























(    ) 1. A. cat              B. dad              C. fat

(    ) 2. A. father            B. mother           C. brother

(    ) 3. A. big              B. bag              C. pig

(    ) 4. A. eleven           B. twelve            C. twenty

(    ) 5. A. cut              B. duck             C. run


(    ) 1. A.    B.    

(    ) 2. A.   B.

(    ) 3. A.   B.

(    ) 4. A.   B.

(    ) 5. A.   B.


(    ) 1. A. I like watermelon.          B. I don’t like watermelon.

(    ) 2. A. It has a long nose.         B. It has a short tail.

(    ) 3. A. This is my brother.         B. This is my sister.

(    ) 4. A. It’s in the box.              B. It’s on the book.

(    ) 5. A. How many birds can you see?     B. How many balls do you have?


(    ) 1. A. Yes, he is.            B. No, she isn’t.    

(    ) 2. A. I’m from the UK.     B. I like China.

(    ) 3. A. No, I don’t.           B. No, it isn’t.    

(    ) 4. A. I see eleven.           B. I have seven.    

(    ) 5. A. She’s my friend.         B. He’s a teacher.    



1. Ee  Gg 2. Oo  

3.  Jj   4.  Ss Tt

5.  Vv    6.   Zz


(    ) 1. A. father            B. brother            C. family      

(    ) 2. A. tall              B. ball               C. thin     

(    ) 3. A. pear             B. orange        C. fruit     

(    ) 4. A. chair             B. fourteen            C. sixteen

(    ) 5. A. under            B. hand               C. on   


desk   dog   sister   apple   cap


1.    2.    3.    4.    5.


(    ) 1. —________ is my car? —It’s in the toy box.

A. Who        B. Where     C. How many

(    ) 2. Look ________ the elephant. It’s so big.

A. at                  B. in       C. on

(    ) 3. —Who’s that woman? —________ my mum.

A. I’m          B. He’s             C. She’s

(    ) 4. —How many ________ do you see? —I see thirteen.

A. kite         B. fish      C. bird

(    ) 5. —Do you like pears? —________

A. Yes, I don’t. B. No, I don’t.       C. Yes, I am.

(    ) 6. 你想知道对方来自哪里,可以这样询问:________

A. Where are you from?  B. Where are you?    C. I’m from China.

(    ) 7. 你想知道那个男孩是谁,可以这样询问:________

A. Who’s that girl?   B. Is she your sister? C. Who’s that boy?

(    ) 8. 你找不到你的铅笔盒时可以问:________

A. Where is my pencil box?   B. Where is my pencil?   

C. I have a pencil box.

(    ) 9. 你递香蕉给别人时说:________

A. Look at the bananas. B. Here you are.     C. Thank you.

(    ) 10. 在家招待客人,请对方吃些葡萄时可以说:________

A. Have some grapes.    B. I don’t like grapes.  C. Can I have some grapes?


A. It’s on the chair.

B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, I do.

D. I have eleven.

E. He’s my brother.

(    ) 1. Do you like apples?        

(    ) 2. Who’s that man?               

(    ) 3. Where is my bag?             

(    ) 4. Is he your brother?            

(    ) 5. How many crayons do you have?              


(    ) Can I have some strawberries?

(    ) Have some oranges.

(    ) Thank you.

(    ) Here you are.

(    ) Sorry, I don’t like oranges.















一、1. Ff 2. Pp; Qq 3. Ii; Kk 4. Rr 5. Uu; Ww 6. Xx; Yy

二、1-5 CBCAB

三、1. apple 2. cap 3. desk 4. sister 5. dog

四、1-5 BACBB   6-10 ACABA

五、1-5 CEABD



上一篇: 人教版三年级下册英语期末真题卷二 下一篇: 2019-2020学年人教版三年级下册英语期末模拟卷一



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