



1. ---What about seeing the film “The Girl in Red”?

  ---Sorry. I _________ it before.

   A. saw           B. will see         C. have seen        D. see

2. I hope I can see the famous man _________ in the future.

   A. times     B. sometimes      C. some times     D. sometime

3. Jim is ________ for James. We can call him Jim ________.

   A. short for; for short                  B. for short; short for

   C. short for; short for                  D. for short; for short

4. I’m ________ in the book. Do you think it very ________?

   A. interesting; interesting              B. interested; interested 

   C. interesting; interested               D. interested; interesting

5. I think Lucy is an English girl, __________?  

   A. isn’t she         B. is she         C. don’t I            D. do I

6. I was not good at math, so my friend helped me _______ it last night.

   A. /               B. to            C. with              D. in

7. ---What are they doing now?

  ---They are ________ bags of rice.

   A. taking         B. carrying       C. bringing          D. getting

8. He hurried _________ the garden just now.

   A. to run         B. to            C. in                D. go to

9. The best way ______ English is ________ it.

   A. to learn; to use          B. learning; use  

 C. learning; to use         D. to learn; use

10. Social studies is one of ____.

A. favorites             B. my favorite subject      

C. my favorite           D. my favorite subjects


Ⅱ. 补全下列反意疑问句。 (10分)

1. They often watch TV, ______?

2. She doesn’t have any brothers, ______?

3. Jenny has bought a new hat, ________?

4. My brother finished his homework, ________?

5. We aren’t having an English class now, ______?



Mr. King is my father’s friend. He has some ①__ trees in his garden. He ②__ them carefully. Now ③__ many apples on the trees and Mr. King is very happy.

One afternoon when he looked out of the window, he saw a boy on ④__ his apple trees. He was eating a big apple!

Mr. King ⑤__ the window and shouted﹙大喊﹚“Hey, ⑥__ are you doing there? ⑦__ and get away, or (否则) I’ll go to see your ⑧__!”

The boy was not afraid of Mr. King ⑨__ all. “Dad,”he looked up and shouted,“this man ⑩__to see you!”

1. A. orange      B. apple      C. banana      D. pear

2. A. takes care    B. looks     C. looks after    D. watches

3. A. have        B. has       C. there is      D. there are

4. A. a           B. one      C. one of       D. any of

5. A. opened      B. turned    C. closed       D. turned off

6. A. how        B. which     C. what        D. where

7. A. Come up    B. Come over  C. Come      D. Come down

8. A. sister        B. friend      C. father    D. teacher

9. A. in          B. for        C. at          D. with

10. A. wants      B. thinks      C. asks for     D. needs


Ⅳ.阅读理解。 (20分)


Mr. Shaw wrote a lot of stories and people in the world knew him well. He didn’t like the arrogant(傲慢的) rich(富有的) men and often laughed at them. So people liked him very much.

A lot of men hoped to know Mr. Shaw. One day a famous singer asked him to her party. When Mr. Shaw came in, all the people stood up except a young man. The young man’s father was one of the richest men in England and he was studying in Paris(巴黎). He thought he knew much more than anyone else in the room. He talked a lot and tried to show he was a know-all(自以为无所不知的人).All the people listened to him and nobody would interrupt(打断)him. It made Mr. Shaw unhappy.

“Please listen to me, my friend,” Mr. Shaw had to stop him. “I think only we both know the things in the world!”

Hearing this, the young man was happy.

“Maybe you know all,” said Mr. Shaw. “But you don’t know one thing!”

“We are all tired of you,” Mr. Shaw said with a smile. “Just I know it!”

The young man’s face turned red and didn’t say anything until(直到) he left.


1. Mr. Shaw was ______.

A. a great singer         B. a famous writer

C. a doctor              D. a famous teacher

2. All the people stood up when Mr. Shaw went in because____.

A. they all respected (尊敬) him   B. they were all afraid of him

C. the singer made them do so   D. they wouldn’t listen to the young man

3. The people at the party wouldn’t interrupt the young man because____.

A. he could tell them something interesting

B. he was studying in the capital of France

C. he was clever than they all  

D. they didn’t want to make him unhappy

4. At last the young man stopped talking because _______.

A. nobody listened    B. he was very tired

C. he knew he was wrong    D. Mr. Shaw’s words made him do so

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Mr. Shaw was tired of the young man.

B. The young man thought he learned a lot in Paris.

C. The young man said sorry to Mr. Shaw.

D. The young man knew that Mr. Shaw laughed at him.



Some days before Mother’s Day, the teacher wanted to know how his students were going to show their love to their mothers. Some of the students came from far away to study here. “Are you going home to see your mother during the holiday?”the teacher asked one of them.

   The student answered, “I have no time to go home because I’m going to get ready for the exam. But I’ll write a letter to my mother.”

  “Then which do you think is more important (更重要), your mother or the exam?”

  “Of course the exam is more important,”answered the student.“My mother is always saying so.”



6. All children should (应该) show their love to their mother on Mother’s Day.

7. The students would have a holiday on Mother’s Day.

8. The student told his teacher that he wouldn’t go home that day because his home was far away.

9. The student didn’t love his mother, so he wouldn’t go back home.

10. The mother thought the exam was very important for her son.                      












Ⅰ. 1-5 CDADA      6-10 CBBAD    

Ⅱ.  1. don’t they      2. does she        3. hasn’t she  

4. didn’t he        5. are we

Ⅲ. 1-5 BCDCA          6-10 CDCCA

Ⅳ.1-5 BADDC         6-10 TTFFT



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