
2019-2020学年四年级下册英语一课一练-Unit 1 My School Part A∣人教(PEP)(含答案)

Unit 1 My School

Part A


  • 基础题

  1. 先规范地抄写单词,然后选出与单词对应的图片。



     2.second floor


     3.music room




     5.teachersoffice [来源:||Z|X|X|K]

  2. 选出每组中不同类的一项。  

     1.A.first       B.two        C.second

     2.A.next to     B.on         C.floor

     3.A.this        B.thin        C.that[来源:学科网]

     4.A.library      B.music      C.art

     5.A.forty       B.playground  C.twenty


  • 能力题

  1. 精挑细选。

     1. Do you have_______ art room?

         A.a     B.an    C./

     2._______ is the teachersoffice?

           —Its on the first floor.

         A.What  B.Where  C.Who

     3. The library is _______ the second floor, and its next__ the music room.

         A.to; on   B.on; in   C.on; to[来源:Zxxk.Com]

     4._______ students are there in your class?


         A.What   B.Where   C.How many

     5.We often(经常) read books in the_______ .

         A.art room  B.computer room   C.library

. 看图,选出与图片内容相符的句子。

 1.                   A.Go to the playground.Play football.[来源:学科网]

                           B.Go to the garden.Water the flowers.


 2.                  A.This is our art room.

                          B.This is our computer room.


 3.                   A.We have an art room.

                           B.We have a music room.



 4.                   A.Go to the library. Read a book.

                          B.Go to the teachers’ office. Say hello.


 5.                    A.It’s on the first floor.

                           B.It’s on the second floor.




  • 提升题

  1. 选择相应的答语,连线。

    1.Where’s the computer room?               A.No, it’s the art room.

    2.Is it next to Classroom 2?                  B.Yes, we do.

    3.Do you have an art room?                  C.Forty-five.

    4.Is that the music room?                    D.Yes, it is.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

    5.How many students are there in your class?    E.It’s on the first floor.[来源:学科网]


Welcome to our school. There are 20 classrooms in the school. Look! This is a big playground. We have a library and an art room. They are on the first floor. On the second floor, we have a computer room, a music room and the teachers office. My classroom is on the second floor, too. I like it.

(   ) 1.There are forty classrooms in my school.

(   ) 2.The playground is small.

(   ) 3.The art room is on the second floor.

(   ) 4.The computer room is on the second floor.

(   ) 5.I like my classroom.


  • 基础题


. 1. D   2. C   3. E  4. A   5. B

. 1. B 解析:选项AC都是序数词,但B是基数词。

  2. C 解析:选项AB属于方位词,但C是名词。

  3. B 解析:选项AC都是代词,但B是形容词。

 4. A  解析:选项BC都是科目,但B是地点名词。

 5. B  解析:选项AC都是数词,但B是地点名词。


  • 能力题


  1. 1. B  解析:art的首字母是元音字母,所以用an.[来源:||][来源:Zxxk.Com]

  1. B  解析:提问地点用疑问词where.

  2. C  解析:在几层用on, 挨着是固定搭配next to.

  3. C  解析: 提问数量用How many.

    5. C  解析:读书应在图书馆library.

    .1. A   2. B   3. A  4. B  5. A


  • 提升题


. 1. E   2. D   3. B  4. A  5. C

. 1. F 解析:There are 20 classrooms in the school.

2. F解析:Look! This is a big playground.    

3. F 解析:We have a library and an art room. They are on the first floor.

4. T 解析: On the second floor, we have a computer room, a music room and the teachers office.  [来源:**Z*X*X*K]

5. T解析:I like it.




上一篇: 2019-2020学年四年级下册英语一课一练-Unit 1 My school Part B∣人教(PEP)(含答案) 下一篇: 2019-2020学年四年级下册英语试题-模块达标测试卷(Module 10)|外研社(三起)(含答案)



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