
上海市上宝中学2017年初二英语第二学期8B Unit 4习题

上宝中学初二英语第二学期8B Unit 4

I. Choice:

1. Alice is ______ honest girl. Now she is ______ university student. She will be made ______ chairman of the Reading Club.

A. a, an, the        B. an, a, the         C. an, a, /         D. /, a, /

2. Britain is ______ European country and China is ______Asian country.

A. an, an          B. a, a              C. a, an           D. an, a

3. He is reading the article ______ water pollution ______ the newspaper.

A. about, on       B. on, in            C. on, on          D. at, in

4. It is considerate ______ you to drive me home.

A. of             B. for              C. to              D. at

5. The sports section as well as the letters _______very popular _______the readers.

A. is / with        B. is/ to             C. are/among       D. are/ for

6. Her parents suggest Judy_______ the job as an accountant in the financial company.

A. taking         B. to take            C. takes           D. take

7. Though we hadn’t met each other for a long time, he ______my voice on the phone at once.

A. listened        B. knew             C. heard           D. recognized

8. The United Nations announced that more than three-fifths of the countries _____ water.

A. short of        B. were shorten of     C. were short of     D. were shortened of  

9. The photographer has _____, so we think he is very professional.

A. lot of experiences B. many experiences  C. much experience D. little experience

10. Ought we to play the bill right now? No, you ______.

A. ought not        B. ought not to      C. ought to not       D. not ought to

11. Yesterday afternoon Frank was telling me about his______ as a young director.

A. experiences  B. experience      C. experienced      D.  experiencing

12. The teacher _____ a class is called a class teacher.

A. in charge of    B. take charge of   C. is in charge of     D. took charge of

13. The little boy was so frightened that he didn’t know ______the next.

A. what he do     B. what should he do C. what to do     D. how to do

14. I _____ to ______ at the meeting.

A. was told / say    B. told/ talk       C. was asked/speak  D. asked/tell

15. Each mobile _______ quite good, but they each _____ dear.

A. seem/ are       B. seem/ is        C. seems/ are       D. seems/is

16. It’s raining so hard that the water in the river can be seen ______.

A. rise            B. raise           C. rising          D. raising

17. Each time Tom lost his way in the city, he asked the police _____ help.

A. about         B. for             C. of               D. with

18. We took out some ______ to do the calculation after we got the exam________.

A. paper/paper   B. paper/papers     C. paper/paper        D. papers/papers

19. Jack has read quite_______ science books, but I’m sorry to say he has learnt ____from them.

A. few, a little    B. a few, little       C. few, little         D. a few, a little

20. It _____ that she is right.

A. seemed       B. seems            C. is seemed        D. was seemed

21. We couldn’t ______a date after a quarrel.

A. agree with     B. agree about        C. agree on        D. agree to

22. No one can be sure______ in a million years.

A. what man will look like  B. what will man look like

C. what will look like       D. what look will man like

23. ______I be at the party by seven?   No, you _____, but don’t be much later.

   A. Must, needn’t     B. May, mustn’t   C. Can, can’t   D. Need, may not

24. Have you finished your _______homework?

   A. chemical         B. chemistry      C. chemical’s  D. chemistry’s

25. The water in the sea is ______, so it’s not_________.

   A. salt/drinkable     B. salty/drink      C. salty/drinkable D.salt/drink

26. Our life is influenced by the advertisements _________.

   A. on the way       B. in many ways    C. by the way    D. under the way

27. That is ______we put off the meeting.

  A. Where           B. Why           C. which        D. how

28. They will arrive at the cinema in __________.

 A. fifteen minute’s time B. fifteen-minute C. fifteen minutes’ time D. fifteen minutes

29. The price of that 60-yuan shirt has been reduced _______15yuan. Now it is worth 45yuan.

   A. to             B. by             C. on          D. with

30. Bill Gates is a _______ legend, and we had a________ discussion about him just now.

   A. alive/ living      B. living/alive     C. living/lively   D. alive/lively

31. Many old houses _______ in the past ten years.

   A. are pulled down         B. had been pulled down

C. have been pulled down   D. were pulled down

32. Nobody ____ to smoke near the gas station. It’s dangerous.

   A. allows         B. are allowed       C. is allowed     D. will allow

33. The number of the users of computers _______ every year in China these years.

   A. increase        B. decrease         C. increases       D. decreases

34. We must _______ the causes of the H7N9 virus.

   A. find             B. look for        C. discover        D. find out

35. I hoped the news______ in the magazine.

   A. publish     B. is published    C. to be published   D. would be published

36. The naughty boys should _______ a lesson in ______behave themselves.

   A. give, how            B. be given, how should they

C. be given, how to       D. give, how they should

37. The students______ in the hall, listening to the speech given by the professor.

   A. seated       B. are seating    C. are seated       D. sitted

38. It was terrible that we ______ on the ferry when we crossed the river.

   A. used to push          B. are used to be pushed

C. used to be pushed      D. used to be pushing

39. The manager said _____ we open more stores since the economy is not very good.

   A. ought to not    B. oughted to not C. ought not to   D. ought not

40. I would like to know ______.

A. when will you ask for leave   B. when would you ask for leave

 C. when you will ask for leave   D. when you would ask for leave

41. Susan _____ an editor in the future. Which of the following is not right?

   A. made a decision to be   B. made up her mind being

 C. decided to be          D. determined to be

II.Word transformation:

42.I_________my old friend,Martin,although we hadn’t seen each other since we graduated from university.   (recognition)

43.Now more and more adults spend their spare time___________to improve themselves.(try)

44.After discussion,they made a big______________finally.(decide)

45.It was difficult for me to make a__________between these two skirts,but at last Mary suggested_______________the yellow one.(choose)

46.It’s fun to talk_________when we work in groups in an English class.(free)

47.____________books is Jenny’s hobby.(reader)

48.Be_____________and keep quiet,please.Tom took a ____________near a window and began to read the magazine.(sit)

49.In___________,your advice sounds reasonable.(brief)

He______________introduced himself and then began his speech.

50.The new__________________of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week and I thinkit will be liked by most people.

The___________in blue is my uncle.(edit)

51.If you would like to buy a house,you need to take the opinion of your family into____________.                               (consider)

It is quite______________of you to keep him waiting for so long.

She was _______________to be a genius.

52.There are many_______________-on the bus.(pass)

53.Theywill have two________ nextweek,and many______ will_______to will the first prize.(compete)

54.It’s__________to treat me like that.Mary shouted angrily.(fair)

Both teams should play__________in the game.

This story is________________interesting for the children to read.

55. The living condition has been __________ in the past ten year.  (improve)

   There has been an__________ in weather today.

56. Look, they are ________ up in front of the cinema to buy the tickets.  (queue)

57. The _______ house is located in the south of the city.  (publish)

   Ive talked to the _______ . He said the book would become the best seller.

58. At last they drew a _______ that the man killed himself.     (conclude)

   The man ________  the meeting in a hurry.

   Sally is a careless girl, so she always jumps to without a thorough understanding.

59. After the successful ______, the woman was ________ to be mayor of the city by her _________. (elect)

60. She is not qualified to be a ________.         (vote)

61. The chief editor is asking for more ____________.      (suggest)

62. A man must take the ___________ of taking care of his family.    (responsible)

63. She was elected to be ___________ of the club.       (secret)

64. They made an _________ to travel to Europe this summer holidays.  (arrange)

   I cant attend the English class at 9:00, because I have to see off my parents. Can you ___________ the timetable for me?

65. They said it would rain, but I ________.            (agree)

   We hardly reached a __________, which made both sides of us satisfied.

66. The ________ on environmental protection are well written.    (compose)

67. The radio station has made the ________ several times that there is going to be a big storm.                                      (announce)

68. Whether she will succeed in the game is still _________ to us.   (know)

Mr. Smith is a __________ professor.

69. Mrs. Smith dressed _________ for a funeral, because her shirt is too bright. (proper)

70. Please have this coat _________.        (short)

   There was a ________ of grain because of poor crops.

   He must have been in a hurry, to judge from the ____________ of his letter.

   In spite of all my friends ____________, I still like him.

III. Rewrite the sentences as required:

71. It took me an hour to get there by bike.            (句意相同)

   I ______ an hour______ my bike there.

72. Mr. Smith cut himself badly in the accident.     (改成一般疑问句)

   _________ Mr. Smith _________ himself badly in the accident?

73. We ought to give a little to the story, ________________? (反义疑问句)

74. There are plenty of new words in this article. We cant read it.  (合并一句)

   This article is ________ _________ for us _____ read.

75. What is the meaning of souvenir?       (句意相同)

   What _____________ souvenir ________?

76. The waiters and waitresses shouldnt sit when they are at work.  (句意相同)

   The waiters and waitresses_____ ______ ______ sit when they are at work.

77. He didnt go there because of the heavy rain.         (句意相同)

   He ________ _______ go there because it ________ _________.

78. Mr. Brown is in charge of the meeting.         (句意相同)

Mr. Brown _______ _______ for the meeting.

Mr. Brown _______ _________ of the meeting.

79. They thought about it briefly.     (句意相同)

They _____  _____ it briefly.

80. He made up his mind to work harder at English.    (句意相同)

He ______ ______ _______ to work harder at English.

81. The teacher told them to discuss it after school.    (句意相同)

   The teacher told them to _____ ______ ______ after school.

82. The Olympic Games take place once every four years.   (句意相同)

The Olympic Games _______ ________ once every four years.

83. They usually bury cables under the street.      (改为被动语态)

________________________ under the street by them.

84. The voice was so faint that Daisy couldnt hear it.   (改为简单句)

   The voice was ________________________________.

85. They called their school newspaper the Mayfield Mirror.    (改为被动语态)


86. He asked,Which is the way to the Shanghai Museum?  (将直接引语改为间接引语)

   He asked ________________________________________________.

87. Will you help me lift the box upstairs? Mary asked Tom.  (改为间接引语)

   Mary asked Tom __________________________________.

88. We thought the issue should be discussed a bit longer.  (反意疑问句)

   We thought the issue should be discussed a bit longer, ______ ________?

89. Three intelligent traffic systems will be set up in Pudong New District to improve traffic flow.

   ________ ________ three intelligent traffic systems be set up in Pudong New District______?

90. Some European countries are short of working force.   (保持句意不变)

Some European countries _______ _______ ________ working force.

91. Michael always considers me as his best friend.    (保持句意不变)

Michael always ______ _______ me _______ his best friend.

IV. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese:

92. Please tell me _________________________________________________.


93. After the ___________(考虑)they ______________________________.


94. They suggested ___________________________________________________.


95. Some Grade Eight Students ___________________________________________.


96. ---Do you _______________________________? (同意他的建议吗)

   ---Yes, we will _____________________________________________________.


97. He ______________________________________________________________.


98. It is _____________________________________________________________.


   Passengers ought __________________________________________(排队上车)

99. I often read the _____________________________________________________.


100. _____________________________________________(为了改善交通流量)they_____________________________________________________________.


101. Joyce took ___________________________________________(负责会议)Arthur was a _______________________________________________(是负责记录的秘书) and __________________________________________________________.


8B-Unit4 答案

I. 1. C    2. C     3. B    4. A      5. A

6. D    7.D     8. C    9.C      10. B

11. A   12. A    13. C   14.C     15.C

16. C    17. B   18.B   19.B     20. B

21.C    22. A    23.A   24.B     25. C

26. B    27.B    28.C   29. B    30. C

31. C    32.C    33.C   34.D    35.D

36.C    37.C    38.A   39.C     40 C

41. B

II. 42 .recognized   43.trying  44.decision   45.choice

46. freely47.Reading  48.seated, seat  49. brief, briefly

50.edition , editor   

   51.consideration, inconsiderate, considered   52.passengers

   53.competitions, competitors, compete   54.unfair, fairly, fairly

   55.improved, improvement    56.queueing/queuing  

57.publishing, publisher      58.conclusion, concluded, conclusions

59.election, elected, electors 60.voter  61.suggestions   62.responsibility   63.secretary  64.arrangement, rearrange  65.disagreed,  disagreement  66.composions   67.announcement

68. unknown ,knowledgement    69. Improperly   

70. Shortened,  shortage, shortness, shortcomings

71. spent, riding      72. Did, cut     73. oughtnt  we

74. too difficult, to   75. does, mean   76. ought not to

77. failed to, rained heavily   78. is responsible, takes charge

79. considered   80. made a dicision  81. take it over  82. are held

83. Cables are usually buried.  84. Too faint for Daisy to hear.

85.Their school newspaper was called the Mayfield Mirror.

86. which was the way to Shanghai Museum.

87. if he would help her life the box upstairs.

88. shouldnt it  89.What will, for

90. are lacking of     91. Thinks of, as

IV. 92. How often the newspaper is published

93. consideration, made a decision about fighting against pollution

94. we elect Tom to be chief editor because he had much experience.

95. are holding a meeting to make the class rules

96. agree to his suggestion, take it over in detail at the next meeting in two days time.

97. concluded a speech by telling a joke to us.

98. impolitely to push onto the bus,

to queue up to get on the bus.

99. local news with headline in the newspapers

100. In order to improve the traffic flow,

have taken meassure to set up several intelligent traffic systems.

101. charge of the meeting ;

secretary who was in charge of taking notes;

the other three were editors of different sections of the newspaper.


上一篇: 上海市上宝中学2017年初二英语第二学期8B Unit 5习题 下一篇: 上海市浦东新区2019年高三第二学期语文三模试卷



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