
2023年牛津上海版 高一第一学期 Unit4 Entertainment 巩固练习(有答案)

U4 Entertainment 巩固练习

A. Words and expressions

  1. Seeing that John suddenly became angry, we looked at each other in surprise.

  2. To our great surprise, he got all the answers right and won the quiz programme.让我们惊讶的是

  3.  Will you go skating with me tomorrow afternoon?

 Id love to, but I am afraid I cant spare the time.

  1. The child fainted from cold and hunger.

  2. Its not good for young girls to wear too much make-up.

  3. There are plans to change the make-up of the committee.

  4. The boy curiously watched her sister make up for her date.

  5. This machine is made up of more than 600 parts.

  6. Use your head to make up a fairy tale about a princess.

  7. I am sure there is a bright future ahead of all of us.

  8. The monitor is far ahead of the others in physics.

  9. Whenever I have an appointment, I always arrive a little ahead of time.

  10. They beat the prisoner black and blue.

  11. At midnight, I couldnt hear the rain beating against the window.

  12.  I can easily beat him off at golf.

  13. There is a growing trend toward part-time employment in senior high school.

  14. The newly-released album has already proved a success and may well start a trend.

  15. A beautiful crystal chandelier is suspended from the ceiling in the Shanghai Grand Theater.

  16. The company announced that the contract would be suspended until a new agreement was reached.

  17. Make sure you arrange a visit to the new factory for all the guests.

  18. Please arrange these books in the shelf in order.

  19. It is said that the theater will arrange for the famous singer to perform at the concert.

  20. After about three months, I no longer relied on the medicine.

  21. She is on in the second act.




    B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prep. or adv. /with the proper forms of the given words

  1. It is unwise    you to set the air-conditioner    too low a temperature in hot summer.

  2. Go that way, please. The road ahead    you is      construction.

  3. After making himself      , he looks      Father Christmas.

  4. Cant you see the notice that say, Dont rest your bicycle        the wall?

  5. The director hurried down        the control room and rushed           the audience.

  6. Daisy picked      some Cantonese during her stay in Hong Kong.

  7. Andy asked him for some advice      how to deal       the pressure      life.

  8. He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself             . (surrounding)

  9. The hospital staff were outside to welcome the foreign experts, waving flags and            . (clap)

  10. She            her face and applied her lipstick. (powder)

  11. Philip won over all the other              in the competition. (contest)

  12. Sri Lankas cricket team will play Indian in the        of the Asian Cup. (finally)




C. Translation

  1. 我肯定,在演讲方面Bruce比他的同学都好。(ahead of



  2. 是该孩子们不依赖父母独立生活的时候了。(it’s time for; on ones own



  3. 和邻近的小商店比起来,超市提供居民更多可供选择的商品。(compare



  4. 你安排了车来飞机场接我,想的真周到。(arrange



  5. Caroline直到Peter打来电话才听说John的死讯。(hear of



  6. 我们期望产品的数量不断增长。(keep doing



  7. 因为和老板关系不好,他辞职了。(because of



  8. 再过两三年,上海就要举办2010世博会了。(It bebefore



  9. 青藏铁路通车已经有两个月了。(since



  10. 随着房价上涨,更多的人仓促买房。(as


    D.Grammar & Reading


    Once upon a time there are an idiot named Hugh. The town’s folk would often make fun of him, but a few felt sorry for him and gave him hand-me-down clothes, leftover food, and even a small old house to live (25)      at the edge of town. All these (26)        (donate) by the few kind people.

    One day, Hugh showed up at the village aquare, wearing a brand new suit. Everyone amazed, (27)         few people in the town could afford new clothing, let alone a nice suit. One of townsfolk asked Hugh where he got his new suit, thinking he must (28)        it. “I bought it!” he told them. And he added that the fine new house being built on the mountainside that everyone was wondering about was (29)       . (30)        questioned where he got the money, he told them it was the money they gave him. With people giving him food, clothing, and shelter, he simply saved and invested everything they gave him. “I (31)         be your village idiot, but I’m no fool.” Hugh simled, and then handed out hundreds of dollar bills to those (32)        had been kind to him.


    25.         26.         27.         28.        

    29.         30.         31.         32.        



    Nowadays, (33)         is common that more and more high school students open their own micro blogs on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show their talent. For another, it is a useful way to release their pressure. And all these make it (34)        (much) popular than ever before with high school students. (35)        , many parents and teachers hold a different view. They think (36)         one’s micro blog will take up a lot of time and energy, which should be used to study. In my view, I am greatly in favor of this activity. Today the Internet is playing (37)      important and essential role in our life. Therefore as high school students of the Information Age, we need to learn to make use of this meaningful tool (38)          (communicate) and display ourselves. What’s more, (39)          (open) and organizing micro blogs need various abilities such as writing, designing, being skillful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful micro blog. As a result, we improve ourselves (40)         organizing our micro blogs. In fact, micro blog itself is of little harm. It is your attitude towards it that matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects.


        33.         34.         35.         36.        

    37.         38.         39.         40.        










    Thirteen tears after the launch of Taobao, China has risen to become the world’s second busiest online marketplace, behind only the United States. This is the kind of statistics that 41 love, but it doesn’t really tell us anything about why so many people like to buy so many things online.

    Is it because it’s easy? Is it because of the   42   selection? Is it because we want to feel   43   to others without leaving the house?

    Taobao was in fact a   44   to ebay’s entrance into the Chinese market in 2003. Jack Ma(马云)knew that he knew China better than the Americans did, and that Taobao could beat ebay at its own game here. He was right, and Jack Ma has helped to   45   the nature of online commerce in China---what it looks like, how it works, most   46  , who its users are.

    Taobao’s aesthetic(美学)is distinctive, and has influenced and inspired competitors in China and around the world. The way it works is also different from other   47   online retailers(零售店). But the real genius of Taobao lies in its   48   of its uers. What it looks like and how it works, after all, were   49   with the users in mind: a young, increasingly “connected” and increasingly wealthy Chinese generation.

    When they designed Taobao, Jack Ma and his team realized that many young people in China strongly  50  social interaction with their peers, so they made such interaction---everything from messaging to live chats to recommendations and reviews---a core part of Taobao shopping experience.



     41.         42.         43.         44.         45.        

     46.         47.         48.         49.         50.        


    D.Guided Writing









    Dear Mom and Dad,







    Best wishes.


    Li Ming



    Dear Mum and Dad, 

       How are you recently? I have studied in Yuyao High School as a freshman for more than 2 months and I can not wait to share my feelings with you.

    Our school is an ideal place to live and study in. There are beautiful pants, nice flowers, friendly classmates and hard-working teachers who are always ready to help us with our studies. However, I am not doing well in maths at present. And there is still some time before I can be really independent. I wil try my best to catch with others and learn to live by myself.

    Best wishes. 



  1. 惊讶地;  2.使我们惊讶的是;  3.我很乐意;    4. 晕倒;   5. 化妆品;  6. 构成

7.  化妆;   8. 由。。。组成;   9.编造;   10.在。。。前面;   11.超过;   12. 提前

13. 打;揍    14.敲打;    15. 击退;打赢     16. 趋势;   17. 一种时尚/潮流

18.悬挂; 19. 暂停;  20. 安排;   21. 整理;  22. 安排;   23. 不再;   24. 上场



  1. of; at     2.  of; under      3.up; like     4. against     5. from; to/ towards   6. up

7. on; with; in     8. surrounded    9. clapping    10. powered   11. contestants   12. final



1. I am sure that Bruce is ahead of his classmates in making a speech.

2. It is time for children to be independent of their parents and live on their own.

3. Compared with small stores in the neighborhoods, supermarkets offer residents a wider choice of goods.

4. How considerate of you/ it is very considerate of you to have arranged for a car to pick me up at the airport.

5. Caroline didnt hear of Johns death until Peter telephoned.

6. They expect the number of the products to keep rising.

7. Because of the bad relationship with the boss, he quit/ gave up the job.

8. It will be 2 or 3 years before the 2012 world expo is held in shanghai.

9. It is / has been 2 months since the Qingzang railway was opened to traffic.

10. As the house price rose, many people rushed to buy house.


答案in;  were donated;  for;   have stolen;    his;    When;    may;   who

答案:it;  more;  But;  that;   an;   to communicate;  opening;  while





上一篇: 2021-2022年牛津上海版 高一第一学期 Unit4 Entertainment-more reading专项讲解及练习(有答案) 下一篇: 2023年牛津上海版 高一第一学期 Unit3 A taste of travel-more reading专项讲解及练习(有答案)



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