
2018-2019年牛津上海版七年级下英语Unit 7练习


Part      1

I. Translate the following phrases or sentence into English (将下列词组或句子翻译成英语):

1.在将来_______ 2.进人一个新世纪_______

3.能够做某事_______  4.不同国家的人 _______

5.种蔬菜_______ 6.在宇宙空间站_______

7.我不这样认为。_______  8.说相同的语言_______

H • Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):

( )1. I hope there will be enough food for everyone. Which of the following is _______correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A. /'inAf/ B. /I'nAf/ C. /ei'nauf/ D. /ai'riAf/

( )2. Which of the following words matches the sound /'plsenit/?

A. plant B. plane C. planet D. planned

( )3. Perhaps there will not_______enough food for everybody.

A. have B. be C. has D. to be

( )4. They can speak_______language.

A. different B. many C. the same D. some

( )5. They can understand each other_______than before.

A. well B. good C. better D. more better

( )6. If you don’t want to eat any morewhy don’t you say_______?

A. this B. it C. that D. so

( )7. Will you give me some paper to write_______?

A. with B. on C. for D. about

.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适 当形式完成下列句子):

1. The teacher told the boy _______more carefully, (listen)

2. They played basketball instead of _______to the cinema, (go)

3. The trip was full of_______. (dangerous)

4. Stamp _______is my hobby. I get a lot of fun from it. (collect)

5. _______Number 447 to Geneva is ready to leave, (fly)


. Choose the best answer (根据短文,选择最恰当的答案):

    We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were very expensive. Computer networks didn’t work very well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network would keep on working all the time.

At first, the Internet was only used by the government. But in the early 1970s, the Internet was used more widely. Universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it. But computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990scomputers became cheaper and easier to use. Computer engineers have also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet more swiftly and conveniently.

Today it is easy to get on-line and millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mails is more and more popular among the students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

( )1. The Internet has a history of more than_________years.

A.60          B. 50       C. 40        D. 30

(   )2.________computers were large and expensive, and computer network didn’t work well.

A. In the 1960s  B. At the end of the eighteenth century

C. Today          D. By the start of the nineteenth century

(   )3. A new network system was set up to___________.

A. make computers cheaper

B. make itself keep on working all the time

C. make the whole work break down

D. make computers large and expensive

(    )4. At first the Internet itself was only used by___________.

A. the government                     B. universities

C. hospitals and banks                D. schools

(   )5.          made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.

A. Computers B. Scientists

C. Software                                       D. Information

( )6. Which statement is TRUE?

A. In the 1960s, computer networks worked well.

B. In the 1970sthe Internet was easy to use.

C. Sending e-mails is now more popular among students than before.

D. Today it’s still not easy to get on-line.












Exercise  2

I. Translate the following phrases into English (将下列词组翻译成英语):

1.足够的水_______ 2.空气污染_______

3.从电脑上学习_______  4.更好地了解对方_______

5.在海底的城市_______ 6.未来的生活_______


. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):

( )1. It was unusual day for human beings who first landed on the moon.

A. the            B. an          C. a      D. /

( )2. We are quite sorry to be late,        the bus broke down.

A. although        B. so          C. but      D. /

( )3. On September 18, 2006, a female visitor made a trip into space ________ the spaceship.

A. in            B. on         C. with      D. by

( )4. Perhaps we’ll travel to other    in a spacecraft.

A. planets        B. plants     C. plate      D. planet

( )5. Will you give me some paper to write     ?

A. with            B. about     C. on      D. /

( )6. What        to keep a time box in a secret place!

A. fun            B. funny     C. funnier  D. the funniest

( )7. People in different countries can the same language.

A. talk          B. tell        C. say      D. speak

( )8. Please it    at the end of the letter.

A. signal          B. resign    C. sign      D. signature

( )9. You should        these pills three times a day.

A. eat          B. take in    C. drink      D. take

( )10. I hope        a good time at the party.

A. them to have                B. them having

C. they^11 have                D. they having


. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适 当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):

1. We live on the _______floor, (twelve)

2. Let’s go back. It’s _______to wait for the bus. (use)

3. It is a _______problem, (health)

4. Smoke from the cars are _______the air. (pollution)

5. The weather is very _______these days, (change)

. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填 词)

1. The school made some rules to keep kids away from electricity.(改为否定句)

The school     make         rules to keep kids away from electricity.

2. Alex’s trouble began after he walked into the room.(保持句意基本不变)

Alex’s trouble didn’t           he walked into the room.

3. John went to the hospital to have a checkup on eyesight.(对划线部分提问)

_________did John go to the hospital         ?

4. Little Tommy could swim at the age of threebelieve it or not.(保持句意基本不变)

Little Tommy              to swim at the age of threebelieve it or not.

5. You want to know how you can deal with the problem with the help of Kitty.(改为简


You want to know           deal with the problem with the help of Kitty.


V. Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语 完成短文):

The universe is everything out in space. Nobody knows how big the universe is. When we talk 1  the universe, we mean the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars.

Now let me tell you something about our Earth. The Earth is a huge ball. It turns round and round in space.   2     surface is covered by water and land. If you are in a spacecraft and look   3   at the Earth from up in space, you will see lots of clouds over the surface of the Earth. Through the clouds you will see the blue colour of the oceans and seas. Almost two- thirds of the Earth is covered with water.

We live on the outside   4   of the Earth. Around and above us is the air. The Earth takes twenty-four hours to turn all the way round — that is one day and one night. When your country is facing the sun, it is daytime for you. But as the Earth turns you away from the sun, everything around you grows   5   .

Can you tell me something more about the Earth or the universe?

  1. A. to  B. with   C. about  D. in

2. A. its  B. its    C. it has   D. the earth

3. A. up   B. over    C. off  D. down

4.  A. part   B. point  C. pole   D. top

 5. A. clearer  B. brighter  C. warmer  D. darker



.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题):

If you are given £ 10, what will you do? 16,000 UK teenagers were lent £ 10 each last February. Over a few months they changed their money into an average profit (平均利润)of £42.

Make Your Mark was a competition that encouraged young people to set up in business. The teenagers were given £l0 to make a profit. They could either work on their own, or work as a group. The best return, £737, was made by Henry Pearce. He was 16 years old and set up a “historic costume show”.

The teenagers all wanted to change social opinions of them. 90% of them repaid their £10and most kids gave their profits to the charity(慈善团体).

Almost all the kids learnt something from the competition. Caitlin, 17, said to her teachersEven though we didn’t make much money» the project made me realize what it would be like controlling something yourself rather than being told what to do. Now I think it would be fun running my own business. ’’

But starting a business is not an easy thing. Faik and his teammates’ business plan was to sell fruit to office workers. “We wanted different kinds of fruitsbut lots of fruit shops gave us no profit on offer (出价)• It made me know a lot about business. “

1. How much profit did those 16,000 UK teenagers get over a few months later?

2. What was Make Your Mark?

3. Who got the biggest profit in the competition?

4. How did most kids deal with the money they made?

5. Did Caitlin have an interest in running her own business?

6. How did Faik and his teammates make money in the competition?






Part      1

. 1. in the future 2. enter a new century

3. be able to do sth. 4. people in different countries 5. grow vegetables 6. in space stations 7. I don’t think so. 8. speak the same language

. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B

. 1. to listen 2. going 3. danger 4. collection 5. Flight

. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C


Part     2

. 1. enough water 2. air pollution 3. learn from computers 4. understand each other better 5. cities under the sea 6. life in the future 7. travel to other planets in spacecraft 8. take pills for meals

. 1. B 2.C 3. A 4.A 5.C 6. A 7.D 8. C 9. D 10. C

. 1. twelfth 2. unuseful 3. healthy 4. polluting 5. changeable

. 1. didn’t", any 2. begin until

3. What... for     4. was able

5. how to

V. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D


. 1. About £672,000.

1. It was a competition that encouraged young people to set up in business.

2. Henry Pearce.

3. They gave it to the charity.

4. Yesshe did.

5. They made money by selling fruit to office workers.



上一篇: 2018-2019牛津上海版七年级英语上册 Unit5 综合测试卷 下一篇: 2018-2019年牛津上海版七年级下英语U9基础练习



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