
2019年牛津上海版 六年级上册 Module 1 阶段复习 (二) 无听力部分

Module 1 阶段复习 ()

Part 1 Listening (25分 略)

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (35)

I. Choose the best answer. (20)

(   ) 1. Mary was born ________ the night of National Day.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

(   ) 2. Kittys dog is white. ________ name is Sam.

A. Its B. Its C. Hers D. It

(   ) 3. Animals are peoples friends, so we should be kind ________ them.

A. to B. for C. of D. with

(   ) 4. ________ did you eat for lunch yesterday?

A. How B. Who C. What D. When

(   ) 5. There is still some ______ left at the moment.

A. sausages B. people C. time D. cakes

(   ) 6. Mum  always  buys  some  newspapers_______.

A. on her way home B. in her way home

C. in her way to home D. on her way to home

(   ) 7. She has a bad habit. She always ________ her exercise books at home.

A. forget B. leaves

C. stays D. takes

(   ) 8. The boys sometimes ________ basketball in the afternoon.

A. are going to play B. to play C. plays D. play

(   ) 9. Its very hot outside. Would you like to keep the door and the windows ________?

A. open B. opening C. opened D. opens

(   ) 10. We should ________ the children who lost their parents in the earthquake (地震).

A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look out

(   ) 11. My father ________ Hong Kong for a visit twice.

A. has been to B. has gone to   C. was in D. went to

(   ) 12. As Shanghainese, we promise ________ our city clean to welcome the 2010 World Expo.

A. make B. making C. to make D. made

(   ) 13. Tomorrow will be Childrens Day. I ________ with my parents.

A. go shopping B. will go to shopping C. go to shopping D. will go shopping

(   ) 14. Nowadays most parents ________ have one child in China.

A. only B. still C. even D. almost

(   ) 15. ________ do you want to do in the summer holidays?

A. Which B. What else    C. What other D. Who else

(   ) 16. —What about having a picnic in the park?    


A. Thats a good idea. B. Are you kidding?

C. I dont know. D. Yes, please.

(   ) 17. —Shall we go to visit the Grand Theatre this Saturday?


A. That sounds great B. Me, too.

C. Are you kidding? D. I dont know.

(   ) 18. Lets go to play badminton in the gymnasium (体育馆).   


    A. Thats all right B. Thats right   C. All right D. Youre right

(   ) 19. “We should use the water again.” meansWe should ________ the water.

A. recycle B. reuse C. share D. drink

(   ) 20. “Mary spent a week visiting Beijing.” means It ________ Mary a week to visit Beijing.

A. paid B. took C. used D. cost

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (9)

1. Do you know all the group ________ (member)?

2. She likes to go ________ (cycle) after school.  

3. Stella is ________ (luck) enough to get the signature of the famous star.

4. Swimming and surfing (冲浪) are good ________ (activity) in summer.

5. Many foreigners think that Chinese are very ________ (friend) to them.

6. There are fourteen floors in the building. The Hus live on the ________ (twelve) floor.

7. Nowadays some people still ________ (pollution) rivers and lakes.

8. Look! This is a photo of Alice and ________ (I).

9. I usually go ________ (shop) in Sandy Bay.

III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (6)

1. Jacky had lunch at home yesterday. (改为否定句)

Jacky ________ ________ lunch at home yesterday.

2. They are going to visit Yu Garden tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)

________ they ________ to visit Yu Garden tomorrow?

3. The car cost me 300,000 yuan last year. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ did the car cost you last year?

4. They have been to the Great Wall in Beijing. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they been in Beijing?

5. Is your school near your home? Is your school far away from your home? (合并为一句)

________ your school near ________ far away from your home?

6. I ride a bicycle to school every day. (同义句转换)

I ________ to school ________ bicycle every day.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (40)

I. Reading comprehension. (33)


The Smiths are Americans. They are now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for two months. They want to visit some cities and villages (村庄). They hope to learn some Chinese, too.

Mr. Smith is a doctor. He will visit a hospital in Shanghai. Mrs. Smith is a teacher. She is going to visit some city schools and village schools. Their daughter is a middle school student. She wants to meet some Chinese students.

They are going to take a lot of pictures in China. When they go back to America, they will show the pictures to their American friends. They want their American friends to know more about China.

True or false. (7)

(   ) 1. The Smiths come from China.

(   ) 2. There are three people in Mr Smiths family.

(   ) 3. They visit China for the first time.

(   ) 4. They plan to stay in China for fourteen days.

(   ) 5. Mrs. Smith will visit both some city schools and some village schools.

(   ) 6. The purpose (目的) of taking a lot of pictures is to let their American friends know more about China.

(   ) 7. This passage mainly talks about “Life in Beijing”.


People living in different parts of the world made different kinds of languages. Today there are about fifteen hundred kinds of languages in the world. Each has thousands of words. But you do not need all these. To read short stories, you need to know only about two thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn one thousand more.

The words you know are called your vocabulary (词汇量). You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you find a new word, look it up in your dictionary. Your dictionary is the most useful book.

Choose the best answer. (7)

(   ) 1. The number of different languages spoken is about ________.

A. 150 B. 1,500 C. 500 D. 15,000

(   ) 2. Before you leave your school, youll learn ________.

A. only about two thousand words   B. five hundred thousand words

C. more than one thousand words     D. only one thousand words

(   ) 3. Each language usually contains (包含) ________.

A. two thousand words B. hundreds of words

C. different kinds of words   D. thousands of words

(   ) 4. We need to know ________ words to read easy stories.

A. all of the B. no C. some of the D. none of the

(   ) 5. To make your vocabulary bigger, you must ________.

A. read as many books as possible  B. get as many dictionaries as you can

C. buy plenty of books D. have a very large English dictionary

(   ) 6. You will enjoy ________.

A. your vocabulary    B. the books written in easy English

C. your dictionary   D. finding new words in your dictionary

(   ) 7. What is the best title (题目) for the passage?  

A. Looking Up Dictionary B. Reading Stories

C. Words — the Unit of Languages D. Languages in the World


Little Jim was born in a small village. His father has a farm there. His parents work hard but there is little rain, so they cant get enough food to eat. The boy is eight now. He has to help his parents to work on the farm and cant go to school.

One day a travelling circus (马戏团) comes to the vilage. Most of the farmers go to see the shows and they all think the shows are nice. Jim wants to watch them too, but his father doesnt allow (允许) it. He is so sad that he cries the whole night. His mother loves him very much. The next morning, she says, “You can sell two hens in the town and then go to watch the shows, Jim.”

The boy catches two hens and goes to the town quickly. That afternoon he comes back happily.

What do you think of the shows, Jim?” asks his mother.


Which programme do you like best?”

All except (除……之外) one,says Jim. A man throws several knives at a girl, but none of them hits (击中) her!

Answer the questions. (5)

1. Where was Jim born?  


2. Why cant Jim go to school?   


3. Why does Jim cry?   


4. How does Jim get the money to watch the shows?  


5. What does Jim think of the shows?  



Henry works in an office and he is very busy. He really wants to have a good weekend. One Friday, he gets home at half   1   six. What shall we do this weekend?he asks his wife.

Tomorrow   2   a fine day. Why   3   go to a quiet place?his wife answers.

Thats a good idea. Lets drive to a   4   and have a picnic.Henry says.

The country looks so   5  . Birds are singing everywhere, and flowers are blooming (开花) around the lake. They both have a good time, but when they are going   6   home, they dont know the way.

Henry drives over to a farmer and asks, Excuse me.   7   am I? Please tell me.The farmer looks at him and the car. You are in your car, sir.he says.

Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage. (7)

(   ) 1. A. pass B. past C. passed D. over

(   ) 2. A. is B. will be     C. was D. are

(   ) 3. A. dont     B. cant C. not D. wont

(   ) 4. A. city B. park   C. zoo D. country

(   ) 5. A. big B. beautiful   C. interested D. large

(   ) 6. A. to     B. at C. back D. for

(   ) 7. A. Where     B. Who C. What D. How


Peter is a primary school pupil. He is a g  1   boy. Uncle John lives next to him. Uncle John has no c  2   and he cant see anything. He

w  3   in the factory near Peters school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes back home at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Peter goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes back home at the same time as Uncle John in the afternoon. On weekdays Peter gets up e  4   to take Uncle John to the factory. A  5   school he takes Uncle John home. On Sundays Peter helps Uncle John clean the house and do some c  6   for lunch. Uncle John thanks Peter very much. He says, Peter is a good boy. He is l  7   my son.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (7)

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________  

5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________

II. Writing. (7)

Write a short passage of at least 60 words on the topic The Person Who I Like Best.  以“我最喜欢的人”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文。


1. Who is the person you like best?

2. What do you usually do together?

3. Why do you like him / her?

The Person Who I Like Best









































Module 1 阶段复习(二)参考答案

Part 1 听力部分略

Part 2

I. 1—5 BAACC

6—10 ABDAB

11—15 ACDAB

16—20 AACBB

II. 1. members 2. cycling

3. lucky 4. activities

5. friendly 6. twelfth 7. pollute 8. me 9. shopping

III. 1. didnt have 2. Are, going 3. How much 4. Where have 5. Is, or  6. go, by

Part 3



C. 1. In a small village.

2. Because he has to help his parents to work on the farm. 3. Because his father doesnt allow him to watch the shows. 4. He sells two hens.

5. Wonderful.


E. 1. good 2. child 3. works

4. early 5. After 6. cooking

7. like

II. One possible version:

The Person Who I Like Best

Just like most of the children, I like my mother best. She is my first teacher. She teaches me how to read and write. She is always with me when I do my homework. Whenever I meet troubles, she will help me. She is also my best friend. At weekends, she always plays with me. We go cycling, go shopping and play badminton together. She is so kind to me. I love her because she loves me so much.



上一篇: 2023年牛津上海版2018学年七年级英语上学期期中模拟卷 下一篇: 2019年牛津上海版 高一英语上学期期末巩固练习(一)



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