


Paul went to a beautiful beach on Monday _____ his friend. It was sunny and hot so they had great fun _____(play) in the water. They tried paragliding (滑翔伞运动). That was so _____ (excite). In the afternoon, they went shopping. But there were lots _____ people there. They didn't enjoy it.

The next day, it was rainy, _____ they went to a museum. It was boring. Paul _____ (find) a small boy there. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find _____ (he) family. Paul felt very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to _____ (walk) back to the hotel. That _____ (make) him very tired.

On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played the whole morning. It was _____(real) fun.



One day John took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then _____ (ride) off to see how the trees were growing.

By afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp, it started _____ (snow). More and more snow fell. Soon John could _____ (hard) see his hand before his face. He could not find the road! John _____ (know) there were two roads. One road went to the camp, _____ went to John's house. But all was white now. Everything was the _____. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

John had an _____. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen _____ the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in freezing weather! It _____ (get) late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped.

Where were they? _____ of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!



Sunday, March 8th

Today the weather was sunny. My father decided _____ (take) us to Qing Yun Hill. We _____ (go) there early. The hill is beautiful but it was crowded. In the morning we _____ (take) some photos there. I bought something special for my classmates. I never forgot that I _____ (try) paragliding there. It was my first time _____ (do) it. In the afternoon we wanted to walk _____ to the top, but it started _____ (rain) a little, so we stopped. What a pity!

At the foot of the hill, we went to a hotel. We _____ (taste) some delicious food and heard some interesting stories about the hill. In the evening, _____ we came back, it was late. We all _____ (feel) really tired.



Wendy was only 11 years old, but was very responsible (有责任心的) and she loved children. "I want _____ (be) a great babysitter (临时照顾幼儿者) when I grow up," said Wendy.

One day, Wendy and her mom went shopping and _____ (meet) Mrs. White, one of their friends.

Mrs. White said she needed a babysitter _____ her 3-year-old boy, Martin, on Saturday night. She asked Wendy's mom _____ someone that was responsible and free on Saturday.

"How about me?" asked Wendy, "I like little Martin and I will look after him _____ (good)."

"Oh, I don't think so, Wendy. You are too Young," said Wendy's mom.

"Come on, Mom. I'm almost twelve. I can do it _____ I'm ready to do it," said Wendy.

"Wendy knows Martin and I think she can do it," said Mrs. White.

"OK, but do everything _____ (careful)," said Wendy's mom at last.

On Saturday night, Wendy went to Mrs. White's house. Of course, she did _____ good job. Now Wendy is a reliable (可靠的) babysitter for some _____ (family). "I would like to work in a daycare center when I get _____(old)," said Wendy, "then I can be with children all day long."



Do you have any dreams? Let's have _____ look at how these two people made their dreams come true.

Balamurali Krishna Ambati was burned (烧伤) _____ the age of three. He spent several months in the hospital. From then on, he wanted _____ (become) a doctor. A few years later, he knew that the _____ (young) doctor in the world was 18 years old. So he _____ (plan) to be a doctor by the age of 17. And at 11 Ambati was in university and began to get better education. _____ graduating (毕业) from the university at 17, he took up his work as a doctor.

The Scholastic Achievement Test (学业成就测试) is a test in America. Each year, only a few students get a great score. One of these _____ (student) is Jasmin Sethi. She's not _____ to see anything, but how did she get this achievement (成绩)? To take the test, someone read the test questions to her, and she gave the answers. She was very good at her _____ (lesson). She even did difficult math problems in her mind. Sethi wanted to be a lawyer (律师) when she _____ (grow) up. Now she is really a successful attorney adviser (律师顾问).



I _____ a great time last summer vacation. I went to England with my parents. We all know it is always wet and _____ (cloud) in London. So we each took an _____. But it was sunny on the first day so we were very _____(luck). On our _____ (two) day in London, we visited the London Eye and the Big Ben.

Three days _____, we visited Shakespeare's former residence (莎士比亚故居). He was born in 1564 and died in 1616. We visited many other interesting _____ there, such _____ the National Gallery and the British Museum.

This trip was very _____ (wonder). I really want _____ (visit) London again one day.



_____ a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up _____the top, but then it started raining a little _____ we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour _____ the train _____ there were too many people. When we got to the top, it _____ (rain) really hard. We _____ (not have) an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because _____ the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food _____ (taste) great because I was so _____ (hungrily).



Every year, there are a lot of student plays at school. However, quite a lot of students don't enjoy _____(join) school plays. Some think they are too shy on the stage (舞台). Some say they are too busy. _____ think that is very boring and _____ (meaning). When I heard the English club would have an English play Snow White, I _____(plan) to join it. The main reason was that I really wanted to be on stage. The play Snow White was very famous. Everyone in the club knew a lot _____ it.

There were many _____ (character) in the play. Of course, the girls expected to play the Princess (公主). Li Fan played the King. Wang Ping and other six boys in the club played the seven dwarfs (矮人). I thought I might get the role of the Princess, but I lost it. He Yan got it. Miss Wang asked me _____ (act) the role of the Queen. I wasn't very happy about this. But Miss Wang said, "The most important thing is the acting."

From then on, I tried to act the Queen. It was difficult for me to do it _____ I had no experience (经验) in acting. After two _____ (month) hard practice, we were ready to perform on the stage. It was _____ (success). People in the hall enjoyed it very much.



In a spelling competition in America, _____ 11-year-old girl, Sara, was asked to spell a word. Because of her low voice, the teachers were not sure about the word with the letter A or E. They simply decided _____ (ask) her what she said. But Sara _____ (clear) told them that she said the wrong letter. As a result, she _____ (lose) the competition.

As the girl walked back to her seat, all the people stood up and cheered. _____ smiled to them. Later, many newspaper reporters wrote about this 11-year-old girl's story the next day. _____ fact, she won something from others because she was honest (诚实的). The young girl could win the contest as long as she told a lie (谎言), and _____ would know it. But she told the truth. Her decisions were _____ (clever) than others thought.

It's so _____ (common) that what we choose will decide what we are like tomorrow. Our children will follow us more than our _____ (advice). So if we want them to grow up to be honest, we should show them the way by being honest ourselves.



Yesterday, I visited a friend of _____ (I). At his home, he showed me how _____ (make) banana milk shakes. I _____ (careful) watched the process (步骤).

First, he peeled the bananas and cut them _____. And then he put them into the blender. _____ (two), he poured a cup of milk and two _____ (spoon) of honey into the blender, added some sugar and mixed them up. Third, he turned _____ the blender and kept it going for about two minutes. Then he _____ (dig) a hole in a watermelon, made it empty (空的), and poured the milk shake into it and then put the watermelon into the fridge to make it cooler. _____ when everything seemed OK, he shouted, "Oh! My God! What did I put in the milk? _____ was salt not sugar."



My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time _____ (watch) it. Some of his friends _____ talked about sports shows, movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, "They never read _____ (some) books or go out in the evening." _____ he didn't buy a TV.

Two years _____, my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped _____ (work) in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He _____ (begin) to watch all the news. He knows _____ more about the world now. And he reads more books, too. Now, my grandfather will get very angry _____ you trouble him when he _____ (watch) TV. I don't know that one can change his idea when he is 60.



Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was _____ old man called Sthira. He lived by himself. His only son had gone far away to study. Sthira's friends _____ (wonder) whether his son would return, _____ Sthira always said, "Whatever happens, happens for good."

One day the old man's son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked the villagers and said _____ (polite), "Whatever happens, happens for good." However, later, Sthira's son broke _____ leg. Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked them _____ said, "Whatever happens, happens for good." Some of the villagers were surprised _____ (hear) this. Why? What was good? His son's leg got badly hurt!

After a few days, the army came to the village and wanted all the young men _____ the army. When they found his son had a _____ (break) leg, they left him behind. Once again, all the villagers came to congratulate him on his good luck, like always, the old man was still _____ (thank) to them and said, "Whatever happens, happens for good."



_____ (get) up early is good for people's health. Many people have this habit. How does it help? Let me tell you my story. When I was about twenty _____ (year) old, I _____ (usual) went to bed late and _____ (get) up late. _____ later I started to know the benefit (好处) of getting up early. On the days I got up earlier, my efficiency (效率) was _____ (good) when I did things and I kept _____ (act), not just in the morning but all day. _____ you want to get up early, you must try _____ (go) to bed early. Maybe you will be tired on the first day you get up early, but you'll have to go to bed early that night. After a few days, you'll have a habit _____ going to bed at the same time every night and getting up early.



David Beckham was born _____ May 2, 1975 in London. He is a very famous soccer _____ (play). He plays for Manchester United and often plays with teams in England, Spain, America and Italy. It's good news that he _____(come) to Beijing with his teammates yesterday. They are _____ (go) to play against China's national team tomorrow. His fans are so _____ (exciting) because they can meet their hero, and they say they will cheer him _____. But it's a pity that the team _____ going to stay for long. They are leaving Beijing _____ Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japan's national team.

I am going _____ (watch) the game tomorrow. Will you _____ me?



The Little Match Girl

It was the day before Christmas. Many people were _____ (get) together in their warm homes. A poor girl was still walking in the streets crying "Does _____ (someone) want to buy matches?" But no one answered her.

It _____ getting darker and colder. The little girl took out a match and _____ (light) it up. Oh, _____ wonderful the light was! She could see something—a golden roast goose and some tasty bread.

"I'll light another match. Maybe I can see grandma this way," the little girl thought.

"Grandma!" the little girl threw _____ (her) into her grandma's arms. "Please take me _____ you! Don't leave me alone!"

The little girl then lit all her matches. Grandma looked very tall in the light. She held the little girl in her arms. "I will take you to another place. There will _____ no cold and hunger."

_____ Christmas morning, people found the poor little girl. She was _____ (die). Around her, there were many burnt matches on the ground.



The modern Olympic Games began more than one hundred years _____. The Games are held _____ four years. The first modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896. Players from eight countries _____ (compete) in ten sports.

There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are the symbols of the five continents (大洲): Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and _____ (American). The colors of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. You can find at _____ one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world. And the Olympic motto is "_____ (fast), Higher, Stronger".

Nowadays, the Olympics are held by different countries _____ turn, which provides a way for athletes of all countries to compete and become friends. The Olympics are _____ (become) more and more popular. In the future, more cities _____ (have) the chance to hold the Olympics and the Olympics _____ be more exciting.



The Greeks had tried to capture the city of Troy _____ ten years, but did not succeed. Then they thought of a trick.

The Greeks built a huge wooden horse and left it outside the main gates of Troy. During the night they _____ (appear), but they didn't go far away. Some Greek soldiers hid in the horse, but the Trojans didn't know. In the morning the Trojans saw the horse. "Captain! Captain! The Greeks _____ (go) and we've won. They left last night and left a huge wooden horse outside the gates." a soldier reported to the captain. The captain ordered the soldiers _____ (pull) the horse into the city.

Then at night, all the Trojans celebrated their victory in the main square of the city. They sang and danced around the horse, and also laughed _____ their stupid enemy. "I haven't laughed like this _____ my childhood." the captain said. After the party, they locked all the gates and all went to _____ (asleep).

However, by midnight, the Greek soldiers climbed out of the horse _____ (quiet) and opened the main gates of Troy. Then in only one night, the Greeks succeeded in _____ (capture) the city through a clever trick instead _____ fighting.



Dear Daniel,

I am very happy to receive _____ (you) letter. Here I want _____ (tell) my educational exchange. I live with my host family. They are _____ (friend) to me. I show them many photos of China and also make some _____ (China) food for them. They all think the Chinese food _____ (be) very delicious. I often take part _____ their local activities. And I have classes with British students. I have _____ (learn) a lot about British culture _____ history. Last Sunday, I _____ (have) a picnic with my host family. We had _____ good time. I will visit the British Museum next Sunday.





On my way to school this morning, I saw an accident. I _____ waiting to cross the road then. A boy was riding his bike and _____ to music on the road. That's really dangerous! While the lights _____ (change) to red, a car suddenly _____ (appear) round the corner. It wasn't going fast, but it didn't stop. The boy didn't stop either. The driver _____ (talk) on his mobile phone at that time. I'm glad _____ (say) that the car did not hit the boy. It stopped just _____ time, but the boy _____ (fall) off his bike and hurt his knee.

So when you are _____ (ride) your bike, think about the risk of an accident! Pay attention to the red lights and don't ride too fast. Besides, don't ride side _____ side with your friends. Most importantly, don't listen to music!



Last week, Rosie Bridge School had a successful English Week, which included many activities _____ as a treasure hunt, an English _____ (sing) competition and a speaking competition.

Henry, the _____ (win) of the speaking competition, said he was glad that he had won. Then he _____ (advice)people to speak slowly, clearly and _____ (confident) in order to be good public speakers. One of the students, Amy, told us that English Week offered her a chance to learn more new words. She suggested that every school _____ have an English Week. It was well worth _____ (do).

_____ the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave students some _____ (suggest) on how to make their English better. He said students _____ better try their best to learn English, use English and most importantly, enjoy English.



Hello everyone! I am very glad to tell you something about our English Club. It was set up ten _____ (month) ago. Now we have 25 members. We meet once a week _____ Saturday afternoon. So far we _____ (hold) many kinds of activities to learn English, such as watching English films. We often hold Christmas parties. Here we can _____(happy) get together with foreign students, too.

Last week we had _____ English story-telling competition. Many of us students told very interesting stories in English within five minutes. Everyone _____ (take) an active part in it. Two foreign English teachers were invited _____ (act) as judges. At last, Li Hua won _____ (one) place. Many of us said the activity did good to them _____many ways. Not only did it improve our spoken English, _____ also it brought us much fun. We hope we can join many such activities in the future.



Sam got an email from his friend Rosa. Rosa _____ (ask) him to her birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Sam was happy _____ (get) the invitation (邀请函), but it also made him feel worried, _____ he only had a few dollars. That was not enough to buy a good birthday gift. And Sam's father lost his job last month, so it wasn't a good time to ask his parents _____ help.

Sam went to study in the library that day. There was _____ book sale in the library. The books were all from the library. They were old but very cheap. Sam saw two books. They were about how to cook _____ (tradition) food. Sam knew Rosa was interested in _____ (cook), but would it be too bad to use old books as a birthday gift? Well, it was _____ (good) than no gift at all!

On Sunday, Sam wrapped (包好) the two books and went to Rosa's party. He enjoyed _____ (he) at the party, but still worried about his gift. The next day, he got an email from Rosa. It said: Of all the _____ (present), yours was the nicest. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend!



Yesterday was Kangkang's birthday. There _____ a birthday party for him at his home. His parents _____ (buy) lots of food and drinks. Kangkang's friends _____ (bring) many presents for him. He liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake _____ 13 candles on it. Kangkang _____ (make) a wish, and then he blew _____ the candles. Ben sang an English song at the party. Did Jane _____ (play) the violin? No, she _____. She played the piano. What _____ Tom do? He performed some magic tricks. Kangkang enjoyed _____ (him) very much. Everyone had a good time.



It was _____ unusual morning. While Dora _____ (brush) her teeth in the bathroom, the tap was still on. An angry voice told her to turn that tap off. Dora looked around, _____ she saw nobody there. The voice said he was a drop of water. Dora didn't know _____ he came from. He told her his journey. Some days ago, he was in a cloud. Then he _____ (drop) into a river and ran into a reservoir. Then it was time for people to clean him _____ he was dirty. They cleaned him and added some _____ (chemical) to him. After that, he travelled through the pipes under the strees and he was in Dora's bathroom. Dora asked if that was the end of _____ (he) journey. The water told her he should be cleaned again. He would go into a river and then into the sea again. His journey started there. Dora felt sorry and knew what _____ (do) next. She turned the tap off and came out of the bathroom.

Remember not to waste or pollute water. It is quite _____ (value).



Dora talked to a drop of water today. It was really interesting.

In the morning, Dora left the tap _____ in the bathroom. Then an angry voice told her to turn the tap off.

The voice came from a drop of water! It _____ (drop) from a cloud into the river and _____ (run) into a reservoir. After people cleaned it, it travelled _____ the pipes to Dora's home.

Water is very _____ (value). Oceans cover about 75% of the Earth, but ocean water is _____ (salt). Therefore most of the water in the world is not _____ (drink).

People should not waste or pollute water. Here is some advice for saving water:

● Turn _____ the water while you brush your teeth.

● Leaky taps (漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away!

● Take a shower instead of a bath. Having a bath uses about twice as _____ (many) water as taking a shower.

● Only use your washing machine when you have large _____ (quantity) of clothes to wash. If your washing machine isn't full, you're wasting water!



Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly and _____ (help). They can do many things for people, such as fetching the newspapers and finding the lost things. Some of the dogs can even help the blind. They are the seeing eye dogs.

A seeing eye dog is a special (特殊的) dog. It helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things.

Alice is blind. She can't go _____ (somewhere) by _____ (her). Luckily, she has a seeing eye dog named Charlie. One day Alice and Charlie went to a park together. There were many people _____ the park. Alice was tired so she wanted to have a rest. There was one seat nearby. The dog _____ (lead) Alice to the seat but there was very little space. Charlie began to push the people on each side _____ his nose. He pushed and pushed until the people left and _____ (final) there was enough space for two. Alice then sat down and the dog got upon the seat next _____ her. He lay down and soon fell _____ (sleep). Everyone around them smiled at the dog for his cleverness in making space for Alice and, at the same time, making a place for _____ (him).



My family _____ (go) camping in the mountains last weekend. What _____ we do there? First we _____ (put) up our tents. Then we made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. We watched the stars at night. They _____very beautiful. We were so tired _____ we went to sleep early.

The next morning, I got a terrible _____ (surprising) because I saw a big snake _____ (sleep) near the fire. I was so _____ (scare) that I couldn't move. My dad woke the snake up by jumping up and down in the tent and the snake moved away. _____ did it go? It moved into the forest.

Last weekend was really interesting, but it was also _____ (scared).



I had a school trip last May Day. We spent _____ first four days in Paris. We had a sightseeing of the city, and we _____(visitor) some of the famous places _____ the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. From Paris we traveled down to the south of _____(French) near Marseilles by boat. We spent _____(fifth) days there. There we had a lot of _____(funny). We swam in the sea, and we took a lot of _____(picture). We also did lots of sports _____ the beach. We went back a week _____(late) by train. I think the trip was interesting. I like the food best. It was _____(deliciously).



Lin Hai,

A computer game is _____ the school library. Is it _____ (you)? Ask the teacher _____ it.


Some _____ (key) are _____ Classroom7E. _____ (be) they yours? E-mail _____ (I) _____ maryg2@gfimail.com.

Is this your watch? My phone number is 495-3539. Call at me.


I _____ (lose) my school ID card. I must find it. Call me _____ 685-6034. Thanks.




Dear Amy,

How _____ your weekend? What _____ (do) you do?

I _____ (have) so much fun last weekend. On Saturday, I did my homework. Then I played badminton. _____ did I play with and _____ did I play? I played with my father in the gym. He is really good. On Sunday, I worked _____ a guide at the Natural History Museum. There is a butterfly house with over two _____ (hundred) kinds of butterflies there! I _____ (tell) the visitors about the living habits _____ the butterflies. It was interesting but I was kind of _____ (tiring) after a day's work.





上一篇: 2019年人教版八年级英语上册语法填空练习三(61-90篇) 下一篇: 2019年牛津英语上海版9年级上册Unit 1- Unit 4知识点及语法点



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