


Life in the future will be different _____ life today. Between now and the future many changes will happen. But what will the changes be?
The population (人口) is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live _____ (long) than people live now.
Computers will be much smaller and _____ (use), and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the most important _____ (subject) in schools then. People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, _____ (watch) TV and traveling. Traveling will be _____cheaper and easier. And more people will go to other countries for holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for _____ (build) new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. They _____ (eat) more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because _____ this, many people will not have enough work _____. This will be a problem.



Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, but sometimes they were not. Some of their classmates said they were _____ brothers.

One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very _____ and they went into a restaurant _____(have) lunch. The _____ (wait) came up to them and asked," What can I do for you?"" Please bring us two apples first," said Tom.

_____the waiter put two apples on the table, Mike took the _____ (big) one at once. Tom get angry," You were _____ (polite), Mike. Why didn't you take the smaller one?" Tom said.

" But I was right," said Mike with a smile," if I let you take first, _____ one will you choose?"

" Of course I'll take the smaller one," said Tom.

" Yes," Mike said," _____ you take the smaller one, the bigger one will still be _____ (my). Don't you think so?""Oh!" Tom couldn't answer.



Dear Abby,

I'm a helpless mother. My son is 15 years old. I find that the _____(old) he grows, the less we talk. I feel very worried and I _____(real) need help.

My first problem is about his hobbies. He seems to spend too much time _____ computer games. As soon _____he gets home, he always turns on the computer, closes the door and locks others out. I'm getting worried about _____(he), especially when his English _____(teach) told me he always failed in the English exams.

Second, it seems that he is crazy about the new technology. However, to be _____(honesty), I don't have enough money and I can't afford all the _____(thing) he wants.

Recently, I _____(find) that he is always alone. I've never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or going out with anyone on weekends. That is _____ last problem I have.

Do all the boys behave this way? What should I do to help him?

A helpless mother.



Can you believe that Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays nowadays? Many of them have to take many after-school classes to learn exam skills _____ that they can get into a good university in the end. Others are taking part in all kinds of activities in order _____ (compete) and win. However, this doesn't only happen in China.

Life for the Taylors, a typical American family, is very busy. "On most days after school, I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football _____ (train). Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons." Cathy Taylor, the mother says. Although she has thought about cutting _____ a few of the children's activities, she believes these activities are important for their future. The children usually don't get home _____after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner and then it's time for homework.

Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. In her opinion, it's crazy for mothers _____ (compare) their kids with other children all the time. "Why not just _____ (let) the kids be kids? People shouldn't _____(push) their kids so hard." she says.

Doctors say too much _____ (press) is not good for a child's development. Although it's normal to want successful children, it's even _____ (important) to have happy children.



Everybody has his best friend, and so _____ I. My name is Lily. Today I want to tell you something about my best friend—Gina. I made _____ (friend) with her two years ago. She is an outgoing and _____ (talent) girl. She likes volleyball and plays _____ every day. She _____ many prizes (奖项) in different games. In fact, I'm quite different _____ her. I'm not as tall as her. I like music. I don't like sports, but sometimes she asks me to go to play volleyball with her. She thinks it is good for my health. I'm _____ (serious) and hard-working than her. I always get _____(good) grades than she does, so maybe I should help her more. It's not necessary _____ (be) the same. I like Gina because she is kind and she can make me laugh. We can share many things. _____ we are not similar, we care about each other. That's the most important thing.



English people have porridge _____ breakfast, too. But their porridge is made of oats (燕麦), _____ rice. Many English people put sugar in _____ (they) porridge, but the Scottish always put salt in it.

English people always drink tea out of cups, not out of _____ (glass). They usually drink tea with sugar and milk. _____ you go to an English family for tea, the host (男主人) or hostess always _____ (ask) you, "How _____lumps (方块) of sugar do you want in your tea?"

In ordinary English _____ (family), the main meal is in the evening, because most of the families are away during the day. But on Sunday when everybody _____ (be) at home, they make the midday (正午) meal, and in the evening, they have a much _____ (light) supper.



Rebecca is interviewing Dr Jones about trees in order to know more about them. Dr Jones tells her that trees help us _____ many ways. They keep the air cool and clean. They take in _____ (harm) gases from the air and produce oxygen for us _____ (breathe). They help to fight against air pollution. Just _____ Rebecca says, they also make our lives _____ (much) convenient. There _____ (be) a lot of things coming from trees, such as paper, pencils, fruit, oil and tea. Even a lot of furniture in the room is _____ (make) of wood. So trees are really important in _____ (we) daily lives. However, _____ (million) of trees are cut down by us every year. At last, she tells Rebecca that we human beings should stop _____ (do) this, or there will be no trees in the world.



We got over one thousand letters and e-mails from our readers about their New Year's resolutions. Thank you!

Many readers are _____ (go) to work harder in school this year. _____ (lot) of readers are going to play _____(sport). Some readers say they are going to eat _____ (many) vegetables than they did last year. Some girls say they are going to exercise more _____ ( keep) fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their _____(child) learn at school. They want to communicate _____ (good) with their kids than before. An old lady from England is going to work _____ a teacher in China next year.

_____ we can see from these answers that different people have different resolutions for the _____ (come) year. We hope they can keep them well.



Books about how _____ (do) things are very popular in America today. There _____ about four to five thousand kinds of books

_____ the name "How to… ". One book may tell you how to make _____ (much) money. _____ may tell you how to save or spend it. And another may tell you how to give _____ (you) money away.

Some "How to" books tell you how to choose a way of _____ (make) a living and how to succeed in it. If you fail, you can buy a book _____ (call) "How to Turn Failure (失败) into Success". If you never make any money _____all, you may need a book named "How To Live on Nothing". If you're _____ (happy) with your life, you can read "How to Love Every Minute of Life".



Rebecca wants to know more about trees and how they help us. Dr. Jones is telling her something about trees.

Trees help us _____ many ways. They keep the air cool and clean. They take in _____ (harm) gases from the air and produce oxygen for us _____ (breathe). They are major _____ (fight) against air _____ (pollute). Besides, trees can also make our lives even _____ (convenient). Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees. For example, paper and pencils. _____ (actual), we get a lot more from trees. We get fruit and oil from them. Tea also comes from the leaves of trees. Look around this room. A lot of the furniture is _____ (make) of wood. Trees are really important in our daily lives. So we can't imagine _____ the world would be like if there were no trees.

However, we cut down millions of trees every year. We must stop to protect them _____ we don't want a world without trees.



Robert is Mike's good friend. He _____ (study) at No. 1 Middle School. Although he lives far from school, he still walks there every day. At school Robert's favorite _____ is math.

Robert is _____ (funny) than Mike. At school he often tells his _____ (friend) some interesting jokes (玩笑). He always makes them _____. His friends all love to listen to him. He is popular at school.

Mike and Robert _____ like sports. But Robert is more athletic _____ Mike. He's _____ at _____ (play) tennis than Mike. He often beats Mike in tennis.

Last month Robert joined the chess club. There he met Ben. Ben is very serious. He hardly ever talks with _____(other). However, Robert is good with him. He says he has a great time when he plays with Ben.



Robot scientists are not just trying _____ (make) robots look like people. For example, there are already robots _____ (work) in factories. These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over _____.People would not like _____ (do) such jobs and would get bored. But robots will never get bored. In the future, there will be _____ (many) robots everywhere, and humans will have _____ (little) work to do. New robots will have many different _____ (shape). Some will look like humans, and others might look _____ snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look _____ people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computer, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed _____ (possible) a hundred years ago. We never know what will happen in the future.



Most children in America eat _____ (potato) every day. But many _____ (child) do not know which part of the potato is _____ (good) for food. Take a knife and cut from the middle of the potato a piece _____ thin as paper.

Hold the piece _____ your eyes and the light. You will see that the potato _____ (have) a skin, an outside rim (边缘) and _____ (a) inside part. The outside rim is the best of all. But we often throw _____ away. What's more, the skin is better _____ the inside. _____ you can't eat the whole potato, eat the outside and leave the inside.



Wendy was only 11 years old, but was very responsible (有责任心的) and she loved children. "I want _____ (be) a great babysitter (临时照顾幼儿者) when I grow up," said Wendy.

One day, Wendy and her mom went shopping and _____ (meet) Mrs. White, one of their friends.

Mrs. White said she needed a babysitter _____ her 3-year-old boy, Martin, on Saturday night. She asked Wendy's mom _____ someone that was responsible and free on Saturday.

"How about me?" asked Wendy, "I like little Martin and I will look after him _____ (good)."

"Oh, I don't think so, Wendy. You are too Young," said Wendy's mom.

"Come on, Mom. I'm almost twelve. I can do it _____ I'm ready to do it," said Wendy.

"Wendy knows Martin and I think she can do it," said Mrs. White.

"OK, but do everything _____ (careful)," said Wendy's mom at last.

On Saturday night, Wendy went to Mrs. White's house. Of course, she did _____ good job. Now Wendy is a reliable (可靠的) babysitter for some _____ (family). "I would like to work in a daycare center when I get _____(old)," said Wendy, "then I can be with children all day long."



Dear Nancy,

You asked about places to go and things _____ (do) in our town. The Downtown Mall is always fun. It's a shopping place in the oldest part of the town. There are some good stores and restaurants there. For example, Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall. It's a fun place to shop, and it has the _____ (good) quality clothes. The shop assistants are also _____ (friend) people. My favorite restaurant in town is Nick's Restaurant. It is close _____ my house. It's cheap _____ the hamburgers there are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the _____ delicious! You must try the dumplings there, too. But it's _____(expensive) than Nick's. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town. It has the _____ (big) screens and the most comfortable _____ (seat). The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies. It doesn't have the newest movies, but the tickets are _____ cheapest. Anyway, there are lots of things to do and to see here. Come for a visit soon!





Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?

When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually just like human _____(service). They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or _____ (danger) places.

Today there are already robots working in factories. For example, they can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over _____. _____ (Few) people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.

Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can even walk and dance. These kinds of robots are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are. But many scientists _____ (agree) with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans _____ 25 to 50 years.

Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take _____(hundred) of years. These new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. In Indian, for example, scientists made robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, snake robots will be able to help look _____ people under the buildings. That was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed _____ (possible) 100 years ago. We never know what _____ happen in the future!



Once there was a farmer. He had three sons. They were all lazy boys. One day he _____ (feel) that he was going to die. He called them together and told them that there was a treasure (宝藏) hidden in the fields.

"If you turn the earth over for it," he said, "you _____ (find) it."

_____ their father died, the lazy boys began to turn the earth in the fields. They _____ (dig) for many days, but they couldn't find any treasure. They used a plough ().Though they ploughed _____ deep as they could, still they didn't find the treasure. Then spring came, and it was time for sowing ().

"Let's sow rice in these fields." One of _____ (they) said, "Since the earth is turned."

"That's fine," the others replied, and they began to sow.

When _____ arrived, they were _____ (surprise) to see the golden rice in the fields. Their harvest (收成) was _____ (good) than that in any of their neighbors' fields. Then the boys understood _____ their father said. The fields gave treasure to those who worked hard.



_____ (get) up early is good for people's health. Many people have this habit. How does it help? Let me tell you my story. When I was about twenty _____ (year) old, I _____ (usual) went to bed late and _____ (get) up late. _____ later I started to know the benefit (好处) of getting up early. On the days I got up earlier, my efficiency (效率) was _____ (good) when I did things and I kept _____ (act), not just in the morning but all day. _____ you want to get up early, you must try _____ (go) to bed early. Maybe you will be tired on the first day you get up early, but you'll have to go to bed early that night. After a few days, you'll have a habit _____ going to bed at the same time every night and getting up early.



Greg is new in town and he really wants to know his way _____. He asks Helen, his new friend, a lot of questions. Here are the answers.

The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it has big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center. The best supermarket is New Century Supermarket _____ Center Street, because it has the best service and the _____ (fresh) food. The best restaurant is Dumpling House because it has the _____ (delicious) food and it is one of the cleanest restaurants in the town. The best clothes store is Miller's because it has the best quality (质量) clothes and sells them the _____ (cheaply). The best movie _____ is Sun Cinema because it has the biggest screen and the _____ (comfortable) seats. But Screen city is more popular because it has _____ (cheap) tickets than Sun Cinema. Greenwood Park is the best place _____ go to on weekends. Almost everyone goes there to see the _____ (create) street performers. There are also many small coffee shops near the park where you can enjoy your time.



Birthday is an important day in one's life, especially (尤其) for children. For 365 days the child waits for that special day because he'll become one year _____ (old). Birthday is also the best time _____ (have) a party with your friends and family members. To have _____ different birthday party, you have _____ (preparation) lots of things. You should get everything ready. You may invite your friends _____ (come) to the party because you hope to celebrate the meaningful day with the ones you love. It's best _____ (send) some beautiful birthday invitation cards to them. There _____ (be) many ways for you to have the invitation cards. You can buy some invitation cards in the shops or choose some e-cards on the Internet. _____ you have time, you can even make cards by _____ (you). They will show your effort (努力) to invite friends. I'm _____ (sure) people would be happy to receive (收到) those handmade cards.



When people say "culture", we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first _____ (appear) in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York. _____ November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and _____ (success). In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.

Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the main reasons _____ (be) that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as _____ (lose) his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the "little man" _____ (win). Most of them wanted _____ (be) like Mickey.

On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today's cartoons are usually not _____ simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still _____ (know) and loves him. Who has a pair of ears _____ (famous) than Mickey's?



The panda is thought to be one of _____ (cute) animals in the world, but it is also one of the animals _____danger. Nowadays, there are only _____ (little) than 2,000 pandas in the world.

Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They mainly feed _____ bamboo, and an adult panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. However, the area of bamboo forests is becoming smaller and smaller _____ of human activities. So pandas are becoming _____ (few) in number.

Our government is working hard to help the pandas. There are more _____ 30 nature parks to protect pandas _____ these are not enough. More nature parks and bamboo forests _____ (need) so that pandas can have enough places to live in and enough food to eat. Besides, everyone should play a part in _____ (protect) the pandas. After all, we share the same world with them.



Where's the best place to have fun in town? I think Fun Park is _____ (exciting) place. People have a lot of things _____ do there. The price is also reasonable. It's _____ (cheap) than Wild Animal Park, but more expensive _____ Water World. Well, what's Wild Animal Park like? It's exciting, too.

If you like to go _____ (shop), you can go to Jincheng Mall. It has _____ (good) clothes of all. Shopping Town is fine, _____. But the prices are higher.

And what _____ sports? My town has three good sports centers. Physical Center is the most expensive. Fitness Center is _____ (new). City Sports is the oldest, but it has a large _____ (swim) pool.



The modern Olympic Games began more than one hundred years _____. The Games are held _____ four years. The first modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896. Players from eight countries _____ (compete) in ten sports.

There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are the symbols of the five continents (大洲): Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and _____ (American). The colors of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. You can find at _____ one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world. And the Olympic motto is "_____ (fast), Higher, Stronger".

Nowadays, the Olympics are held by different countries _____ turn, which provides a way for athletes of all countries to compete and become friends. The Olympics are _____ (become) more and more popular. In the future, more cities _____ (have) the chance to hold the Olympics and the Olympics _____ be more exciting.



I have two good friends, Nelly and Lisa. Nelly is quite _____ to me. _____ of us are quiet and serious. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good _____ (grade). However, Lisa is different _____ me. She's _____(funny) and _____ (outgoing) than me. She always speaks loudly. She is _____ (little) hard-working than me but she is smarter.

Last week Nelly and Lisa joined the singing competition in our school. Julie, one of my classmates thought Lisa sang_____ (clearly) than Nelly, but Nelly danced _____ (well) than Lisa. I thought though everyone wanted to _____, the most important thing was to learn something new and had fun.



Computers have changed a lot so far. For example, in _____ 1940s, the first computers were very big. Now they are becoming smaller and _____ (good). Some computers are so tiny that we may be unaware _____ them. Computers are helpful and change our _____ (life), but do you know what we can do _____ them? They can calculate at a faster speed than we can. In addition, they can do important things like _____ (fly) spaceships and planes, they can also operate railways. However, computers are not cleverer than us because we can produce new ideas _____ computers cannot although they may be better than doctors at doing _____ (they) jobs. Some people are _____ (worry) that if computers do all the things, we will have nothing to _____ (do).

My answer is: Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles.



Most children like to watch TV. It's very interesting. By _____ (watch) TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things _____ their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and _____ (easy) on TV. Why? _____ they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can't see _____(something) over the radio. TV helps to open _____ (child) eyes. TV helps to open their minds, _____. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. They can find the world is now _____ (small) than before.

Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are always busy _____ their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can't have a good rest and it _____ (not) good for their health.



Dear Dr. Know,

I'm _____ (write) to tell you my terrible feelings these days. I think my parents and my teachers are too strict with me. There are too many rules at school. I can't be late for school. I can't _____ my own clothes on weekdays. My teachers always say, "Don't talk _____ eat in class. Don't be _____ (noise) in class." At home, I have _____(many) rules to follow. I can't watch TV. I can't go out with my friends, _____. I have to do the _____ (dish) after dinner. Then it's time to do my homework. After two hours' study, my father asks me to exercise for half _____hour because he thinks it's good for my _____. But I feel really tired at that time, I just want _____ (have) a good sleep. I have to follow all of these rules. What can I do, Dr. Know?

Molly Brown



Mary Smith: I don't really care _____ my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite _____ (say) is, "A true friend _____ (reach) for your hand and touches your heart." My best friend Carol is really kind _____ very funny. _____ fact, she's _____ (funny) than anyone I know. I _____ (break) my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel _____ (good). We can talk about _____ share everything. I know she cares, _____ me because she's always there to listen.



The New Year is _____(come). Everyone in Kathy's _____ has made their resolutions. Kathy's father is going to get lots of exercise to keep _____(health). And he is going to do _____(much) reading. He wants to read at least 10 books this year. He is also going to make more money. Kathy's mother is going to learn to dance and learn to _____(cook) more delicious food. Kathy _____(plan) to study harder and keep on _____(practice) playing the piano. _____for Kathy's brother, he is going to eat _____(little) junk food and to have _____ better relationship with his classmates.



Travel is _____ (use) to us in at least three ways.

First, by _____ (travel) we can enjoy the beautiful scenery (风景) of different places. We can see _____ our own eyes many places which can be read about in book, and visit some famous _____ (city) and scenic spots.

_____ (two), we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things _____ we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of _____ people, taste different foods and local favors (偏爱) if we like. _____ this way, we can understand how different other people live.

Third, travel will not only help us get knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, but will also help us keep _____ (health) and make us less narrow-minded (眼光短浅的).

With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become _____ (popular) than ever in China.



Mary and Anna are having lunch in a restaurant. Mary's and Anna's _____ (car) are outside the restaurant in the car park. Anna is looking through the window _____ the cars and scooters (小型摩托车).

"I think scooters are _____ (good) than cars," she says. "They only want a little petrol (汽油), so they are _____(cheap). And I think they are easier _____ (drive)."

Mary laughs. "Oh, cars are _____ (expensive) than scooters," she says, "but they are not difficult to drive. And think! Cars are bigger _____ scooters, so they can _____ (take) more people. They're bigger, _____ they are quieter. My car is quieter than a scooter _____ a bus or a plane or a train."



Jeff Green: My mother told me a good friend is _____ a mirror. I'm quieter and _____ (serious) than most kids. That's why I like _____ (read) books and I study harder _____ class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy _____ (study) together. I'm shy so it's not easy for me _____ (make) friends. But I think friends are like books—you don't need a lot of them as long as they're good.

Huang Lei: It's not necessary _____ (be) the same. My best friend Larry is quite different _____ me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, _____ he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best _____ me. So I'm getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.



In a spelling competition in America, _____ 11-year-old girl, Sara, was asked to spell a word. Because of her low voice, the teachers were not sure about the word with the letter A or E. They simply decided _____ (ask) her what she said. But Sara _____ (clear) told them that she said the wrong letter. As a result, she _____ (lose) the competition.

As the girl walked back to her seat, all the people stood up and cheered. _____ smiled to them. Later, many newspaper reporters wrote about this 11-year-old girl's story the next day. _____ fact, she won something from others because she was honest (诚实的). The young girl could win the contest as long as she told a lie (谎言), and _____ would know it. But she told the truth. Her decisions were _____ (clever) than others thought.

It's so _____ (common) that what we choose will decide what we are like tomorrow. Our children will follow us more than our _____ (advice). So if we want them to grow up to be honest, we should show them the way by being honest ourselves.



Many earthquakes happen without warning, so it is important _____ (know) what to do during an earthquake. Here are some _____ (suggest) on how to stay safe in an earthquake.

If you are indoors during an earthquake, the _____ (safe) place is under a heavy table or desk. _____ (sit) on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer _____ standing in the middle of a room. Stay away from windows and _____ (something) that could fall on you.

If you are in a crowded doorway from the door, _____ hurry to rush to the exit. You will find too many people trying to get out _____ the same time.

If you are outdoors, find a clear place away from buildings, trees, street lights and power lines.

Besides, some aftershocks may follow an earthquake. These are as dangerous _____ the earthquake. Stay in a safe place until you are sure it's OK to leave.

When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you, in case someone may need help. You may be afraid, but try to stay calm. This is the _____ important thing to do in an earthquake.



Great inventions change the world. They help people live a _____ (good) life than before. One of the _____(great) inventions is ballpoint pen. Maybe you don't know who _____ (invent) it, but you probably use it every day.

Laszlo Biro was the _____ (invent) of the ballpoint pen. He was _____ in Budapest, Hungary. In the 1930s, he worked _____ a newspaper editor. He found the fountain pen he used almost every day was not _____ (practice) at all. So he decided _____ (develop) a new type of pen. _____ the help of his brother George, the ballpoint pen was invented and it became a great success.

Although Laszlo Biro is not as famous _____ Edison, people will always remember him for his invention.



Computer is probably one of _____ most popular things in people's daily life. There are _____ (many) computers than TV sets in every family nowadays. The first computers were _____ (big) than cars when they were invented in the 1940s. Now computers are becoming smaller and _____ (good). Some computers are so tiny that you may even be _____ (aware) of them. We depend _____ computers more than we realize.

Computers make our lives _____ (easy). They can do better at many things than human beings. In _____, they never feel tired. However, some students spend too much time _____ (play) computer games and that's a serious problem.

I hope we can all work together to make better use _____ computers.



I went to Shenzhen last Saturday. It's a beautiful city _____ the coast near Hong Kong. It was a small village about thirty years ago, but today it's a very big city. It's a newer city _____ Hong Kong. In fact, Shenzhen only became important in _____ 1980s. It's getting _____ (big) and _____ (busy) than before. I'm sure that some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong. The population of Shenzhen _____ over ten million. That's _____ (large) than the population of many other cities in China. Its streets are much _____ (wide) and _____ (clean) than other cities too. Do you want to go there one day? If you come, don't forget to visit the Diwang Tower. It's _____ (tall) than many other buildings in Shenzhen.



Of all kinds of sports, I think mountain climbing is one of _____ (dangerous). Usually the higher the mountain is, the _____ (difficult) it is to climb. So there is no doubt that climbing Qomolangma is the _____ (difficult), as it is the highest mountain in the world. Qomolangma is 8844.43 metres high. With thick clouds covering its top and heavy snowfalls all year round, the freezing weather _____ (condition) make it even hard to take _____ air as you get near the top. Still many climbers want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties and _____ their lives to climb it. The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. The first Chinese team did _____ in 1960, while the first woman to _____ (success) was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. The spirit of these climbers and their _____ (achieve) show us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams and humans can sometimes be _____ (strong) than the forces of nature.




上一篇: 2019年人教版八年级英语上册语法填空练习五(121-150篇) 下一篇: 2019年人教版八年级英语上册语法填空练习三(61-90篇)



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