对于图片的观察能力和句型there be的使用。

  2. 本题考查学生本课句型的掌握,重点考查there be句型的正确使用。

  • 提升题


  1. 1. There are many animals in the zoo.

    2. There are lions and tigers over there.

    3. How many cats can you see?

    4. There are two brown horses.

    5. There’re elephants, too.

  2.  1. B   2. C   3. A



    1. 本题考查学生对于句型there be...掌握,注意学生单复数书写情况。

    2. 本题考查学生对于句型there be...的掌握,注意学生单复数书写情况

    3. 本题考查学生对于how many...句型的掌握,注意学生单复数书写情况。

    4. 题考查学生对于句型there be...的掌握,注意学生单复数书写情况。

    5. 题考查学生对于句型there be...的掌握,注意学生单复数书写情况。

  3. 本本题是阅读理解题,对于学生的综合能力要求较高。

  1. 句子“There are three white bears.”可得出选择B选项。

  2. 从句子 “There are nine yellow and black tigers.”故选择C选项。

  3. 从句子 “There are ten green and purple birds. ”故选择A选项。


上一篇: 2019-2020学年小学一年级下册英语一课一练第三单元Unit1 下一篇: 2019-2020学年小学一年级下册英语一课一练第七单元Unit1



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