
2021-2022年牛津上海版 高一第一学期 Unit4 Entertainment-reading专项讲解及巩固练习(有答案)

U4 Entertainment-reading


1. “I’m glad that I’m not one of the contestants!” whispered Mandy.

whisper v. 低语;耳语

The children were whispering in the corner.

She is whispering to him over there.

The wind was whispering in the trees.


2. They must feel really worried now!

must在这里表示猜测,意思是一定, 很可能

You have worked hard all day. You must be tired.

It’s ten o’clock. He must be working in his office.

The girl returned soon. She must have run all the way.


3. Oh, she’s fainted because it’s too hot.

1).  faint v. 昏厥, 昏倒

A young student fainted in the hot sun.

2). n. 昏倒

She recovered from a faint.


Having climbed to the top of the hill, she felt faint.

There is a faint hope that she may be cured.


4. A cameraman helped the woman off the stage.

  1. prep.离开;离不远

They lived in a little town off the sea.

You’ll find an underground station off the school.

He was off his seat and  standing at the platform.

  1. adv.

I went to see my friends off.

The birds flew off.

The milk is off.



take off/set off/ call off/ put off/ break off(突然中断)/

knock off(下班)


5. After he seated her on the stage, a make-up artist rushed toward.

1.seat oneself / be seated 坐下

The guests were all seated. 

Mary seated herself at a desk. 

He seated us in the front row.


The hall can seat 1000 people.

词组:have a seat           take a seat

seat, sit这两个动词均含之意。

seat: 及物动词,常与反身代词连用,常用过去分词seated形式。

sit: 多用作不及物动词


6. … she was soon ahead of the other two contestants.

ahead of  领先; 在 ... 前面

He will be ahead of others in English.

I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.  

The airplane arrived ahead of time(提前).  


7. Twenty-five minutes later, Angela had beaten the other contestants.

beat v. 战胜;击败;打; 敲打

I think Jack can beat all the runners in the country.

He beat his brother for lying.

The rain was beating against the windows.

winbeat赢、战胜讲时,宾语不同:win+比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名词,即race, match, game,  competition, war, prize之类的词;

He won first prize in the surfing competition.

We beat the strongest team in the football match this time

beat, strike, hit这些动词均含有之意。

beat: 含义广泛,指连续打击。游戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解。

strike: 多指急速或突然一次猛击。

hit: 常与strike换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中。



A. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their correct form.          

director   contestant   faint   seat   terrific  tense    beat    make    ahead of


1. The famous _______ Zhang Yimou _______ a short piece of film for Beijing Olympics.

2. Class one _______ Class two at the basketball match.

3. Ladies and gentlemen, please get _______.

4. The atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and more ________.

5. Let’s welcome the ___________ from Shanghai.

6. The little girl _______ because of hunger.

7. She has done a _______ job.

8. Their company ____________ its rivals in sales.



win the grand prize; ahead of; contestants; a trip to; director; whispered; getting…right

studio; terrific; volunteered; beaten;  fainted


In the ______, the ________was busy getting everything ready. Mandy __________ she was glad not to be one of the ____________ while Angela would love to be one of them. Suddenly, one woman contestant _______ for she was too worried. So Angela ____________ to attend it.

Angela was ______. Since she was soon_________ the other 2 contestants. 25 minutes later, she had ________the contestants. She had to answer 6 more questions to ___________________. Angela kept ________the questions______ and won the prize --- _________to the lovely city of Paris.



C. Translation

  1. 许多家庭主妇说看电视是他们最喜欢的娱乐形式。(entertainment



  1. 玛丽提前三天完成了任务。(ahead of



  1. 当一个人处于压力之下,他的面部肌肉会紧绷。



  1. 每次打网球,我总能赢我表哥。(beat



  1. 决赛时,我们的排球队差点被打败。(beat



  1. 候诊室里, 我前面还有另外六名病人。(ahead



  1. 自从毕业以来, 他们一直都保持联系。(since



  1. 他提前两年通过了考试。(ahead of



  1. 你最好别把他们两个安排在相邻的位置上。(seat



  1. 因为所有的位子都满了, 我只能站在角落里。(as



  1. 他们只剩下一个礼拜的时间准备颁奖典礼。(to go




D.Reading Comperhension

Section A

A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the belief that he is not capable of it. A child may think he is stupid because he doesn’t understand how to   51   the most of his mental abilities. Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning new things because of their   52  .

A person who knows that he is incapable will not make a real   53   because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for success, and he won’t work his hardest way,   54   he may think he is doing so. He is therefore   55   to fail, and the failure will   56   his belief in his inability.

Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had an experience like this. When he was a small boy, he had a poor   57   in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not   58   too much of him. In his way, they two   59   the idea. He accepted their mistaken thinking of his ability, feeling that it was useless   60   and was very poor at maths, just as they expected.

One day he worked at a problem which none of the other students had been able to solve. Alder   61   in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now worked with interest,   62   and purpose, and he soon became especially good at maths. He not only 63 that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learnt   64   in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may 65   himself as well as others by his ability.


(   ) 51.A.let            B.make          C.have          D.order

(   ) 52.A.ability         B.attitude        C.age           D.brain

(   ) 53.A.decision        B.success       C.difference      D.effort

(   ) 54.A.as though       B.even though   C.because of      D.despite of

(   ) 55.A.impossible      B.easy          C.possible       D.likely

(   ) 56.A.lead           B.strengthen     C.increase        D.add

(   ) 57.A.talent          B.mind         C.start           D.belief

(   ) 58.A.blame         B.expect         C.push          D.remind

(   ) 59.A.agreed         B.refused        C.developed      D.made

(   ) 60.A.complaining    B.remarking      C.trying         D.learning

(   ) 61.A.managed       B.succeeded      C.achieving      D.involving

(   ) 62.A.determination   B.excitement     C.concentration   D.reflection

(   ) 63.A.guaranteed     B.appeared       C.experienced    D.proved

(   ) 64.A.early          B.deeply         C.quietly        D.simply

(   ) 65.A.encourage      B.ensure         C.amaze         D.assure


Section B



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Grand Canyon West (GCW)(美国西部大峡谷)is owned by the Hualapai Tribe (Tribe) and operated by Hwal Bay Baj Enterprises, Inc, dba Grand Canyon Resort Corporation (GCRC). You assume all risk and danger that happens in your visit. Directors, officers and employees are not responsible for any injuries, damages and liabilities, theft, or loss of any kind. Upon entering onto the Tribe’s land and the Colorado River, you have agreed to obey all the laws and customs, and waived(放弃)all claims arising from the use of this ticket or your visit. Dated tickets are officially acceptable only on the date(s) printed above. This ticket is officially accpetable only on the date(s) printed above. This ticket is nonrefundable. You will not use any photographs (including film, still, vedio or otherwise) of the Tribe’s land (including the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, and Skywalk), directly or indirectly, for profit (including in any advertisement, news or publication), without first obtaining the necessary written approvals and permits. Management reserve all rights.

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(   ) 70.Where is the passage probably taken from?

        A.A visiting ticket.                B.A promotion advertisement.

        C.A geography book.              D.A science fiction film.

(   ) 71.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

        A.You can get the money back if you give up the trip.

        B.You needn’t pay money for your meal that day.

        C.Officers from GCRC will bear responsibility if you get hurt.

        D.You are sure to be familiar with all the laws and customs there.

(   ) 72.The underlined word “liabilities” can be understood as “       ”.

        A.traditional customs              B.the amounts of debt   

        C.trouble makers                 D.legal responsibilities

(   ) 73.The photographs taken in Grand Canyon West can be used if       .

        A.you advertise them for a company indirectly

        B.they are not for business and obtain formal approvals

        C.you pay for the rights to the local government

        D.they are used for the latest publication




When I was young, it wasn’t the parental love that filled my thoughts in the spring. It was baseball. I loved everything about the game---the crack of a bat, the excitement of chasing a ground ball across short green grass, even watching the games on your old black-and-white TV. Yet looking back now, nothing was quite as important to me as the annual ritual(老规矩)of playing catch with my dad.

Dad was never much of a baseball fan, but as green leaves began to shoot on bare branches and warmth returned to the air, he would grab his old mitt(棒球手套)and head out to the yard with me just the same. There was something beneficial about playing catch with him, the hum(嗡嗡声)of the ball as it sailed through the air, and the friendly pop as it hit the leather netting. We may have been 50 feet apart, but the flight of that ball connected us, forming as strong a relationship as any father-son talk ever could have.

I was never the star of my Little League team, yet Dad never cared about that. Every year, he would be out there, waiting to field any false throw I sent his way.

As I grew older, I realized that our game was a reflection of our relationship---that even if a problem didn’t involve a glove and a ball, Dad would always be there to handle anything I threw in his direction. His devotion to our springtime ritual showed his devotion to me---not only to my love of baseball but also to my life.

I’ve often heard it said that “the devil is in the details.” Now I realize that in my relationship with my father, love was in the details.


(   ) 74.When the author was young, he didn’t care much about        .

        A.the sound of hitting a ball         B.the company of his father

        C.the joy of running after a ball      D.the games broadcast on TV

(  ) 75.The author’s father practiced catching baseball with him on warm spring days,        .

        A.having a father-son conversation with him

        B.killing time while doing some physical exercise

        C.making him an excellent baseball player

        D.giving him a guiding hand in his life

(   ) 76.We can learn from the passage that        .

        A.a yearly celebration was held to start their spring baseball catching ritual

        B.the author and his father used to have a loose relationship with each other

        C.the author fully realized his father’s love for him when he was younf

        D.the author’s father always stood by him whenever he was in trouble

(   ) 77.What is the passage mainly about?

        A.The same hobby shared between the author and his father.

        B.The way the author and his father used to spend spring days.

        C.The author’s sweet memory of his father’s love for him.

        D.The analysis made by the author about father-son relationship.




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

  1. 我一整天都四下忙活,想把所有的事情都做完。(rush


  2. 这些书是按照作者姓名字母顺序(alphabetical)排列的。(arrange


  3. 磁带开始录制的时候告诉我一声。(record


  4. 我是在最后期限(deadline)的前几天完成的。(ahead


  5. 他在书桌后面坐下。(seat




    A. 1. director made 2. Was ahead of 3. Seated 4. Tense  5. Contestant  6. Fainted 7. Terrific 8. Beat


    B. studio; director; whispered; contestants; fainted; volunteered; terrific; ahead of; beaten;

    win the grand prize; getting; right; a trip



  1. Most housewives say that watching TV is their favorite form of entertainment.

  2. Mary finished her task three days ahead of time.

  3. When someone is under stress, his facial muscles become tense.

  4. I could always beat my cousin at tennis/ Every time we played tennis, I could always beat my cousin

  5. Our volleyball team was narrowly beaten in the final.

  6. There were six other patients ahead of me in the waiting room.

  7. They have been in contact since they left school.

  8. He passed the exam two years ahead of time.

  9. You had better not seat them next to each other.

  10. As all the seats were full, I had to stand in the corner.

  11. There is only one week to go for them to complete preparations for the award ceremony.












1. I have been rushing around all day trying to get everything done.

2. These books are arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors names.

3. Let me know when the tape begins to record

4. I finished it several days ahead of the deadline.

5. He seated himself in front of the desk.



上一篇: 2019年牛津上海版 高一英语第一学期 Test for Unit 4 Entertainment 下一篇: 2021-2022年牛津上海版 高一第一学期 Unit4 Entertainment-more reading专项讲解及练习(有答案)



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