
2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 1


Unit 1



1These patients(病人) had NCP and had a f______ all the night and didn’t sleep well. 

2Lily has a t_____ . She has to see a dentist right now.

3There is something wrong with my s____, so I can’t eat anything.

4Mum asked me to l______ the table for dinner.

5A giraffe usually has a long neck and four big f_____.

6The d______ of his pet cat made the boy very sad.

7I went home before the end of the meeting. What was the final d______?

8There are some k______ on the table. You can use any of them to cut the apple.

9Let’s stop to have a rest. We’d better not make o_____ too tired.

10When I was I Grade Three, I realized the i______ of English.


1As a mountain climber, Alex is used to taking __(risk).

2It means _____(need) more help.

3All of us know the importance of _____(finish) the work on time.

4They haven’t made a ______(decide) where to spend their summer vacation.

5—Would you mind _____(pick) up the keys?—Of course not.

6Sandy went into her sister’s room without ____ (knock) at(on) the door. That made her sister mad.

7I see these two boys ______(pass) my house every day.

8Has Jane done the washing yet? You can’t expect her ____(do) such a thing.

9Some people won’t realize the _____(important) of their friendship until they lose it.

10Would you mind _____(open) the window, please? it is too hot here.


1. 吉姆的父亲习惯于冒风险。

Jim's father________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

2. 医生用刀子切除了他受伤的左腿。

The doctor used the knife ________ ________ ________ his hurt left leg.

3. 他从他的车里出来了。

He ________ ________ ________ his car.

4. 我们应该掌管自己的生活。

We should ________ ________ ________ ________ our life. 

5. 在你的钱用完之前,你最好回家。

You'd better go home before your money ________ ________.

6. 尽管我告诉他们不要说话,他们还是继续说着。 

They ________ ________ ________although I told the m not to.

7. 张良如此勇敢,以至于他喜欢冒险。

Zhang Liang is ________ brave ________ he likes ________ ________.

8. 最后,医生决定切除她的右脚。

In the end, the doctors made ________ ________ ________ cut off her right foot.

9. 现在,一些人不想帮助他人,因为他们不想陷入麻烦。

Now some people don't want to help others because they don't want to ________ ________ ________.

10. 阿伦对爬山感兴趣。

Aron________ ________ ________  mountain climbing.


Tom has a sweet tooth.He likes __1__(sweet) and cakes. Even the toothache can't stop him from __2__(eat) sweet food.

One dayTom got a gift from his father. It was a magnifying glass(放大镜)All seemed __3__(large) when he looked them through it. So he took all the sweets and cakes under the magnifying glassand of course they seemed bigger than they __4__(be)Tom was happy with thatHe __5__(fill) his stomach with them __6__(till) he could eat nothing any more. The next morning Tom woke up __7__ a terrible stomachache. When the doctor came to see himhe said it was the __8__(bad) case of upset stomachs he had seen. Tom stayed in bed for a very long time. When he finally got wellhe made an important __9__(decide)—he would give up eating sweet food. And he learned a lessoneven with the best things in lifeif you have too many of themyou will end up__10__(fall) ill.





一、1fever 2toothache 3stomach 4lay 5feet 6death 7decision 8knives 9ourselves   10importance

二、1risks  2to need   3finishing   4decision   5picking   6knocking 7pass   8to do   9importance  10opening

三、1. is used to taking risks   2. to cut off   3. got out of   4. be in control of 5. runs out 6. kept on talking 7. sothattaking risks 8. a decision to   9. get into trouble  10. is interested in

四、1sweets  2.eating  3.larger  4.were    5filled  6.till  7.with  8.worst 9.decision   10falling



上一篇: 2019-2020学年八年级下册英语基础知识当堂测 Unit 2 下一篇: 2019-2020学年八年级下册物理单元练习题:第十章 浮力



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