
2020春人教版八年级英语下册单元过关与检测(Unit 10)

单元过关与检测(Unit 10)

(时间:120分钟 满分:120)



( B )1.A.Two years ago. B.Since two years ago.

C.In two years.

( A )2.A.They bring back sweet memories.

B.No, they aren’t.

C.They aren’t useful.

( C )3.A.At 8:00.   B.I had a yard sale.

C.In a small village.

( A )4.A.Twice.    B.Last month.

C.For a month.

( A )5.A.My father bought it for me as a present.

B.I rode it to school.

C.I liked it very much.


( A )6.What does the girl want to keep?


( B )7.What does the girl want to give away?


( C )8.What does Peter’s friend do?


( B )9.Where did the woman go last year?


( A )10.What are they talking about?




( B )11.How long has Sandy had the watch?

A.Ten years.   B.Eight years.

C.Six years.

( C )12.Why has Sandy kept the watch till now?

A.Because it is very expensive.

B.Because she bought it in America.

C.Because her grandma gave it to her.


( B )13.What’s Sun Ning’s favorite thing of childhood?

A.It’s a blue bike.

B.It’s a green bike.

C.It’s a green toy train.

( C )14.Who gave it to Sun Ning?

A.His mother.   B.His father.

C.He bought it for himself.

( B )15.What did Sun Ning use to do with it?

A.He used to go to school on it.

B.He used to go bike riding on it.

C.He used to go fishing on it.




How long

More information


16. swimming  

for seven years 

strong and

17. healthy  


Collecting 18. stamps  

since he was eight years old 

Over 19. 500  stamps 


watching English movies

For 20. four  years 

a good way to learn English


( D )21.Peter,    honest boy,bought     useful dictionary in the store yesterday. 

A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a

( C )22.—Which dress will you take,Sandy?

—I can’t choose     the three dresses.I like them all. 

A.between B.behind

C.among D.inside

( C )23.—    did it take J.K.Rowling to write the Harry Potter series? 

—Over 15 years.

A.How soon B.How often

C.How long D.How far

( D )24.—Where is your uncle? I haven’t seen him for a long time.

 —He     Beijing for about half a year.He moved there in January. 

A.has gone to B.has been to

C.has arrived in D.has been in

( D )25.—We are considering     a new car. 

—Great! Your life is becoming better and better.

A.to buy B.buy

C.to buying D.buying

( D )26.—May I speak to Mr.Smith?

   ,please.Here he comes. 

A.Hang out B.Pick up

C.Take up D.Hold on

( B )27.—What a nice watch! How long     you     it? 

—For just two weeks.

A.will;buy B.have;had

C.were;having D.did;buy

( A )28.The movie     for about 5 minutes,so let’s see the next one. 

A.has been on B.has started

C.started D.began

( B )29.—Oh,it’s raining.We can’t go skating on the square.


A.How wonderful! B.What a shame!

C.You’re welcome! D.Well done!

( B )30.—Mario,your mobile phone is ringing.

— Wait a minute.It’s dangerous for us     it while crossing the street. 

A.answering B.to answer

C.answer D.answered

( C )31.—The little boy looks very sad.

—Sure he is.He parted with his toy cars because his family had to move to Chengdu.

A.got out B.gave out

C.gave away D.took down

( B )32.—Everybody wants to have a good    

—Yes,but it is common for us to forget something.

A.taste B.memory C.plan D.future

( B )33.—Can you tell me something about your English teacher?

—Sure.All of us     her as the best teacher in our school. 

A.decide B.regard C.count D.cheer

( A )34.—Jane,have you     the books in the bookcase? 

—Yes.There’re sixty books in it.Forty of them are Chinese and the rest are English.

A.checked out B.depended on

C.fixed up D.taken after

( D )35.Noise makes us terrible,    when you are trying to sleep. 

A.suddenly B.finally

C.lightly D.especially


Mr. Smith is a successful man. He is very rich. He lives in a big city now. Last month he came back to his hometown. 36 people knew him, because he left there when he was a child. And when he stopped near a 37  house, he saw an old woman sitting in the sun enjoying herself. Her  38 were closed and she didn’t notice there was a man looking at her carefully. 

“Aunt,” Mr. Smith called out, “Aunt!”

The old woman didn’t believe her nephew (侄子)had come to see her. She was very glad and excited. Tears (泪水)  39 her face. Thirty years! It was for thirty years that she hadn’t seen him. As a  40  boy in the small village, he was always hungry and had little food to eat. So he went to city to find a  41 . He didn’t come back after that. So he couldn’t see his parents and his aunt  42 

Mr. Smith had only a  43  holiday. He asked some neighbors to repair his aunt’s small old house. He never forgot his teacher, Mr. Green, who often helped him  44  he got into trouble. So he went to the school. 

 45  I see Mr. Green, sir? ” he asked an old man at the school gate(门口). 

“Oh, sorry, you can’t.” answered the man.

“But why? What happened to him?”

“He died two years ago!”

Mr. Smith felt very sad when he heard the news. What a pity! He could never say thanks to Mr. Green.

( D )36. A.Many B.Lots of

C.A few D.Few

( A )37.A.small B.big C.nice D.beautiful

( C )38.A.eye B.mouth C.eyes D.mouths

( B )39.A.run down B.ran down

C.run away D.ran away

( A )40.A.twelve-year-old B.twelve-years-old

C.twelve years old D.twelve year old

( C )41.A.work B.jobs C.job D.works

( A )42.A.any longer B.no longer

C.not more D.no more

( B )43.A.week B.week’s C.weeks D.weeks’

( C )44.A.where B.how C.when D.while

( A )45.A.Can B.Shall C.Will D.Must



Two years ago my husband bought me a bicycle.If you live in a city,it is often faster than a car and you don’t have to worry about parking (停车).You can leave it anywhere.Because it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front,I can take my daughter to school,to the library,to the shops,anywhere in fact.

I use it most in summer when the weather is warm.It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the rain is heavy.Of course,you must be careful on a bicycle.Accidents are not the only problem.One day I went shopping and came back late.I found my front wheel (轮子) missing.So I had to walk to the bicycle shop.

My husband sometimes uses my bicycle for short journeys.He says it is better than waiting for a bus.He still uses his car for longer journeys.I think that all this sitting down is making him fat and lazy.On my bike I get lots of exercise and fresh air,and this makes me feel a lot younger.

( B )46.In a city,a bike is better than a car because    .  

A.it is much cheaper

B.it is often faster

C.it’s not easy to buy a car

D.the weather is more pleasant

( C )47.When doesn’t the writer like to use the bike?

A.When she is very busy.

B.When it is very warm.

C.When the weather is bad.

D.When she goes to work.

( B )48.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The writer is a mother.

B.The wheels of her bike were broken.

C.Her husband uses her bike sometimes.

D.She can take her daughter to school by bike.

( B )49.Her husband uses her bike for    

A.long journeys

B.short journeys


D.going to other countries

( B )50.Who bought the writer the bike?

A.Her parents. B.Her husband.

C.Her daughter. D.Her friends.


Bookstores are second homes for readers.Although many people can now buy books online,many readers still like the feeling in bookstores.They can touch (触摸) the books and smell the print.

In China,there are many special bookstores.Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24-hour bookstore in Beijing at the beginning of April.Popular Holdings in Shanghai is a film-themed bookstore.It has film books and posters.Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan often has activities like talks with famous writers.

At the same time,bookstores outside China can be very colorful,too.Scarthin Books is a small bookstore in the UK.It sells new and second-hand books.There are more than 100,000 books lying on the shelves of the store’s 12 rooms.Bart’s Books in the US is a good place to enjoy the sunshine()while reading books.It’s an outdoor bookstore.Bookshelves are on the street.

When the store is closed,people can still buy books.They just put money into the door’s coin box.Where can you find a cafe,bar and bookstore in just one place?The answer is probably El Pendulo in Mexico.Books line(形成行)the walls of the store.On the second floor,visitors can order everyday meals in the cafe and drinks from the bar.In order to keep cool,there are green plants and trees inside.Does it look like a park?

( B )51.   special bookstores inside China are mentioned (提到) in the passage. 

A.2 B.3 C.5 D.6

( D )52.Scarthin Books is    

A.a 24-hour bookstore

B.an outdoor bookstore

C.in the US


( A )53.People can still buy books at     when it’s closed. 

A.Bart’s Books B.Popular Holding

C.Eslite Bookstore D.El Pendulo

( B )54.Readers can    at El Pendulo. 

A.talk with famous writers

B.order meals

C.enjoy the sunshine

D.buy film posters

( C )55.There are     inside El Pendulo in order to keep cool. 

A.12 rooms     B.bookshelves

C.green plants and trees     D.coin boxes


Have you ever seen rows of different cars parked on a big playground,with their boots(汽车后备箱)open?The boots are packed with things like books,pictures,kids’ toys.This is a car boot sale.It is popular in the UK.

If you have lots of things and have nowhere to put them,and don’t want to throw them away,why not try a car boot sale?Go to a car boot sale and you may be excited about what you find.

You can find almost anything at a car boot sale,from beds,tables to necklaces and rings...Most of the things are second-hand,so they are usually low-priced.I like to hunt for books.I was pretty proud when I bought four books from the Harry Potter series and they cost me just over 2.

Here is a little tip that not everybody knows:When it’s nearly the end of the sale(they usually finish in the early afternoon),many sellers cut the prices because they want to throw away things.Quite often you’ll find “All for 10p”,“Buy one and get one free” and “Take it away!”It’s clear that they just want to throw those things away.

However,there may not be much good stuff(物品) left in the end—the things people really want are sold quickly.So,as they say,the early bird catches the worm!

( D )56.Why are most things at such a low price at a car boot sale?

A.Because they are terrible.

B.Because they are useless.

C.Because they are small things.

D.Because they are second-hand.

( A )57.Which of the following things you may NOT find at a car boot sale?

A.Food and drinks.

B.Books and pictures.

C.Beds and tables.

D.Necklaces and rings.

( C )58.How did the writer feel when he got four books from the Harry Potter series?

A.Terrible. B.Excited.

 C.Proud. D.Nervous.

( B )59.Many sellers usually cut the prices   

A.at the beginning of the sale

B.nearly at the end of the sale

C.in the early morning

D.when there is bad weather

( A )60.What is the reading mainly about?

 A.A car boot sale in the UK.

B.A car show in the UK.

 C.What a car boot sale is.

D.A good way to save money.


When people talk about city life,they will probably think of tall buildings,busy streets,big supermarkets and so on.What about country life?The first feeling that comes into people’s mind is quiet.In the country,people live a quiet life because there is less noise and pollution.城市生活和乡村生活,哪一个更好?The answer is not certain.People who live in the country want to be city people.In their thoughts,cities are full of chances and challenges.

Today many country people leave their homes for big cities.They want to find some good jobs and make a lot of money.Now the pollution problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.The air is not clean enough for people,especially in downtown areas.But in the country the situation is different.Many people think it’s pleasant to live with green mountains,the blue sky,green trees,the red sunset and golden crops.But now the difference between the city and the country is not as clear as it was in the past.The country looks like modern cities,and some cities are as beautiful as the country.


61.What do many people think of the country?

Quiet and clean.

62.Why do many people want to live in big cities?

Because they want to find some good jobs and make a lot of money.


63.Which is better,city life or country life?




65.We can learn from the passage that people have different  ideas/opinions  of city life and country life. 



66.His grandpa has been dead (die) for over ten years. 

67.Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, especially (special) during the summer holidays when they had more free time. 

68.Do you know Toyota is one of the largest car  makers  (make) in Japan? 

69.These kids are playing games.They  are   counting (count) from 1 to 100. 

70.So far I  have lived  (live) here for 8 years. 



Old people would not like to  part   with  their old things. 


 To   be   honest ,you shouldn’t be angry with her. 


People should  regard  the volunteers  as  heroes. 


 As   for  that thing,I don’t want to talk about it any more. 


 According   to the rules,people can’t drive after drinking. 





Have you ever read the book A Brief History of Times?It was written by Stephen Hawking in 2013.

Stephen Hawking 76. was (be) born on January 8th,1942,exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo in Oxford,England.At the age of eleven,Stephen went to Oxford University,his father’s old college.After three years,he won a first class honour degree in 77. natural (nature) science. 

In October 1962,Stephen arrived at the University of Cambridge 78. to do (do)research.He 79. really (real)enjoyed his time there.Unluckily,Stephen had a bad 80. illness (ill) shortly after his 21st birthday in 1963 and was given two years to live.Yet he went on 81. working (work)hard to become an excellent scientist.Stephen didn’t live by 82. himself (he),he fell in love with Jane Wilde and they got 83. married (marry)in 1965,then they had three 84. children (child). 

Hawking liked China very much,he had visited China several times.On November 24th,2017,Hawking 85. replied (reply)Wang Junkai on his Weibo.He said he was pleased to answer the excellent question from Mr.Wang Junkai. 

He once said,“My goal is simple,it is complete understanding of the universe(宇宙).” Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most famous scientists since Einstein.Hawking died on March 14th,2018.








  The thing I like most is 



One possible version:

The thing I like most is a doll.It is a dog with big black eyes and white curly fur.I got it from my aunt on my 5th birthday. Since then it is always on my bed and I can’t go to sleep without kissing it good-night. When I went to a boarding school, I took it with me. My roommates used to laugh at me about it, but I still kept it beside my pillow. I love it so much because it gives me comfort whenever I feel down.


单元过关与检测(Unit 10)



1.How long have you had this computer?

2.Why do you want to keep your old things?

3.Where did you use to live?

4.How many times has your father been to America?

5.How did you get your bike?


6.M:Let’s look through this box of old things and decide what to give away.

W:I want to keep this toy bear.I’ve had it since my childhood.

7.M:Why do you want to give away the old books?

W:Because I won’t read them anymore.

8.W:Hey, Peter! How did you get the picture?

M:My friend gave it to me.He is an artist.

9.M:How long did you stay in Canada last year?

W:I stayed there for three months.

10.W:The bridge is very long and clean.

M:Yes.And it’s beautiful.Many people like coming here in the evening.



M:Sandy, this is really an old watch.

W:Yes, I have had it for eight years.

M:Eight years? That’s a long time.Why do you still keep it?

W:Well, it is a birthday gift from my grandma.

M:What a special watch!

W:Yes, old things really bring back sweet memories.


W:What’s your favorite thing during your childhood, Sun Ning?

M:It’s a green bike.

W:Who gave it to you?

M:I bought it for myself.

W:How did you get the money?

M:I had a yard sale and sold some old things.I bought that bike with the money.

W:How long have you had it?

M:I have had it for five years.

W:Why do you like it so much?

M:Because I learned how to ride a bike on it.

W:Did you use to ride it?

M:Yes, I used to go bike riding on it.

W:So it’s special to you.

M:That’s right.


Different people have different hobbies.I have three friends.They are Jenny, David and Rose.Jenny likes swimming.She has swum for seven years.She thinks it makes her strong and healthy.David enjoys collecting stamps.He has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old, and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries.Rose is interested in watching English movies.She has watched English movies for four years.She says watching English movies helps her learn English well.She thinks it is a good way to learn English.

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.swimming 17.healthy 18.stamps 19.500 20.four


21.D 由句意彼得,一个诚实的男孩,昨天在店里买了一本有用的词典。可知,两空都表示泛指。honest以元音音素开头,其前需用an;useful则以辅音音素开头,其前需用a。故选D

22.C 由three dresses可知,挑选连衣裙的范围是在三者之间,所以among符合句意。

23.C 根据答语“15年多可知空格处用how long

24.D 由for about half a year可知空格处的动词是延续性动词,故选D

25.D consider doing sth.为固定搭配,意为考虑做某事”,故选D

26.D hang out闲逛;pick up捡起;take up占据;hold on不挂断电话,稍等。由答语后句他过来了。可知,让对方稍等一会儿。D项符合句意。

27.B 由how long可知句中的谓语动词须用延续性动词,且用现在完成时,故选B

28.A 由for about 5 minutes可知,空白处的动词为延续性动词,故选A

29.B A项意为太好了!”,B项意为太遗憾了!”,C项意为不客气!”,D项意为做得好!”。由语境可知,“我们不能去广场滑冰了”,对方应表示遗憾。故选B

30.B 本句中,it作形式主语,to answer...作真正的主语。答语第二句句意为过马路时接电话是很危险的

31.C part with放弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西);get out (……)出来;give out 分发;give away赠送,捐赠; take down拆除。part withgive away意思相近,故选C

32.B taste味道;memory记忆;plan计划;future将来。根据句意“——人人都想拥有好的   .——是的,但是对我们来说忘记某些东西是很正常的。可知,memory符合语境。故选B 

33.B regard...as...……看作……,为固定搭配。故选B

34.A check out察看;depend on依靠;fix up修理;take after(外貌或性格)像。根据句意“——,   书橱里的书了吗?——是的。里面有60本书。40本汉语书,其余的都是英语书。可知,check out符合语境。故选A 

35.D suddenly 突然;finally最后; lightly轻轻地;especially尤其是,特别是。根据句意噪音让我们感觉很糟糕,   你在想睡觉的时候。可知,especially符合语境。故选D 


36.D 根据后一句句意因为当他是一个小孩的时候他就离开了那里以及后文中“thirty years”,可知三十年后家乡几乎没人认识他了。所以选择D

37.A 根据下文的“He asked some neighbors to repair his aunt’s small old house”可知此处是小的房子。所以选择A

38.C 根据句意她的……闭起来了,她没有注意到有一个人在认真地看着她可推测出是眼睛闭起来了,结合were可知用复数。所以选择C

39.B run down落下;run away跑开。根据句意可知是泪水落下,结合前后句子的时态都是一般过去时,可知此处也用一般过去时。所以选择B

40.A 根据空格后的boy可知空格处是来修饰名词boy,故选A

41.C 根据a 可知用job,因为work是不可数名词。所以选择C

42.A 根据句意因此他不能看到他的父母和他的阿姨……”couldn’t否定,可知排除BCD,not ... any longer=no longer不再。所以选择A

43.B 根据a排除CD,结合句意仅有一……假期可推测出是一星期的”,用名词的所有格。所以选择B

44.C 根据句意可推测出是当他遇到麻烦时为时间状语从句;结合while从句一般为进行时,可知用when。所以选择C

45.A 根据句意可推测出此处表征求意见,意为我能看看格林先生吗所以选择A


46. B 47. C 48. B 49. B 50. B 51. B 52.D 53. A 54. B 55. C 56.D 57. A 58. C 59. B 60. A

61.Quiet and clean. 62.Because they want to find some good jobs and make a lot of money. 63.Which is better,city life or country life? 64.但是现在,城市和农村的区别不像过去那么明显了。 65.ideas/opinions


66.has been dead 67.especially 68.makers

69.are counting 70.have lived


71.part with 72.To be honest 73.regard;as

74.As for 75.According to


76.was 77.natural 78.to do 79.really 80.illness 81.working 82.himself 83.married 84.children 85.replied


One possible version:

The thing I like most is a doll.It is a dog with big black eyes and white curly fur.I got it from my aunt on my 5th birthday. Since then it is always on my bed and I can’t go to sleep without kissing it good-night. When I went to a boarding school, I took it with me. My roommates used to laugh at me about it, but I still kept it beside my pillow. I love it so much because it gives me comfort whenever I feel down.


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