


一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

(  )1. A.speech     B.watch       C.teach

(  )2. A.kind         B.blind         C.lion

(  )3. A.boy          B.joy            C.enjoy

(  )4. A.bought     B.taught      C.wrote

(  )5. A.cow         B.blow         C.how


二、 录音中有5个单词,每个单词对应一幅图片,选择与单词相对应的图片。(5分)

6. _______   7._______    8._______    9._______    10._______

A                 B               C             D              E



三、 录音中有5个词组,每个词组对应一幅图片,选择与词组相对应的图片。(10分)

11. ________   12.________  13.________   14.________   15.________

A                B                 C               D               E




(   )16. A                       B


(   )17.A                       B


(   )18.A                       B


(   )19.A                       B


(   )20.A                       B





(   )21.It_____good.

A.to look     B.looks       C.looking

(   )22.What do you want_____?

A.eat        B.eats        C.to eat

(   )23.What time_____?

A.it is        B.is it        C.it’s

(   )24.It will____in Harbin.

A.be snow     B.snowing     C.snow

(   )25.In this photo,it’s start______and the birds are______.

A.to rain;flying away    B.rain;flying away    C.to rain;fly away

(   )26.She’s having lunch,_____the phone rings.

A.and        B.but        C.so

(   )27.Simon was______in the book.

A.interesting     B.interests     C.interested

(   )28.At the same time,I’m very sad___goodbye___you.

A.on;in       B.on;to        C.to;to

(   )29.I’ll never_____our time together.

A.forgetting       B.forget       C.forgot

(   )30.------Why are you wearing a T-shirt?

------______I’m going to play basketball.

A.So           B.Because          C.But




(  )31.What are you going to do this afternoon?  

(  )32.When are you going to eat?             

(  )33.What time is it?                      

(  )34.What are you doing now?              

(  )35.The ducks are eating our food.          


A. It’s twelve.

B. We are going to have a picnic.

C. I’m taking pictures.

D. Naughty ducks.

E. At half past two.




Linda:It looks interesting.37_____.

Sam:My sister gave it to me.


Sam:It’s about cars.


Sam:Sure.Here you are.




(  )41.当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说

A.Thank you very much.       


(  )42.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:

A.How much is a hot dog?      

B. How much is a hamburger?

(  )43.今天是小明的生日,你会对他说:

A.Happy New Year!           

B.Happy Birthday!

(  )44.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说:

A. Who can help me?          

B. Can I help you ?

(  )45.当你想表达某人是你最好的朋友时,你会说:_____

A.You’re my best friend.        

B.Best wishes to you!





Mr White is an English teacher in a primary school. He teaches English. He gets up early every day, and he has breakfast at seven thirty in the morning. Then he goes to school. He works very hard and he also plays table tennis with his students. After school , he goes home at five in the afternoon. He always has dinner at six. After that, he watches TV. He has a pet. It’s a white cat. He loves it very much. On weekends, he usually takes a walk in the park with his cat.



(  ) 46. Mr White is a teacher of English.

(  ) 47. He eats breakfast at school.

(  ) 48. He plays table tennis with his friends.

(  ) 49. Mr White’s cat is white.

(  ) 50. He usually takes a walk in the park with a dog.



This is a picture.It’s a classroom. It’s big. In the picture, you can see a table,six chairs and a blackboard. You can see a boy and two girls,six books on the table. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pens and a ruler are in the pencil box. A bag is behind a chair.Two cats are on the blackboard. The boy is John. He is twelve. The girl in a hat is Lucy. She is twelve,too. The other girl is Jean. She is eleven. The two girls look the same. They are in the same class. They are good friends. Their teacher is Mr Black .He is not here.



(   )51.There are _____on the table.

A.a pencil box       B.two pens        C.six books

(   )52.John is _____.

A.eleven            B.twelve         C.thirteen

(   )53.Lucy and Jean are _____.  

A.in the same class    B.eleven         C.twins

(   )54.Mr Black is _____.

A.in the picture       B.Jean and Lucy’s teacher

(   )55.Lucy and Jean are _____.

A. sisters           B.friends         C.brothers


十、 按要求写句子。(10分)

56. role model,blind,is ,a ,Helen,people,for(.) (连词成句)


57.wants,he,go,space,into,to,someday(.) (连词成句)


58.are,and,dancing,for,they,the,third,singing,time(.) (连词成句)


59.She could see and hear.(变成否定句)


60. I’m going to say goodbye to my friends.(变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)


十一、 小作文。(10分)







一、1-5    ABBBC

二、6-10   CEBAD

三、11-15  DAEBC

四、16-20  BBBBA

五、21-25  BCBCA

      26-30  BCCBB

六、31-35  BEACD

七、36-40  EDACB

八、41-45  BBBAA

九、46-50  TFFTF

       51-55  CBABB

十、56.Helen is a role model for blind people.

57.He wants to go into space someday.

58.They are singing and dancing for the third time.

59.She couldn’t see or hear.

60.Are you going to say goodbye to your friends?

  No,I am not.




上一篇: 2019年外研版四年级下册英语期末真题卷二 下一篇: 2019年外研版六年级下册英语期末检测卷(二)



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