


II. Grammar and vocabulary(25%)

21. ---- Mum, Why do you always make me eat an apple every day?

   ---- ________ enough vitamins as you are growing up.

A. Get    B. To get    C. Getting      D. To be getting

22. The article is so good.  John ______ it by himself.

A. couldn’t have written       B. mustn’t have written

C. couldn’t write             D. mustn’t write

23. I _________ a report last night and I think I shall be able to finish it today.

A. wrote       B. was writing       C. had written         D. would write

24. _____________, they all went to the lake to swim

A. It was a hot day       B. Being a hot day

C. It being a hot day      D. For it was a hot day

25. It is generally believed that teaching is _____ it is a science.

A. an art much as        B. much an art as

C. as an art much as      D. as much an art as

26. It is hard to imagine the extent ______ which playing VR games will harm the youngsters.

A. from    B. with      C. to         D. for

27. Your suggestion is quite _______, and we’ll be discussing it at the meeting.

A. acceptable    B. adaptable    C. reliable     D. receivable

28. The ______TV makes the nights in the country more ________ than before.

A. color…color  B. colorful…colorful   C. colored…colorful   D. color…colorful

29. The _____ doctor told me not to take that medicine any longer, for it is not ______ at all.

A. effective….efficient      B. effective….effective
C. efficient…effective     D. efficient…efficient

30. The space between the rails of a railway line is left to let me the rail _______when it gets hot.

A. spread    B. stretch     C. expand       D. extend

31. The Red Cross is _______ with humanity, mercy and help while blue is considered to be a ______ colour.

A. connected….restful    B. associated…restless     

C. associated….restful    D. connected…restless

32. Bob sat at the table for a few hours and drunk considerably more wine ______ is good for his health.

A. which     B. than      C. what       d. that

33. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation _____ he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where     B. which    C. while       D. that

34. while the bad weather lasted, the campers were______ at a local hotel.

A. put away   B. put down   c. put up     D. put off

35. The film star’s marriage got a lot of ______________.

A. public     B. attention     C. publicity   D. notice

36. __________ there is no objection, I’ll open the window. Which is wrong?

A. supposing that   B. provided that  C. though   D. providing that

37. Liquids are like solids _____ that they have a definite volume.

A. in        B. with        C. for        D. at

38. _______ no proof ______ a wild wolf has ever harmed a human beings.

A. It is….whether         B. That’s….that

C. It is….that             D. There is…that

39. He ______ to shake hands with me when he saw me.

A. ended    B. ceased     C. stopped    D. paused

40.This warning ______ him out of reporting to the policeman.

A. threatened   B. frightened   C. alarmed    D. scared

41.Only by obtaining ________ and accurate information can the government improve its work.

A. restful       B. reliable     c. available     D. flexible

42. The necklace is very expensive because it is made of ________ metal.

A. scarce     B. unusual     C. rare     D. uncommon

43. She _______ her hair brown yesterday.

a. painted  B. dyed    C. colored     D. discolored

44. Face-lift can ______ a few wrinkles and fine lines one one’s face but it is only skin deep.

A. reduce   B. refuse     C. relieve    D. decline

45.Recent changes in the tax law are ________ in the enclosed booklet.

A. set forward   B. set on    C. set to     D. set out

III. Close(10%)

 Many people often recall the lazy days of their youth. While playing in the countryside they would raise their heads to the 46 blue sky. It was easy then to imagine that the clouds looked like many different things 47 cotton, ice cream, and animals like cows and dogs.
   But as 48 , these people look up to see that the clouds are as ever-changing as life. Adults no longer 49 of clouds as lively. Clouds, seemingly covering the golden light of 50 , appear to be full of vitality. The colours at dusk look like a beautiful painting. The rapid 51 of clouds in the sky when it is about to rain gives us the 52 of gods fighting in the sky.
   Ancient poets and scholars were more sensitive to these changes than 53 man. In today’s stress-ridden, cement filled world, if we do look up at the sky, we seem to be in a tunnel and only see a small part of the 54 .
   There is a song, “Abandon (抛开) your worries, forget your unhappiness, and walk outside with me and let us watch the clouds.” This is to say if modern man leaves his busy life 55 and goes out to watch the clouds, he may be able to recapture the days of his youth.
   46. A. wind-swept B. cloud-filled C. empty D. dark
   47. A. such as B. in addition to C. except D. despite
   48. A. children B. parents C. adults D. travellers
   49. A. consider B. think C. regard D. dream
   50. A. brightness B. darkness C. earth D. dawn
   51. A. departure B. advancement C. appearance D. movement
   52. A. image B. shape C. illustration D. shadow
   53. A. ordinary B. ignorant C. simple D. modern
   54. A. cloud B. tunnel C. sky D. change
   55. A. behind B. once C. alone D. undone
VI. Reading Comprehension(20%)
   Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read

   Benge is not an average pet owner. He loves dogs, and that in itself is not uncommon. One or two dogs would make good pets, but Benge has 25 of them. To make matters worse, when the moon is full, we can hear Benge’s dogs barking from one end of town to the other.
   A few years ago when the town people first began to notice the regularity of the barking, they thought they should investigate the cause of all the noise. However, finding out what Benge was doing became a real puzzle. Benge refused to talk to anyone in town. No one had spoken to him in years. The last salesman to visit his house had left with 15 dogs pursuing behind. Jackson , our popular mayor, suggested sending Benge a survey asking for information about his pets. Everyone quickly reminded Jackson that Benge never answered his mail.
   Finally, the town people appointed a committee to investigate the problem. The committee decided that the chairperson, Priscilla, should see for herself what Benge was doing to his dogs.
   The next time the moon was full, Priscilla tiptoed to Benge’s house. The barking became a deafening roar as she drew closer. Along the wooden fence (栅栏), she finally found a hole and looked in. There in the moonlight stood Benge, directing his dogs like an orchestra. "What beautiful voices you have!” shouted Benge. "There’s no finer music in the world than dogs singing to a full moon.” Covering her ears, Priscilla breathed a sigh of relief as she went down the hill — although she wasn’t sure anyone would believe what she had seen.
   56. The town’s biggest problem was in trying to ______.
   A. find out what Benge was doing
   B. appoint a committee
   C. get Benge to talk to them
   D. write a good survey
   57. The best solution to the problem of the barking dogs was ______.
   A. mailing a letter to ask for the information
   B. sending someone to investigate
   C. talking to Benge about the dogs
   D. sending a salesman to watch Benge closely
   58. In the story, Priscilla seemed to be ______.
   A. worried about what would happen to Benge
   B. angry that Benge had so many dogs
   C. happy to act as chairperson of the committee
   D. relieved to know why the dogs were barking
   59. We may infer from the story that ______.
   A. people should not make judgement without facts
   B. people who own pets are not to be trusted
   C. chairpersons make good detectives
   D. it is unwise to keep more than two or three dogs

   As more and more plastic is recycled, scientists and manufacturers are working to develop new products made from recycled plastic. But what do you do with the mountain of carpeting — 2.5 million tons of home and commercial carpets — that ends up in US landfills (垃圾填埋场) each year?
   Already, a handful of manufacturers are remanufacturing old carpet — changing it into new carpet or turning it into car parts and plastic wood. The process reuses the plastic resins (树脂) found in much modern synthetic carpeting. Besides unburdening landfills, remanufacturing holds possibility for dramatic cuts in producing greenhouse gas.
   Currently, only about 4 percent of used carpeting is being recycled; another 1 or 2 percent is cleaned and reused as carpeting. But thanks to a new program, there is hope that as much as 40 percent of old carpeting will be recycled or reused within ten years. The new programme, called the National Carpet Recycling Agreement, is an effort designed to cultivate manufacturer responsibility throughout a product’s life cycle. It’s called product stewardship(管理).
   The purpose of the agreement, says Sherry Enzler, who worked more than two years to help draft out the agreement, is to establish an association that can recover large quantities of the carpet rolled from America’s floors over the next ten years. Finally, if the agreement is renewed, the goal could be a 90 percent recovery rate, assuming national participation. The survey indicated that 5 percent of the garbage entering Minnesota’s landfills is carpeting.
   Carpet manufacturers are central to this recovery effort. They have formed an independent group, the Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE), to draft an action plan and monitor progress in carpet recovery. “We need to start looking at waste as a resource,” Enzler says.
   Major carpet manufacturers, the Environmental Protection Agency, and eight states have signed the agreement. Other states are expected to come on board over time.
   60. This passage is mainly about _____.
   A. the recycling of plastic products
   B. the National Carpet Recycling Agreement
   C. the association of carpet manufacturers
   D. the recycling of used carpeting
   61. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
   A. Millions of tons of carpets find their way in the US landfills each year.
   B. Remanufacturing carpets is likely to decrease the amount of greenhouse gas.
   C. 90 percent of old carpeting will be recovered and reused within the next ten years.
   D. Scientists and manufacturers are working to make products from recycled plastic.
   62. According to the passage, who should play a major role in the recovering and recycling of old carpets?
   A. Garbage collectors.    B. Government officials.
   C. Carpet traders.    D. Carpet manufacturers.
   63 The expression “to come on board” in the last sentence can be replaced by _____.
   A. to realize the significance of the issue
   B. to give their help when necessary
   C. to join the programme eventually
    D. to take strict measures as required


China's giant pandas have long been threatened with extinction, suffering from low birth rates and human encroachment on their habitat. Now they are facing a new threat - starvation. China's state-run media says their favourite food, arrow bamboo, is beginning to die off. It is part of a cycle that happens every 60 years and the new crop will take around 10 years to mature. Last time the bamboo bloomed was in the 1980s and then around 250 giant pandas died of starvation.
Now at least one nature reserve is trying to move those animals at risk into new habitats or find them new sources of food. In another blow for the giant panda, it is being reported that the endangered Tibetan antelope is being tipped as China's Olympic mascot(吉祥物), ahead of the panda. One official was even quoted as lobbying for the antelope because it is more sporty than the other contenders. But panda supporters are holding out hope that Beijing's Olympic emblem could be composed of more than one animal.

64. The best title for the passage is ______________

A. Pandas are becoming extinct because of starvation

B. Tibetan antelope is likely to be chosen as China’s Olympic mascot

C. Arrow bamboo is dying off.

D. Pandas are in danger.

65. In this passage “encroachment” probably means _________

A. dependence B. intruding C. destroying D. preservation


V. 中译英 (15%)

1.她如此热爱学生以至为他们牺牲了自己的生命(go to the length


3.大家都对那为有才华的医生表示赞扬。(compliment  n )






Test 5

II. Grammar and vocabulary:

21-25.BABCD   26-30.CADCC   31-35.CBACC  36-40CADCD   41-45.BCBCD

III. Close:

46-50: BACBD   51-55.DADCA

IV. Reading:

56-59.ABDA   60-63DCDC  64-65.DC

V. Translation

1. She loved the students so much that she went to the length of sacrificing her own life for them.

2. Jane is quoted as saying that she had cosmetic surgery in order to build up self-confidence.

3. Everybody paid compliments on the talented doctor.

4. There is always a fear of failure in his heart, therefore he is not optimistic about future.

5. Moneys resemble human beings very much in some ways, but they are quite different on other ways.



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