


 时间:60分钟 满分:100

一、听录音, 给下列图片标序号。(5)


二、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(5)

(  ) 1. A. shorter B. smarter C. smaller

(  ) 2. A. saw B. was C. were

(  ) 3. A. went B. want C. wear

(  ) 4. A. happy B. hobby C. holiday

(  ) 5. A. listen B. last C. lesson

三、听录音, 判断下列句子与所听到的内容是“√”“×”相符。(10)

(  ) 1. Yesterday was a windy day.

(  ) 2. We saw a big elephant in the zoo yesterday. 21·世纪*教育网

(  ) 3. Jack is reading his English book.

(  ) 4. I'm shorter and thinner than Mike.

(  ) 5. My mother had a cold.

四、听录音, 补全下列句子。(10)

1. My father is ________ and ________than my mother. 21教育网

2. Wu Yifan ________ ________at home yesterday.

3. My ________are ________ than yours.

4. My sister usually ________ her ________ on the weekend. 21*cnjy*com

5. I ________ at home all weekend and ________.


(  ) 1. A. watched B. cleaned C. played

(  ) 2. A. had B. bad C. last

(  ) 3. A. longer B. hers C. shorter

(  ) 4. A. slept B. fell C. me

(  ) 5. A. visited B. washed C. watched


(  ) 1. Where ________ your father go ________ last Sunday?21教育名师原创作品

A. does, / B. did, / C. did, on

(  ) 2. My sister and I ________ going to Shanghai ________ train.

A. am, by B. are, on C. are, by

(  ) 3. You're 3 kilograms ________ than your brother.

A. bigger B. heavy C. heavier

(  ) 4. I like ________ apple juice. Yesterday I ________ some apple juice at home.

A. drinking, drank B. drink, drank C. drank, drank【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

(  ) 5. ________ you run ________ than Yang Ming yesterday?

A. Do, faster B. Did, faster C. Did, fast

(  ) 6. I didn't ________ my homework last night. Now I have to ________ it.

A. /, do B. did, did C. do, do

(  ) 7. My sister ________ in Nanjing last year. Now she ________ in Beijing.

A. worked, works B. works, works C. worked, working

(  ) 8. The elephant is ________ than the mouse.

A. more bigger B. much bigger C. more big

(  ) 9. He ________ at home and ________ a long time last Sunday.

A. stays, sleeps B. stayed, slept C. stay, sleep

(  ) 10. Tom ________ his mom ________ the room last weekend.

A. helped, clean B. helps, cleaned C. helped, cleaned


1. My friend is ________(瘦的) than me.

2. Tom's parents are ________ (教师). They work in our school.

3. We ________ a film(看电影) yesterday.

4. She usually ________ the clothes(洗衣服) in the morning. 21*cnjy*com

5. My feet are bigger than ________(你的).


1. My little brother is 1.36_metres tall. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ is your little brother?

2. Cindy is taller and older than Angela. (改成同义句)

Angela is ________ and ________than Cindy.

3. This dinosaur is small. That dinosaur is smaller. (合并成一句)21·cn·jy·com

This dinosaur is ________ than that dinosaur.

4. I did my homework last night. (改成否定句)

I ________ ________my homework last night.

5. I was at home yesterday. (改成一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)

________ you at home yesterdayYes, I ________.


going were stayed watched friends shorter younger thinner do  Sunday

Mary and Mike are good 1. ________. Mary is 164 cm. She is 4 cm 2. ________ than Mike and 3. ________ than Mike. Mike is 14. Mary is only 12. Mary is 4. ________. Usually they 5. ________ homework together on Saturday. Last 6. ________, they 7. ________ at home and 8. ________ TV. They 9. ________ happy. Next weekend, they're 10. _______ to the park.

十、完形填空。(10) (建议用时:5分钟)

Last weekend my friends and I went to the zoo. There are lots of ____1____ in it. First, I ____2____ many monkeys. They were ____3____ trees. Then we saw two ____4____. One is the mother panda. ____5____ is the baby panda. The mother is ____6____ and bigger ____7____ the baby panda. The baby panda is very cute. At last, we went to the ____8____ house. Wow, so many dogs! They were lovely and ____9____ to us. Oh, what a fun ____10____!

(  ) 1. A. animals B. monkey C. panda

(  ) 2. A. see B. had C. saw

(  ) 3. A. planting B. climbing C. catching

(  ) 4. A. dogs B. pandas C. panda

(  ) 5. A. The other B. Another C. Other

(  ) 6. A. shorter B. younger C. fatter

(  ) 7. A. then B. than C. them

(  ) 8. A. dogs' B. dogs C. dog'

(  ) 9. A. smart B. kind C. sad

(  ) 10. A. zoo B. park C. school

十一、阅读短文, 判断正(√)(×)(10) (建议用时:5分钟)

I'm Tom. Jim is my good friend. He's younger than me. But he's much taller. We usually do sports on the weekend. But last Saturday, he was at home and did homework. Because his mother had a cold. Jim cooked breakfast at 700. After breakfast, he washed the dishes and cleaned the room. In the afternoon, he took his mother to see the doctor. In the evening, he did homework. Jim was so tired. But his mother was very happy, “Jim, you're helpful. You're a good boy!

(  ) 1. Jim is younger and taller than Tom.

(  ) 2. They usually have classes on the weekend. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m

(  ) 3. Jim cleaned the room last Saturday morning. 【出处:21教育名师】

(  ) 4. Last Saturday evening Jim did homework.

(  ) 5. Jim is a good boy.

十二、根据短文回答问题。(10) (建议用时:6分钟)

Hi, I'm Jenny. I had a busy weekend last week. I did my homework on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon I washed the clothes and cleaned my room. On Sunday morning, I visited my grandparents because it was my grandpa's birthday. We went to a restaurant and had lunch there. After lunch, we went to the zoo. I saw many animals. I was tired but I was very happy.

1. What did Jenny do on Saturday morning?


2. When was Jenny's grandpa's birthday?


3. Where did they have lunch?


4. Did they see many animals in the zoo?


5. Was she happy?




一、1. Lucy washed the clothes this morning.

2. The apple is bigger and heavier than the pear. 【版权所有:21教育】

3. My sister listened to music last night.

4. Mike is taller and older than his cousin.

5. Chen Jie cleaned her room last Sunday.

二、1. My bag is smaller than yours.

2. Last Sunday I saw many birds in the park.

3. I went to Beijing last summer.

4. I was tired but I was happy.

5. Did you listen to music with Tom?

三、1. Yesterday was a rainy day.

2. We saw a big elephant in the zoo yesterday.

3. Jack read his English book last night.

4. I'm taller and stronger than Mike.

5. My mother had a cold.

四、1. My father is taller and  stronger than my mother. 21cnjy.com

2. Wu Yifan watched TV at home yesterday.

3. My hands are bigger than yours.

4. My sister usually washes her clothes on the weekend. www-2-1-cnjy-com

5. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.


一、2 5 1 4 3

二、1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A

三、1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. √

四、1. taller, stronger 2. watched TV  3. hands, bigger 4. washes, clothes  5. stayed, slept

五、1. A [解析] 规则动词过去式词尾ed在浊辅音/n/和元音/eI/后读/d/, 而在watch后读/t/, 故选Awww.21-cn-jy.com

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A [解析] 动词过去式词尾ed在清辅音后读/t/, 而在visit后读/Id/, 故选A

六、1. B [解析]由时间last Sunday, 本句助动词应选did, last Sunday前不应加介词, 故选B

2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C

7. A [解析] last year知前一句动词应为过去式, 而后一句中强调现在状况, 应使用一般现在时, 故选A21世纪教育网版权所有

8. B 9. B

10. A [解析] 由句中last weekend知道help应为过去式helped, 又由于help sb. do sth. 为固定搭配, 故选A2-1-c-n-j-y

七、1. thinner

2. teachers [解析] 由句中parents可知teacher应使用复数形式。

3. saw [解析] 由句中时间yesterday可知本句应选用一般过去时。

4. washes 5. yours

八、1. How tall 2. shorter, younger  3. bigger 4. didn't do 5. Were, was

九、1. friends 2. shorter 3. thinner  4. younger 5. do 6. Sunday 7. stayed

8. watched 9. were 10. going

十、1. A [解析] 根据文章第一句话可知是去了动物园, 动物园里有很多动物。故选A

2. C [解析] 由时间Last weekend可知, 应选过去式“saw”

3. B [解析] 联系上一句可知这里指:猴子们正在爬树。

4. B [解析] 两只熊猫要用复数形式, 直接加s

5. A [解析] “One. . . The other. . . ”意为一个……, 另一个……”2·1·c·n·j·y

6. C 7. B

8. A [解析] “s”结尾的复数名词, 所有格形式直接加“'”

9. B

10. A [解析] 由全文可知, 介绍的是一个有趣的动物园。

十一、1. √ 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. √

十二、1. She did her homework on Saturday morning.

2. Last Sunday.

3. They had lunch at a restaurant.

4. Yes, they did.

5. Yes, she was.


上一篇: 2022-2023年上海市上宝中学预备下学期英语期末复习卷 下一篇: 2024年上海市六年级下册英语期中考试卷5



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