







Sea, sun, sand and South Africa

readers' favourite beaches

The Wild Coast five­day hike from Kei Mouth to Coffee Bay in South Africa is surely the best experience for beach lovers.【出处:21教育名师】

Robben Island beaches

On a visit to the prison museum here, be sure to leave time to explore the island's beaches.Few visitors realise that the island's shores are the natural habitat of sizable penguins: enjoy watching them with far fewer tourists here.Bird life is plentiful and includes oystercatchers, ibis, egrets and cormorants.Sharks and dolphins can often be spotted offshore too.

Sand, sea and sculpture, Durban

There's more to Durban's Golden Mile than sunbathing and surfing.Not only is there a gallery of sand sculptures and drawings, but Lucas, one of the best local artists, offers lessons.His amazing rhino (犀牛) is the only permanent item in a frequently changing exhibition.Lucas charges a modest R50 (3) for a fun and surprisingly physical hour of creativity.Or, you could ask him to create a personalised sculpture for a special occasion.

Paternoster, Western Cape

Paternoster is a small beach community about 150 km north of Cape Town.The town has a number of rentals (租赁), all the Cape Dutch architecture you could want for a weekend away and some great food.Long walks on the beach, eating and drinking and watching the fishing boats make for a peaceful break.And, unlike in Cape Town, you can dip your toes in the sea without your legs freezing solid.


21What is the suggested way for travelers to make their trips on the beaches?

ABy car.       BBy boat.

COn foot. DBy bicycle.

解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段的The Wild Coast five­day hike from ...可知,文章建议在海滩徒步旅行(hike)21·cn·jy·com

22Which destination is the best choice for a beach lover who likes animals?

APaternoster. BRobben Island beaches.

CKei Mouth. DDurban.

解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段的Few visitors realise that the island's shores are the natural habitat of sizable penguins以及Bird life is plentiful and includes ...Sharks and dolphins can often be spotted offshore too.可知,在Robben Island beaches,人们可以看到各种鸟、鲨鱼和海豚等动物,因此适合动物爱好者。

23What can be learned about Durban?

AIt has a museum for ice sculptures and drawings.

BVisitors can have their special sand sculptures made.

CRhinos can always be found everywhere on the beach.

DArt lessons are given by local artists for a little money.

解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段的Or, you could ask him to create a personalised sculpture for a special occasion.可知,游客可以让艺术家为自己制作个性化的、特别的沙雕。

24What is the purpose of the passage?

ATo inform the government of environmental protection.

BTo attract businessmen to develop the beaches.

CTo share travel tips with beach lovers.

DTo introduce activities to art lovers.

解析:C 写作意图题。根据全文内容尤其是第一段可知,文章主要是跟沙滩爱好者分享一些旅游贴士。


(2017·兰州市高考实战模拟考试)My mother grew up in a small coal mining town in southwest lowa.My grandfather once told me that she knew no stranger and considered everyone in that community her friend.That attitude continued wherever she lived for the rest of her life.

As a young girl, I felt embarrassed and cringed (畏缩) every time my mother addressed strangers in the grocery store or on the city bus.She talked to everyone and offered a smile.

What really sold_me_on Mom's approach to life was her experience on the senior bus, a story I've repeated to others many times.The weeks I could not be there, she used this low­cost transportation to the grocery store.After her first trip, I asked her how it went.

Ha she said, “I got on that bus and what did I see? Thirteen little old ladies and one old man, and not one word was spoken.”

I wondered how long it would be until the somberness (忧郁的氛围) on that bus would change.On my next visit, Mom mentioned the ladies on the bus and something one of them had told her.

Oh, are you talking with them now I asked.

Of course she said.One day I climbed up the steps of the bus and before I looked for a seat, I gave them a big smile and I said, Isn't it a wonderful day I noticed a few shy smiles.www.21-cn-jy.com

Mom didn't give up.She greeted them all each time she got on the bus and before long, the whole group was laughing and talking to one another.The bus became more than just transportation.

She's been gone for ten years but I've carried on her recipe for life.I smile at people as I walk by and often begin a conversation in the checkout line.Silent, solemn (严肃的) people respond with smiles of their own and a bit of chatter.All it takes is for one person to initiate (发起) the smile or greeting.It was me who had done the smiling first and all those people had responded.My mother didn't lecture but taught me by example.She'd given me a recipe for life.

25. How did the writer's mother break the silence on that senior bus?

ABy telling the passengers some jokes.

BBy giving each one of the passengers a gift.

CBy greeting and smiling at all the passengers.

DBy asking the passengers some difficult questions.www-2-1-cnjy-com

解析:C 细节理解题。根据第七段中的I gave them a big smile可知,母亲在老年巴士上是通过对车上所有的乘客微笑来打破沉默的,故选C21*cnjy*com

26What does the underlined phrase “sold me on” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

AHelped me find.

BPersuaded me to accept.

CForced me to be against.

DEncouraged me to give up.

解析:B 词义猜测题。根据最后一段的前两句She's been gone for ten years but I've carried on her recipe for life.I smile at people as I walk by and often begin a conversation in the checkout line.可推知,作者接受了母亲的人生态度并开始向他人展示这种人生态度,故此处sold me on是指说服我接受

27What can we infer from the passage?

AThe writer's mother liked going shopping.

BThe writer's mother used to be a good teacher.

CThe writer didn't like her mother when she was young.

DThe writer once doubted her mother's approach to life.

解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段中作者和母亲生活态度的对比以及第五段的第一句I wondered how long it would be until the somberness (忧郁的氛围) on that bus would change.可推知,作者之前对母亲的生活态度是有所质疑的,故选D

28The writer wrote this passage in order to ________.

Achange the behavior and the thinking of its readers towards making friends【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

Banalyze why people don't like communicating with each other in public places

Cconvince people that it is important to know how to communicate with strangers

Dencourage people to break the barrier to communication and start conversations bravely

解析:D 写作意图题。根据文章的整体内容可知,母亲通过经常对他人微笑从而实现与他人的沟通,创造了一种和谐的交流氛围,作者由此受益。由此可推知,本文的目的在于呼吁人们打破沟通的障碍,像作者的母亲一样勇敢地和他人交流,故选D


(2017·安徽百所重点高中二)In March, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio ended a decade­long citywide ban on cellphones in public schools and left them to make up their own rules because he argued that by denying access for some students, the city was exacerbating (使加重) the achievement gap in students' performance.

Two researchers from the London School of Economics, Richard Murphy and Louis­Philippe Beland argued that this might have the opposite effect because students are not generally using their phones to assist in their classroom work during school.Schools could significantly reduce  the education achievement gap by prohibiting cellphone use in schools, and so by allowing phones in schools, New York may unintentionally increase the inequalities of outcomes they told CNN.

However,  some educators  have come  to embrace the technology in their students' pockets.Teacher Ken Halla has been teaching world history and Advanced Placement for 22 years but his students' cellphones ownership forced him to adapt to his classroom dynamics where he no longer is the single authority  lecturing,  according  to  the  National  Education Association (NEA)He now roams (漫步) the classroom and encourages students to  use their cellphones to  help them complete their assignments, this way they are less likely to let their devices distract themselves.

It's harder to do negative behavior when the phones are out and the teacher is walking around Mr.Halla told the NEA.“I've always been that_type_of_person who likes to adapt and change as time goes on.Otherwise, I wouldn't still be teaching many years down the road.”


29Why was the ban on cellphones stopped in New York public schools?

ABecause it negatively affected students' health.

BBecause it limited most students' progress.

CBecause it brought about unexpected side effects.

DBecause it was requested by parents and students.

解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的because he argued that by denying access for some students, the city was exacerbating (使加重) the achievement gap in students' performance可知,纽约市放开公立学校的手机使用禁令的主要原因是该禁令拉大了学生之间的学业差距,即产生了负面影响。故选C

30How did the two researchers find New York's act?21cnjy.com

AAppreciative. BMeaningless.

CImpractical. DWorrying.

解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的so by allowing phones in schools, New York may unintentionally increase the inequalities of outcomes可知,这两位研究人员(Richard MurphyLouis­Philippe Beland)对纽约市的这一做法表示担忧,认为此举可能加剧结果的不均衡,故选D21世纪教育网版权所有

31What is Halla's class like?

AStudents can solve problems using cellphones.

BStudents can use cellphones at will.

CThe class focuses on how to use cellphones.

DHe is the only center of the entire class.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的He now roams (漫步) the classroom and encourages students to use their cellphones to help them complete their assignments可知,在肯·哈拉的课堂上,他鼓励学生利用手机完成作业,故选A

32What does the underlined phrase “that type of person” in the last paragraph refer to?

AA tolerant one. BA humorous one.

CAn easy­going one. DAn open­minded one.

解析:D 词义猜测题。根据最后一段画线部分后的定语从句who likes to adapt and change as time goes on可知,肯·哈拉是一位能接受新思想、与时俱进的人,故选D


(2017·郑州第三次质量预测)Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with fitness trackers (健身追踪器) on their wrists.Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you've burned and the distance you've traveled.Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you've climbed and steps you've taken.

Not one to resist peer pressure, however, I paid $100 for a Fitbit Flex.I chose that brand on the basis of intense research: asking my friend Sari which tracker she was using.

The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker.I entered my height and gender (性别) and certain information I considered none of its business: birth date and weight.Then, I established goals.The American Heart Association recommends that we all walk 10,000 steps a day — about five miles, and so does Fitbit.I decided 6,000 steps was a good place for me to start.

I changed my tune when, on Day 1, I hit 6,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband.Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps.So, I got a little obsessed (着迷)On Day 5 at a department store, I decided to check my progress.My target number was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress apartment watching my smartphone register each step I took.I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.

Now I always wear my tracker, not because I've grown to love fitness but  because I like being trendy  and  self­absorbed.Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10,000 steps.Who wouldn't love a gadget (小装置) that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment?

33Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?

ATo email information to others.

BTo follow the healthy trend.

CTo report the amount of exercise.

DTo tell them the right direction.

解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you've burned and the distance you've traveled.可知,人们在跑步的时候,健身追踪器能够报告他们锻炼的数据,故选C【版权所有:21教育】

34Why did the author start from 6,000 steps when using the new tracker?

ABecause it is the best choice for beginners.

BBecause the author wasn't confident at first.

CBecause it is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex.

DBecause the friend Sari advised the author to do so.

解析:B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps.可知,作者起初把目标定在6 000步是对自己信心不足的表现,故选B

35What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?

AJoyful and encouraging.

BTiring and changeable.

CPainful and challenging.

DThrilling and relaxing.

解析:A 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.和最后一段最后一句Who wouldn't love a gadget (小装置) that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment可知,作者使用健身追踪器的体验是愉悦且振奋人心的,故选A




(2017·济南模拟)While you are travelling abroad, cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes, which can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill feeling between individuals.__36__

·Touching Someone

__37__ In Mediterranean (地中海) countries, if you don't touch someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm hug, you'll be considered cold.But backslap (拍背以示友好) someone who isn't a family member or a good friend in Korea, and  you'll make them uncomfortable.In Thailand, the head is considered sacred — never even pat a child on the head.21教育网

·Talking over Dinner

In some countries, like China, Japan and some African nations, the food is the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.2-1-c-n-j-y

__38__ It's not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not talking.

·Removing Your Shoes or Not

Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful.So, if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces.__39__

Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior.__40__ And don't feel offended if something seems offensive — like queue jumping.After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.21·世纪*教育网

APersonal space varies as you travel the globe.

BAsians consider removing shoes impolite at home.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

CNever be completely surprised by anything.

DThe linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his idea.21教育名师原创作品

ELook out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.

FIf not, keep the shoes on.

GYou'll likely be met with silence.

36E 该空是一个过渡句,用来引出下文要提到的话题,起承上启下的作用,故选E项。

37A 结合小标题Touching Someone及下文提到的不同国家对于触碰有不同的习俗可知不同的地方对个人空间的理解各不相同故选A21*cnjy*com

38G 上文介绍在中国日本和一些非洲国家吃饭时不要闲谈由此可知吃饭时要保持沉默只有G项与此相关故选G2·1·c·n·j·y

39F 该空与前一句是相反的情况上文提到如果你在门口看到一排鞋子就松开你的鞋带接下来就应当描写与之相反的情况故选F

40C 从空后的And don't ...like queue jumping.可知此空与下一句之间为并列关系也应是不要……”故选C





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