
2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 10


Unit 10



1. Half a month     (pass) since his mother      (leave) for Wuhan

2.       you      (find) your watch yet?  

3.I           (not finish) my homework. Can you help me?  

4. The old things bring me back some ______ (甜蜜的) memories in the childhood.

5. The ______ (板;木板) games are good for the children.

6. Why not get your mother a ______ (围巾) on her birthday?

7. Let’s ______ (检查) up the new words and phrases before our class.

8. The sofa is so _________ (柔软的) that I like lying on it.

9. Let’s go to the r          station quickly or we will miss the train.

10. I can’t go to the party for a c          reason.


(    )1. We regards Li Wenliang ____ a kind man. He is the first whistle of the NCP.

A. for     B.in     

C. as        D.to

(    )2. ____ my opinion,Tony is a nice guy.

A.To      B.With     

C.By        D.In

(    )3.The young man is very lucky. He won five ____ dollars in the competition.

A.million      B.millions   

C.million of        D.millions of

(    )4. The  police ____ the whole house but didn't find any clues.

A.searched for     B.looked  

C.found out       D.searched

(    )5How do you feel about your Hometown?

It's beautiful, ____ in winter.

A.nearly      B.deeply    

C.clearly        D.especially

(    )6There's one taken by the Seine       these photos. Can you find it out?

A.except      B.including       

C.between        D.among

(    )7. ____ have you taught in the school?

Since I came to the city.

A.How far       B.How soon

C.How long       D.How old

(    )8. I'm considering ____ abroad for further study, but I haven't decided yet.

You'd better ask your English teacher for some advice.

A.going         B.to go  


(    )9. When did you buy the book?

Two years ago. That is to say,I ____ it for two years.

A.bought       B.will buy    

C.have bought       D.have had

(    )10. Are you a basketball player in your school?

Yes. I ____ the team 3 years ago. I ____ in it for 3 years.

A.joined ; was   

B.was joined ; am

C.have joined;have been   

D.joined ; have  been




1.I was born in Beijing. It’s my_____________.

2.Junk food is bad for us,__________ for children.

3.Paul is a(n)_________boy. We all like him.

4.I _________the book twice. It’s very interesting.

5.The girl is very_________. She never tell a lie(撒谎).


1. After Jimmy ____________ clear outthat bookcase, Kate put some books there.

2. ____________,to be honest my dad doesn’t like to go shopping with my mom.

3. Lin Feng spent ten yuan on these ______ (crayon).

4. Our new house is ______ (closely) to the school.

5. ________ (accord) to what he said, we know he lives a happy life now.

6. Jack really likes watching movies, ________(especial) action movies made in America.

7. Old Henry knows he is ____________no longer young.

8. It’s kind of difficult for Tom to ____________ part withany of his books.

9. ____________ as forthe children, they were happy enough to spend all day on the beach.


1.He has had his bike for 10 years.(对画线部分提问)

   ____  ____  ____ he had his bike?

2.We started to skate two hours ago.(对画线部分提问)

   ____  ____ you start to skate?

3.They have been away from here since two years ago.(改为同义句)

   ____  ____  ____ two years ____ they left here.

4.The man began to work four hours ago.(改为同义句)

  The man has ____  ____ four hours.

5.We no longer used the old camera.(改为同义句)

  We ____ use the old camera ____  ____


1. 许多老人把宠物视为他们的孩子。

Many old people ________ their pets ________ their kids.

2. 你多久回家乡一次?

________ ________ do you return to your hometown?

3. 王先生差不多一年没回来了。

Mr. Wang ________ ________ ________ for almost a year.

4. 她过去常给这家杂志写文章。

She ________ ________ ________ articles for the magazine.

5. 好了,现在你的周围都是朋友了。

It's OK. You're ________ ________ now.




1.has passed; left 2.Have; found   3.haven’t finished  4. sweet      5. board     6. scarf      7. check    8. Soft  9. railway     10. certain


2.D解析: in one's opinion是固定搭配,意为在某人看来


4.D解析:句意:警察搜查了整座房子,但没找到任何线索。search for常用于没有被搜索的对象,只有寻求的目标的情况;search意为搜查;搜寻,后面直接跟被搜索的对象。the whole house就是被搜索的对象,故选D



7.C解析:根据答语自从我来到这座城市。可知是问你在学校教书多长时间了?,故用How long

8.A解析:句意:——我正在考虑出国深造,但是我还没有决定。——你最好征求一下你英语老师的建议。consider doing sth.意为考虑做某事。故选A


10D解析:句意:——你是你们学校的篮球运动员吗?——是的。我三年前人队。我在队里待了三年了。3 years ago是一般过去时的时间状语,第一个空用一般过去时,且用主动语态;时间状语for 3 years为一段时间,作状语时谓语动词用延续性动词且用现在完成时。故选D

三、1. hometown    2. especially     3. honest   4.have read    5. truthful

1. cleared out  2. To be honest  3. crayons     4. close     5. According    

6. especially  7. no longer  8. part with  9. As for

五、1.How long has  2.When did  3.It has been;since  4.worked for  5.didn't;any longer

六、1. regardas   2. Howoften   3. hasn'tbeenback   4. usedtowrite   5. amongfriends



上一篇: 2019-2020学年六年级下册语文试题-小升初模拟卷 下一篇: 八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 9



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