
2021年人教版小学三年级英语下册Unit5 Where is my ruler单元测试卷2带答案

人教版小学三年级英语Unit5 Where is my ruler单元测试卷2带答案


Listening Part (50分)


(   )1. A. jeep       B. peach      C. juice

(   )2. A. bye        B. bike       C. five

(   )3. A. chair      B. bear       C. pear

(   )4. A. lamp       B. lock       C. look

(   )5. A. walkman    B. woman      C. watermelon

(   )6. A. grape      B. great      C. green

(   )7. A. dad        B. red        C. desk

(   )8. A. USE        B. QXD        C. QSE

(   )9. A. fox        B. box        C. bos

(   )10.A. gyj        B. pyj        C. gij



 ()     ()       ()        ()       ()      ()



(   )         (   )          (   )           (   )           (   )


(   )1. A. Yes, I don't.        B. No, I do.   C. Sorry, I don't like bananas.

(   )2. A. It's under the book. B. No problem. C. Yes, I do.

(   )3. A. No, thanks.      B. Sure. Here you are.   C. Thank you.

(   )4. A. In the toy box.  B. Three.                C. On the desk.


(   )1. It's under the chair.

(   )2. Can I use your pencil?

(   )3. Where is my car?

(   )4. Look at my new crayons.

(   )5. Certainly. Here you are.


Writing Part (50分)

一、写出大小写字母,从Qq ~ Zz. (10分)





chair        walkman         bike       lamp         bus        desk




(   )1. A. cdbef        B. abcde        C. abced  

(   )2. A. noqpr        B. onprq        C. nopqr

(   )3. A. iklnm        B. ikljm        C. ijklm

(   )4. A. dfegh        B. defgh        C. degfh

(   )5. A. uvwxy        B. uvwyz        C. vuwxy  

(   )6. A. stuwv        B. stuvw        C. stuwv

四、看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在(   )内。(8分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/


A. The car is on the box.  

B. Look, the bus is in my bag.

C. -Mom, where is my ball?  -Look, It's under the chair.

D. -Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil?  -No problem.



(   )1. How many books do you have?            A. I'm from America.

(   )2. How many ducks can you see?            B. He's Mr Black.

(   )3. Can I use you pen?                     C. I have sixteen.

(   )4. Where are you from?                    D. I can see twelve.

(   )5. Who's that man?                        E. No problem.

六、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在(  )内。(4分)

    A. How     B. Can     C. Where     D. Do

(   )1.        is your eraser?

(   )2.        I have some Coke?

(   )3.        you like pears?

(   )4.        many kites can you see?





Unit 5   Where Is My Ruler?

Listening content:


1. Look, I have a jeep.         2. -How many kites can you see?  -Five!

3. I like pears.                4. The lamp is on the desk.

5. Who's that woman?            6. -Let's paint!  -Great!

7. Under the desk?              8. Show me the big letter USE.

9. This is a box. b-o-x, box.   10. Show me the small letter gyj.


1. I like Coke.   

2. -Where is the kite?  -It's under the tree.

3. The monkey is under the umbrella.   

4. The bike is on the desk.

5. -Where is my ruler?  -Look, it's in the pencil-case.

6. My bag is in the desk.


1. Colour O P Q R S.   2. Type J K L M N.   3. P Q R S T, listen to me.

4. Circle S T U V W.   5. Show me A B C D E.


1. Do you like bananas?     2. Where is my pencil?

3. May I have a look?       4. How many cars do you have?


A. Can I use your pencil?  

B. Where is my car?   

C. It's under the chair.

D. Certainly. Here you are.  

E. Look at my new crayons.


Listening Part

一、A C C A B B C A B A


三、C E B A D

四、C A B B

五、C A B E D

Writing Part

一、(略)   二、(略)

三、B C C B A B

四、D A B C

五、C D E A B

六、C B D A 


上一篇: 2021年人教版小学三年级英语下册Unit6 At the zoo单元测试卷2带答案 下一篇: 2021年人教版小学三年级英语下册Unit5 Where is my ruler单元测试卷1带答案



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