

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols.

26. We shall have dinner with our grandparents in a ________ /restrɔnt/ near here.

27. Everyone must obey the traffic _________. /ru:lz/

28. Look! My father is standing in the __________ /midl/

29. Shhh! All the students in the library should keep ________. /kwaɪət/

30. Do you want a __________ /hæmbə:gə(r)/ for lunch?


Ⅲ Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)

31. Can you see _________ man over there? Hes our new English teacher.

A. the              B. a                C. an               D. /

32. Tony always gets _________ the factory at eight oclock.

A. up              B. on               C. off               D. to

33. There is only _________ tomato soup on the table.

A. little            B. a little            C. few               D. a few

34. You often play football with you uncle. _________ else do you often play with?

A. Whose          B. Which            C. Who              D. Why

35. Simons father goes to his office _________ underground every day.

A. in              B. at                C. by               D. on

36. Lets _________ basketball in the playground.

A. plays            B. playing           C. play              D. to play

37. -- _________ do you finish your homework every day? -- For an hour.

A. How soon        B. How long         C. How far           D. How often

38. Lisa, look at the sign. _________ on the grass.

A. Dont walk       B. Not walk          C. Walks            D. Not walking

39. It usually takes Mum an hour _________ to work by underground.

A. go              B. going             C. to go             D. goes

40. -- Must I finish the homework now? -- No, you _________. You can finish it after dinner.

A. mustnt          B. cant              C. may not          D. neednt

41. What would you like to have _________ breakfast, Mrs Li?

A. with            B. for               C. at              D. in

42. Coffee isnt my _________ because it makes me too excited.

A. interest          B. hobby            C. love            D. favourite

43. -- _________ are the vegetable? -- 15 yuan.

A. How much        B. How many         C. How long       D. How often

44. -- May I have some hot tea, please? -- __________________.

A. No, you may not.    B. No, thanks.       C. Good idea!       D. Sure. Here you are.

45. -- How about going to the cinema this weekend? -- _________.

A. Thats a good idea    B. Yes, we shall     C. No, we dont     D. You are welcome


Ⅳ. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

A. Japanese    B. careful     C. countries    D. important    E. with     F. because

      In Japan, people eat their food __46__ chopsticks. At mealtimes, dishes are placed in the centre of the table. The traditional __47__ food mainly includes(包括)rice, fish and vegetables. Fish are the most __48__ food in Japan. And there is much other fresh seafood in the country. This is __49__ the country is near the sea. Japanese fishermen use modern(现代化的)fishing ways to catch the fish and Japan is one of the __50__ that catch the most fish in the world. As their food is so healthy, it is not surprising that most Japanese people can live longer.


Ⅴ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)

51. Kitty likes to eat _________ chicken wings.(fry)

52. Im planning to leave on the _________ of the month. (three)

53. Students mustnt speak _________ in the reading room. (loud)

54. Be careful when you walk _________ the street. (cross)

55. Can you tell me the _________ of this English word? (mean)


Ⅵ. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)

56. I have bought some garlic.(改为一般疑问句)

   _________ you _________ any garlic?

57. Lisa did her project at 8:00 yesterday.(改为否定句)

   Lisa _________ _________ her project at 8:00 yesterday.

58. They must use the life on the left.(针对划线部分提问)

   _________ _________ must they use?

59. Dont play football on the road.(保持句意基本不变)

   _________ _________ play football on the road.

60. We had to leave because its too late.(针对划线部分提问)

   _________ _________ you have to leave?


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分  读写)

Ⅶ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

We Need Volunteers(志愿者)!

Clean Guhua Park!

We need five people to help clean up Guhua Park. We need you to collect rubbish.

If you are free(空闲的)for four hours this weekend, come and join us!

Tel: 021-57164323

Email: guhuapark@126.com

Teach Music!

We need three volunteers to teach music in Childrens Hospital. You need to be good at singing and dancing. And you should be friendly and kind.

If you are free for two hours every weekend, join us!

Tel: 021-64931990

Email: lovechildren@sina.com

Help old people!

We need four volunteers to help old people at Xinxin nursing home. You should talk with old people and wash clothes for them.

If you are free for three hours on November 30, come and join us!

Tel: 021-57191151

Email: homelove@163.com

61. If you are free for _________ this weekend, you can help clean Guhua Park.

A. two hours         B. three hours         C. four hours          D. five hours

62. Childrens Hospital need volunteers to teach children _________.

A. music            B. maths             C. English             D. art

63. If Mark wants to be a volunteer in Childrens Hospital, he can call _________.

A. 021-65825645    B. 021-64931990     C. 021-57164323    D. 021-57191151

64. Volunteers at Xinxin nursing home should _________.

A. collect rubbish    B. teach English     C. learn music      D. wash clothes

65. We need _________ volunteers to do all these things.

A. three            B. four             C. five            D. twelve


B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

       Hello, everyone. This is FM 101.7, Music Radio. The weekend is coming. Whats your plan? Why not see a film at home? Here is a classical(经典)film for you.

       Chris is a kind and hardworking man. __66__ he is not lucky and he loses(失去)his job. His wife soon leaves him. With __67__ money to pay for the rent(租金)of their flat, Chris and his son moves out and sleeps at __68__, toilets or other places. Chris __69__ a new job every day. A week later, he gets a job. He still works hard and never loses hope. He tells his son to be strong all the time.

       This is the __70__ of the film The Pursuit of Happiness. It tells us that happiness will come if we work hard.

66. A. But            B. So               C. Because              D. When

67. A. some           B. enough           C. no                   D. any

68. A. kitchens        B. stations           C. hotels                D. shops

69. A. looks after      B. looks at           C. looks out             D. looks for

70. A. sign           B. music             C. story                D. person


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

       Mike has a dog and it can do a lot of things. One day one of his f__71__ asked him to dinner. He went there w__72__ his dog. When they were eating, he gave some meat, fish and chicken to it. His friend said, You love your dog very much. Yes, Mike said. And it is very c__73__. If you give it some money, it can b__74__ some newspapers for you. So his friend gave the dog some money and it went out at once.

       An hour later, the dog didnt c__75__ back. Mike looked worried(担忧的)and asked, How much did you give my dog? Ten dollars. answered his friend.

       You gave too much. said Mike. My dog may go to see a film now.

71. f_________  72. w_________  73. c_________  74. b_________  75. c_________


D. Answer the questions 根据以下内容回答问题)

What about your plans for the vacation(假期)?

       I have been to Beijing before. I plan to visit Beijing again and stay there for two weeks. I am going to do some shopping. I want to buy some presents for my friends in the USA. They like Chinese culture(文化).

       -- Amy

       I make some plans for my vacation. My parents are always busy, so Im going to help them with the housework. And Im going to spend some time reading books at home. Im going to play tennis with my friends.

       --- Tom

       I am going to Shanghai with my sister Kate. It is the first time for us to visit Shanghai. There are many interesting places in Shanghai. We are going to visit Yu Garden and have delicious food there, too. I think my trip will be interesting.

      ---- Peter

76. Has Amy been to Beijing Before?

77. How long does Amy plan to stay in Beijing?

78. Why is Tom going to help his parents with the housework?

79. Who is Peter going to Shanghai with?

80. How will Peters trip in Shanghai be?


Ⅷ. Writing (作文)

A. Connect the words and phrases into the sentences.(连词成句)

81. get to, it, school, Eddie, twenty minutes, to, takes


82. we, these rules, do, have, where


83. would like, for dinner, with meat, I, steamed eggs


84. Writer a passage of at least 40 words on the topic rules in our school(以“我们学校的规则”为题写一篇短文,词数不少于40个)

Sentence patterns for reference(以下句型仅供参考)

For example, .......

We must ......

We mustnt ......














Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

. 26. restaurant   27. rules   28. middle   29. quiet   30. hamburger

. 31. A   32. D   33. B   34. C   35. C   36. C   37. B   38. A   39. C   40. D   

41. B   42. D   43. A   44. D    45. A

. 46. E    47. A    48. D    49. F     50. C

. 51. fried    52. third    53. loudly    54. across    55. meaning

. 56. Have bought   57. didnt do    58. Which lift    59. We/You mustnt   60. Why did


Part 3 Reading


A. 61 - 65  CABDD

B. 66 - 70  ACBDC

C. 71. friends   72. with    73. clever    74. buy    75. come

D. 76. Yes, she has

   77. For two weeks.

   78. Because his parents are always busy.

   79. His sister. / Kate.

   80. It will be interesting. / Interesting.

. Writing

81. It takes Eddie twenty minutes to get to school.

82. Where do we have rules?

83. I would like steamed eggs with meat for dinner.







上一篇: 2019届高三物理一轮复习:电磁感应 下一篇: 2019-2020学年上海市南洋模范中学高三上期中考化学试卷(含答案)



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