



I. Choose the best answer (选出最恰当的答案)

( ) 21. Mr. William        Shanghai last Saturday. He        my car the next day.

A. returned, returned to          B. returned, returned

C. returned to, returned to      D. returned to, returned

( ) 22.         fun it is to go on an outing!

A. How        B. How a      C. What        D. What a

( ) 23. I don't think you can do it,        ?

A. do I         B. can't you     C. can I        D. can you

( ) 24. Whose is this postcard? It belongs to        .

A. she         B. her          C. Mary's    D. hers

( ) 25. They are planning        a package tour London.

A. to taking, to  B. to take, for    C. to take, to    D. to taking, for

( ) 26. There is a bridge        the Thames.

A. on          B. above        C. through    D. across

( ) 27. Who is going to take part in the English        contest?

A.  speak   B. speaking       C. spoken    D. speaker

( ) 28. I'm afraid I had to        an important lecture, so I had no time to go to your birthday party.

A. join       B. take part in    C. attend    D. take

( ) 29. I'd like to         the school volunteer project, hut I'm not sure what to do.

A. join        B. take part in     C. attend    D. take

( ) 30. We traveled        sightseeing bus when we visited New York.

A. in          B. on           C. by        D. into

( ) 31. How interesting the speech        .

A. hears       B. listens          C. listens to  D. sounds

( ) 32. You'd better get up        possible        you can catch the early bus.

A. as quick as, so that            B. as early as, so that

C. as quick as, in order            D. as early as, in order

( ) 33. Some robots are        to do the same things        people.

A. enough smart, as                B. enough smart, with

C. smart enough, as                D. smart enough, for

( ) 34. A:         does Kay go to visit Mexico?

B: By plane.

A. When       B. How        C. What    D. Where

( ) 35. Big Ben is one of        in the world.

A. the famous clock            B. the most famous clocks

C. the most famous clock        D. most famous clocks

( ) 36. The sudden rain made        for the singers to put on performances.

A. that possible                B. that impossible

C. it possible                    D. it impossible

( ) 37. We        the Changing of the Horse Guards yesterday.

A. looked at   B. saw           C. watched    D. noticed

( ) 38. A: Where would you like to go?

B: I'd like to go        .

A. warm somewhere           B. place warm

C. somewhere warm           D. warm place

( ) 39. Mr. Wang gave        to the host during his stay in Australia.

A. Chinese thing               B. something Chinese

C. anything new                 D. nothing new

( ) 40. Actually, Jane doesn't sing as        as the rest of the girls in the group.

A. good       B. well           C. better   D. best


II. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)

41. The        wonderful attracted a lot of students yesterday        .  (speak)

42. Lots of        from every part of the world went to Beijing to watch the Olympics.  (tour)

43. I think Shanghai will be full of         during 2010 Expo.  (visit)

44. The        grade students are getting ready for the school sports meeting.  (nine)

45. Paris is        for its arts and culture.  (fame)

46. Shanghai is one of the most        cities in the world.  (attract)


III. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)

47. The students go to school by bicycle every day.  (保持原意)

The students                    to go to school every day.

48. You're very kind to help me.  (保持原意)

         very kind         you to help me.

49. The students in Class Two took part in the dragon boat race.  (改为否定句)

The students in Class Two                    part in the dragon boat race.

50. The boy prefers detective stories to children's stories.  (保持原意)

The boy likes detective stories                    children's stories.

51. The book cost me ten yuan.  (改为一般疑问句)

         the book         you ten yuan?

52. Jack is a good swimmer.  (改为感叹句)

How         Jack         !

Part Three   Reading and Writing    (第三部分  阅读和写作)

I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

(A) True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)

When we ask students what they would like to be. they often talk about usual jobs, such as doctors or teachers. But if you think about it. many people don't plan to do their jobs. They just start doing them by accident. We talked to two people with unusual jobs.

Emily is a dentist, but she doesn't work with people. She works with horses. After graduating from university, she took care of animals' medical health for several years, but she noticed that there were few people who could help with horses' teeth. She decided to go back to college and study again. Then she had to buy special tools, but she's never out of work. She's always busy taking care of horses' teeth. "I couldn't be a dentist for people now," Emily said, "because I really like working with horses."

As soon as David could read, he read books about robots. But the robots he makes today don't look like the strange robots in his books. He makes robots for industry. He made up his mind to study science, math and computer science so that he could break into the world of robot engineering. "Some of the math is difficult." says David, "but you must study math to be an engineer." Luckily, he got top marks in all his math exams.

( ) 53. Many people do their jobs by chance.

( ) 54. Emily is a dentist for people.

( ) 55. Emily likes to be a dentist for horses because she is never out of work.

( ) 56. David is a robot designer.

( ) 57. David got top marks in all his math exams, although math was not easy to study.


(B) Answer the questions according to the passage (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Built on 118 small islands within a lake. Venice is an amazing Italian city. With its famous nickname -- "City of Water", it has about 150 canals and 400 bridges.


Though speedboats have become more common nowadays,  the classical gondolas still exist. The long and narrow boats were the main means of transportation in Venice for centuries.

The Bridge of Sighs

Why sighs? Because the bridge was the last view of Venice that prisoners saw before their imprisonment. They would sigh at their final view of the beautiful city.

St. Mark's Square

St. Mark's Square was once called "the finest drawing room of Europe".   Many pigeons fill the square. They aren't afraid of people at all, and even love to pose with tourists for a photo.

The Venice Carnival

One of the oldest and greatest festivals is the Venice Carnival. Its central feature is masks.   During the carnival,   the streets are full of people  in colourful  masks and costumes. You needn't know who is who, just enjoy it! "High water"

Venice is sinking! It's threatened by more and more small floods, or "high water". In many old houses some staircases are covered by water. Thus, many Venetians have to move to a higher floor.

58. What's the nickname of Venice?


59. What were the main means of transportation in Venice for centuries?


60. Why does the Bridge of Sighs sigh?


61. There are many pigeons on the square, aren't there?


62. What problem is Venice faced with?



(C) Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Paris is one of the most famous cities in Europe, it is   63  one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Paris is called the City of Light and it is a famous city center of   64  as well. For example, it is the headquarters of UNESCO. The Seine river divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges   65  the scenic river. About two thousand years ago, a group of people built a small village on the island  66  the Seine River. Today 67  eight million people live in Paris.

( ) 63. A. as well B. also     C. too     D. and

( ) 64. A. music     B.  fashion C. education D. arts

( ) 65. A. cross     B. across     C. over     D. on

( ) 66. A. in the middle of         B. among

C. between             D. over

( ) 67. A. more     B. around   C. fewer     D. those


(D) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Peter had to go to his camp at Pine Tree Valley. It is in the m    68    of the mountains in California. There was m   69   snow on the mountains, and Peter knew it would be hard to c   70   to the camp. However, Lady Gray, Peter's pet horse was strong e   71   . The snow was very deep and soon Peter had to get o   72   . throw away the saddle (马鞍) and lead h   73   . They had to stop very often and lean against trees and r   74    for support. Late in the afternoon, they r   75   the camp.

68.             69.                70.                 71.                

72.            73.              74.               75.            

II. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "My plan for the New Year's Day" (“我的新年计划”为题写一篇至少60个单词的作文)



21. D  22. C  23. D  24. B  25. C  26. D  27. B  28. C  29. A  30. C

31. D  32. B  33. C  34. B  35. B  36. D  37. C  38. C  39. B  40. B

41. speaker's, speech   42. tourists   43. visitors   44. ninth   45. famous   46. attractive

47. ride bicycles   48. It's, of   49. didn't take   50. better than   51. Did. cost   52. well, swims

53. T   54. F   55. F   56. F   57. T

58. City of Water.       

59. The classical gondolas.    

60. Because the bridge was the last view of Venice that prisoners saw before their imprisonment.

61. Yes. there arc.       

62. Venice is sinking.

63. B   64. C   65. A   66. A   67. B

68. middle   69. much   70. climb   71. enough   72. off   73. her   74. rocks   75. reached



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