


Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary(第二大题每小题1分。共20分。)

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.


Chinese president Xi Jinping said yesterday that the central government will,21________ always,support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in growing its economy and improving people's well-being.

Xi was speaking on his arrival at Hong Kong International Airport for a three-day trip to attend celebrations 22________(mark)the 20h anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inauguration of is fifth-term government.He will also inspect the HKSAR. Speaking23________ reporters,Xi said his Hong Kong tour would serve to express best wishes for

the HKSAR,showcase the central government's support,and help the region plan its future.“I'm pleased 24________(set) foot in Hong Kong once again after nine years.“Xi said,“Hong Kong's development has always pulled at my heartstrings.” Xi congratulated the HKSAR on the great achievements 25_________,had made over the past 20 years since its establishment,and encouraged it to create "new glory.” The central government,which 26________(offer) its strong backing for Hong Kong over the past 20 years,will support the HKSAR in growing its economy and improving people's well-being,

He also said he would be joining people from all walks of life in Hong Kong to review the

city's extraordinary 20-year journey,sum up its experience and plan the future to ensure the smooth and long-term successful practice of 27 ________ “one country,two systems" policy. The trip is Xi's first to Hong Kong as Chinese president. Tomorrow's 20h anniversary will be an important 28________ joyous occasion for both the country and the city. The president added:"I believe that through the series of events 29 ________ (stay)in Hong Kong,our determination and confidence in developing and building a 30 ________(good) Hong Kong will surely be enhanced.


Section B

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only

be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. generate    B.revealed   C. drive    D.shift    AB.Formally   AC.oppose

AD.Originally   BC.launched  BD evolving  CD.strategies   ABC.transformation



French multinational pharmaceutical and demo-cosmetics giant Pierre Fabre is reinforcing its

Online  31    to expand its reach to customers in China.

Bertrand Parmentier, CEO of Pierre Fabre  Group,said tat global cosmetic markets are becoming more and more consumer-centric due o the digital 32________,which requires business

to build direct relationship with customers.“33________our proposition of values builds wit the offering of products, which was recommended and promoted by pharmacists or beauty advisors(in physical stores).Now.on top of these, the direct relationship with consumers is also very important"Said Parmentier.“it is a 34________in the habits of consumers.The new generation in China are digital natives. he said.“These digital natives give us opportunities to establish regular relationships.”

So far, the company, which35________ is online business in China in Sepember2015,has established partnerships with leading Chinese e-commerce platforms Tmall and JD.Parmentier 36________ Pierre Fabre is planning to embrace more online distribution platforms in China to maintain long-term growth.

Although the group is expecting to 37________ more turnover online in China, Parmenier said it is not necessary to pit online and offline channels against one another,adding that the two

are complementary.(互补)

“That is why we do not have to 37________  or shift from one to zero but we have to articulate (结合)online and offline strategies.You have two legs and you have to combine the two.

The Bdemand of Chinese consumers creates ample opportunities for cosmetic developers.In recent decades,almost all globally leading cosmetic brands have launched distribution in China.

“The competition is fierce”,Parmentier said."Sticking to differentiation is the key 40C behind the company's development in the Chinese market.”


Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension (45)

Direetions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,

C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

In modern society loneliness can be seen as a social phenomenon and people can experience

loneliness for many reasons.It is a very common,though normally temporary,41________ of a breakup,divorce,or loss of any important long-term relationship.In these cases,loneliness may result both from the loss of a specific person and from the 42________ from social circles.The loss of a significant person in one's life will typically initiate a grief response;in this situation,one

might feel lonely,even while in the company of others.

Loneliness may also result from any socially disruptive(破裂的)event,such as moving from

one's home town into 43________communities leading to homesickness.Loneliness can also occur inplaces with low population densities in which there are comparatively few people to 44________.

There are many different ways used to 45________ loneliness.The first step that most doctors recommend to patients is therapy.Short term therapy typically occurs over a period of ten to twenty weeks.During therapy,emphasis is put on understanding the cause of the problem, 46________the negative thoughts,feelings,and attitudes resulting from the problem,and exploring ways to help the patient feel connected.Some doctors also recommend 47________ therapy as a means to connect with other sufferers and establish a support system.It may take several attempts before a suitable anti-depressant medication is found.Some patients may also develop a resistance to a certain type of medication and need to 48________ periodically.

Another treatment is animal-assisted therapy.Studies and surveys indicate that the presence of animal companions such as dogs,cats,rabbits,and guinea pigs can 49________ feelings of loneliness or depression among some sufferers.Beyond the companionship the animal itself provides there may also be increased opportunities for 50________with other pet owners.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are a number of other health benefits associated with pet ownership,such as lowered blood pressure.In addition,some other alternative approaches may include exercise,dieting,etc,which many patients find have a 51________ effect on relieving symptoms.Results of a study also suggest that correcting manipulative social cognition(认知) offers the best chance of 52________ loneliness.

Nevertheless,loneliness can sometimes play an important role in the 53________process.In some people,temporary or prolonged loneliness can lead to notable artistic and creative expression,for example,as was the case with poet Emily Dickinson,and numerous musicians. This is not to imply that loneliness itself ensures this creativity,54________,it may have an influence on the subject matter of the artist and more likely be present in individuals 55________ creative


41.A,type    B.concern     C.consequence D.evidence

42.A.withdrawal  B.absence C.disappearance D.presence

43.A.informal B.uncertain  C.relevant D.unfamiliar  

44.A.turn to    B.interact with C.long for D.share with

45.A.release B.observe C.monitor D.treat

46.A.reversing B.directing C.measuring D.pursuing

47.A.long-term B.sightseeing C.patient   D.group

48.A.quit B.evolve C.switch D.exercise

49.A.confirm    B.protest    C.enhance D.ease

50.A.socializing B.interfering C.comparing D.coping

51.A.historic    B.restorative C.decisive D.permanent

52.A.promoting B.enhancing C.reducing D.striving

53.A.creative    B.musical C.artistic D.poetic

54.A.however B.therefore C.rather D.otherwise

55.A.restricted to B.engaged in C.concerned about D.altered by


B:Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions

or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose

the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes,how have Japan's tallest and seemingly most breakable old buildings-500 or so wooden pagodas,tower-shaped buildings -remained standing for centuries?Japanese scholars have been confused for ages about their stability.

For centuries,many attributed the resilience(抗震性)of pagodas to the massive trunk-like central columns known as shinbashira,which bends and swings during a typhoon or earthquake, just like a tall tree.But the amazing thing is that the shinbashira actually does not carry any load at all but is suspended from the top of the pagoda-hanging loosely down through the middle of the building.The weight of the building is supported entirely by twelve outer and four inner columns.

And what is the role of the shinbashira,the central column?The best way to understand the shinbashira's role is to watch a video made by Shuzo Ishida,a structural engineer at Kyoto Institute of Technology.Mr.Ishida, known to his students as“Professor Pagoda”has built a series of models and tested them on a “shake-table” in his laboratory.In short,the shinbashira was acting like an enormous pendulum(钟摆). Under pressure,a pagoda's lose floors could be made to side back and forth independently. Viewed from the side,the pagoda seemed to be doing a snake dance -with each floor moving in the opposite direction to its neighbors above and below.The shinbashira,running up through a hole in the centre of the building,made it unlikely that individual storeys moved too far because, after moving a certain distance,they banged into it, passing on energy away along the column.

Another strange feature of the Japanese pagoda is that,because of the building tapers(锥形), with each floor plan being smaller than the one below,none of the vertical(垂直的)columns that carry the weight of the building is connected to its corresponding column above.In other words, a

five-storey pagoda contains not even one column that travels right up through the building.More

surprising is the fact that the individual storeys of a Japanese pagoda are not actually connected to

each other.They are simply stacked one on top of another like a pile of hats.

The extra-wide eaves(屋檐)also play a part.Think of them as a balancing pole of

tightrope-walkers.The bigger the mass at each end of the pole,the easier it is for the tightrope walker to maintain his balance.The same holds true for a pagoda.With the eaves extending out on all sides like balancing poles,the building responds to even the most powerful earthquake with a graceful swinging,never an abrupt shaking.


56.In a Japanese pagoda,the shinbashira is designed to_________________.

A.bear certain amount of weight of the pagoda

B.bend under pressure the way a tall tree does

C.connect the floors with pagoda's base

D.stop the floors from moving too far

57.Shuzo Ishida performs experiments in order to_________________.

A.apply the pendulum into practice

B.gain insight into the “shake-table”model

C.learn about the mechanisms of pagodas

D.locate shinbashira exact position in a pagoda

58.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How Shinbashira Plays its Role

B.Why Pagodas Do Not Fall Down

C.Distinct Features of Japanese Architecture

D.Shuzo Ishida,a Distinguished Engineer





Basketball,baseball and soccer are classic sports that people will always enjoy.And yet we

keep changing popular games like these in new ways to keep them fresh.

Underwater hockey

This game is played in swimming pools with two teams of six players.Each player has lippers(蛙鞋),a snorkel and a stick used for hiting a puck(圆盘).Each team earns points by hitting the puck into its underwater goal. Other team members must be ready to take the puck when a team member goes up for air.That makes underwater hockey a true team sport.


A sport can also be revised by mixing it with another game.In chessboxing,two players compete on the chess board and in the ring. First,their minds are tested in a game of chess. Then they use their strength in a round of boxing.They repeat this for 11 rounds.The winner beats the loser in chess,knocks him out while boxing or gets more boxing points.


This exciting sport is part volleyball and part soccer.But unlike both of those sports,

players jump up and down throughout the

game.That's because it's played on an

infatable(可充气的)volleyball court with a

trampoline on either side of the net.One

player bounce on the trampoline while up to

four others stand around it.A team can touch

the ball six times before sending it back

across the net.Each player may touch the

ball once with arms or twice with other body



Another fun game to watch,cycleball is like

indoor soccer on wheels.Each player rides a

special bike designed for the game.Like

soccer,a team must put the ball in a goal.

However,there is a catch.The ball can only

be touched with the bikes'wheels or the

players'heads.This game requires a lot of

practice to learn the skills needed.

Though these sports may not be common,give them a look or even a try.


59.Why does the author think Underwater Hockey is a true team sport?

A.Because all players in a team wear the same flippers and use a stick to hit a puck.

B.Because each player in a team has to cooperate with other team members in the match.

C.Because it is played underwater,the game is more dangerous than the sports played on land.

D.Because each team earns points by hitting the puck into its underwater goal.


60.In Chessboxing,the winner will be the one who

A.wins both in chess and in boxing

B.defeats his opponent in chess

C.wins in chess or in boxing

D.can knock his opponent out of the boxing ring


6l.According to the article at most how many players in all can take part in a Bossaball match?

A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10

62.In cycleball, the author mentions catch, whose meaning may be________.

A.sport B.skill C.rule D. practice


YANG YUANQING,Lenovo's boss,hardly spoke a word of English until he was about 40: he grew up in rural poverty and read engineering at university,But when Lenovo bought IBM's Personal computer division in 200s he decided o immerse himself in English: he moved his family to North Carolina,hired a language tutor and-the ultimate sacrifice -spent hours watching cable-TV news.

Lenovo is one of a growing number of multinationals from the non-Anglophone world that have made English their official language.The fashion began in places with small populations but

global ambitions such as Singapore and Switzerland.

Corporate English is now invading more difficult territory,such as Japan.Rakuten,a cross between Amazon and eBay,and Fast Retailing,which operates the Uniqlo fashion chain,were among the first to switch.Now they are being joined by old-economy companies such as Honda,a carmaker,and Bridgestone,a tyremaker.Chinese firms are proving harder to handle:they have a huge internal market and are struggling to enrol competent managers of any description,let alone English-speakers.But some are following Lenovo's lead. Huawei has introduced English as a second language and encourages ambitious employees to become fluent.

There are some obvious reasons why multinational companies want a lingua franca(共通语).Adopting English makes it easier to recruit global stars (including board members),reach global markets and assemble global production teams.Such steps are especially important to companies in Japan,where the population is shrinking.

Tsedal Neeley of Harvard Business School says that “Englishnisation"can stir up a hornet's nest of emotions.Ms Neeley argues that companies must think carefully about implementing a policy that touches on so many emotions.Senior managers should explain to employees why switching to English is so important,provide them with classes and conversation groups,and offer them incentives(刺激)to improve their fluency.Those who are already proficient in English should speak more slowly and try not to dominate conversations.And managers must act as referees and enforcers,resolving conflicts and discouraging staff from return to their native tongues.

Intergovernmental bodies like the European Union are obliged to pretend that there is no predominant global tongue.But businesses worldwide are facing up to the reality that English is the language on which the sun never sets.


63.Lenovo's boss made ail the efforts to familiarize himself with English except

A.hiring a language tutor

B.resettling in an English-speaking environment

C.expanding the business overseas

D.exposing himself to English Cable-TV news


64.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Most Chinese firms would like to introduce corporate English.

B.Chinese firms are in great need of English majors as their managers.

C.Huawei followed Lenovo as the second largest multinational in China.

D.Adopting corporate English is more difficult in places with a large population.


65.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The decrease in population pushes the Japanese to learn English well.

B.Neither the governmental bodies nor businesses will regard English as a global tongue.

C.Companies should handle employees' emotions carefully during the switch.

D.Those good at English should be encouraged to speak more in the company.


66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.English-Global Tongue in Business

B.English-Chinese Business Leaders' New Fashion

C.English-The Best Tool in Communication

D.English-Dominating Factor of Successful Business


Section C

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below.Each

sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A.But what it will mean also is that we'll be subjected to a still greater amount of nonsense and lies.

B.The organizations are making efforts to change it.

C.The editors can never disagree with him.

D.So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them.

AB.The investigative journalist of the future is everyone who wants to know the truth.

AC.Soon many other editors make up stories.




With the arrival of the age of “information economy",intellectual work is becoming a more

important source of wealth than manufacturing.Organizations in all walks of life are doing more

to spread their information.67______________.A lot of our news is actually collected from press

releases and reports of events intentionally staged for journalists.In the information age,

journalists spend their time,not investigating,but passing on the words of a spokesperson.

There is a joke in the novel Scoop about the newspaper's owner,Lord Copper.68______________. When he's right about something they answer “definitely",and when he's wrong they say “to some extent,Lord Copper."It seems reasonable to suppose that,in the real world,the opinions of such powerful people still influence the journalists and editors who work for them.

In countries where the news is not officially controlled,it may be provided by commercial

organizations who depend on advertising.The news has to attract viewers and maintain its audience ratings.I suspect that some stories get air-time just because there happen to be exciting pictures to show.In Britain,we have the tabloid newspapers which millions of people read simply for entertainment.There is progressively less room for historical background,or statistics,which are harder to present as a sensational story.

There is an argument that with spreading access to the internet and cheap technology for recording sound and images we will all be able to find exactly the information we want.People around the world will be able to publish their own eye-witness accounts and compete with the widely-accepted news-gatherers on equal terms.69______________. Any web log may contain the latest information of the year,or equally,a made-up story that you will never be able to check.

Maybe the time has come to do something about it,and I don't just mean changing your choice of TV channel or newspaper.In a world where everyone wants you to listen to their version,

you only have two choices:switch off altogether or start looking for sources you can trust.



Section D Summary (10分)

Directions:Summarize the following passage with no more than 60 words.

Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature.However,whether you are on the mountains,in the waves,or on the grassland,you should be aware that your sport of choice might

have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry.Golf,as you may know,eats up not only large areas of countryside,but also tons of water.Besides,all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses in good condition.This causes major environmental effects.For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain,golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports.Power walking is one of them that you could take up today.You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes;and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse.Simple and free,power walking can also keep you fit.If you walk regularly,it will be good for your heart and bones.Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious,sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up,you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials.But the final goal should be “green gyms”.They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors,in the countryside or other open spaces.There is no special requirement for you to start your membership.And best of all,it's free.




Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.









II. Guided Writing  

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

腾讯公司(Tencent Company)就微信用户的阅读偏好做了一项调查,调查结果如下图。请你仔细观察这张图片,然后谈谈这张图片反映出的现象或问题,并向微信用户提出你的建议。


    提示:WeChat: 微信

          Moments: 朋友圈

          respondents: 受访者

Text: 微信朋友圈文章

          Articles: 微信公众号文章











21-30as, marking, to, to have set, it     has offered, the, as well as, to be staged, better

31-40:  CD, ABC, AD, D, BC, B, A, AC, BD, C

41-55:  CADBD   ADCDA    BCACB

56-58:  DCB    59-62:  BADC    63-66:  CDCA

67-70:  D,C,A,AB


  1. 这是他第一次夸奖我的衣着。(compliment)

    It is the first time that he has complimented my dressing.

  2. 总统对小店的意外造访使小店店主喜出望外。(surprise)

    The president's surprise visit to the shop made the shop owner overjoyed.

  3. 住在这个小区的优势之一就是能免费使用这里所有的运动设施。(access)

    One of the advantages of living in this housing estate is having the free access to all sports facilities here.



    All beginnings are hard. Originally, he did not know much about the Internet, but after three years of hard work, he has now become a famous computer expert.


    II. Guided Writing

    Recent years have witnessed a craze of Wechat Moments in people’s daily life. To better understand users’ reading preference, a survey was conducted by Tencent Company.

    According to the survey, pictures and text are the most popular in all contents, accounting for 50.7% and 50.0% respectively. Short videos are also favored by users with a percentage of 45.2%. It needs to be pointed out that the articles are the least preferred content as only 22.3% of the respondents choose it. From this survey a conclusion can be drawn that fragmented reading has become the mainstream reading style.

    As fragmented reading has both merits and drawbacks, Wechat users should utilize it in a proper manner. On the one hand, Wechat Moments can serve as a convenient source of information, offering readers all kinds of first-hand news, be it Trump’s election as the American president, or the birth of a friend’s son. Therefore, we can keep ourselves updated by browsing the pictures and text. But on the other hand, we still need deep reading in this fast-changing society. “Fast-food” reading cannot be regarded as the only way of reading. Long-time and in-depth reading is still needed for us to digest the wisdom of classics and masterpieces. Thus, why not take a book or Kindle to start a long but rewarding journey of knowledge?

    Better reading, better life. Wechat users should strike a balance between fragmented and deep reading.



上一篇: 2017-2018学年上海市新北郊高级中学高一语法练习--定语从句 下一篇: 2020年新高三数学开学摸底考试卷(一)



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